I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 289: Fighting for the Soul Stone (1)"

Upstate New York, Avengers headquarters base.

This huge new base on Coastal Mountain was built by Tony only after the Ultron incident.

Although it only took a few months from planning to construction, it turns out that as long as you have enough Franklins, you can create miracles in Melician!Miracle in any sense, in any form.

Today, everyone is carrying out training and daily work as usual. Recently, due to the arrival of Thanos' army in the galaxy, the atmosphere in the base has become very depressed.

Representatives of all forces have also arrived here one after another, preparing for war discussions and strategic resource allocation issues.

The training room on the right side of the base.

A dazzling blue light door suddenly appeared in Training Room No. [-].

The Scarlet Witch, who was undergoing intense training in the training room, was startled when she saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of her. She raised her hand and threw a scarlet magic ball.

Rudy didn't expect that as soon as he landed, an energy ball hit his face and was thrown at him.

Raising his hand and waving the magic barrier, Rudy instantly bounced it away. Rudy frowned and looked around, thinking he teleported to the wrong place.

But take a closer look - right?Is it really the Avengers base?

Looking at Wanda who was a bit confused and still raising her hand to attack...he understood instantly.

After a casual greeting, he turned and left the training room, leaving Wanda awkwardly at a loss.

Rudy came all the way to the research room and saw that Tony and Banner were studying something. After Rudy broke open the door and entered, he greeted the two of them: "Uncle Tony, Uncle Banner, what are you going to do?"

Because of his previous experience with the Ultron incident, Tony repeatedly promised that before he did anything else, he would tell everyone first and would not wait until he was about to screw up.

He picked up the cold burger on the side and took two casual bites. He waved to Rudy and asked, "Do you want to eat it? I can have someone bring some more. - Believe me, even the taste of this restaurant is... It tastes great cold too.”

Rudy shook his head and swept away his enthusiasm, but Banner on the side looked a little serious and said: "If I remember correctly, you should seek help from the Asgardians in Northern Europe now, right?"

Rudy nodded and replied: "Yes, in fact, I have already taken care of them. - I met Thanos' men on the coast of Norway, and then fought with them."

Upon hearing this, Tony immediately came over and asked, "Really? How strong are they? How sure are you that you can beat them?"

Rudy was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment and replied: "Except for their boss Thanos, whose combat power is a bit beyond my expectation, the others are just like that to be honest. - The five strongest people under him are called For the five generals of Obsidian."

"And these five guys... how should I say, among the people who came to me before, except for a few miscellaneous fish, four of these five guys came."

Hearing that four of the opponent's five strongest men actually came, Tony immediately got excited and asked, "What do you mean? What's the final result?"

Banner typed on the keyboard, with a look of anticipation on his bespectacled face: "Do you need to say more? He came back intact. - That means the other party must have walked sideways."

After finishing speaking, I didn't forget to add: "Oh, it might be even worse... You should have left the body for others, right?"

Rudy looked at his eyes and replied speechlessly: "Don't worry, he is an invader across the universe, how can he be so fragile?"

Tony also had a 'I think so too' look on his face.

Who knew, Rudy's next words made Banner laugh out loud, and Tony was dumbfounded...

I saw him counting his fingers and saying: "Emmm, probably one of them was crippled, one of his hands was lost, one of them was severely injured, and it is estimated that he will be disabled in a short period of time, and one of them suffered at least twenty comminuted fractures in the whole body, plus a skull. There must be heavy internal bleeding..."

Banner looked at Tony, who was blinking and not knowing what to say, and laughed and said, "I'll just say it~"

"It can't get any worse than this."


Looking at the two guys laughing together, Rudy was speechless.

Are you two mad scientists talking to each other across a distance?

One is covered in weapons, and the sky is full of guns at every turn.The other one is even more ruthless, with a direct two-level reversal, from a powerless man to a madman who will tear everyone up and throw him down.

Both of them are obviously not good people, but they are talking to me about this here. Are you sorry?

Rudy rolled his eyes at them speechlessly. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly remembered the purpose of coming here.

So he turned around and asked these two people: "By the way, I came here to ask how the other party's fleet is doing?"

"Thanos has personally come down to fight with me, which means that it won't be long before they launch a general attack. - Even, I'm thinking...the opponent has already disabled four of his five men. Should we take the initiative to attack? "

Tony and Banner looked at each other after hearing this. Tony began to operate the computer to retrieve the Wenxing surveillance map, while Banner began to worry about all the Avengers outside and at the base, preparing for a joint action meeting.

After a while, Tony said with a puzzled look on his face: "Wait, there seems to be something wrong?"

He retrieved the surveillance images from a few weeks ago and compared them with the current ones. Then he frowned and said, "He's gone?"

Rudy was stunned when he heard this, and leaned over to take a look.

Sure enough, in the middle of the fleet group, the main ship that looked like stars holding the moon was missing! ?

Rudy began to think in his mind about all the possibilities and reasons for Thanos' disappearance.

In the end, he came up with two possibilities.

One is that Thanos has led the remaining elites to directly invade the earth, and is currently gathering momentum somewhere, waiting for a sneak attack.

But this possibility is not high, because the other party is a very arrogant person. He advocates conquest by force. He can do sneak attacks, but basically not.

In other words, the first elimination...only leaves the second possibility.

The opponent wants to increase their combat power before the war!

Currently, four of the six Infinity Stones are near the earth, and the remaining ether particles are with the dark elves. No...at this time, they might be in the body of Thor's ex-girlfriend Jane Foster.

That's not right... For some reason, the timeline has changed too much. Rudy, who doesn't pay attention to this aspect all the time, has no idea what's happening in Asgard, which is far away from his control.

If according to the original time, the ether particles should be kept by Di Fan in the Land of Nothingness... Then Thanos came to the door, robbed him, and destroyed the corpses to eliminate traces... Well, that guy has Not to mention being killed.

But based on this judgment, Thanos may not be able to come back in a short time after going to the land of nothingness... and he has just taken away four of his right-hand men...

So his destination will not be a distant place of nothingness, but...

Suddenly, Rudy suddenly understood and said excitedly: "I know!"

Tony and Banner looked at each other and asked inexplicably: "What do you know?"

Rudy got up and started walking around the room, pacing back and forth: "It's a gem!"

"He went to find the remaining two gems!"

"Judging from the gems he currently holds, one power gem alone is not enough for him to defeat me and Strange. - In other words, this guy wants to find other gems before the war begins. , improve your own strength at once!"

Just then, the door to the laboratory opened.

Thor walked in with a solemn expression and said, "Then he must have gone to the Land of Nothingness?"

When Rudy heard this, he immediately understood that the will of the world had flattened the distorted timeline.

After Thor retrieved the ether particles, he sent them to Di Fan, the collector in the Land of Nothingness.

Watching the heroes and representatives of all forces filing in.Rudy frowned and said: "No, Thor. - I don't think he will get the gems from the Land of Nothingness in such a short period of time, but..."

Hearing what he said, Thor frowned and said: "Time, space and mind are in the hands of you and the Supreme Mage, and the power is in his hands. - The rest, if it is not ether particles..."

He opened his eyes wide and asked, "You mean! The Soul Gem!?"

"But, didn't you say that the Soul Stone is missing? No one has seen it for a long time!"

Rudy nodded and said: "As far as I know, the soul gem is a world of its own, and its location is Vormir."

"It's further into the void than the Land of Nothingness. It's in the next galaxy. - If he moves quickly, it won't take long for him to get the things back."

Sol asked anxiously: "What should we do!? - When did you find out that he was missing?"

Tony clicked on the computer screen, which showed surveillance video from the satellite.

After the video ended, Rudy thought about it and said, "Maybe we can stop him before he does?"

Thor frowned and said, "How to stop it? He left a few hours before us. By the time we arrive, he will have already gotten the things!"

Rudy shook his head and explained: "You don't know something, it's different from other gems."

"The requirements for obtaining soul gems are a bit harsh."

"If you want to get it, you need to exchange it with the soul of the person you love the most."

"Otherwise, you won't get the gem."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Not to mention anything else, they were relieved just because of this condition.

After all... they don't know what kind of person Thanos is, but judging from its pictures, this guy is a cold-blooded and ruthless madman. Would such a person still have someone he loves in his heart?

He wouldn't believe it even if he killed Thor.

But Rudy frowned.

According to the original plot, most of Gamora, who is already in Cao's camp and worried about Han, will not tell Thanos the location of the Soul Stone, and then Thanos will threaten her with Nebula's life.

Judging from the way he left in a hurry, he must have known that the Soul Stone was on Vmir, and he couldn't wait and rushed there without stopping.

And if the plot remains unchanged, he will eventually exchange the life of his adopted daughter, Gamora, for the soul gem...

But now that there is still time, then I have to give it a try!

Rudy's eyes flashed, and he looked at everyone present and said, "Let's go and try! He doesn't have his legion over there yet. If we face him alone, we may not lose!"



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