I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 14: Newfound powers

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 14


「Newfound powers」


I stood at the back of the labyrinth of Vanitas. The place was deserted, devoided of all forms of life. Smooth stone pavements ran down the entire route leading here. Plants protruded from the ground but were kept trimmed to a reasonable height. Flowers of varying colors bloomed, creating an array of beauty. It was akin to a garden of a wealthy mansion. 


The backside of the labyrinth isn't that popular, considering the only way to access the pantheon was through the front. However, in my case, the lack of people was a blessing, especially for what I'm about to do.


I take out the recall stone from my right pocket. The familiar stone tablet looked lifeless, bland even. You wouldn't believe that this item could transport you from the surface to the 5th floor in mere seconds. 


Fortunately, when using the recall stone on the surface, you didn't have to find a scripture nearby. All you needed to do was course your MP into the engraved runes and be near the vicinity of the labyrinth. 


My fingers graze the top of the runes, igniting them. My MP started being pulled, unloading to the tablet as it shined a purple tint. After a moment, the purple light beamed, taking along my five senses and my sense of reality. 


The following moment, I was back on the 5th floor. The sound of constant dripping heard as my clothes started being soaked from my head down. The detachment of my five senses quickly vanished, making me keenly aware of my surroundings. The MP-infused air reacts to my lungs, then to my body. 


I heave a sigh. A success, I thought. Checking my right hand, the recall stone I had just used started to disintegrate, turning into ashes as it vanished into thin air. The item was a one-time use. Still, the uses and benefits were too great.


Recall stone. 


It was an item found on every 5 floors of any labyrinth or dungeon. The real name for the recall stone I used is "5th-floor recall stone of the labyrinth of Vanitas", but for simplicity's sake, let's call it the 5th-floor recall stone. 


Anyways, the stone tablet has only one purpose, and that is to teleport the user from the surface to their given floor. Of course, there are limitations. 


For one, when using it inside the labyrinth, you had to wait five seconds for it to fully activate. It's an added feature meant to stop players from escaping a fight instantaneously. 


Secondly, you have to visit the floor prior to using the recall stone. It makes it so you couldn't just buy recall stones from players and get to the highest floor.


And finally, you had to be in close proximity to the labyrinth if you wanted to teleport from the surface to the dungeon. The same applies in reverse, you had to be near a wall of scriptures to use it in the dungeon. 


Despite those limitations, it was still overpowered. After all, teleportation magic was in the realms of advanced classes. There may be artifacts that use spatial magic but they were crazy expensive. Compared to the dirt cheap drop rates of the recall stones, they were a necessity for grinding, especially since moving from one floor to another can take you a lot of time. 


The interesting thing is that the world isn't even aware of this item. They're aware of the existence of the stone tablets, however, they knew next to nothing about what to do with them. Even researchers who try to decipher the tablets came empty-handed. 


That's all the information I've collected about the recall stones. Most of my sources are online articles, news, and books. But, that didn't mean I took it for granted. There's also the possibility that a country found the proper use of the tablets but purposely withheld the information. 


One thing is for sure though, the public doesn't know. That was enough for me. To me, it meant I could catch up faster to the higher classes. If the story was still in motion, class 1-1 should be nearing level 20, 1-2 around level 16-17, and 1-3 at level 14-15.


Right now, no one in my class could contest me. The only ones who could ever be a threat are the hero party with their initial stats, but I still don't believe I would lose if we fought. Most of class 1-5 shouldn't also be a threat, with their leader and the higher members of the class being my only threat. 


Essentially, I was in a good spot. But, I still needed to increase my strength. After all, my potential enemies were not just students. High-ranking adventurers, nobles, and even royalty may turn their blades against me at a moment's notice. 


I may be paranoid or too cautious. However, as the saying goes: "It's better to a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.". I'm not taking any chances. 


Thoughts of my worries were caught off as black smoke started emerging from the corridor. In front of me, a goblin soldier appeared, wielding a halberd in its arm. Leather armor guarding his torso, and an ugly scowl formed on its face after noticing my presence. 


I take a deep breath, letting go of all of my thoughts. My hands instinctively reach for my sword as I enter a stance. My eyes clouded, all senses absorbed on the goblin. 


For now, all I have to do is level up. I'll worry about the future later.






[Level increased!] 


Withdrawing my sword, I check my status. The familiar blue panel shimmered into existence, overwhelming my retina. A small smile surfaced on my face, satisfied at what I saw. 



 « Name » Lukas Gasper


 « Level » 6


 « Class »「Bandit」


 « Class Level » 5


HP : 33/35


MP : 19/23


STR : 8   

AGI : 12  

STM : 10  

VIT : 10   

INT : 12







「Disguise I」   




Now, I didn't have to worry about other people using 「Inspect I」on me. In the game, it was an annoyance since you could feel the feedback of the skill being used. But, here, where your skills and level are your lifelines, it's better to keep them hidden if you can. 


I already have the two skills I wanted for the Bandit class. So, I'll change my class to caster for the Inspect I skill. I already have a general idea of what to put on both my skill slots. It'll take some time though. 


Also, for every 10 levels, you get another skill slot for active skills. For passive skills, it's every 25 levels. So, at max level — that being level 155 — you'll have 18 active skill slots and 9 passive skill slots. As for the added slot, you get an extra slot in both of them for reaching level 155.


Considering I didn't have an inherent skill, I had an extra passive skill to tamper with. It was quite a blessing in disguise. Inherent skills are non-replaceable, meaning that you couldn't remove them like conventional skills. They were stuck with you forever. 


All inherent skills are useful. But, only a few inherent skills could match end-game passive skills. Even then, those skills are a one-in-a-million roll. Essentially, inherent skills could help you level up faster, especially in the earlier parts of the game, but they pale in comparison to the strength of the strongest passive skills. 


Amidst my monologue, a goblin priest spawned in front of me. It was the weakest monster that could spawn on the 5th floor. It had no attack skill and had a flimsy mace as its weapon. I unsheath my sword, testing out a theory I've been racking up ever since I unlocked my skill. 




My MP course through my body before coalescing to the tip of my blade, radiating an azure blue hue. Five stabs were made in one second, decimating the poor goblin into bits of flesh before turning into a magic stone. 


I flex my right arm, trying to imitate the way MP coursed through my arm, using the earlier feeling as a basis. But, the results were meager, empty. I tried to agitate the ambient MP to no avail. When that failed, I tried my dormant MP, the one stored in my body. Yet again, nothing happened. Only a slight shift and feedback were felt. 


I exhaled deeply. I was accustomed to manipulating MP in the game. Only being able to feel the shifts and not directly manipulate them made me feel a sense of emptiness, similar to losing a limb. 


I was trying to directly manipulate MP. However, that ability is only obtained at level 25 and above. Elves, who have a natural affinity to MP, unlock this ability at level 15 — ten levels lower than everyone else. As someone who is used to directly manipulating Magic Power, it left me agitated. A deep sense of restlessness in this dangerous place.


If I could manipulate MP… the benefits would be amazing, to say the least. 


I once again tried, flexing my entire body and closing my eyes. My senses focused on replicating what I felt and did when I used Barrage. Again, just like earlier, it amounted to nothing. 


Thinking I needed to experiment more, I open my smartwatch, heading to the main route of the 5th floor. In there, I shouldn't be attacked by any monsters. Once I arrived, I leaned on a wall and then sat in a lotus position as I meditate. 


There was a period in the game where my understanding of MP was at its pinnacle, far outclassing the highest level of players. I knew how it moves when willed, reacts when agitated, and how it bent in my intent. I knew what it feels like, what it looks like. However, knowledge was not enough. I needed something more comprehensive, more detailed to help me.


I take a steady, deep breath. I recall all the pieces of information I know about MP. What it is, what it does, and how it works. 


MP stands for Magic Power. An invisible, odorless energy. It's everywhere. No matter how inert or torpid it is, MP is still there. It is synonymous with the atoms in the world.


Our bodies were natural conductors to MP, a battery for it to store inside. Most living beings had this trait. Monsters, plants, and animals all store MP in their body. The higher your level, the more you could store. 


For MP manipulation to occur, you need to reach level 25. The reason is, that your body stores enough MP to properly conduct and move it, activating the MP channels across your body, and allowing you to manipulate it. The channels act similar to your veins, but instead of blood flowing, it was MP. 


This is a natural process, similar to how babies learn to walk the older they become. The thing is, I'm not a baby. I had the body of a baby, but my mind was similar to an old man. I knew how to manipulate MP, but I just didn't have the necessary means to do so. 


I had a basis. Both my experience in the game and my active skills… 


I stood up. My mind going overdrive, trying to solve this predicament. The benefits were enough for me to stop and think this through. Manipulating MP at level 6 would help me close the gap my low initial stats created, increasing my speed of leveling up. 


I put away my sword and activated Barrage. My MP started coalescing to my feet, stirring the dormant MP stored in my body. The unique property of Barrage was that it could be used with your body. It was unlike Slash which needed a weapon. Shortly after, the soles of my feet turned deep blue. Then, I struck the wall with five sharp kicks, generating loud thuds.


Taking note of what just transpired, I once again sat down in the lotus position and closed my eyes, trying to feel the ambient MP. The result was the same, but small ripples in my perception would appear, suggesting that the MP was being moved, influenced to a degree. It was barely noticeable though. 


The way Barrage activated my innate MP, my ability to feel the shifts in the air, and my knowledge of MP. 


That's when it struck me. A ludicrous, almost deranged plan formulated. It made sense in my head, but the sheer ridiculousness of it made me question my own sanity. 


The more I think about it, the more it started making sense. The pieces were there. Theoretically speaking, it should work. 


What if… 


What if I forcibly activate my MP channels? 


Ridiculous, I know. But, I had the means to make it possible. I had what it takes, and the danger level isn't that much. In the end, whether this fails or not, it'll only be a minor setback on my end. 


Looking at my smartwatch, I had an hour left before dinner. I should get started. Thus, I started my experiments. I needed more information to pull it off. 


The first test was activating Barrage and feeling the passage of MP. I took note of how my dormant MP activates whenever I use the skill, before dwindling back to its original state a few seconds after the skill's activation. 


Next, I tried canceling the skill a few seconds before initially activating it. In the game, it was called skill canceling. It wasn't advised, as the MP used won't recover even if you cancel the skill. 


When I canceled Barrage, an interesting phenomenon occurred. Yes, it did cancel and the MP used was now gone. But, the agitated MP in my body swirled before dying down. Since I had canceled the skill before it got to reach the designated part of my body, the active MP just sat there, slowly diminishing back to its original state. 


"Hah… Hahh…"


I pant heavily, exhausted from using multiple Barrages in a row. The cooldown of the skill was fast, but the MP consumption was quite high, especially at my level. In the end, I had to lean my back against the wall, waiting for my MP to recover naturally. 


MP potions existed. But, only individuals that constantly use MP use them. If I told my parents I needed some, it would raise suspicion. To them, I haven't even reached level 2 yet. Also, my financial situation isn't that great. I had allowance, yes, but not enough to cover the expenses of potions.


I shut my eyes closed. I tried to feel the MP in the air, hoping for tiny feedback. However, contrary to my expectations, I could feel the ambient MP more clearly. My mind ran through the plausible reasons why. Soon after, I landed on the most logical one. 


It probably had to do with my current state. I was currently MP-depleted, meaning my body was trying to convert the ambient MP into my MP. In fact, if I concentrate hard enough, I can feel the ambient MP enter my body, before slowly settling to the various regions of my body. It was vague though. It could easily be mistaken for my own delusion.


I breathe in and open my eyes. I had all the pieces I need. I just needed to execute it. 


To be honest, I'm not confident. 


Everything should be in-line with what I'm about to do and what I know. But, it was only in theory. There may be a hidden variable I didn't account for, something incomprehensible on my end. However, I have to try. I had to. 


Taking another deep breath, I started. For now, I needed to purposely exhaust my MP, enough for only one Barrage. I did as instructed, using three Barrages in succession to reduce my MP to its threshold. The absence of most of my MP made me lethargic, but I quelled it down, putting my attention back to my objective. 


Once it reached the bare minimum, enough for just one Barrage, I sat there, feeling the ambient MP. I knew I could influence it, but to what extent exactly? I ordered the ambient MP to enter my body. Surprisingly, it obeyed my command, albeit slightly. I only felt a slight change, but a change nonetheless. I take another deep breath, preparing myself for what's the come. 


'Here it goes…' 




My body squeezed out what little MP it had left to activate the skill. I felt sluggish, detached, but I persisted, gritting my teeth to focus despite the discomfort. Shortly after casting the skill, I immediately canceled it. The activated MP in my body stirred erratically, like an army that just lost its commander. 


'Now, for the hard part…'


I let go of all my senses.


All mental faculties were placed on the agitated MP in my body, trying to influence to a certain degree. 


What I was trying to do was simple. I was trying to influence my agitated MP to open my channels.


It sounds simple, but by all means, it was anything but that. Despite my immense concentration, I was barely holding on to preventing the MP from deactivating, turning back to its inept state. Screw influencing it, even maintaining the MP to stay agitated was a task in itself. 


My sense of time eluded me as I was absorbed in this weird state of enlightenment. Beads of sweat clung to my entire body as my mind went full throttle. The space around me seemed to segregate as my sense of direction and depth quickly vanished, disorientating me. 


I was slowly getting there. At first, I was only maintaining it. Now, I was starting to move it, influencing it to my desired location. It may sound like progress, but the MP that followed my intent was too few. Also, I had to open all the channels in my body, not just one region. It was painstakingly difficult. 


It was a test of willpower. Right now, it was do or don't. I don't think I have the mental tenacity to go on for another round if I fail. 


Time passed. My whole body soaked from the constant dripping of the ceiling and my own cold sweat. I don't know how much time has passed nor do I have the time to care. Finally, at what felt like an eternity, my mind gave in. 




I cursed. My shoulders slumped, losing all their vigor. I felt sticky and narcotic all over. A sharp pang of discomfort ran across my entire body, leaving me both troubled and anxious. I was so mentally exhausted that I was shifting between a state of half-awakeness and clear consciousness.


I didn't know if I succeeded or not. But, the agitated MP had turned dormant, torpid after my long struggle. Only one way to find out, I thought. I flex my channels, specifically the ones in my left hand. It was a basic technique to get used to MP manipulation. All players pass level 25 were taught to do this. Such an act was similar to breathing to me. 


I waited. However, nothing happened. I bit my lips, frustrated at wasting my time and mental energy on such a futile experiment. Suddenly, at the peak of my disappointment and dissatisfaction, a change occurred. 


A thin, faint azure blue hue started enveloping my left arm. It looked fragile as if it would break from a breeze of wind. But, despite that, I was astonished. With a dry, unhinged laugh, I spoke in the eerie hallway. 


"No way. I fucking did it?" 


I did it. 


I forcibly awakened my MP channels.


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