I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 679: Nine Tails Manhandled

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead!



Moments earlier, a man who called himself Madara Uchiha, clad in his swirling wooden mask, stood over a beautiful, yet haggard red-headed woman in a secluded clearing outside the village.

[Insert picture of masked Obito here]

The night was eerily quiet, save for the heavy breathing of Kushina Uzumaki, who lay exhausted and weakened from childbirth. The trees around them were dense, casting long shadows under the moonlight that seemed almost to whisper of the impending chaos.

[Insert picture of Kushina here]

The masked man's voice, muffled slightly, was calm but carried a cruel joy. "At last, the power of the Nine-Tails will be mine. This village and all its hopes will crumble."

With a swift, ruthless motion, he performed a series of hand seals, summoning a dark, swirling jutsu that enveloped Kushina. Screams pierced the night as the monstrous form of the Nine-Tails began to manifest, forcibly ripped from its host.

The fox, massive and bristling with malevolent energy, roared into the sky, its eyes burning with untamed fury.

Kushina, nearly lifeless, her voice barely a whisper, pleaded with the creature of her torment. "Please... no more..."

The masked man, his eyes glinting red with the power of the Sharingan, issued his next command with a sinister grin. "Nine-Tails, end her."

As the creature raised its massive paw to crush Kushina, suddenly, a blur of yellow flashed through the clearing. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, appeared beside his wife in a flash, scooping her into his arms just as the paw slammed into the earth where she had been.

[Insert picture of Minato here]

Minato's face was a mask of resolve mixed with deep pain. "Are you okay?" He asked his wife, who merely groaned out a sad smile. She understood that the extraction of the Nine-Tails would leave her with little time to live. Minato was aware of this as well, but he pushed the thought away, unable to face it.

Ignoring the looming threat of the Nine-Tails and the man currently controlling it, Minato focused solely on Kushina, whispering reassurances as he teleported away. His only goal at that moment was her safety, the safety of the woman he loved more than anything.

'Madara' watched them disappear with a scoff. "I never knew my sensei was such a coward... But no matter. The village will pay the price."

Turning to the Nine-Tails, his voice rose with command. "Attack the village. Let them feel despair."

With a mighty leap, the Nine-Tails mindlessly charged. As it approached the village, the mind-controlled creature's enormous body crashed into the village's center, creating a crater on impact. Buildings crumbled under its power, and screams of terror replaced the silence of the night.

Brave ninjas who just happened to be nearby leapt from the shadows, their chakra flaring as they attacked the monstrous fox that threatened to obliterate their home. Among them, Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy fought valiantly, coordinating their attacks to buy the villagers precious time to escape.

Kakashi, his one-eyed Sharingan active, darted around the massive beast, launching precise, chakra-infused kunai.

[Insert picture of Kakashi here]

Guy, with his usual fiery enthusiasm, charged forward, his fists glowing with the energy of the Eight Gates. Yet, despite their efforts and the valiant attempts of many others, they were barely slowing the beast down.

[Insert picture of Guy here]

As another ninja was swatted away by the massive tail of the beast, killed in an instant, a sudden and bizarre change rippled through the air. A figure, dressed not in the traditional garb of their village but in casual jeans and shirt, appeared seemingly out of nowhere in front of the Nine-Tails' snarling face.

"Yo!" The figure waved with a casual bravado that seemed ludicrously out of place. Without waiting for a response, he swung his leg in a high arc, punting the colossal fox across the village with an improbable strength. The creature tumbled, crashing through buildings and trees, finally coming to a halt at the edge of the forest outside the village.

There was a moment of stunned silence as every ninja in the vicinity tried to process what they had just witnessed. Peter floated a few meters above the ground with his hands casually in his pockets, looking remarkably unbothered by the chaos around him.

Kakashi was the first to approach, his eyes wide not just with the Sharingan but also with sheer incredulity. "Who are you?" he demanded.

Peter craned his head downward, flashing a grin. "Oh, I still have no idea what you're saying. Give me a second…" Muttering an incantation under his breath, he wove his fingers through a series of intricate gestures. The air around him shimmered with a faint, mystic glow.

The gathered ninjas watched in stunned silence, their expressions a mix of confusion and curiosity. Whispers spread among them, questioning the nature and intent of this foreigner's mysterious powers.

"Let's see, this should work," Peter murmured to himself, half-distracted by the enormous fox monster gathering itself for another charge.

As the creature lunged at him with ferocious speed, Peter, still mid-spell, glanced over nonchalantly and delivered a backhanded swat that sent the Nine-Tails tumbling back through a row of damaged buildings.

"Hey! Manners, please. I'm working here," he chided the beast, his tone light but firm.

Finally, with a decisive flick of his wrist, the spell locked into place. Peter felt a surge of energy course through him, priming his ears and mouth to instantly translate any spoken or heard words.

Just as the last syllable left his lips, Kakashi approached him cautiously, his Sharingan eye flickering intensely. "Who are you? How did you do that?" he asked, his voice a mix of awe and suspicion.

Peter landed softly on the ground, brushing dust from his jeans. "Oh, now I can understand you. I'm Peter, Peter Parker…" He smiled and extended his hand, but before the astonished Kakashi could reply, the fox abruptly appeared behind Peter, its massive teeth bared menacingly.

Sensing the attack, Peter sighed, a look of mild annoyance crossing his face. "Really? We're doing this again?" His voice was laced with humor, but his eyes glinted with annoyance.

As the beast charged, Peter spun around, his stance steady and focused. He started with a swift uppercut as the Nine-Tails neared, his fist connecting with a resounding thud beneath its jaw. The impact sent the beast's head snapping back, a visible shockwave rippling through its fur.

Without missing a beat, Peter spun on his heel, delivering a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of the Nine-Tails' head. The force of the kick whirled the creature sideways, further disorienting it.

Seizing the moment, Peter darted forward, his movements a blend of precision and grace. He landed a series of rapid punches across the beast's torso, each hit landing with a sickening thud, methodically weakening its resolve and strength.

Every strike Peter delivered was calculated, his form perfect, embodying both the power of a fighter and the finesse of an acrobat. Each connection between fist and fur echoed through the clearing, a testament to his control and strength.

The onlookers, including Kakashi and other seasoned ninjas, watched in stunned silence. The ferocity of the beating was unlike anything they had ever seen. It wasn't just a fight; it was a lesson in respect and boundaries, taught by a stranger who handled the beast as if it were a misbehaving puppy, not a legendary force of destruction.

As Peter maneuvered the Nine-Tails, he chatted nonchalantly. "You know, where I come from, we have manners and don't constantly interrupt someone when they're in the middle of something," he grunted as he delivered a particularly forceful kick that sent the Nine-Tails crashing into a nearby building, reducing it to rubble. "But you're being controlled, so I won't be too hard on you…"

Just as Peter prepared to slam the creature down once more, a new rush of chakra filled the air. The Third Hokage arrived, ready for a fierce battle, but the scene before him left him utterly astonished. Accompanied by a squadron of elite Anbu, he paused, his breath catching at the surreal sight of a lone young man effortlessly overpowering the fearsome Nine-Tails.

[Insert picture of Hiruzen Sarutobi here]

"What on earth is happening here?" the Third Hokage demanded, his voice carrying a mix of confusion and concern.

Kakashi, still processing the scene, could only offer a helpless shrug. "I wish I knew, Lord Third."

As Peter continued his relentless assault, the Nine-Tails seemed to diminish, not just in ferocity but in the will to fight back. It was a display of sheer power and indomitable spirit that none in Konoha had ever witnessed. And just as Peter slammed the fox down for what seemed like the fiftieth time, the air shifted ominously.

From a swirl of dark chakra, the masked man appeared again, his gaze fixed on Peter with a mixture of rage and disbelief. "Who are you? No Leaf ninja possesses such strength," he snarled, stepping forward with a threatening posture.

Peter paused, brushing a strand of hair from his eyes as he looked up from the sprawled-out nine-tailed fox. "Oh, me? I was just strolling by when a giant fox crossed my path," he replied nonchalantly, mimicking a tone oddly reminiscent of Kakashi's usual evasiveness.

Small laughs rippled through the crowd of ninjas, many exchanging glances with Kakashi, who offered a rare, sheepish grin in response.

But before another word could be said, a yellow flash cut through the tension. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, appeared out of nowhere, his hand glowing with the swirling blue chakra of a Rasengan. Without hesitation, he drove the powerful sphere into the masked man's stomach, sending him reeling back with a cry of pain.

As Minato's Rasengan struck true, Peter glanced around at the assembled ninjas and the havoc strewn across the village. "Looks like you guys can handle the rest," he muttered with a casual nonchalance.

Stepping lightly over the debris, Peter approached the subdued Nine-Tails. He climbed atop the massive head of the fox, finding a comfortable spot to sit.

As he settled in, Peter tapped his hand lightly against the fox's forehead. His finger glowed with a soft, ethereal light as he delicately severed the threads of mind control entangling the creature's will.

"Hey, you awake yet?" Peter asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and friendliness.

After a moment, the Nine-Tails' eyes fluttered open, clear and free from the sinister influence of the Sharingan. The creature groaned, its voice groggy and confused. "Huh?"

A/N: 1789 words :)



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