I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 23

"Okay everyone. Make sure each group is 3 people each."


The whole class was right now grouping up as 3 people each. Because today is when we will be making cookies!

"Tau~! We are in the same group!"


"T-Thanks for inviting me, Princess Tauro. I-I will do my best"

"No need to be so stiff, Elenoir"

"Mm. Relax."

I was quite excited, as this will be my first time making cookies. I really enjoy cookies, specially the soft ones. Because they easily crumble in your mouth.

In conclusion, they are delish.

As we prepared the ingredients, Elenoir asked me If I had ever done any cooking before.

"No. But Onee-chan knows how's to cook."

"Your big sister does?"

"Mm. But it's Annette that makes the sweets, and sometimes sandwiches."


"Annette is Tau's personal maid and bodyguard."

As they chatted along, I was having fun reading [Cooking for Dummies: How not to burn down the entire kitchen].

The book was pretty thick, and I finally found the cookie section on page 5, in it's table of context. And that's just the [Beginner] section. The table of context even goes up to page 50.

They have many different types of recipes for cookies. Maybe we should go with something simple? Because simple is always the best!

I then went to page 850, for their most easy cookie recipes for beginners.

Chess Cookies [Beginner]:
       200g unsalted butter
       1dl powdered sugar
       4 1/2dl flour
       2tsp vanilla sugar
       2tbsp cocoa

  Do as follows:
       1) Take out the butter so that it has time to warm up.
       2) Whisk together the butter and sugar until smooth.
       3) Add the wheat flour, a little at a time, and continue beating until it forms large crumbs.
       4) Divide the dough in two. Add vanilla sugar to one and cocoa to the other. Press each part together separately, to make two balls.
       5) Take the dough on a tray and divide it into two parts so that you have two light and two dark parts.
       6) Roll out into lengths and press them against the baking tray so that the lengths have flat edges. Place them close together, two on top of the other to form a small chess pattern.
       7) Leave to rest in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
       8) Set the oven to 200°C
       9) Take out the length and cut about 3-4 mm thick slices.
       10) Place the cookies on a baking tray with baking paper and bake in the middle of the oven for about 8-10 minutes.

The book didn't lie about it when it said it was their most easiest recipe they had for beginners.

With this recipe, we shouldn't be able to make any mistakes!


Tia and Elenoir was currently down in the dumps, while I was preparing the finishing touches to the dough. How did it end up like this? Well...

Tia managed to put in 1dl of salt in her own dough while Elenoir managed to make her dough into, uhhh... a living dough that's screaming in agony? How did she even manage that? Did she use a mandrake or something? But then again, those shouldn't exist in this world. Probably.

After I put our chess like cookies into the oven, I gave Tia and Elenoir a little head pat. The mood started to brighten a little.

Tia smiled while Elenoir got bright red in the face. Did she get embarrassed from head pats?

Once the cookies finished baking I took them out of the oven and placed them on top of our table to let them cool.

"They look quite plain, for being sweets."

Said Elenoir, as she has only eaten sweets from famous high quality brands which are very popular within the high society. So she has never tasted, or even seen how commoner food even looks like.

Tauro however, didn't really care as long as it was tasty. Even if the sweets where a high class brand, a snack from a convenience store, or handmade by Annette, a snack is a snack. She liked handmade ones the best though.

When they cooled down enough to be eaten, the girls put one cookie into their own mouths.

"They are quite tasty. A little dry, tough."

"Indeed. But Tau did her best making these, so they are even more yummy~."

"Mm. Tasty. Will give some to Onee-chan and Annette."

"I'm sure they will like it, Tau."


While I was eating my share of the cookies, I looked at what the others made. And, well... Plenty of people had managed to make their cookies into charcoal.

I guess they didn't follow the simple recipies.

I though while putting another cookie into my mouth.

Little did Tauro know, that nearly everyone was trying to go for the [Advanced] recipes. And then there where a few that didn't think that following a recipe was even necessary.


""We're home~""

"Welcome back Tauro-sama, Tiatania-sama."

As we got home, Annette replied to us with a smile as she walked to the entrance. I walked up to Annette and gave her a tiny white paper bag with a ribbon on it. It was filled with cookies we made earlier today.

"Annette. Here."

"This is?"

"Chess cookies. We made them in our home economics class. It was quite fun, and it was my first time making cookies."

"Thank you, Tauro-sama."

Said Annette softly with a smile while gently stroking Tauro's hair.


This chapter should have been released last week, but due to work, I was quite busy. I basically had to redesign the entire Options UI on the game I'm working on, and I'm terrible at UI Design.

As always, I appreciate your continued support of my not so great story.

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