I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 34 Quidditch and Meowth (3)"

The weather in Britain really changes at a moment's notice. In just a few days, the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees.

Rudy, who had a scarf wrapped around his neck, was very happy because he spent both classes safely this afternoon.

In the Charms class, because he had "communicated" with Snape beforehand, and because he seemed to have a "soft spot" for causing trouble for Harry, Rudy passed smoothly. .

The history of magic in the second section is also very gratifying. The professor of this course is actually a ghost-Professor Binns.

What impressed Rudy most about him was that he repeatedly emphasized during and after class, "My course is the history of magic. I study facts, not myths and legends."

'In other words, what he said are all facts that happened in history? '

Rudy felt that if he could find time to have a good chat with Professor Binns about King Arthur, he would gain something good.

According to rumors, Professor Binns was already very old when he came to Hogwarts to teach. In the end, he spent the rest of his life at Hogwarts. Even after becoming a ghost, he did not stop teaching. His story made Lu Dee admired the professor.

Although his class was a bit rigid and maybe a bit boring and boring, that was history after all, and it was not comedy. Even if it were taught by someone else, it might not be as interesting.

During class, some Slytherin students laughed and joked that Professor Binns floating around on the podium looked a bit like a dry old turtle.

After class, Rudy blocked the student's way and asked him to apologize to the respected professor.At first, the student was reluctant and even revealed his identity as a pure-blood family to tell Rudy to stay out of his own business.

Then this noble pure-blood boy was threatened by the power of Longweijia's magic power. He was so frightened that his legs became weak. Without saying a word, he held on to the wall and ran towards Binns, who had just left the classroom. The professor apologized with runny nose and tears.

After this incident, on the way to the library, Rudy was puzzled. He didn't know what happened to him just now. He might have cared about this kind of thing before, but more likely he wouldn't. of.

But today, he wanted to pretend that he didn't see it, but he was forced to do it by an almost instinctive feeling, which made him a little concerned.

In a corner of the library, Rudy told Hermione sitting next to him about his doubts, because after class Rudy expressed that he wanted to go to the library to read and complete his homework after class.Hermione, who also likes to study, immediately raised her hand and said that she would go together, while Harry and Ron pretended to go to the dormitory to study (actually they just went to play), so the four of them separated.

Hermione thought about it after listening to Rudy's description, and then gave the most likely possibility, and replied: "Do you remember? There was a senior who temporarily took over when you had a physical problem yesterday. Could your body be because of this? You were influenced by him."

Rudy was stunned for a moment, and then felt that this possibility was very high.You must know that Wang Yang is a man who adheres to the spirit of chivalry to the end. When facing a respectable elder, someone would laugh and belittle the other person in private when he heard what he said... Fortunately, he is no longer here. The person who spoke is a child. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's hard to say how things will end...

But then I thought about it, it would be fine as long as I don't do anything extraordinary. Generally speaking, if you do such a small thing as "justice", you can just do it.

After thinking about it, Rudy put the matter behind him and began to immerse himself in dealing with the homework of Potions class and History of Magic. Now he had to seize the time. He promised Harry and Ron after dinner Going to see them conduct their first training session, which, in Wood's words, will determine whether they play in official games.

Of course, Harry is the Seeker appointed by Professor McGonagall, and Ron is the protagonist of this training because his specific strength is unknown.He will have to compete with several other sophomores for a bench spot.

In the library, Rudy and Hermione were doing homework on "Sasha", while Meowth was basking in the sun and resting on Rudy's right shoulder, doing a lazy hunch.

The little eyes looking at the scorching sun were full of helplessness and sadness, in addition to despair for Meow.

Ever since it fell to the ground yesterday, it knew it couldn't go back.

The technological level on this planet is so backward that the indigenous humans cannot even understand what they are saying. The most outrageous thing is that they regard the great cats as pets on their planet! ...Although they do look exactly the same...

But that's not important!This is contempt for cats!it! ...It can't do anything.

After the spacecraft encountered a problem with the dog star, it disintegrated into two halves on the spot, and crashed with it on the planet in this remote galaxy.

The most outrageous thing is that on the day of the crash, I met an incompetent guy who actually used a 'rail gun' to attack the remaining wreckage of his spacecraft!Under the powerful beam attack, its last hope of returning to the cat star was completely dissolved...

They say that when a house leaks, it rains. As soon as it hit the ground, it was caught in the hand of the guy who fired the 'rail gun'.

Before it could open its mouth to swallow the hateful guy in front of it, it was sealed and imprisoned with at least a dozen layers, making it completely unable to use its natural abilities.

In desperation, it can only temporarily give up its noble identity as a cat and choose to be forced to commit itself to this guy as a pet.

Who knew that this guy shamelessly gave it several indigenous names and completely ignored its opinions!It's really hateful!

However, according to its observation today, after lying down for a while that day, this guy seemed to be a different person, and he no longer looked like he could rub a rail gun with his hands.

Feeling that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, it originally wanted to take advantage of it and run away, but think about where else it could go on this strange planet?

'In order to return to the cat star in the future, it can only endure the humiliation and bear the burden!I eat and drink with this little human devil every day, and bask in the light of the stars when I have nothing to do, all for the sake of... Hey!Why!That kid, what's the matter with you? ?Where are you touching? ! '

'emmm, but let me tell you something, these humans have a unique skill in serving cats. Well, it's so comfortable~'


Soon after more than an hour, Rudy and Hermione came to the auditorium together after completing their homework.

After saying hello to Harry and Ron who had been sitting there for a long time, they started to eat dinner.Unexpectedly, I was interrupted not long after eating...

The visitor was obviously that shiny lemon head, Draco Malfoy, who had been peaceful in Rudy's absence for the past two days.

He came to the Gryffindor table arrogantly, with disdain and provocation in his tone, and kept taunting Harry, probably meaning that 'sooner or later he will make a fool of himself in the Quidditch match' or something like that.After hearing this, Ron immediately retorted, but Draco was already prepared and arranged a backhand for him.

Facing Draco, who had an astonishing vocabulary, Harry and Ron were unable to suppress each other.

In desperation, in order to prevent the food he was about to eat from being stained by the saliva of the three people, Rudy could only insert the silver table knife in his hand on the table with a "Peng" sound, and suggested: " I say, if you want to say something, just say it."

"Don't procrastinate and interfere with my eating."

"Be careful, I'll flatter you!"

At the end of the sentence, the crimson light flashed away in the green pupils.

This is a new skill he has just learned. After awakening his bloodline, he has been able to gradually control the degree of 'dragon transformation'.Among them, after the initial "dragon transformation", without attaching the magic cloak on the body, Long Wei can very well use his pupils to look at each other and cooperate with the magic pressure to exert huge psychological pressure on his opponents, especially these timid ones. Little devils who like to cause trouble.

This was the trick he used to scare that Slytherin brat into tears after the History of Magic class in the afternoon. It worked every time.

Sure enough, this move combined with the silver knife inserted into the table had an outstanding effect. Draco was so frightened that he swallowed his saliva and retreated to the two younger brothers.After hesitating for a while, he still followed Rudy's words and stated his purpose of coming, "to invite a duel."

In fact, what happened was that during the recess this morning, they heard Ron bragging to the Gryffindor students that he and Harry were about to participate in the team's training, and then several times in a row "the best in a century" After making such nonsense as "Young players" and "No first-year students have joined the team in more than 100 years", Draco, who also loves to show off, couldn't bear it.

So, he and Ron started bickering every day...

Seeing that the verbal competition was meaningless, he wanted to fight in a physical contest, but he was pushed aside by Professor McGonagall who came to class. He even got scolded when he failed.

After returning home, Draco felt unhappy and became angrier as he thought about it. The eldest son of the Malfoy family, how could he ever be so angry before? ?Or the sixth child of a down-and-out family?This can be tolerated! ?

However, if the professors find out if you come directly to the door to cause trouble, I am afraid that not only will you be detained, but you will also have points deducted...

When he was depressed and embarrassed, his younger brother Crabbe came forward and suggested a good idea.

In this way, he took two loyal horses to the Gryffindor table aggressively during dinner, found Harry and Ron, and started verbal provocation as planned.Seeing that the plan was about to come true in the next step, Rudy unexpectedly jumped out and stabbed him...

But what surprised Draco was that Rudy didn't seem to be planning to stop him, but instead asked him to speak quickly?

He told Ron and Harry nervously about inviting Ron and Harry to a duel tonight, and left after receiving an answer from the two of them accepting the duel.Draco returned to the Slytherin table with a puzzled mind. Until after dinner, he didn't understand why Rudy didn't stop him. Did he really not discover his plan?

Of course Rudy guessed that this might be a scam or a trap.It's just that... fools like Harry and Ron wouldn't know that falling into a pit would hurt unless they bumped into it once.

In fact, Draco's invitation was obviously a fishing trap, but Ron and Harry, who were so eager to beat Malfoy and call him daddy, didn't notice it at all.

The most simple and straightforward thing is that the time they agreed on was midnight at night.

To put it mildly, if Draco didn't come at this point, their trip would be in vain.To put it more seriously, it would be even more vicious. It would be fine if Draco didn't come. What if he informed Filch that there were little wizards running around in the middle of the night?Harry and Ron would definitely not be able to walk around after being caught.

But obviously, Ron, who was planning how to teach Malfoy to call him daddy at night, had not thought of the possibility that he would be let go.

At this time, he was dreaming about taking Harry to kill in the new team training game after dinner, and then going to give Malfoy a hard lesson in the evening.Judging from the way he was gnawing on the chicken drumstick, he was probably planning to plunge to death in Filch's poisonous hands...

After dinner, Harry and Ron couldn't wait to go to the Quidditch pitch first. Judging from their looks, they were probably quite nervous. After all, if their training performance was unsatisfactory, they would probably be replaced by Wood.Even Harry, who Professor McGonagall personally inserted into the team, is the same!

Because Wood has the same frightening obsession with winning the Quidditch Cup as Professor McGonagall, a die-hard fan. This can be seen from the fact that he still has to attend meetings while limping on crutches...

After the two of them followed Wood out of the auditorium, Hermione said anxiously and worriedly: "Why don't you persuade them? That's obviously a trap!"

"If they get caught by Filch, points will be deducted from Gryffindor!"

Rudy was holding pumpkin juice in one hand and honey tea in the other. He was wondering which one to drink. After hearing Hermione's words, he shook his head: "They won't listen to you."

Hermione replied seriously: "But they will listen to you!"

Rudy put down the drink he was struggling with, turned his head and asked Hermione in confusion: "Why do you have this illusion?"

"Listen, Hermione."

"If you don't let them do some things, the more they will want to do it. Only after they have fallen down will they know how to write the word pain."

"Judging from the current situation, if you try to stop them, not only will they not listen to you, but they will also think you are nosy. Do you believe it?"

Hermione was startled and asked in disbelief: "What? How is it possible!? I mean, why?"

Rudy smiled and shook his hand: "If you don't believe it, let's take a gamble?"

Hermione thought about it hesitantly, then nodded and said, "Okay, what's the bet?"

Rudy: "I haven't thought about it yet. How about I tell you when I think about it? Of course, it will be the same if I lose."

Hermione was unconvinced: "Are you so sure that I will lose?"

Rudy smiled mysteriously, grabbed the meow who was still licking milk crazily and stuffed it back into his hood. He stood up and asked, "We'll talk about this later. Do you want to go watch their training together now? Maybe we will have fun." ( Based on Ron's performance in the flying class, although I don't know why Professor McGonagall asked him to join the team's recruitment as an exception, Rudy thinks that tonight's freshman training game will definitely be interesting!)

Hermione looked at Rudy in confusion. She felt like she couldn't understand the boy in front of her.

After hesitating for a moment, she stood up and nodded in agreement to Rudy's invitation.

On the one hand, she also wanted to see the Gryffindor team training, and on the other hand, she wanted to take this opportunity to learn some flying skills.

She was unconvinced by her pursuit of perfection. Why was her flying technology progressing so slowly?If she changed the knowledge points in other textbooks and books, she could easily master and memorize them after reading them twice. She could even use this to help her college get bonus points from professors in most courses.Because of this, she got the title of 'Miss Know-it-all' within just three days of school, although it doesn't sound like a good title.

But this broomstick was the only one that she had not been able to control better after practicing it privately several times since the flying class.Self-study based on the books in the library was always just talk on paper, and she really wanted to learn from the operations of flying masters.


A few minutes later, Rudy brought Hermione with him to the Quidditch pitch.

The two casually found a seat in the auditorium with a perfect view and sat down, waiting for the Gryffindor Quidditch team's annual draft to be held.Rudy, who originally thought that not many people would be willing to come to see the new recruits, was a little surprised. In the audience, apart from him and Hermione, there were actually quite a few scattered students who came to see the new recruits. Among them There are actually quite a few students from other colleges.

I don't know why, even though he didn't feel cold, after a gust of cold wind blew by, Rudy still subconsciously took out the meow that was huddled in the hood, and then with a bewildered expression on its face, Wrapped it around his neck.

(Orange cat flipped the table angrily: I may not be a human! But you are a real dog! Look, are you doing human things, meow!?)

Looking at Rudy with Miaomiao wrapped around his neck, Hermione was almost blinded. She also felt the cold wind and tightened her thin robe tightly, giving Rudy a resentful look.

On such a cold day, she should have been reading a book by the fireplace in the common room, instead of watching the audition show with the cold wind blowing stupidly here. The most important thing is that the big pig hooves next to her doesn't know how to care about girls!

Thinking of this, Hermione turned her cold gaze to Harry and Ron, who were lining up on the field and preparing to take off. Her slender hands clenched their fists, making a "clack-clack" bone pressing sound.

'If these two guys don't show something tonight, I will let you know what caring from a talented Taekwondo girl means! '

Feeling an inexplicable murderous aura suddenly coming from beside him, Rudy was afraid for a moment... what kind of medicine did he take wrongly to call this female devil with him?

'Who provoked her? '

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