I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 18: Protections in Place

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-1 Week Later-

After spending a few days mastering the enchantments to protect MJ and her mother, as these spells were a bit more advanced than he was used to, Peter portal'd into their house at night to place the enchantments on both mother and daughter.

He has visited the house beforehand to look for any Shield surveillance devices, but it seems that Fury doesn't have it in him to spy on his own family to that extent, as Peter found none whatsoever.

As he crept through the dark house, Peter was sure to keep quiet and stay away from the windows, as the Shield agents were still watching MJ's house.

Starting with MJ, Peter opened her door and slipped inside. On a queen size bed in the center of the room, MJ slept soundly, bundled up in her blankets with her feet sticking out of the bottom. Grasped in her arms is a white rabbit plushy that looked slightly worn due to age.

'Really?' Peter thought surprisingly. 'I didn't think she would like stuff like that...'

Without wasting time, as he could alert the agents outside at any moment, Peter waves his hand and three complicated spell circles draw themselves in the air floating above his sleeping girlfriend. The golden light of the Eldritch Energy brightens the room in a warm glow, as the spell circles descend onto MJ's body.

The spell circles meld with her skin, turning into black tattoos that soon fade away completely as if they were never there in the first place.

Taking a single second to admire his work, Peter moved on to Grace, who slept just next door to MJ's room. Repeating everything without a problem, the enchantment melts into her skin and Peter leaves before the light of his magic draws any suspicion.

As Peter steps into a portal which closes behind him, a Shield agent strolls up to the house and peaks inside the windows. They saw an odd golden light and sent someone to investigate.

Not finding anything wrong with either occupant of the house, the agent returns to the unmarked car and reports back.


Once Peter returned home, he repeated the same spell on his Aunt May, who slept soundly throughout the whole process. Returning to his bedroom, Peter let out a tired sigh as he dives into his bed.

'That should keep them safe against any mundane dangers.' Peter thought.

The spell did a few things. First, it protects against anybody perceived as a threat or enemy. The spell decides that on its own, so MJ, May, and Grace can't be tricked, attacked in their sleep, or any other possibilities.

The protection simply creates a forcefield over the enchanted person's body. The forcefield appears only centimeters over the body and is completely invisible to the naked eye.

Once the forcefield is activated, Peter will mentally receive the coordinates, which will constantly be updated if the target is on the move.

The Enchantment can take a lot of damage before the spell is broken, so only a powerful explosion or impact could possibly break it. Though to a Master of the Mystic Arts, the spell can be broken in a matter of minutes.

Thankfully, the spell itself isn't there to guard against Sorcerers. Just normal people with mundane weaponry.

It's exactly what Peter needed, which he was very thankful for.


During the next school day, Peter saw Ned, which reminded him to place the protection spell on him as well. He may not technically be in any danger, but the guy is Peter's best friend. If something happens to him, he doesn't know what he would do.

That night, Peter snuck into Ned's house and gave him the protection enchantment as well.

Just to be safe, Peter also gave the enchantment to Ned's family. You never know what could happen, so he just did it in case of a future incident.


Once everyone was protected, Peter could go back to his normal schedule without issue.

Recently, he's figured out a plan to secure his online activity as Spider-Man.

Peter bought a few laptops with his leftover money and carefully took them all apart. He would be using these pieces to create what he calls a ghost laptop.

In theory, the laptop would be able to safely use the internet in every way possible without the risk of being traced back to anywhere or anyone.

No IP address, HTTP referrers, Cookies, Tracking Pixels, Supercookies, User agents Browser fingerprinting, Routing Information, Email metadata, etc.

No trace or record whatsoever.

It would be as if Peter's online activity is that of a ghost. Without any evidence or trail left behind for nosy people or organizations to follow back to him.

What Peter finds especially useful is that the laptop would connect itself to every cell tower and wifi signal within range. Bypassing whatever password protection or company protection, and merging all of them into a singular online connection, keeping Peter online no matter where he is. It won't alert anyone or leave any traceable information behind either.

The true ghost laptop.

He's currently still building it, but once it's completed and tested, Spider-Man could start his journey as an influencer/YouTuber. Peter just hopes it works, as this is all just theoretical at this point.

He also plans to make his online accounts impenetrable by creating a password cycling program on the ghost laptop. It would change all of his Passwords to something long and random every minute of the day.

To get into his accounts, Peter would have to use the laptop to see the current password and input it in the time before it changes again.

Seeing as the laptop would pretty much allow anyone access to his accounts and has solid proof that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Peter planned to put a similar protection spell on the laptop that he did on his friends and family.

Peter even planned to add a similar spell to Thor's hammer, as he's learned how to make things heavier and lighter weeks ago. This would completely stop theft as no one but himself would be able to lift or open the laptop.

He also planned to save room in the laptop by cooling and powering it with enchantments. Both enchantments would be extremely simple. He's already learned both freezing and lightning spells, which would only need to be powered down by a large margin so they don't cause damage.

Magic + Technology

Speaking of, Peter wanted to use magic to make Asgard's type of technology, but that would take a lot of time. Asgard is an extremely advanced interstellar magical society after all.

-2 Weeks Later-

While working on everything and spending time with his family, friends, and girlfriend, Peter has finally finished working on Candy Crush. Though that doesn't mean it's a completed game yet.

Peter is now in the testing phase, which means he has to play the game on a bunch of different phones to make sure it works. He can play the game on his PC all he wants, but that wouldn't test the game in the way it's going to be played, which is on mobile phones. PCs can run mobile games easily without even breaking a sweat after all.

In order to announce his game to everyone and quicken the testing phase, Peter and Ned invited everyone over to showcase it and use them as game testers.

As everyone showed up, Peter finished downloading the game onto a bunch of outdated smartphones. When making a game, it's best to stress test it on a lower-quality piece of hardware. That way you know for sure that there won't be any problems for those with outdated and newer model phones.

When everyone arrived, Peter saw Ned, May, MJ, and Grace sitting in the living room. Peter walked over with a box full of smartphones and handed them out one by one. Standing in front of everyone, Peter unlocks one of the phones and taps the Candy Crush icon on the home screen. Music plays as Peter displays the phone to the crowd.

A black screen appears and the words 'Parker Games' fade in with a short but sweet animation. The image changes and a much more impressive animation plays, highlighting the different aspects of the game with cute candy characters. Below the video, a loading bar fills slowly but surely.

"Thank you all for coming." Peter says as Ned stands beside him, looking excited and accomplished.

"No problem, Peter." Grace says as she and everyone else look at Peter expectantly.

"Yeah, no problem. Now, what's this all about? Did you call us here to play some sh*tty mobile game?" MJ says it how it is, not putting two and two together after seeing the Parker Games logo.

"No, not just any sh*tty mobile game. My sh*tty mobile game!" Peter says with a smile as the game fully loads, showing the main menu.

"I helped too." Ned says, excitedly raising his hand.

"Oh yeah, Ned helped and gave me ideas along the way." Peter clarifies as he pats his best friend on the shoulder.

Hearing this, everyone opens their outdated phones and sees the only app on the home screen.

"Candy Crush?" MJ says skeptically as she and everyone else opens the app. "Why did you make this garbage? My mom would probably play this..."

"Hey!" Grace elbows her daughter.

"What? It's the truth." MJ says with a shrug as she turns to Peter, waiting for his answer.

"Money." Peter replies without a single ounce of shame.

He didn't disagree with her, as he felt the same way. Though the money is always in the mainstream community. The normies so to speak.

"You didn't..." MJ says in disbelief as she taps the shop icon on the home screen. "You're evil..."

Peter didn't reply and just smiled like a hungry shark stalking its prey.

A/N: 1658 words

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