I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 56 I’m going mountain climbing during Christmas vacation”

In the blink of an eye, time flies to mid-December.

The annual Christmas is approaching, and the school is full of inexplicable joy and lively atmosphere. Maybe everyone is eagerly looking forward to the Christmas vacation.

Until the end of the Transfiguration class on the morning of the 15th, Professor McGonagall did not shout "Class is over" as usual before the class ended. Instead, he took out a booklet and asked the students one by one: "So, do you want to stay during the Christmas holiday this year?" School, please report to me after class."

Winter has already entered the school unknowingly, and now it is not even warm inside the classroom.Rudy, who had planned to go out when he got up this morning, saw the snow-white scenery outside the window and gave up the idea of ​​going out for exercise on the spot.It looked like there were at least several feet of snow, and it was so cold.

The most outrageous thing was the Black Lake. He saw with his own eyes that Hagrid hammered it hard for a long time with a big hammer before knocking out a few cracks in it!

Since the temperature dropped sharply in the past few days, Rudy felt that he was confused every day in class, especially when he was in potions class.He swore that what he hated most now was attending Old Bat's potions class. If the students in the underground potions classroom did not have the opportunity to practice brewing potions during the course of the day, they would simply be freezing.

After lunch, Rudy wrapped the satiated cats around their necks and put on their hoods, and huddled together.As Meow meowed, "Hurry! Little devil, hurry up, Meow! It's freezing, Meow!", Sayazi quickly walked through the freezing cold section of the corridor, and rushed from the auditorium to Gryffindor Tower.

After returning to the common room, they sat down on the sofa next to the fireplace, covered their legs with blankets, and opened a book of "Bricks" to read through. Rudy looked as lazy as a puddle of mud. Same.

He felt that his cold resistance was not generally low, but in fact, he was not particularly cold. He didn't know why, but he felt like he was too lazy to move and wanted to nest up.

Later, one time in a certain corridor, he met Dumbledore who didn't know what he was doing, so he mentioned it casually.After thinking about it for a while, the old fox concluded that his bloodline awakening was not thorough enough, and some of the red dragon's habits remained in him.Namely: sleepiness (hibernation) due to cold weather, stay-at-home (staying at home and not wanting to go out), gluttony (appetite gradually increases), liking gold and silver (all kinds of shiny things), but the last one is not so lustful yet. It's reflected in him.

In the end, before Dumbledore left, he once again recommended that he go to the sanctuary in Nepal to meet the Supreme Mage during the Christmas vacation, saying that it could solve all his problems and all the doubts in his heart.


After hesitating for a long time, Rudy decided to listen to the old fox and go to the Himalayas to meet the mysterious guardian of the earth.He will never admit that he is greedy for the extremely high-level moves like Spark Portal...

"Crackling" -

Hermione, who had a 'so cold' look on her face, walked in front, and Harry and Ron, who looked pale, walked behind. The three of them walked in from the door of the common room, and when they saw Rudy, they all gathered next to the fireplace.

Ron sat down on the sofa, took out the wizard chess he carried with him, shook it at Harry, and motioned for him to play a game with him, and asked expectantly to Rudy who was reading on the sofa next to him: "Hey, Rudy. Are you going back for Christmas vacation?"

"I mean, neither Harry nor I will go back. If you don't go back either, we can plan some Christmas activities together."

In the last game, he scored 40 points consecutively while riding a new broom. He was in a surprisingly good mood during this period, and he was happy to see everyone.Especially when he saw Malfoy, that lewd smile made the Lemonhead boy sick to the point of being disgusted. During that time, he would always take a detour when he saw him.

Hermione walked to the sofa next to Rudy, and with a horrified expression on his face, she grabbed the sleepy Meowth lying on the sofa, and after sitting down, she put it on her lap. Started masturbating.

Then he asked Rudy, who looked strange, "What's wrong?"

Rudy quickly shook his head. He was worried that Hermione and Lao Fu would end up together. After seeing that Master Mew seemed to have no appetite for human cubs, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.After thinking for a while, he answered Ron's question: "No, I have plans for the holidays."

Harry sat opposite Ron, placing his chess pieces, and asked curiously: "Are you going to work with George and the others to make the Conesego order?"

"I heard from Fred that your orders are already scheduled until after next year."

Rudy shook his head, twisted his stiff neck and replied casually: "That, it doesn't matter. - I have completed the engraving of the core components a few days ago, the two of them only need to assemble all the parts Okay, then just pack the broom and put it in a special box and wait for the couriers to come and pick it up."

Ron asked enviously: "So, how much money can you make after all these orders are completed?"

"I read in the newspaper that your workshop's registered capital has reached 50 Galleons! Oh my God, you don't even know the yelling letter my mother sent two days ago. I almost gave George and Fred the money in the auditorium. You're so stupid."

Rudy flexed his fingers, tilted his head to calculate the orders of several Quidditch teams, and replied: "Currently, three Quidditch teams have come to us for customization, and with the teams developing customized services, we The fee for each broom is 5500 Galleons."

"So, the total of the three families is 11 Galleons. - emmm, plus a few wealthy pure-blood families who customized them for collection, the total should be close to 5 Galleons."

Upon hearing this, the three people immediately exclaimed in unison: "How many!?"

Rudy looked at the three of them strangely and asked: "We ourselves are the manufacturers and sellers. We handle the packaging technology patents and material procurement ourselves. There are no middlemen to make the difference, and the magic world does not even have laws in this regard. It’s absolutely fine to ask us to pay taxes and make a net profit of 12 galleons after excluding costs.”

"Oh, by the way, Ron will send a letter to your father for me. I remember George said that he was the head of the Department of Misuse of Muggle Articles at the Ministry of Magic, right?"

Ron was obviously still immersed in the 'big money bombing' just now and had several chess pieces taken by Harry, but he was still in a daze. When he heard Rudy's question, he nodded subconsciously and replied: "Well, yes. Ah, what’s wrong?”

Rudy closed the book on his lap and suddenly became interested: "I want him to issue me an authorization letter to legally modify Muggle vehicles. Emmm, I can pay for it."

"He will provide the specific price. All I need is the final certificate that will allow me to legally drive on the road."

The three of them were all stunned when they heard his words. Harry was wondering why Rudy wanted this ghost thing; Ron thought of the Ford car in his backyard that had been modified beyond recognition...

Only Hermione was smart. She immediately thought of Rudy's purpose of proving this through the broom. She stopped her little hand that was doing something for Meow Meow, looked at Rudy with a surprised look on her face and asked in shock: "What are you going to do?" Attack the car!?"

As if she thought her voice was too loud, she lowered her voice and persuaded Rudy: "Cars and broomsticks are two different things, and I have read in books that it is illegal to use Muggle things in the wizarding world! "

"Come on, you mean the Muggle Protection Act, right?" Ron interrupted with a disdainful curl of his lips.

"My father was responsible for writing that thing, but you don't know-" Ron looked around and realized that the four of them were the only ones in the rest room. He continued: "That thing is full of loopholes. My father himself He often took advantage of those loopholes to buy some Muggle things and take them home, hiding them in his little shed to take them apart and study them."

"What!?" Hermione was shocked. She couldn't believe that the law enforcer actually took the lead in breaking the law.

Ron was talking about it with enthusiasm, and he proudly betrayed his father: "Last time he got back a Muggle-made car. Don't tell me, can that iron lump really run like a carriage?"

After hearing this, Rudy immediately got up and went back to the dormitory. When he came back, he already had a letter in his hand. He handed the letter to Ron and said, "Send it home to your father now, Ron."

Ron looked dissatisfied at the window that was rattled by the cold wind: "Are you so anxious? The wind is so strong now..." Rudy had expected this, so when he said Halfway through, he was handed something else - a card with 300 Galleons written on it.

Ron looked at the card in his hand in confusion. Before he could speak, Rudy explained himself: "Next time a new broom comes out, this thing can directly save you 300 Galleons."

"Believe me, I already have ideas for new brooms, and if you send me a message, I'll give you a lot of them."

"You want to be the first to experience your new broom, right, Ron?"

Ron's eyes were shining as he knocked over the chess piece randomly and said to Harry: "Sorry, Harry. As you saw, I have to help our best friend send a letter to my dad now, wait until I come back. Let’s play chess, okay?”

After saying that, without waiting for Harry to reply, he stood up, grabbed his scarf and rushed out of the lounge.

Harry watched unhappily as his chess game, which was about to make a comeback, was ruined, and complained: "Oh, his chess skills are really bad."

Hermione still insisted on her opinion and advised Rudy not to modify Muggle cars casually. That was completely different from a flying broomstick.

But what she doesn't know is that Rudy not only plans to magically modify the car, he also plans to build his own magic car.

On the premise of maintaining the original internal structure of the supercar, the driving method of internal combustion engine burning gasoline to generate power is eliminated, and attempts are made to replace it with magic and alchemical materials, or simply use the driver's own magic as the driving device. Anyway, the driver is himself. , as a humanoid reactor, usually there is too much magic power to use up.

It would be best if that guy Rocks could be more powerful and allow him to contact Tony Big Shit to see if he could get some vibranium, plus materials from the magical world, to greatly strengthen and transform the parts of the car.

In this case, flying broomsticks are nothing! ?It's time to learn about the true aerodynamics of the speeding car with the Wind King's barrier open!Let me show you how to break the speed of sound in minutes!

Looking at Rudy's eyes shining, Hermione knew that she couldn't stop persuading him. She complained over and over again in her heart that these boys were all the same. As soon as their minds started to be filled with random thoughts, they couldn't listen to other people's persuasion at all.

Helpless, she could only change the subject and ask: "By the way, you haven't said what you are going to do during the vacation?"

"If you want to go back to London, I can ask my dad to drive you once you get off the train."

"By the way, is anyone at home coming to pick you up?"

Rudy stopped his almost uncontrollable thoughts, thought for a while and replied with a strange expression: "emmmm, I am going on a long trip during the holidays to Kathmandu, Nepal."

When Hermione heard the first half, she said, "That's just in time for me to ask dad to drive you for a while..." But in the second half, her expression changed: "Where did you say you were going!?"

"Nepal!? That's not in..."

Facing her frowning and staring expression, Rudy shrugged, looked out the window at the snow that started to fall again at some point, and said distressedly: "Yes, over there in the Himalayas... In fact, I also I don’t know the exact address, but if nothing else, it should be inside the mountain.”

"So, I'm supposed to go hiking during my Christmas vacation."


Harry next to him was stunned for a moment. Why did he say so well that he was about to go to the Himalayas?What the hell is that place?

In the next few days, the entire Hogwarts felt as if the New Year was about to take place. Everyone was eager to take a vacation. They were either discussing holiday plans and activities, packing their luggage, or on their way to packing their luggage.

I don’t know why, but it gave Rudy a strong sense of déjà vu during the Spring Festival, which was very strange.

What makes Rudy regretful is that Mr. Weasley will take his wife to Romania during the Christmas vacation to visit their second son Charlie. According to Ron, his second brother is raising dragons in Romania.

But he sent his reply back, which brought good news and bad news to Rudy.

The good news is that Mr. Weasley was very interested in his idea of ​​transforming a magical car and agreed to give him the certificate he needed. Even as Ron's classmate, Mr. Weasley said he did not need to charge him Any handling fees.

The bad news is that he went to Romania during this period and will probably have to wait until the Christmas vacation is over when he comes back. He will sign the certificate immediately after he comes back. Rudy will not have time to build the car in advance during the vacation.

But the bad news is not particularly bad at all. After all, he is going to Nepal during the holidays.There shouldn't be time to build a car.

After asking Ron to thank Mr. Arthur for him, Rudy began to pack his luggage.

After this period of self-study, he learned a lot of magic, but he didn't know why he couldn't master the 'Apparition' and 'Seamless Stretch Spell', which seemed to involve space skills. His unparalleled magic It was as if his talent had expired, which gave him a huge headache.

These two spells are very useful skills for convenience and getting things done, but they can't be learned.

On the afternoon of December 24, Rudy sat on his little bed with Hatcher in his arms and began to worry about how to give Christmas gifts.According to Western customs, you should send out your gifts on Christmas Eve...

Sitting on the bed, Rudy took something out of the small bag Snape gave him.His head started to hurt more and more as he picked it out... Looking at the pile of messy things covering the bed, Rudy sighed and could only rummage around and start counting with his fingers. Standing up: "emmm, let's start with Harry - this guy has a very strong head, give him a level [-] head..."

Putting aside the welder's helmet given to Harry, Rudy rummaged through the pile of things again, "Hermione's..." He pulled out a titanium alloy forged dagger and was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook it desperately. He raised his head and said, "You can't give away weapons...people will die. - Aha, it's you!" Then he threw the dagger back and took out a rose gold and gray scarf and matching pom-pom hat.

Satisfied, I imagined what Hermione would look like after wearing it. Sure enough, girls should be cute, gentle and quiet!Just leave it to Harry to punch the principal, Old Deng, and kick the professor, Old Bat.

Then he dug out a bottle of imported "Head and Shoulders" from his pile of 'treasures'...ahem, in honor of his beloved Professor Snape.

A complete set of "A Hundred Thousand Whys" was given to Dumbledore's old fox, and a large-size composite bow forged from reinforced alloy. This thing was specially customized by him for Hagrid's people. I remember that Hagrid used it in the Forbidden Forest last time. Here comes the bow and arrow. As for the arrows... Mithril arrowheads, I will send ten of them every Christmas from now on, so that I will save on the next few Christmas gifts. He is so clever!

As a partner, knowing the twins, he knew what they liked, so he established a new company when the new broom came out and named it "Weasley's Wizarding Workshop". The two brothers were the only shareholders besides him and The company's highest authority manager.They can create whatever they like, such as the prank products they have always had in mind.

In addition, Rudy also prepared a special limited edition 'Conigsego' for Professor McGonagall, with Professor McGonagall's name engraved on it with molten gold wire. I believe she will definitely buy it next year after receiving it. Take more care of his grades in Transfiguration class!

As well as various small gifts from other professors, they are guaranteed to be unique and of great commemorative value!

After collecting all the selected gifts and wrapping them one by one, Toredd sent them out for him. Finally, he took out a large number of boxes and opened them. They were all filled with various things for cats to use and eat. (Actually, most of them are in the school, but there are also some outside the school, several cooperative suppliers, and Rocks and his female secretary)

Rudy smiled and said to the cat who was dozing on the bedside: "Merry Christmas, Meow."

Meow Meow opened one eye, turned over, rubbed his round belly with one small paw, burped and struggled: "Eat...I can't eat anymore, burp——"

Rudy asked curiously: "As far as I know, the stomach of the Yuan Devouring Beast is not..."

Miao Miao explained casually: "I can remove them at any time as long as I want, but I can't live up to the delicious food! I want to experience the feeling of dried fish in the nest - Meow, I am so happy on this planet Wow, there are so many delicious things~~~”

The corner of Rudy's mouth twitched and he complained: "...Hey, hey, did you agree to find a way to return to Meow Star?" '



【Sports tickets...】

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