I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 325: The Return of the Law of Heaven

On the upper half of the twelfth floor of the Deep Realm Spiral, looking at the trial key suspended in mid-air, Suzumiya Yuu hesitated, because he didn't know what kind of opponent he would face.

However, after a series of psychological struggles, he mustered up the courage to start the trial.

Soon, a woman appeared in midair out of thin air, and when she saw her face clearly, Suzumiya Yu couldn't help but froze in place.

That is the law of heaven, the god who defeated the protagonist twins five hundred years ago, one of the five supreme gods of Sky Island, and one of the four shadows of the original god Phanes.

A few years ago, the debilitated Tenri and Suzumiya Yu met in Inazuma, and the battle between the two ended in a draw. At that time, Suzumiya Yu was not comparable to the current Suzumiya Yu, but so was Tenri.

Suzumiya Yu could clearly feel the terrifying aura emanating from Tianli's body. At this time, she was not as divinely weak as last time, but was at the peak period, that is, she was created by the original god Phanes. when coming out.

At that time, Tianli participated in the war with the seven dragon kings, and finally spent 40 years driving the seven dragon kings out of this world. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the strength of Tianli in its heyday was. The strongest enemy ever encountered.

"No way, even this kind of thing can be copied perfectly?"

The corner of Suzumiya You's mouth twitched slightly. The thing he couldn't believe the most was that the deep-level spiral could actually replicate the heavenly principles in its heyday. Then based on this conversion, wouldn't the lower half of the twelfth floor be the original divine law? Ness? And it's when it's at its strongest.

"Are you kidding? The ability of this secret realm even surpasses that of Farnese himself." Suzumiya Yu couldn't believe that he would meet his opponent in such a place ahead of time.

Tianli and Phanes, one is the shadow, the other is the body, both are the supreme gods of Sky Island, and there are three other, but Tianli's divinity has completely decayed, so she can no longer participate in the battle.

However, if Farnese joins forces with the other three shadows, Suzumiya Yuu's chances of winning will be very small, so this is his chance, a chance to test his own strength.

We have come to this point, there is no turning back, Suzumiya You will not give up so easily, not to mention, the trial has already begun, either he kills Tianli, then Tianli kills him, otherwise, this There is no way the field trial will end.

Thinking of this, Suzumiya Yu no longer hesitated, he stretched out his hand to the saber at his waist, and then pulled out the entire blade, confronting the menacing Tenri.

"Then let me see how powerful the heavenly principle was in its heyday, and how big the gap is compared with the period when the divinity was weak."

In the next second, Suzumiya Yu raised the blade and spit out a burst of flame mist from his mouth.

"The breath of the sun · the shape of the land · the scorching sun!"

With one swing of the knife, the fiery flame that bloomed in the air instantly raised the surrounding temperature by a whole notch. In such a scorching environment, ordinary people would be instantly melted just by touching it, even the holder of the God's Eye. It is difficult to resist such high temperature.

The crimson circular slash aimed at Tianli and rushed away, Suzumiya Yuu didn't show any mercy in this blow, because he knew that now was not the time to show mercy.

Facing Suzumiya Yu's attack, Tianli just slightly raised her hand, and then, countless crimson cubes began to gather in her hands, gradually condensing into a huge shield.

Suzumiya Yu's attack hit the shield heavily, and he thought that the opponent would easily resist it, but an unexpected scene happened.

After Tianli's shield received Suzumiya Yu's attack, it disintegrated in just a few seconds. Although she avoided the attack in time through body skills, it is not difficult to see the duel of this blow.

The strength gap between Tianli and Suzumiya You seems to be a bit big, the strength of the two is not in the same order at all, otherwise Tianli's defense would not be resolved so easily.

To be honest, Suzumiya Yuu didn't feel any pressure on Tianli from the very beginning. The reason why he felt oppressive was only because of psychological effects. After all, the other party was recognized as the strongest in the world in the game. The protagonists of the period, Gemini, were not her opponents.

But now it seems that this so-called one of the five supreme gods of Sky Island is not as powerful as imagined. At least Suzumiya Yuu is stronger than her. It's just a problem.

"The breath of the sun, the form of picking up one, the dragon of the halo, the head dance!"

Just one blow had an astonishing effect, Suzumiya Yuu immediately organized an attack, his figure turned into a flying fire dragon tumbling in the air, and when tumbling, he would attack Tianli, and every attack could left a scar on her body.

More importantly, this Tianli born from the spiral will of the deep realm seems to have no self-awareness, so no matter how many injuries she has suffered, she will not show any pain.

In other words, she has maintained a serious and expressionless posture from the beginning, and just looking at this appearance will make people feel pressured. It is no wonder that Suzumiya You felt oppressed just now due to psychological effects.

Even if his strength is far inferior to his own, the aura exuded by Tianli is really terrifying. This is an aura that ordinary people do not possess. I am afraid that the original god Phanes and his other three shadows also have the same characteristics.

If this is the case, Suzumiya Yu doesn't need to worry about it, because Tenri in his heyday was suppressed by him all the way, and the strength of the other three shadows of Phanes is estimated to be similar to Tenri's.

What needs to be worried most now is the original god, Phanes himself. As the original god of this world, even as powerful as the law of heaven, he is only one of his four shadows. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the power of Phanes is. Even if it is Yu Suzumiya who can crush Tianli, there is no absolute certainty that he can defeat him.

If the next trial object in the lower half of the twelfth floor is Farnese, then the answer to this question will probably be revealed from the outcome of the battle between the two.

Thinking of this, Suzumiya Yu couldn't help but get excited, because he has achieved the last step, he has already been able to defeat Tenri, and as long as he can defeat Phanes again in the end, then the entire Tivat will be ruled by him. The goal was finally achieved.

But now is not the time to be proud. Although the last step of the plan has been reached, the difficulty of this last step is even more difficult than all previous plans combined. In the eyes of ordinary people, to overthrow Sky Island and rule the world, This is something I didn't even dare to think about.

Therefore, Suzumiya You must stabilize his mind, only when the last moment comes, will he feel whether he should be happy or sad.

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