I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 6 "Excellent Teacher Snape"

If there is one thing in the world that people hate the most, it must be cheating.

Since coming to Daying, Rudy has deeply experienced what it means to be a cheater.

In "Orphan's Gambit", he managed to become a crime-solving prodigy with his experience (animation memory), but was told that there is no Sherlock Holmes in this world.

Okay, then I can make a living after I start my career.

As a result, as I continued to acquire knowledge, my cultural level improved, and after I could understand the general text...

Good guy, how many years have passed since the end of World War II? The second phase of the Industrial Revolution has ended!I never thought that this matter could be related to Hydra.

The most outrageous thing is that his meow self is not a human at all!Where to reason! ?

Well, a big heart means a strong ability to understand, and a particularly strong psychological quality in resisting attacks.

Originally, it wasn't a big deal to accept that I was a super guinea pig.After all, he was not himself when he was being experimented on. He was just a guinea pig, so he just accepted his fate.

Work hard in your career and become a laborer from now on. Sooner or later you will get ahead.

Who knows, I received a letter from an owl at this time...

Isn’t this a scam? (throws the envelope angrily)

Assi!He was so angry that he shouted stick words.

But now that he has solved all the questions about the 'Novice Village', he really has no choice but to embark on the path arranged by the 'mysterious power'.

Um!That's right...

...a hammer!

Next morning—

Rudy packed up all his belongings in big and small bags, and went to the bank to withdraw 10 pounds in cash. He wore a scarf, a trench coat, GM sunglasses, and a big hat... It seemed that something was mixed in... It doesn't matter. Anyway, the more you wear, the more suspicious you will be.At that time, the scene of Rudy standing in front of the ATM chicken and putting money in a sack was very visually impactful. If his operation steps were not very standardized and correct, the bank security would have stepped forward to ask. (Rudy figured out the bank card password after trying it twice in front of the ATM... Good guy, the basic password is 6 zeros)

London, St Pancras railway station

Rudy, who was carrying a large sack on his back, panted and sat down on the seat in the waiting area with his ticket in hand.Boy, 10 pounds plus most of his luggage is a lot of weight.

However, all the hard work now is worth it!

As the saying goes, my destiny is up to me!I, Lu, can give up glory and wealth and become a wizard for some inexplicable reason! ?

What an international joke! ?Young Master, I am an outstanding inheritor of the 5000-year-old splendid civilization of flower growers!

Well done, with hundreds of millions in savings, coupled with the vision and brains that are decades ahead of the world, in the future there will be supercars filling the basements and villas everywhere. If nothing else, I will be the chaebol giant who will stir up the world's economic development pattern in a few decades. One serving.

Am I showing off my brain?If you don't give up the opportunity to chat and laugh with Tony and become some kind of wizard, you might end up being dragged into some weird wizarding war soon.

What age is this? If I have the time, I will go out and develop first. In ten years, I will go to Yingjiang’s house to get some Vulcan Gatling, intercontinental missiles and other things. Then I will be armed with guns and live ammunition. The troops returned in force, and the barrel of a gun as thick as a Barrett M82A1 was pressed against Tom's head, screaming into the sky, "30 years to the east of Hedong, 30 years to the west of Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!" Wouldn't it be fun! ?

I can't believe it anymore. Magic can withstand one or two guns, and it can also dodge missiles that wipe the ground!

So, now is the time to take advantage of the "dark moon and high wind" to pack up your belongings and run away.

Well, according to the current means of transportation, flying is not very safe. If you are unfortunate enough to get on the Airbus 370, it will be over.

Then take a train to leave London first. If nothing else, just the train network all over Britain, you can reach any corner of the country in less than a day.

Starting from London, it only takes two hours to cross the English Channel. No matter where you sit, you will be able to reach Paris or Brussels, the crossroads of Europe, in a short time. As long as you escape from Da Nang, you should be fine, right?

Hum hum, you are as witty as me~

Dumping the ticket in his hand and slumping down on the bench, Rudy hummed an unknown tune while wearing sunglasses, shaking his legs to look arrogant.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. Well, in less than 10 minutes, he would be able to say goodbye to Dayang C~

When the time comes, no matter how high the sky is, no one can control me!Who else!

Thinking of this, Rudy's calves trembled even more proudly.

"In this situation, it would be perfect if I had a cup of cappuccino in my hand~" Rudy murmured to himself, shaking his feet and humming.I always feel like something is missing, right!There is something missing from my mouth. It would be nice if I had a cup of coffee.

"Here, the coffee you asked for." As soon as Rudy finished speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out in front of him, holding a cup of steaming coffee.

"Oh, thank you...ah...!?" He subconsciously took it and thanked him. Just as he was about to take a sip, Rudy threw away the coffee in his hand and stood up, taking it from his waist. After exiting the Beretta F92, it pointed to the location next to it.

Under the sunglasses that were half drooped on the bridge of his nose because of panic, Rudy's green pupils stared at the suspicious man who suddenly appeared in front of him with vigilance, and the pistol in his hand with the trigger on it was shaking.

This was the first time he had pointed a gun at someone, so it would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous, but at this juncture, it was really difficult for him to calm down when he suddenly transformed into a living person out of thin air.

"Your hands are shaking, so can you put down what you're holding and let's have a chat?" The person who came here didn't seem to be afraid of the pistol, but was quite calm, and there wasn't even a trace of fluctuation in his voice.

After forcing himself to stay calm and slowly put down the pistol in his hand, Rudy had time to carefully observe the appearance of the person coming.

Black, slightly shiny hair parted in the middle, and a dark robe?Probably, it looks similar.

Pupils as dark and bright as obsidian are a bonus, well, not bad.

It's just that his eyes look a little cold...

His face is okay, and he is barely handsome... Of course, there is still a slight gap between him and me.

But why does the overall effect of this face look so scary...

And...this face looks...so familiar...

While Rudy was observing the other party, the other party was also observing him while complaining feebly in his heart...

'Dumbledore, you better not be kidding me...'

'Is this guy the hope of England? '

Recalling that this morning, Snape received a notice from the principal's office asking him to pick up a new kid. Who can imagine how speechless, resistant and helpless he was at that time.

Originally, he would never agree, but who knew that old immortal Dumbledore would actually act cute with him!Okay, it's not the first time, but it still makes my head tingle.

Forget it, when he apparated to the target's house at the agreed time, he was completely confused after seeing the mess in the house.

What's going on? Is the address correct?So why does it look like it's just been demolished?

Confused, he could only use "Trace Appearance" to look for clues, and soon he knew what happened based on the scenes left at the scene.To be honest, this is definitely the most bizarre student he has ever seen in his teaching career... no, this is one of the weirdest students he has ever seen in his life!

He actually...he actually ran away! ?

Snape was so angry that he almost laughed out loud and sat speechlessly on the sofa that was still intact. He really couldn't imagine that the person Dumbledore told him he was looking for would be equated with the person who escaped.

Is Britain coming to an end?

Too lazy to use the trace tracking spell to find the target scene by scene, Snape caught the owl waiting for a reply on the telephone pole outside the door to save time.

This little cutie was dozing off with his eyes squinted, and while he was sleeping, Xiao Mei from the public owl court actually asked him to go on a date that night!oh!Oh my gosh, what could be more exciting for an owl to look forward to than this!

Just when it was enjoying its happy time, a confining curse hit it...

A few minutes later, the poor little cutie was forced to go to work again, holding a letter in his mouth to find the location of the owner whose name was on the admission notice. (Damn it, this old woman Mag doesn’t keep her word! The promised one-time, one-time working system! - Complaint from Owl)

The owl who followed the messenger all the way to the train station apparated. He just happened to hear what the other party said, and happened to see a Muggle next door holding a cup of coffee... He used a confusion spell to get the coffee and handed it over. That's why the current scene happened...

After Snape recalled the details of his pursuit, Rudy on the opposite side also woke up from a dream and remembered who the other party was.

With this unique look, isn’t this an old bat...ah, Snape?

Why is he here?

....Wait, that letter seems to say that someone is going to be sent over...but I didn't even reply! ?

And it's only a few months now. Is it still compulsory to attend this ghost school?I'm not convinced!I'm going to the Education Bureau to report you!

Although he was crazy about MMP in his heart, in reality Rudy still had a small face, looked at Snape's face with embarrassment and asked: "Are you the... excellent teacher mentioned in the letter?"

"It seems that you have read the letter. In that case, may I ask, where are you planning to go? Mr. Pendragon?" Snape resisted the urge to kill the kid in front of him, and kept thinking in his mind. Echoing the words of that old scoundrel Dumbledore, he asked patiently.

This is basically the answer... Rudy kicked the cracks between the bluestone floor tiles on the ground with increasing embarrassment, while using a reason that he couldn't believe: "Well, I just want to go for a walk... Right , Going on an outing...isn't that important..."

Snape, who was too lazy to expose Rudy's lies, waved his robe twice with a sarcastic look, turned around and led the way towards the train station gate. As he walked, he said: "If it's not something important, it's best to postpone it." After all, we are quite tight on time today, so I can only ask you to cooperate."

Seeing him turn around and leave, Rudy was just about to grease his feet and run away, but his body refused to obey and chased him in the direction Snape left.

In the slightly busy train station hall, all passers-by seemed unable to see them. They would unconsciously avoid them when passing by them. Upon seeing this, Rudy immediately understood that it was Snape who cast a spell.

So he immediately threatened in a low voice: "Well, Professor? How about you let me go?"

"You think you can't cast spells on ordinary people for no reason, right? If you think about me, I don't have many advantages, except that my mouth is a little bit rough..."

"Of course, if you let me go, I can promise that I will never reveal it..." Before he could finish speaking, Snape, who was striding in front, suddenly turned around and sneered: "This It is a Muggle expulsion spell. It only works on Muggles and has only one function, which is to keep Muggles away from us. The Ministry of Magic stipulates that wizards working outside must use it on themselves."

"Understood? Mr. Pendragon?"

"We are about to reach our destination, so before that, you'd better put away your cleverness and be honest."

Rudy refused to give up and shouted while struggling: "What about me?! What did you do to me?!..."

Snape put a hand on his shoulder and replied casually: "It's just a general confusion spell that makes your body move with me."

After saying that, he put his other hand on Rudy's shoulder, leaned down and smiled gloomily at him: "Are you ready?"

Rudy was stunned and didn't realize what he was asking.The next second, his vision blurred, and an indescribable strange force came from all directions. Then he found that the surroundings had become pitch black, and he felt as if he was in an elevator that was falling more than ten floors at a high speed. The strong feeling of weightlessness made him feel like he couldn't help but want to vomit.

In just the blink of an eye, this feeling disappeared without a trace, and the scene in front of him also changed dramatically.

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