I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 28

When we came back to the Inn, it was time to eat dinner since it was getting pretty late.

The food they served was eastern based, but it was pretty good.

After our dinner, came the most exciting part! The hot spring!

I have never been to one before, so I'm not sure what to expect. All I know they separate the baths trough gender.

"This is my first time being in a hot spring. But not only that, my first time is with Tau?~!"

"I have been to hot springs a few times. I'm sure you will enjoy it."

"I-I hope it's not super hot."

"Mm. Being burned isn't fun."

"No need to worry. Establishments such as these makes sure the temperature is perfect. Basically, It will be hot, but not in the way where it gives you burns or being unpleasant."

"I-Is that so, Elenoir?"

To which Elenoir nodded to Anna.

As we got closer to the baths, a staff member called out to us.

"May you perhaps be Princess Tiatania and Princess Tauro?"


"Yes, we are."

"We have reserved the [Royal Suite] baths for you. Please, come this way. Your friends may also join with you."


Anna and Elenoir got quite surprised after hearing that statement.

Tia and I followed the staff member, but since I noticed Anna and Elenoir was standing still, I called out to them.

"Mm? Aren't you coming Anna, Elenoir?"

""Ah! R-Right away!""

When we entered the baths reserved for royalty, we noticed how fancy it looked. It reminds me of back home in the other world. The bath in the castle was also very fancy and huge.

But this was the indoor baths. They have the old fashioned style right outside, as they called it. And since it was reserved for royals, we got a better view of the surrounding area. I could even see the city from here. And because it was now dark, the view looked gorgeous.

Bright shining stars, a city far away filled with bright lights, a cool breeze, and of course, a cosy hot spring.

This is my first time being in a hot spring. And it feels amazing~! All my worries are just melting away~~

As I was enjoying the view, Tia leaned her head against my shoulder.

"It's quite beautiful. Isn't it?"


"You two for the past week have been quite lovely dovely, haven't cha? Makes me quite jealous you know."

Elenoir said with a teasing smirk.

"W-What do you mean Elenoir?"

"Hm? You haven't noticed Anna?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"Umm... Long story short, those two started dating."

"Ah... Eh?!"

As Elenoir and Anna was talking to each other, I was busy enjoying the view and the warm bath.

After our bath, we were now back in our room in our pyjamas. Our room was also outfitted with tatami mats and very decorative walls and ceiling. Our room was really designed for royalty.

Not only that, if you looked closely enough, there were guards everywhere. Well, not in our room of course. But I only noticed it when Tia pointed it out to me.

"I mean, who in the world would let royalty go around without guards?" Is what she told me.

We also had our fluffy futons laid out by the staff. It's my first time sleeping in a room with [Rising Sun Empire] design. Maybe it's because the area is heavily inspired of what they left behind?

I mean, our guide said that it became a massive tourist attraction by cheer accident.

I tucked myself in my futon with a satisfied face. It was quite fluffy and warm. It's still feels weird, that we are sleeping on the floor. I expected it to be hard, but it's actually quite soft.

"Sleeping on the floor sure is weird."

"Y-Yeah. But, I think it's a good learning experience."


"U-Umm... What I mean by that, is that we will learn how those who live and come from [Rising Sun Empire] still sleep like this. W-Well, maybe not everyone. But some do."

"Anna, do you know their culture?"

"N-No. I do not, Princess Tauro. I read it when we were being guided around. Um, do you want to hear about it?"


"It sounds interesting."

"Yeah, do tell us about it Anna."


Anna then proceeded to talk and explain some of [Rising Sun Empire] history and culture. I think It's good to learn about other cultures, so you can get a deeper understanding of them. But not only that, I had a feeling that this would be on our homework as well.

Most people from [Rising Sun Empire] don't really sleep on tatami mats anymore, but on modern beds. But some still do, as they want to keep the old culture alive. One example being this Inn.

Of course, they don't use the same materials as they did back then. The tatami mats we are sleeping on is actually made from soft synthetic fibbers. Basically, its made to be super soft and even if you would accidentally fall on it, it wouldn't hurt that much. If you don't fall on your tailbone that is.

I don't really get how any of that works, but it sounds really impressive.

All I know from [Rising Sun Empire] and [Eashen] is that they are on the forefront when it comes to science, technology and space stuff.

"Oh, now that you mention it..."

"Hm? What is it Tau?"

"Um. I just remembered that the [Rising Sun Empire], [Eashen] and a western country are working together on a new space thingy."

"U-Um... Are you perhaps talking about [Project: New Frontier] they published a few years ago?"


"Fufu~ I happen to actually know a lot about that, ya know!"

Elenoir said with a smug with her hands on her hips.

"Oho~? Let me guess, your father's company is also working on this project?"

"Looks like you looked into it, Princess Tiatania. But yeah, my father is helping with funding and research. They will be showing it off next year. They say it will be the next step on space exploration!"

"Eh?! T-Tell me more about it!"

Anna was quite excited about space, while Elenoir had a broad grin on her face. Looks like they really like about space stuff.

Tia was interested, but like me, she had no clue when they went on and on about space talk, universe and some other mumbo jumbo talk.

As they excitedly talked about space, I got quite tired and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that Anna and Elenoir was snoring quite loudly. Looks like they talked until the middle of the night.

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