I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 25

Tia and I went to the arcade centre in the city today. And of course, Annette was there too, as our escort.

When we arrived inside the arcade, there were plenty of arcade cabinets that you could either play against someone or against the computer.

I picked arcade game called "Road Fighter X", and it was a really fun beat 'em up game.

As I was playing, some boys that entered the arcade. When they noticed that I was playing this game, they thought it would be fun to crush me at the game because they said they couldn't possibly lose against a girl.

But the moment they decided to challenge me, their fates where sealed. I one-sidedly beat them up. It wasn't even a competition from the start.

"What?! I got beaten by a twerp?!"

They got quite shocked for being beaten by the opposite gender. The boys quickly left the arcade centre right after.

"Coming in high and mighty, just to get beaten, they started sulking and quickly left the arcade?"

Annette said with an exasperated sigh.

We also checked on the other games in the arcade.

One of them being the ufo catcher games. Some even had candy in them.

I learned that these type of ufo catcher games where really popular in the eastern continent, and now they started to appear here to.

"Tia, look. You can win a [Prinkles: Fried Chicken Flavour] and one with... [Ramen] flavour?"

"Ramhen? What's that?"

"I don't know? Do you know what it is Annette?"

"Erm.. I'm not really sure myself. But I did read about this [Ramen]. It's quite popular in the [Rising Sun Empire], since there are many products that use this ramen flavour. That's all I know from what I have read. But do you want to try it, Tauro-sama?"

"Mm. I want to try it."

"It sounds interesting, so let's try winning it, Tau!"


We quickly went to the ufo catcher machine and tried our best. After 5 tries, we finally got it.

As we opened it, we noticed it was basically potato chips. And once we tried them out, well, they had an unique flavour.

It wasn't bad, but it's not something I would eat all at once. I think a drink would go well with it though, that way, you won't get overpowered by the flavour.

The next ufo catcher game was one with plenty of plushies.


Tia and I was starring at it intensely, eyes sparkling.

"Tau, let's get the biggest one."

"Mm. The most fluffiest one all."

We both stared at the large plushies at the centre of the machine. They where fluffy looking animal plushies. One looked like a fox, a wolf, a cat and a dog.

After a few tries, we finally got 2 of the plushies. The one I've got was the fox one. Tia managed to get the cat one.


Tia had a large smile across her face while she was hugging her cat plushie. It was quite cute.

"Tauro-sama, it looks like they have a photobooth over there."

Not far from where we where, there was a few booths that allow for taking pictures. I have seen those in manga, but never been in one before.

"Oh? Let's take a photo of this day then!"


As we entered the booth, I noticed it was quite small. But it was just large enough for all of us. Tia and Annette was reading the simple manual of how to operate it.

All we had to do was to insert some money, and press a button. Then we have 5 seconds to take our poses. This one took 3 different photos, with a delay of 3 seconds between each.

Tia paid the needed amount and pressed the button.

For the first photo, we looked into the camera while holding our plushies. The second one Tia decided to hand over her plushie to Annette so she could hug me. On the third one, just right before it was taken-




S-She kissed me on the cheek?!

It was so surprising that I passed out from embarrassment. But for some reason, I did not hate it.

I would much later on look fondly on this very day. But that, is a story for another time.

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