I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 683: Slaughtered

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead! 



Earlier in the night, the tranquility of the Uchiha Clan District was shattered by the ferocious roars of the Nine-Tails rampaging in the distance. As the ground trembled beneath its wrath, the Uchiha were jolted awake, their instincts honed from generations of warfare kicking into action.

The streets quickly filled with ninja—men and women who shepherded the elderly, children, and civilians towards shelters. The air was tense with urgency, yet there was a method to the chaos, a practiced efficiency born from the Uchiha's storied legacy of readiness.

As the clan gathered, Fugaku Uchiha, the clan head, stood with his fellow ninjas, ready to lead them out to aid their fellow villagers in the fight. His eyes, usually calm and commanding, flickered with concern for his family and comrades. It was then that an unexpected interruption occurred.

Surrounding the district, countless Root ninja materialized, their presence a sudden and silent threat. They stood impassive, their weapons drawn, forming an impenetrable wall of steel and killing intent.

Fugaku stepped forward, his voice steady but laced with confusion. "Why are we being obstructed?" he demanded, his gaze piercing through the night to the figures that stood on the walls surrounding them.

Danzo Shimura, his figure obscured by bandages and the night, landed gracefully atop the wall. His presence commanded a mixture of respect and distrust. "The order comes directly from the Fourth Hokage," Danzo declared, his voice echoing ominously. "No Uchiha is to leave the district tonight. Any who try will be immediately put to death."

Murmurs erupted among the Uchiha. Disbelief and anger mingled in the whispers that swept through the crowd. "Proof!" someone shouted. "We demand proof!"

Fugaku, his expression unreadable, held up a hand for silence. He knew the Hokage, Minato—his academy companion, the man whose wife was a close friend of his own. This order was out of character, almost unthinkable. Still, he addressed Danzo with the respect that an elder of the village deserved. "Show us this order. You speak of grave matters; let us see the proof."

With a smirk that didn't quite reach his eyes, Danzo produced a scroll, tossing it deftly to Fugaku. Catching it, the Uchiha leader unfurled the document. The script was indeed an order, complete with the Hokage's seal—a directive confining the Uchiha under threat of death.

Fugaku's eyes narrowed as he scanned the scroll. The weight of the seal was heavy, but something in his gut screamed forgery. Yet, the stakes were too high for rash actions. Accusing Danzo of deceit without concrete proof could unleash catastrophic consequences on his clan.

As his members seethed, urging him to defy the order, Fugaku took a deep breath. His decision would shape the fate of his clan. "We will comply," he announced, his voice resonant with reluctant authority. "For tonight, we stand down."

The decision did not sit well with many; the air was thick with resentment and frustration. However, the collective discipline of the Uchiha held. They would obey, survive the night, and seek justice later. Fugaku's gaze lingered on Danzo, a silent vow passing between them—an unspoken challenge that this was not the end.



The tense atmosphere in the Uchiha Clan District was palpable as Fugaku and his fellow Uchiha stood rigidly, their gazes locked on Danzo and his Root Anbu, who refused to leave, standing guard around the district as if it were a prison.

The night, once broken by the distant cries of the Nine-Tails, had fallen into an eerie silence. The monstrous roars that had earlier filled the air were now conspicuously absent, a sudden quiet that drew everyone's attention.

The Nine-Tails seemed to have disappeared…

The Uchiha whispered among themselves, their eyes flicking nervously toward the horizon where the beast had last been seen. Despite the obvious change in the situation, Danzo and his forces remained stubbornly in place, their orders clear: keep the Uchiha contained.

Danzo, cloaked in his usual air of mystery and authority, whispered urgently to a subordinate, a masked ninja who nodded silently before darting away into the shadows. The clan watched this exchange, the uncertainty feeding their frustration and fear.

Minutes ticked by, each one stretching longer than the last. Danzo's impatience grew visible, his fingers tapping an uneven rhythm against his cane. Just as he was about to dispatch another Anbu to hasten the return of his scout, a figure appeared atop a nearby building—a signal that the awaited report was imminent.

"Daisuke!" Danzo called out, recognizing the silhouette of his trusted Anbu.

However, his call was cut short by a shocking sight: the figure swayed and then collapsed, tumbling from the rooftop in a lifeless heap. A gasp rippled through the crowd as the body hit the ground, blood pooling ominously around it.

The sudden violence stunned both the Uchiha and the Root, their attentions snapping to the spot where the ninja had fallen. And then, as if conjured by the night itself, two figures appeared where the Root Anbu had stood just seconds before a man and a small fox.

Peter, with his unmistakable casual demeanor, waved cheerfully down at Danzo. "Yo," he greeted with a nonchalant grin, peering over the edge at the fallen ninja. "Sorry, was that your lackey? I ran into him on the way, and he was a bit rude, so I slapped him around a little. But who would have thought he'd die so easily?"

Beside him, Kurama smirked at the stunned faces below. His eyes glinted with mischief, clearly enjoying the chaos Peter had stirred.

The Uchiha and the Root remained frozen for a moment, processing the sudden and dramatic entrance.

Danzo's eyes narrowed, his voice cold and measured. "Identify yourself. You wear no Leaf headband, and yet you interfere in village affairs."

Peter's smile broadened. "Just your friendly neighborhood pest control," he quipped, his eyes scanning the crowd below. "Heard there was an infestation here, so we came to clean it up."

Kurama let out a loud, mocking laugh. "Yeah, so step aside so I can start my work. It's been too long since I've tasted red-eyed blood."

The Uchiha around them unsheathed their weapons reflexively, their sharingan eyes glowing ominously in the dark. The air thickened with the promise of violence.

Peter glanced at Kurama with a raised eyebrow. "We're not here for the Uchiha, buddy."

Kurama looked visibly disappointed. "What? I thought we were here to wipe out those Uchiha bastards!"

"Nope." Peter pointed a finger at Danzo. "Our target is the mummy-looking guy and his minions."

Relief mixed with confusion among the Uchiha, while Danzo and his Root tensed further, their grips tightening on their weapons. Kurama scoffed at the change in atmosphere.

"Those small fries?" Kurama's voice dripped with disdain. "Why bother with them? They look weak."

Peter nodded. "True, they're not exactly top tier, but I don't like them, so they have to go..."

Kurama's face twisted into a grimace. "Fine, we can take them out. But I'd like to snack on a few Uchiha too."

Thinking it over, Peter shrugged. "If any of them try to jump in or help these Root goons, you're clear to do whatever you want with them."

Kurama grinned maliciously, turning to address the gathered Uchiha. "Feel free to jump in or lend a hand to your Root friends. I'm sure they'd appreciate it..."

Danzo, having had enough of the disrespect and the mockery, snapped. "Enough! Take them down!" he ordered sharply to a squad of his Root ninja.

As four masked figures vanished in a sudden burst of motion, aiming straight for Peter and Kurama, Peter merely sighed. Pulling his hand back, he mimicked a backhand slap through the thin air in front of him.

A heartbeat passed—and then the four ninja reappeared mid-air between Peter and Danzo. Their bodies gruesomely bisected, they plummeted to the street below, joining Daisuke in death. The remaining Root members looked on in horror, the street now a canvas of blood and shadow.

As the echo of their fall faded, Peter looked down at his hand, then back at the stunned crowd. "Guess they were weaker than I thought," he remarked casually. "That seems to be a trend with you Root guys, huh?"

Seeing even more of his lackeys die, Danzo Shimura's fury was palpable as he slammed his cane into the ground, the sound echoing ominously. "Attack!" He bellowed, his voice seething with rage.

The Root Anbu, previously statuesque in their disciplined formation, surged forward in a wave of black cloaks and gleaming weapons, converging on Peter and Kurama.

But Peter and Kurama were a whirlwind of chaos and destruction. Peter's agility and reflexes allowed him to dodge and weave through the attackers with supernatural grace, his fists connecting with sickening thuds as he dropped one Anbu after another.

Kurama, on the other hand, used miniature tailed beast bombs to scorch the earth, incinerating entire groups of Anbu. His tails, swift and deadly, swept through the ranks, each swipe leaving a trail of death and devastation.

As the battle raged, Danzo realized the futility of his efforts. With a snarl of frustration, he turned to flee, barking orders over his shoulder. "Distract them!"

Seeing this, Peter flicked his wrist, and from the shadows, Eldritch chains sprung forth, their eerie, otherworldly glow illuminating the night. The chains snaked around Danzo's legs, pulling him back with a force that sent him sprawling on the ground. They wrapped around him, binding him tightly.

"Stay put, we're not done yet," Peter called out over the sounds of battle, his voice tinged with dark humor as he turned back to join Kurama in the fray.

The massacre continued, each move Peter and Kurama made was precise and deadly, their opponents falling one by one, their numbers dwindling rapidly. The street was filled with fallen Root Anbu, their black cloaks stained with their own blood.

Danzo, trapped and desperate, turned to the Uchiha, his voice hoarse as he shouted, "Help me! This is an order! You must help me!"

The Uchiha exchanged wary glances, the weight of their decision heavy in the air. Fugaku Uchiha, their clan head, watched the scene unfold with a detached expression.

As Danzo's pleas grew more frantic, Fugaku lifted the scroll Danzo had given him earlier, his voice echoing clearly across the battlefield.

"I'm sorry, Lord Danzo, but we cannot help. We must stay in the Uchiha Clan District and obey the Hokage's orders, as you so clearly enforced," Fugaku declared, his tone dripping with irony.

The Uchiha stood back, their decision made. No one moved to aid Danzo, their disdain for the man evident in their silent refusal to intervene.

As Peter and Kurama finished off the last of the Root Anbu, the district was once again enveloped in silence, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just transpired.

Danzo, bound and defeated, lay amidst the carnage, the realization of his defeat sinking in as he watched the two figures standing at over him.

Peter wiped his hands, looking down at Danzo with a smirk. "Looks like you're the only one left," he said, the moonlight casting long shadows across the blood-soaked street.

A/N: 1900 words :)



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