I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 274 Hogwarts Professor on the Run (1)"

The cracked rocks are constantly breaking away.

Old Tom, who tried to chop up the entire falling city, soon ran out of energy. The lack of magic power forced him to give up this idea, but he could not give up anyway.

So, he turned around and looked at Rudy, who was still in a daze, grabbed his collar and shook him hard.

Maybe he woke him up, or maybe he figured it out on his own.

Rudy raised his hand and waved, and a spark door suddenly appeared behind the two people who were falling.

The next second, the two people appeared in the hole on the ground from high altitude.

Because the entire city was dug away, the place where the two of them were now was the big hole in the ground.

Old Tom, who suddenly found himself back on the ground, was stunned, and then wanted to pounce on Rudy and shake him.

But Rudy, who was grabbed by the collar, did not resist, but stared blankly ahead, muttering to himself: "It's impossible to lift, even if the Susanoo is opened." But in the final analysis, it is just a full-body armor curse imitated by filling it with a large amount of magic power."

"If there is enough magic power to expand it again and make it bigger..."

Old Tom rolled his eyes angrily and cursed: "Can't you just break it?"

Rudy looked at him and shook his head and said: "With so many people, if the rock formation is shattered, the sky will be covered with rock fragments."

"Ultimately, this is likely to result in unnecessary destruction and damage to the surrounding ground."

Old Tom was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously asked: "What should we do?"

Rudy looked up at the sky. If it had been before, he would have pulled out the holy sword, fired an EX Curry Stick at it, and called it a day.

But if you do this, everything will be back to where it started.

The falling city of Sokovia will be directly shattered, leaving countless people homeless and losing their homes in a day.

When the time comes, the United Nations will definitely put the Sokovia Agreement on the agenda again. It will only be a matter of time before there are differences of opinion between those in the Avengers who agree and those who do not agree to sign the agreement.

In this case, everything will return to the original main line. He can't change anything. What's the point of everything he has struggled for so far? .

At that time, civil war will still occur. Captain America and Tony will lead the team into two groups, and the Women's Federation will split.At that time, Thanos will lead his team to personally conquer Asgard first and take away the Space Stone...huh?Wait, it doesn't mean we are back to the original point. The Space Stone is different from before, now it is in our hands.Moreover, even if Thanos goes to Asgard...if he goes to release the hot woman...

It’s hard to say who will win in a fight between this madman and Thanos.

As a result, the established future has actually been changed by him!

Did he really change the future?

When he thought of this, Rudy, who was originally confused, suddenly came to his senses. He...changed the future?

At this time, Rudy thought carefully about everything that happened before, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became.

In order to find out, Rudy decided to go to Kama Taj to ask Ancient One for clarification.However, before that, he needed to solve the big trouble above his head.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the falling city that was getting closer and bigger above his head, and his heart began to beat... Is there any way to let it land safely without destroying it?

Or should we just smash it into pieces, so broken that it can’t hurt anyone?

Obviously the second idea is impossible. Not to mention the amount of energy required to completely crush it, just because of its current huge size and falling speed, it is too late.

For this reason, Rudy could only give up this idea and look for a solution in the first idea.

But in the face of the heavenly thing that was getting closer and closer, Old Tom couldn't hold back any longer. He grabbed his hand and wanted to leave together.

Unexpectedly, Rudy grabbed his wrist and said to him firmly: "I'll do it!"

Old Tom thought he was talking about running away, so he waited where he was and anxiously urged: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry!"

Rudy raised his hand and snapped his fingers in confusion. The next second, Old Tom felt nothing at his feet...

Then he screamed and fell down, lying hard on a big bed, looking at the ceiling in confusion... to be precise, looking at Rudy on the other side of the spark door on the ceiling.

He looked at Rudy with a look of determination in shock, and shouted excitedly: "What do you want to do!? It's impossible! Come here!"

Rudy patted the dust on his body, looked at the huge black shadow falling in the sky with firm eyes and said: "Since you want to change your destiny, let's start from here!"

In the headset, Fury shouted anxiously: "Stark, are you and Thor ready!?"

"If you don't prepare, it will be too late!"

As soon as Sol said, "I'm available anytime," before Tony could speak, Rudy interrupted and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

"Let me try again!"

As he spoke, Rudy took out a gem with yellow light from his space pocket in his left hand, and summoned a long sword inlaid with a space gem in his right hand.

That being the case, let's fight for it!

Holding the sword in one hand, and the soul gem in the other hand, one blue and one yellow in both hands bloomed with dazzling light.

In an instant, huge energy spurted out from both hands, with such intensity and continuous flow that it was like a flood discharge from a reservoir.

I saw Rudy thrust the holy sword in his hand into the sky and shouted: "Susanohu!"

The next second, blue magic power that was so terrifying that it was visible to the naked eye rose from his feet and pierced the sky like a tsunami breaking a bank or a volcano erupting.

Rudy, who was overflowing with magic power, gritted his teeth and roared. Even though his body was far superior to human beings, he still couldn't withstand such intensity of magic power. After the gems released it, he absorbed it, and then released the powerful energy outside his body.

Some parts of the skin have peeled off after high-temperature burning, but even so, the bloody limbs are still emitting amazing magic power.


While shouting at the top of his lungs, Rudy shouted loudly: "Fa-Heaven-Xiang-Earth!"


Space carrier, in the command hall.

Coulson quickly ran to Fury and shouted: "Sir...sir!"

Fury glanced at him with one eye and asked angrily: "What's wrong? Why are you so excited?"

Coulson pointed behind him and shouted with trembling fingers: "That...over there...a giant...giant!"

Fury frowned, looked at the position pointed by Coulson, and turned around to ask Hill to call up the side view of the mothership.

Who knows...

When a huge head wearing a battle armor broke through the clouds, opened its blue pupils, and faced the side of the mothership.

The coffee in Fury's hand fell to the ground with a clatter. Everyone in the entire mothership command hall stopped working and stared blankly at the scene in front of them, too shocked to speak.

Fury rushed to the front with one eye wide open, looked at the giant in the picture, turned his head and shouted to his men: "Evacuate the mothership quickly!"


After shouting, Fury hesitated for less than a second, took out a BB camera from his jacket pocket, and was about to press it.Coulson shouted again: "Sir! It... look!"

Upon hearing this, Fury turned his gaze to the screen again and found that the giant hands that had just broken through the clouds broke out of the sea of ​​clouds and supported the falling city from both sides.

At the same time, Tony and Colonel Rhodes also discovered this huge figure in the sky, and sent messages asking for instructions whether to attack each other.

After careful consideration, Fury decided to let them observe first.

Until 10 minutes later, after putting the intact city in his hands back to the ground, this giant several thousand meters tall disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye like a mirage, as if it had never existed.

What no one knew was that after the giant dissipated, a figure fell from an altitude of thousands of meters, passed through a ring of fire, and disappeared.


A few weeks later, Kamal Taj.

After regaining consciousness, Rudy slowly woke up, looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar ceiling, took a deep breath, and then struggled to get up.

Suddenly a male voice came to my ears: "I suggest you lie down for a while."

Rudy was shocked when he heard this.

With what he sees, ah... with his ability to perceive, there are people around him who don't even know! ?

Then he saw Curly Strange, who was wearing a training uniform, sitting on the seat next to his bed, flipping through a thick brick book.

Now that I have seen Juan Fu, I naturally have the answer to where I am now.

For this reason, Rudy thought of what he had wanted to understand before, turned to him and asked: "Where is Master Ancient One? I want to see her!"

Strange replied without raising his head: "He is beside you, yes, look to the right, yes, turn on your spiritual vision and look again."

Following Strange's instructions, Rudy saw... an old man with his knees crossed and a gray beard floating in the air next to him?

As if sensing that Rudy was awake, he opened his closed eyes, smiled and said to Rudy: "We meet again, kid."

Rudy asked doubtfully: "Who are you?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand something, and said with a smile: "I am Ancient One."

Rudy was stunned after hearing this: "What? But you shouldn't be..."

Ancient One was hovering in the air and floating back and forth: "That's just my appearance. In the hearts of outsiders, whatever you want me to be like, I will appear in front of you in that posture."

"Strictly speaking, this is a visual problem, but considering that we are mages, it may also be a spell problem."

Rudy was shocked. The bald old woman he had been watching for several years was finally told that she was actually an old man?

But obviously he didn't take this to heart, but continued: "Although it is regrettable, my body has been damaged. In your words, I am dead. - So, child, if you have anything to do with me , you may have to ask Strange to help you."

When Rudy heard this, he knew that he had missed the plot, but the mentally retarded Casillas still took action.

Combined with the fact that Modu is not seen in the temple now, it means...this guy has also left.

Gu Yi floated in front of him, smiled and stroked his beard, and said: "But don't worry. - In essence, I am living in the form of a soul now, which is the so-called eternal life. - I originally planned to Once a successor appears who can rely on the entrustment, the body will be liberated and the soul will return to heaven to find the deeper secrets of magic."

"I didn't just catch the opportunity, so I was in a hurry and didn't notify you."

Rudy twitched the corner of his mouth: No... do you think this is a party?Notify me first.

Ancient Yi floated in mid-air, maintaining that posture, and continued chatting with Rudy. When he heard Rudy's questions, he responded with a few words, looking like a behind-the-scenes old man.

Rudy glanced at the Eye of Agamotto hanging on Strange's chest. After a moment of silence, he asked, "You're talking about him, right?"

Looking at the smiling old man in front of him, Rudy always felt uneasy.

Sure enough, the next second the old man pointed at him and said: "Of course, there is you."

"I chose to leave the Space Stone to you and the Eye of Agamotto to Strange. I hope that when the crisis comes, the two of you can join hands to fight against each other and protect this dimension."

"From today on, you will inherit my title of Supreme Mage, lead all disciples, and jointly resist threats and dangers from external dimensions."

After the other party finished speaking, Rudy wanted to interrupt and refuse. After all, the title of Supreme Mage sounds cool, but in reality?What if Yorun comes to challenge you after hearing about it?

Wouldn’t it be annoying to death?

As if aware of Rudy's thoughts, Gu Yi laughed and said to him: "Don't worry, under normal circumstances, Strange will handle everything." As he spoke, his smile faded and he said with a serious expression: "But if the time comes, I hope you will come forward without hesitation."

Looking at the old man in front of him, for some reason, Rudy felt that his and her figures were gradually overlapping at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Rudy nodded firmly: "Of course!"

Gu Yi smiled when he heard the words, and gradually faded and disappeared into the air.

Rudy looked at Strange next to him in confusion and asked, "Is he..."

Strange closed the book and explained: "I don't know his current status. I just know that he can travel back and forth between the multiverses. As for the timing of his appearance, it's hard to say."

Rudy nodded disappointedly when he heard this. In fact, he didn't expect to be able to save Gu Yi.After all, this is actually his own future.

To put it bluntly, if you are deliberately unwilling, can you kill him with just a mental retard like Casillas?

Whether a face-to-face can hold up is still a question.

As a multiverse-level boss, Ancient One, who holds the Time Stone, is not even afraid of dimensional masters like Dormammu, and can be killed by a kid. This book is a bit insulting to the audience's intelligence.

Based on the instructions and expectations he had just given to himself and Strange, Rudy was further convinced that this guy just wanted to escape from the sea of ​​misery and lose the job of the Supreme Mage, which sounded awesome but was actually very troublesome and boring. Go out and harm young people.

It's a pity... Judging from Juan Fu's appearance, he seems to be convinced of his mission to save the world.

Although he has figured out a lot of things, Rudy still does not intend to inherit the title of Supreme Mage. He has a more important thing to do.


A week later, London.

The moment he walked out of the airport, Rudy looked at the familiar environment in the foggy city, took a deep breath and sighed: "It's so good, it still has that familiar smell..."


...[Sports tickets]

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