I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 6: The storm

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 6

「The storm」

—Hey, isn't that him? 

—They said that he harrased Rose in middle school. 

—Disgusting. I can't believe I thought he was nice. 

—He looks like the type of person to do it too.

A frown made its way to my face. It seems someone intentionally spread malicious rumors about me. And, judging by the contents, they knew of my past in middle school. 

My eyes scanned around the classroom, eyeing everyone of their features with a cursory gaze. I soon landed on a timid looking girl, wearing thick-rimmed glasses and braided hair. An even deeper frown etched itself into my face. I took a deep, steady breath to calm myself down, controlling my facial expression.

Getting frustrated wouldn't do me any good. My reputation is already tarnished. No point in dragging it deeper to the ground. But still, to think someone from our middle school would enter Vanitas High. That was unexpected. 

My middle school was neither prestigious nor infamous. It was just mediocre. It was so normal that Rose, being the beauty she was, became an idol in her first year. In short, I never expected anyone from my middle school to be able to enroll through Vanitas' strict requirements. 

Heck, other than Rose, no one from that school should be able to enroll. I'm the only exception because of my tremendous luck, alongside my countless sleepless nights spent on studying. Or, maybe I had some plot armor that allowed me to enroll for the plot's convenience. I don't know anymore. 

Anyways, I wasn't perturbed by the glares and blatant animosity from my surrounding. I was used to it. As long they didn't do anything to me, I'll ignore it. I have far more concerning matters to attend to rather than my piss poor reputation. 

I deliberately filter out the glares and mutters. I had a certain level of resistance to this type of stuff. Then, I open the book I just closed, passing the time while I wait for homeroom to start. 

It's fine, I thought. Whether it be this life or my previous one, I was used to this. 

Sadly, because of this, I was unaware of the complicated look from a certain red-haired girl. 

Lunch break. 


"That is all for today. Have your break." 

Our history teacher, who was an elf, dismissed the class with a clap. Hearing his words, I swiftly pack my notebooks and utilities in my bag before running out of the classroom. It was suffocating in there. I may be use to it, yes. But resistance didn't mean I was immune. It was starting to get annoying staying there. 

My current destination was the canteen. It's the second safest place other than your own classroom. However, in my case, it's the safest place now. There was discrimination in school grounds, but the canteen was an exception. It was a safe haven for anyone looking to relax. 

Vanitas High had three school years and six classes per year. Each class contained 50 student give or take. The canteen of Vanitas High was designed to hold the entire student body with some space to play with. Naturally, security was a priority. Any form of discrimination may leave you with severe punishments. It doesn't matter what race or background you had. 

I talked shit about the discrimination in this place, but that didn't mean the academy gave up on it. They just have more severe cases compared to regular ones. There was a limit to what the school's eyes could see and people, usually the higher echelons of their races, exploit it. 

I arrived at my destination. Long benches spanned out the entire place in a concise and neat manner. The interior was simple, only having few decorations. The counter was filled with students in a queue, each hungrily waiting for their meals.  

On one side, the side of which I came from, had small windows showing a crowd of students eagerly entering the canteen. The other side, however, had a massive glass panel wall that showed the entire courtyard of the academy, a beautiful garden with stone sits, flowers of varying colors, and perfectly placed greenery. 

It looked like a canteen, but the feel wasn't there. For one, the size was completely different from what I experienced in earth. The size of a food court in malls if I were to make a comparison. 

Classes and races took hold of a certain space in the canteen. It seems factions and territorial claims happen in a basis. Well, I expected this to happen. People always loved to be in control, no matter the occasion. 

In the front seats, closest to the counter and near the glass wall, was were the 1st class of each year was situated. It made sense. They were the strongest so they took the most scenic spot. 

Further back in the middle seats were the 2nd to 4th class. Disputes and arguments happen regularly judging by the rising tension. Of course, no one did anything. Doing anything in this place was equivalent to offending the image of the school, the image of equality. 

Finally, at the very back, the one closest to the door and farthest from the glass panel, was the 5th and 6th class. How do I say this… They look gloomy? They didn't have the same vigor as the other classes. They were still some students who were happily chatting with their friends. But, compared to the other classes, their numbers were few. 

I move towards the counter, waiting in line. Compared to the classroom, no one cared for my existence. As long as I didn't get in their way, they wouldn't get in mine. I enjoyed such a treatment. Atleast they know to mind their own business. 

Once it was my turn, the lunch lady asked me what meal I wanted. Pointing at a standard popular item, she dialed me my order and showed me something that looked like a payment terminal. I took out my Vanitas ID and tapped it into the terminal. A ding indicating a successful transaction resounded and I took my meal. 

The Vanitas ID was not just an ID. It had some unique features that students could use to improve their quality of life. One of the more notable features was the ability to claim one meal from the canteen everyday. It saved me and my parents the trouble of preparing lunch everyday, which was nice. Also, for the less fortunate students, they get a free meal everyday. 

Other features were that you could use it as a key for your dorm room. You could also use it to access training grounds and other facilities. The uses and utility of the Vanitas ID was endless. By the way, you had to pay a fee if you lose your ID. The technology behind it cost a hefty fine. 

Finding a vacant seat, I place my tray and sit down. I wonder how the taste would be compared to earth's? The cuisine is similar, but the ingredients used are completely different.

Monsters have the probability to drop food. Chefs use those ingredients instead of the regular livestock that I'm use to in earth. It's way more reusable and economically friendly. By the way, depending on the monster, there may be buffs or debuffs in the food you eat. It really all comes down to the Chef's skills. 

I was chewing my food silently, relishing the different flavors. The meal in question was similar to curry back in my original world. However, instead of beef, a softer and tastier piece of meat was used. I think it was a type of wolf meat that was found in the 6th floor of the labyrinth. 

The vegetables looked the same. Potatoes, carrots, and the likes. The sauce of the curry took all the flavors of the vegetables so I couldn't tell if they tasted the same or not. The texture, however, was much more pleasant to eat compared to what I ate on earth. Farms in this world use MP-rich soil or air to increase the taste and texture of their crops. It seems Vanitas High outsourced their vegetables from farmers. 

It tasted better than restaurant quality curry. It may be because of the chef of the canteen or the ingredients used. But all in all, it was tasty and satisfying to eat. My earlier unpleasant mood, that was caused by the rumors, gradually softened the more I ate the curry. 


Just as I was about to finish eating my curry, a loud noise traveled across the entire canteen. All eyes, including my own, looked at the source of the sound. Others held confusion and annoyance in their eyes, but mine widened in disbelief and realization. 

"Move out of the way. This is our seat." 

A large, intimidating man said imposingly, malice leaking from his voice. Jet-black horns sprouted of each of his temples. He was from the devil race. However, judging from the size of his horns, he was a hybrid, as the horns were much shorter than the pure bloods. 

Hybrids were a term referring to an individual who has the blood of two or more distinct races. For some reason, hybrids are discriminated because of their origins. I mean, you can't stop love. Why discriminate the child of two races falling in love?

Also, behind the humans, hybrids were the second strongest race in Vanitas Online. I even met top players who utilized their mixed bloodline to the extreme. Some even more creative and intricate with their playstyle of the race.

I didn't understand why they would discriminate… No, I know why. It was to preserve the little dignity and prestige that purebloods have and the ideology that they imposed to children since birth. That anything that isn't 100% pure is different and makes them superior. 

It was ridiculous. 

"No, I don't see why I should leave when we got here first." 

A calm voice replied back to the burly man. A grimace left my mouth as I recognize the voice. It was Andrew Rubis, our protagonist. I was too preoccupied with the rumors that I completely forgot about the plot. 

This was an event. An event that could be said to be the start of everything. The event that sets the story in motion and moves the plot. Players that played Vanitas Online knew this event all too well. 

Anyways, the hybrid that was picking a fight with Andrew is from class 1-5. I said this was the start of everything as the real challenge in Vanitas' storymode is climbing from 6th class all the way up to 1st class. 

It's a step-by-step process. You couldn't cheat your way; trust me, I've tried. Even if you fully optimize your way through the storymode, you would finish at around the first semester of the second year. This is how the game was designed. 

You had to start by taking down 1-5 in the class competition that was held every end of semester. There are four semesters in a year which were separated every two months. In short, even if you win every class competition, you would end the game in the first semester of your second year. 

In my first attempt, I remember finishing in the third semester of my third year. It was pretty bad. Anyways, this confrontation in the canteen served as a bridge to escalate the conflict between classes 1-6 and 1-5. 

"I'm asking you to leave because we want to seat here, is that hard to understand?" 

"We got here first. It's our seat." (Andrew) 

A vein started forming into the devil's face. His lackeys started glaring at Andrew. I gave a small sigh in exasperation. Andrew was with his friends. Troy stood adjacent to Andrew with a frown on his face, Rose had an annoyed look on her face, and Stella looking troubled as her gaze switched between Andrew and class 1-5. 

Although all members of the hero party have high initial stats, they still don't pose a threat to class 1-5 who are around level 7-8. And from my memory, the person who started the conflict, the devil hybrid, was level 9. A fight would be disastrous. 

Not like it would happen though. They know the consequences for fighting in the canteen, a place that had close to no discrimination and conflict — atleast in public that is. But just to be sure, I stand up from my seat and tap the shoulder of the nearest guard. The guard looked at me but followed my finger that pointed towards the altercation. 

He gave me a look of understanding followed by a nod. Thinking that was enough, I go back to my seat and continued eating my curry. I didn't do it because I was scared for Andrew. Hell, he could go missing and I could care less. 

What I was worried about was Rose. I didn't want to see her hurt. It was all for my own self-satisfaction. I can't be in front of her but I can help her from behind the scenes. 

I take another bite of my curry, still looking at their commotion. It was starting to get heated as both sides increasingly get more aggressive. At first, I was apprehensive, but now, I feel amused at seeing the first event of the game in reality. Front row seats and all. 

"It seems I have to educate you human mutts about your place." 

Said the devil hybrid as he started walking towards Andrew in small, measured steps. 

Faint wisps of bloodlust and aura leaked out of his body. His right hand enshrouded with a subtle red hue as he clenched it into a fist. He was planning on using a skill. 

Andrew hurriedly stood in front of Troy, Stella, and Rose. His face calm and collected, eyes beaming with determination and resolve. Despite his good intentions, I knew it wouldn't go anywhere.

The difference in stats between the two of them is too big to cross through normal means. Also, his inherent skill was only useful with a sword. He was currently without a weapon. 

"Blame your own ignorance. Die." 

The once subtle hue intensified in color, showing a bright deep red glow as he punch towards Andrew. Andrew, in return, ducked under. 


Dust gathered and scatter in the canteen. Gasps and cries yell out from the weaker students. Groans of annoyance from the stronger ones. In the end, chaos ensued. 

"That's enough." 

The dust cleared out from the man's voice. The image of the devil hybrid being pinned to the ground by a guard was seen by the entirety of the students inside the canteen. Coincidentally, the guard that had pinned the hybrid down was the same one I had called earlier. 

Protest rose from the devil hybrid and his lackeys. All of which were ignored by the guard as he handcuffed him. Other guards soon appeared in the scene, escorting the ringleader out of there.

A tinge of disappointment appeared in my face as I realize the show was over. Well, I had my fun with that. It was better than nothing. I grabbed my spoon and took the last bite of my curry. 

Still looking at the hero party, the group surround Andrew as they worriedly ask if he was okay, to which Andrew would give a weak smile and say he was. I felt a faint sense of jealousy at Rose's worried look but shook my head. 

I take a sip from the juice that the meal had. The fresh taste of various fruits clashed together to create a complex yet sweet tasting drink. I always loved mixed fruit juice. It wasn't anything like the wrenched orange or lemon juice. Bite me, I dare you. 

Whilst in the midst of drinking, my eyes met Stella. A look of surprise seen in her adorable face. She looked so innocent, it was rather alluring. Her visage quickly changed into a look of resolute as she started walking towards my direction. 

What the… What is she doing? I was confused. A few moments later, I realize her intention. I chug the mixed fruit juice, much to my reluctance. It's okay, I'll just buy one later. After making sure there wasn't any juice left, I stood up. 

"Hey Luka—" 



Ignoring her, I bolted out of the canteen. I felt her strong gaze in my back. I felt bad. But it was quickly overwritten by the consequences that her kindness — as  troublesome as it is — would entail. She probably isn't even aware how her kindness eats others away. 

I don't hate Stella. Never have. Our compatibility is just the worse. From her relationship to the hero party, her troublesome kindness, and overall nature, we were meant to be enemies. 


It would be best if she gave up on me. 

End of class. 

"And remember, all students have to get their A-ID by the end of the week. You can do so by showing your Vanitas ID in the adventurer's guild. That is all, class dismissed." 

Mr. Jackson ended the class and left the classroom. Following his words, I start packing my things. Excitement rose from the pits of my stomach. The idea of finally exploring the dungeon was more than enough to elate me. And, since I had registered my A-ID earlier than anyone, I wouldn't meet the hero party at all. 


I froze. The sad voice of Stella caught me off guard. I didn't think she'd contact me this fast. It was unexpected. I wanted to ignore her, but I couldn't do so. Not when everyone was looking at us. 

"What is it?" 

"Phew… You didn't ignore me." 

"I was considering it." 

"Hahaha… Please don't joke about it…"

I kept my mouth shut and face passive. She noticed my mood and her mouth hung.

"You're… joking right?" 


"Urgh… I don't even know what I did to deserve this." 

"… So, what do you want?" 

"… You were the one who called the guard, right?"

I raised a brow. Damn, this girl is unexpectedly sharp. How did she know? Did the guard snitch? Or, did she see me? Nevertheless, I half-expected this, especially after she tried to talk to me earlier. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

Stella gave me a smile, a knowing smile. I felt uncomfortable, like all my secrets were pried open.

"Is that so..?" 

She seems satisfied by my answer. I was still confused. I didn't understand her at all. My understanding of Stella Wilson in the game was slowly crumbling. Without waiting for my response, she turned around and walked back to Andrew and Co. 

After our conversation, I chose to pack my things and leave. Everyone in class was eyeing either Stella or I after our interaction. Their gazes were annoying. I also wanted to go to the dungeon as early as possible. 

In the end, I left the classroom as quickly as possible… completely oblivious of the twinkling gaze from Stella Wilson.

I'll upload another chapter tomorrow. I've also changed the tags after brainstorming for a bit. Of course, I intentionally withdrew some tags for the sake of the plot. Anyways, 

Thank you for reading!

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