I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 18: Repercussions

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 18





A thunderous shockwave resounded in the entire corridor we were in. I felt a cracking sensation followed by bits of flesh and blood flying in every direction. 




A wordless, mute scream left my mouth as a mind-numbing pain scattered across my entire left arm. I had broken my left hand. 


Gnashing my teeth, I reach out to my backpack with my only-functioning hand and took out a health potion. Downing the contents, my mind temporarily calmed down. 


Damn it. That hurts so much… The pain was knocking at my consciousness. If it weren't for the potion, I would have passed out. 


Losing my strength, I sat down, my back leaning against the nearest wall as I took a deep, steady breath. 


The bones in my left hand were slowly recovering, the shattered fragments slowly reforming back together. The potion I took was only low-grade. So, it might take an hour for my hand to recover. It would have been a different story had I taken a higher-graded potion. 


Still, to think I'd shattered my left hand like that. I didn't expect that. But, despite the gut-wrenching pain, this was a valuable experiment. 


The game was unlike reality. This was proven from my earlier test and my awakening of MP channels. This means things that were usually restricted by the game were now possible. 


One of those restrictions was the inability to increase the potency of your body enhancement. It was strange since even at the highest level, you could only augment your body to a certain extent. 


But now, it was possible to enhance your body. However, judging from the results of my experiment, I'll be lucky to not break my body if I do increase the potency. 


I heave a sigh filled with frustration. It was unusable, and here I thought I found a game-breaking loophole to aid me in combat. Well, life wouldn't be a problem if it was that easy. 


The wolf had long since turned into a magic stone. However, I still vividly remember the damage I caused from that one attack. The power was on another level. I winced remembering the scene of flesh flying.


Too bad I couldn't use it at all. I mean, I could. That is if I wanted to break my left arm again. It would be better as a last resort attack, similar to the blade of MP, except this was a last-last resort. 


In the end, it took 45 minutes before my left hand fully recovered. 








Two wolves were currently chasing me. Right now, I was running away. They almost cornered me earlier so I was repositioning. 


Once I found a suitable spot that wasn't too compact, I turn around and activate Barrage. 


The skill shot forth as four lightning-quick thrusts direct themselves towards the first wolf, the one closest to me. Two of the four stabs were blocked by its claws whilst the rest accurately hit its jaw. 


The animal flew backward as it whimpered painfully. The second wolf appeared behind it, its fangs radiating a faint deep red hue. Saliva leaked as it tried to bite my head off. 


I threw an uppercut with my left fist. The widened mouth of the carnivore shut tight immediately. Tightening my grip on the hilt, I thrust at the belly of the wolf. 


When I felt the blade impale itself deep enough, I reverse my grip. Then, I pulled down. 


Viscera and blood permeated my vision as I cut the wolf's entire digestive system wide open. Quickly, I took a step back, narrowly missing the bits of the intestine and organs that fell. 


My senses picked up the second wolf rushing over here. I prepare myself, the tip of my blade aimed at where I predicted its head would be. 




The wolf saw my attack too, opting to use its sharp teeth to block my thrust. Seeing my thrust go nowhere, I let go of my sword, rotating my entire body as I direct a right hook at the carnivore. 


Its jaw opened slightly, loosening its hold on the blade. Seeing that, I swiftly tug my sword out of its mouth. A breath later, the wolf's jaw snapped back into place. Fortunately, I had already taken my weapon out. 


Angered by this, the beast brandish its claws, a tinge of red enveloping its razor-sharp claws. Then, it pounced. 


It simultaneously threw two slashes, both at my head and torso. I blocked the former with the edge of my blade, enshrouding it with my deep blue MP. For the latter, I pivot my foot, barely missing the hoofs by an inch. 

I shot a high knee at it, making it stumble slightly. Then, in a series of complex footwork, I assaulted the wolf with pinpoint accuracy, slashing at its vitals every time. 


After the eleventh strike, I switch my grip to a reverse one, thrusting at its skull. The tip of my blade dug itself deep into the carnivore's skull as it struggled in my grasp. 


After a few seconds, its suffering ended, turning into a magic stone. I nonchalantly pick it up and stuff it into my bag. 


Ever since I started using body augmentation, my stamina lasted longer. With my naturally high INT, I could maintain the enhancement for long periods. 


In contrast to before, when I had to take a break because of my low STM regularly, I could continue grinding without much hinder. It was a blessing. 


I continue walking, trying to find any more wolves in the numerous cavern. The 7th floor was the same as the 6th floor, but the level was one value higher. Also, there was a special monster that could appear. However, the spawn rate was low. 


I found some spawn rooms here and there, but they were all occupied by a party. It wasn't worth it fighting for the spot or sharing it. 


Taking the canteen that hung at the side of my backpack, I twist the lid and sipped on it. The cool, refreshing liquid quenches my parched throat, making me feel alive. 


Closing the lid back, I strap it back to my bag and wipe the remaining liquid out of my mouth. I feel great. Sadly, that feeling didn't last long. 




A loud, masculine shout echoed a few corridors down the line. Hearing the desperate plea of the man, I rush over, using the echoing and reverberation of his scream to pinpoint his location. 


Swiftly turning left, my legs burst with power. Loud splashes heard as I skip across the corridor. Then, when I turned right at an intersection, my eyes met my worse possible expectation. 


In front of me, there was the sight of four wolves surrounding a pair. However, one of the four wolves was considerably larger than the other three. 


Also, instead of the usual pewter gray color fur, it was much darker, close to an iron gray color. Those features confirmed what I hated to admit. 


It was an alpha wolf, the so-called 'special' monster that I didn't think would spawn. Crazy how bad my luck is, huh?


The woman was fighting against the alpha wolf with her sword, trembling. She was positioned at the back, behind the other three wolves. My face twitched, realizing how perilous the situation was. 


On the other hand, the male, who I assume was her boyfriend since they looked the same age, was trying his best to get past the three other wolves that blocked the lady's escape route. 


He was thrusting his spear desperately, hoping to break through. Sadly, it did nothing but piss off the wolves. One of the wolves, the one in front who took the most hits, angrily growled. 


Noticing its intent, I clicked my tongue. I sprint at full speed. Luckily, the distance between the man and I was relatively short, allowing me to cover it in a matter of seconds. 


The wolf was about to pounce at the guy, its claws bright red as it activated a skill. However, by then, I was right in front of the male. 


Grabbing the back of his collar with my left hand, I use my other hand to block the claws of the approaching wolf using my sword. Without hesitation, I threw the man behind me, using all the strength my left arm could muster. 


A confused cry left his mouth but I ignored it. My sword bounced back from the force of the beast's claws. I step back and turn, using the rotational force of my entire body to clash against the wolf. My blade rattled meeting its fangs. 


it was pushed back. Not sparing it a second thought, I dash at full speed, zigzagging as I avoid the two other wolves' attacks. 


I noticed the bigger wolf ready to chomp the woman alive. She shivered, accepting her fate as tears ran down her eyes. Strings of saliva trickled out of the alpha wolf's mouth as the large pointed fangs threatened to close right at her head. 


Desperation took over as I threw my only weapon at it. My custom-made sword flew in a straight line, speeding towards the iron gray carnivore.


Just as the wolf's mouth was about to snap shut, my blade hit it, bouncing back as it was unable to pierce through its thick fur. It skids across the corridor, loud clanking echoing as the metal scrapes against the bumpy pavement.


Fortunately, my attack was enough to stop the wolf from eating the woman alive. Its jaw tightened from the momentum of my desperate last resort.


Gritting my teeth, I increase the amount of MP in my legs. It wasn't enough to break my bones, but it sure did feel like it. My arrow-like attack earned me enough time to jump at the girl. 


Embracing both her head and waist with my arms, I roll. My sudden increase in speed made me lose control of my balance as I started stumbling across the floor. 


I bit my lips as the rough stone pavement kept knocking at my body. It hurts. I look at the lady I had just saved, her eyes closed as she wept. 


"You good?" 


I said curtly, taking precedent in her health. She shuddered, clearly confused by the fact she isn't dead yet. Slowly, she opened her eyes, disbelief plastered on her entire visage seeing me. 


"I-I'm fine…" 


She replied, her voice barely a whisper. Looking down at her ankle, blood was oozing out. Sighing, I took one of my potions and force-feed her. 




Ignoring her struggle, I scan the entire area. My sword was on the farther side near the wall, behind all the wolves. I grimaced, realizing I couldn't get to my weapon. I also had to protect this lady right here. 


My mind went full throttle, calculating every possible scenario that might happen. Despite that, I wasn't so confident in most of the outcomes. Taking a long, heady breath, I ease my mind. I had to make do with what I had. 


"Do you have any weapons?" 


I asked, failing to hide the urgency in my voice. She weakly nodded, pointing to her waist and then to the side of the wall. It was a dagger and sword respectively. 


I gesture for her to get back as far as possible as I unstrap the dagger holstered in her left hip. Then, taking a stance, I breathe in. 


When I was grinding, I made sure to limit my MP usage, the damage I took, and my stamina. It was to ensure that I would take as few breaks as much as possible, increasing my rate of leveling up. 


However, right now, I had to go all out. There's no point holding back, especially in this life-or-death situation. With my intent, every inch of my body was filled with MP. 


My perception and strength increase exponentially. I felt calm, like a bucket of cold water was poured on me, sobering me up. My doubts and worry vanished, leaving me confident and poised. 


Taking another deep breath, I calmly analyze what I can do. For one, I only have a dagger. It wasn't the same quality as my sword and I was barely proficient at it. 


Secondly, my sword was too far to reach. But, the girl's sword was closer. Just behind one regular wolf. Making a mental note, I sprint towards the closest wolf. 


Growling at me, It slashes its two claws at me. In response, I use Barrage. Bright red clashed with cobalt blue as the two vibrant colors fought for control. 


Three of the five stabs were wasted on pushing back its claws. The last two aimed straight at its head, oozing out blood. But, the wound wasn't anything lethal. 


Not a mere second after the fifth stab, I reverse my grip, thrusting at the side of its head. I envelop my MP in the tip of my dagger, forming a blue hue similar to when I'd activate Barrage. 


The wolf whimpered in agony. I condensed MP to my left fist, enough to make it tremble in pain. 


Then, I struck the wolf. 




Unlike my earlier attempt that broke my bones, this one only left me with slight aches as the aftereffect. 


The beast flew, and my dagger was forced to dislodge from its head. Garnet red blood trailed the path it flew in. Finally, the wolf hit the wall with a deep thud. 


Focusing my attention back on the sword, I rush towards it, grabbing the hilt as I subconsciously inspected it. The size was the same as my sword, but the weight was heavier. 


Good enough, I thought. Coating it in my MP, I strike the sharp-edged fangs of an approaching wolf. My blade stuck inside its mouth. 


Frowning, I sense another wolf coming. I strike a high knee at the first wolf's jaw bone, forcing it to eject my sword. 


Then, with the dagger in my left hand, I swirled, stabbing the first wolf's temple with the dagger whilst simultaneously blocking the second one's claws. 


Knowing the wound I inflicted on the first one wasn't deep enough, I use Barrage. A tinge of navy blue radiated before forming into three consecutive stabs. The force was enough to pierce through the fur, cracking the skull, and straight to the brain. 


Leaving it to die on its own, I concentrate on the other wolf, its claws still clashing with my temporary sword. I twist my wrist, thrusting at the wolf with the dagger. 


However, sensing my attack, it bounced back, dodging the tip of my dagger. I was about to continue my pursuit before a shiver ran down my spine. 


Intuitively, I took a step back, barely grazing the razor-sharp claws that were akin to karambit knives.


It was the alpha wolf. 


I push away the doubts and questions on my mind. It was as tall as me. Contrary to the amber eyes that the regular wolves had, the alpha had butter yellow eyes. They were slit vertically, its iron gray fur and large paw made me anxious all over. 


Forcibly shutting down my trepidation, I struck the wolf with my sword, putting all the footwork and swordsmanship I've learned in Vanitas Online to its fullest extent. 


The bigger wolf roared, matching my pace. No, it was surpassing me. Despite my blade slashing and impaling the monster, the thick fur deflected all my attempts. 


It tried to bite me, I pivot, its fangs clamping down as it met the air. I was running out of MP quickly. Using the dagger, I hurled short, weak stabs at it. 




I clicked my tongue as I sidestepped, avoiding another attack from a regular wolf. I was slowly getting cornered.


I limit my body enhancement, conserving as much MP as needed. Then, twisting my body, I stab the regular wolf with my dagger in the eye. 


In the next moment, I raise my sword to block the incoming slash from the alpha, positioning myself to reduce the amount of damage. 


My dagger sunk deep into the ordinary wolf's eye. However, the next second, a powerful force hit me on the right side of my body, forcing me to let go of the dagger, hurling across the corridor. 


I took my sword and impaled it to the ground, the tip chipping and dulling for every rattle it made. It hurt to hear, but I needed to stop my momentum. 


A deep gash appeared in my right forearm, flowing blood erratically. I coalesce MP to the wound, creating a temporary bandage that'll stop the bleeding. An azure blue hue wrapped itself to where the wound was. 


Breathing a sigh of relief, I look behind me. It was my sword. The one my uncle made for me. I couldn't reach it because I was too far away, but by using the alpha wolf's attack, I could reach it, albeit with a few injuries.


My eyes wander back to the couple, they were taking care of the wolf I stabbed in the temple earlier, the first one I confronted. They were winning, but they couldn't deal the final blow. 


I took a health potion. The distance was enough for me to safely consume one. I ready up my stance. My temporary sword from the girl in my left hand and the custom-made one in my right. 


Rushing towards the alpha, I parry the slash with my left sword. Twisting my body, I strike with my sword. 




Blood seeped through the side of its body, the thick iron-gray turned scarlet red from the wound. A bewildered look bloomed on the bigger wolf. 


Surprised? Previously, I said that equipment was tantamount to a person's life. That was true. My sword, made with my uncle's passion and patience, is the perfect tool for cutting this behemoth. 


Caution began to appear in its eye. Making a mental note, I began my onslaught. I strike the alpha wolf with practiced sword arts, using my left sword to parry and block all its attacks whilst slashing at it with the sword in my right hand. 


My attacks were superficial at best. However, as the battle prolonged, those wounds began to add up. 


Deflecting another bite, I repeatedly stab at its legs. My meager MP reserves are making me light-headed. 


The front left leg bled, limiting the wolf's movement. I rotate my body, directing a slash at it with my left sword. Growling, it opened its jaw, revealing the sharpened white fangs. 


It bit down the moment my blade was about to reach it, locking it down in place. Then, it lunges towards me, making me tumble, dragging me across the floor. 


Clenching my teeth to bear the pain, the puddles of water soaked my hair and armor, the rough pavement thumping as my leather armor took the blunt force. 


Eventually, I hit the wall. And I hit hard. My head took most of the force followed by my armor. I willed the last of my MP to protect the back of my head. 


Strings of saliva hung, dripping to the floor as the sword prevented it from chomping me alive. Meeting its menacing butter yellow eyes, I smirk at it. 


Got you. 


Letting go of my sword that was in its mouth, I use both hands to thrust below its mouth with the other sword. Because that part of its body had less fur, the tip of my blade easily pierced through, drawing blood. 


Using it as leverage, I move, performing a well-practiced grapple technique, utilizing my entire body as weight to force the wolf down to the ground. 


The alpha fell to the ground in a splooting position, exposing its belly, the side where there's next-to-no fur. 


Like an unhinged man, I grin and reverse the grip on my sword. Wielding it with both my hands, I thrust. 




It ravaged around, helpless. I struck it deeper. Then, I did it again. I repeatedly stabbed the alpha wolf with no remorse, almost like a machine on auto-pilot. 


I only stopped when it didn't resist, its body limp, ineffectual. Black clouds of smoke converge before taking its body away to God's knows where. 


I sat there, tired. The exhaustion coming in whole, similar to a speeding truck. My fingertips let go of my swords, clanking to the ground. 


[Level increased!] 

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