I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 3: Even the villain has his own story

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 3

「Even the villain has his own story」


Not only was I shocked but my parents seem so to. I mean, if it was the usual Lukas, he would be jumping up and down from excitement to finding an excuse to visit Rose. My reaction completely defied their understanding of me. 

My sister had a shocked expression on her face, before turning into a passive one as the gears in her head began to turn. I didn't know what she was thinking but I felt scared at my usual cheeky and airheaded sister using her brain. 

"What's wrong dear? You don't want to visit Rose?" (Mom) 

My mom said with a concerned look, but I could make out the faint glint of hope in her eyes. I didn't notice this before but my parents weren't very fond of Rose. Partly because of her cold attitude towards me. They didn't hate her, but they also didn't like the fact that their own son was being treated like that. They probably wanted me to go for another girl other than Rose. 

My sister especially disliked Rose. Compared to my parent's mature feelings towards Rose, not leaning towards hate or fondness. My sister loathes her. This almost created a rift in our relationship, which was stupid in my opinion. Rose wasn't even my girlfriend.  
What was Lukas' thinking ruining his relationship over his own blood-related sister over some girl? 

"No. I want to greet Aunt Olivia and Uncle Adam." 

I was too embarrassed to admit I don't like Rose anymore. So I did the second best thing. I indirectly told them I didn't like Rose anymore by emphasizing the point of wanting to visit my uncle and aunt. By the way, Olivia Hart and Adam Hart are the names of Rose's parents. I was close to them, evident by the fact that I call them uncle and aunt. The only problem was that they were clueless to their daughter's hatred towards me. 

Bidding goodbyes to my parents, I head over to Rose's place… or I was suppose to. I was taking a detour. I wasn't mentally prepared enough to face her. Even if I prepare myself, I knew I still might fumble when the time comes. I was honestly getting numb from the emotional bullshit that I had to deal with. 

I went down a local cafeteria that I often went to. Thirty minutes. That's how much time I believe I could stall before going to Rose's house. Anymore than that and it might arouse suspicion. Making my way through a corner, a wooden sign greeted my eyes. 

【Nando's Cafeteria ☕】

Nodding my head, I enter the cafeteria. A gentle ringing sound rang when I opened the door. The cafeteria didn't have many constumer. They were all mainly regulars of the establishment. Sitting over to the spot where I usually sit at, I relax my body. 

The soft music in the background, the fuzzy and cozy atmosphere of the cafeteria, and the various ambient noises such as chattering calmed my mind. I was surprised when this place kept appearing when I skimmed through Lukas' memory, but it made sense the deeper I look into it. 

Lukas' admission in Vanitas was no luck. I could vouch from his memories. He lacked in the practical and physical portion of the exams because of his initial stats, but he made up for it with his intellect. There were countless days where he would go to this very cafe and revise on his exams. Hours and days spent studying in this very place to enter Vanitas High. 

As for his reasoning? Because Rose was planning on going to Vanitas High too. Rose was talented. She was more inclined to be accepted to Vanitas High. However, Lukas was not. He found this cafe and made it his safe haven to study. Even after getting accepted, this place became so comforting to me that I would frequently visit this place whenever I had the time. 

"Oh, Lukas." 

"Hey, boss. Give me the strongest drink you got." 

"… Okay? You look like you're going to battle?" 

"Something like that…" 


The man named "Boss" chuckled. His real name was Fernando. I don't know his last name though. He owns this cafeteria which explains the name. He looked around middle-aged, gray hair and eyes, a whole lot of wrinkles, a deep scar running down his left eye, and a massive stature. He looked intimidating at first, but he was quite a gentlemen if you get to know him. 

Everyone who regularly frequents this place calls him boss. Naturally, I came to call him boss. I also heard he has a daughter but I haven't seen her since coming here. I'm quite acquainted with the regulars of the cafe. They were all nice towards me.

"Here's your housemade espresso." 

"Mhm… Thanks." 

Taking the espresso, I take a sip. I knew you had to down it in one go but I wanted a reason to stay longer. The bitter taste of the drink drowned my taste buds as it made its way down my throat. I was quite a coffee enthusiast in my previous life and this life, so I learned to appreciate this bitter culture. Although I said it was bitter, I could make out the faint sweetness and complexity of the espresso. It was from my countless years of experience from drinking coffee. 

"How is it?" 

"Delicious as always boss." 

"Thank you. Kids this days hate bitter coffee. They always like the sweet stuff." 

"Really? Guess I'm special then." 

"That's right. Usually, only old timers like us appreciate this bitter delicacy." 

"I can tell. My friends aren't fond of bitter tasting drinks." 

"I know right. You're probably the only kid who frequents this place. Well… Excluding my daughter." 

"Oh right, you have a daughter. I haven't seen her though."

"It's because you visit in the afternoon. She visits around this time." 

"Then why isn't she here?" 

"It's her first day at Vanitas Highschool. So she's out with friends. We already celebrated." 

"Oh… right…" 


A comfortable silence ensued after our conversation. It was usually like this. Us just chatting and basking in this serene atmosphere. Boss was like the cool uncle I wanted in my life. Whenever I was stressed or upset, I would always end up here. That was just how peaceful and comforting this place is. 

"Here's your honey cake."

"I didn't order this though..?"

"It's on the house. Congrats on attending Vanitas High." 

"How'd you know?" 

"I remember you saying you were studying to attend Vanitas High. Judging by your current state, it seems you've passed. Good to see that your efforts weren't in vain." 

"I see… Thanks." 


Taking the honey cake, I stuff my cheeks with a gentle smile. The honey cake perfectly merged with the espresso creating a perfect mixture of flavors. Boss looked at me and sighed, seemingly shocked at my appearance of cheeks being stuffed to the brim. I looked like a squirrel who overstuffed his mouth with nuts.

After gobbling down the espresso and honey cake, I paid for my meal. This place was seriously great. I feel like I could go to Rose's place and not have an emotional breakdown! Anyhow, this quick visit was well worth it. 

"Thanks alot boss. I needed that." 

"No problem kiddo. Come back again. Who knows, maybe you might meet my daughter. She's as beautiful as my wife." 

"Noted. And don't be too upset if you start calling me son-in-law." 

"Bleh! As if I want a brat like you as my son." 



A gentle breeze caress my face. My face, although chilly, still retained the warm smile since I left Nando's. The amount of time that I spent totalled up to 20 minutes. I had 10 more minutes to spare. With nothing in mind, I was walking to Rose's house slowly. 

'Hm. How odd…' 

I had noticed this before but it's starting to weigh down in my mind. 

It was regarding Lukas's past. 

The Lukas I know in the game was repulsive, insufferable, and generally an asshole in the game. It was still true from Lukas' past actions from my snooping of his memories, but it was only towards Rose that he would go to the extreme. 

To his family and friends, he was a gentle, mellow, and tender guy. He cherishes and treasures the relationships he has. Even the occasion of his sister and him fighting was only because of Rose. It was weird. The game completely depicts Lukas Gasper as the classic third-rate villain that anyone gets annoyed with… But as the current possessor of both his body and memories… 

He felt human. 


What the hell am I thinking? Of course he is. It's just that… To think that outside that villainous facade is a person with real emotions, real freedom, and real feelings. It just shows how prejudicial I was of Lukas and his personality. I still have a hard time thinking that this boy who was so confident in talking with an older person was a stuttering mess because of a girl his age. Or how gentle and loving he is towards his family but is a total ass in public. 

It was such a big contrast to the game… 

Right. I always call it the game. But it isn't really a game anymore, isn't it? Death was an actual thing. You couldn't respawn anymore. And even Lukas Gasper, a third-rate villain whose only purpose is to be a stepping stone for the protagonist, has his own will. 

This was reality. 

Faced with such a cold fact, my face hardened. I didn't miss my previous world. In fact, I don't have any emotional attachments to that place. However, my previous world was peaceful. Compared to this world where slaves, killing, and death is the norm, I'm a little concerned. 

I thought I could just avoid the plot and level up comfortable. To explore this world like in the game and come back to a loving family. Yes, that would ideal. But it wouldn't be that easy, would it? This world isn't as peaceful as my previous one. My family and I could die because of some random noble's wrath. 

I didn't want that. I wanted to protect this family. As the new Lukas, I was determined to do so. But for that to bare fruit, I needed to be strong. Strong enough to outclass anyone in this world. I had the knowledge and experience to back it up. I just needed the time. 


A sharp exhale left my lips. I was beginning to understand the weight of this transmigration. But I wasn't going to back down and hide. I was going to carry the weight of it all. It's for my and my family's sake. 

But before that… 

I have to solve my current problems. 

My gait, that was slow and steady up until now, halted. My eyes looked up to see a single family house. It was similar to ours, except it had a different color palette. It was a house I was all too familiar with. The house I've frequented for the past 10 years of my life. 

It was the residence of the Hart family. 

The lights in their house were still on and I could make out faint noises in the background. They were still celebrating. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, I make my way towards the front door and rang the doorbell. 



The door opened as a head popped out. Red hair swayed as her round eyes peered at me with interest. Then, recognizing who I was, her eyes glistened with joy as she fully opened the door and made space for me. 

"Oh~ It's Lukas! Come in, come in. You've grown so much~. Are you here for Rose?" 

Her face, just like Rose's, was well-defined and tone. She had a few wrinkles here and there but she looked really young. An ordinary person would think she was in her 30s but I knew she was nearing her 60s. 

"Hello aunt Olivia. Are you still celebrating?" 

Olivia Hart. My aunt and Rose's mother. Our relationship was rather close. I wouldn't say she was my mother as I already had one but she does treat me like her own son. She's also the one who instigates most of my encounters with Rose, which is embarrassing the more I think about it. 

"Yes, we are. We even have some friends over." 

Friends? My eyes blink in confusion before widening in realization. Aunt Olivia seems oblivious to my reaction as she grabs my left arm and pulls me towards the living room… To where Rose and her 'friends' are. 

As much as I want to break off her hold, I couldn't do so. It wasn't because I didn't want to… It's because I couldn't. Her level was higher than mine. Which means her STR stat is stronger than mine. And considering how low my initial STR stat is, I just had to bite down the embarrassment of being pulled so effortlessly. 

With aunt Olivia pulling my arm, I stagger as I made my way towards their living room by force. My face hardened as I kept it passive. The trip to Nando's served to be worthwhile as I could get ahold of my feelings despite knowing what's to come.

Finally, what's seems to me like forever — when in reality it was only a few seconds — we made it to the living room. There were party decorations hanging from the wall, balloons were scattered about, and confetti was seen everywhere. 

It looked more like a birthday party than a celebration. 

My eyes settled on the center of the living room. There, I could make out 4 individuals. Registering who they were, I took a deep sigh as I try to control my feelings. 

In front of me stood Andrew, Troy, Stella, and Rose. The hero party as I would like to call it. As for why Andrew got here despite only knowing Rose for a day? It's probably because of plot armor or some bs. But this confirmed my initial judgement. 

Andrew was either going for Rose's route or the harem route. 

In most dating simulators, you could go through a character's route and enter a relationship with them. The developers of Vanitas Online implemented this feature in the storymode so as to satisfy the many love deprived players all across the world. 

One of the famous routes is the harem route. It's harder than regular routes as you need to pay attention to multiple girls but hey, everyone likes a challenge right? Naturally, I completed all the routes and love interests that the male character could court. It was difficult since I had no romantic experience whatsoever but in the end I pulled it off. 

In short, I know the ins and outs of each route and each heroine. This also means that I know what events happen in each route. From likes and dislikes of the heroines to the major events that increase their favorability. I knew it all. 

One of those routes was Rose's. As the first heroine, you needed to befriend her at the start of the game and visit her house to celebrate… It was the first step in increasing her favorability. 

Even in the harem route, the first step was visiting Rose's place. Either way, her house was important to keep the plot going. 

Which explains my initial reaction. 

Frankly, I don't want to talk to any of the important characters right now, but the plot pushes me towards them regardless. Anyways, I'll just give them the adequate amount of attention and go home. Staying any longer than needed is bad for my sake. 

The hero party noticed my presence as all four of them glanced at me. Andrew and Troy looked confused. Stella looks clueless as she tilts her head, and Rose glares at me. Sighing inwardly, I wave at them, albeit awkwardly. I sat down on a nearest couch, as far away from them as possible.

"You kids have fun~ I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." 

Aunt Olivia says as she went to the kitchen with a smile on her face. My eyes dimmed in despair as I sent a wishful prayer for her to come back, but alas, she left without noticing my mental anguish. 


That was the only appropriate word to describe the current atmosphere. It was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat through my ears. I didn't bother starting a conversation because of the atmosphere and my original lack of interest in talking to them. I just wanted to give my gift and be on my merry way.

"Uhmm… Hello?" 

A soft and gentle voice spoke towards me. Lifting my head up, I stare at Stella who greeted me. Now that I got a closer at her, she's really cute. Shaking my thoughts off, I respond to her. 


My voice was even and still. No hint of interest or affection heard. Still, Stella doesn't seem the least bit bothered… Actually she looks pretty bothered by it. 

"Lukas Gasper, right? Our classmate? How do you know Rose?" 

"Yes. I'm your classmate. And I'm good friends with Rose's parents." 


She smiles forcefully at my lack of interest in starting a conversation and disinterested tone. Sensing she wasn't going to say anything else, I pull out my phone and start scrolling through various social media platforms to alleviate my boredom. 

To be honest, I never really liked Stella. Sure, she was cute but her personality was the typical airheaded nice girl. I never really liked that stereotype. I could see the appeal towards her character but I wasn't digging it. 

The silence prolonged for a couple of minutes. As each minute passes, Rose's glare intensified and Stella looks more troubled. I wasn't perturbed as I kept scrolling through the latest news in my phone. I found some interesting stuff. Sadly, that didn't last long before I was begrudgingly called out. 

"Hey. What's your problem?" 

2 more chapters before I end my daily uploads. After that, I'll either go once or twice a week depending on how far ahead I'm writing. I'm sleep deprived right now, please call out some grammatical errors when you see them. 

Also, Thank you for reading!

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