I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 21 - Meow meow meow meow

Zhu Zhumei, didn’t you just say you want to quit? Hahahaha

I’m sorry to eat small dried fish, I have my own idea in my hand orz

A firework, ah, ah, I was previously clouded by the goddess Amway, went over the wall and went to Tucker to watch his live broadcast. I just did n’t see my face and did n’t respond. In the future, you will be addicted to 2333. Grid Party Novels

Boy B Fireworks What are you talking about stolen?

The feeling of this live broadcast of the cloud clip is indeed a bit special, wait and see first.

After a while, the bathroom arrived.

The bathroom that Gu Yumian likes most is the bathroom, because the area is large enough and it can be transformed. Immediately after he arrived, he dispatched an intelligent robot to arrange it again.

“I’m tired all day,” Gu Yumian held the dumplings. “Let’s take a comfortable bath for the dumplings. Come and help me, and prepare a dessert for you in a while.”

Baby Panda’s round eyes looked around curiously. It didn’t seem to hate the bathroom environment, but the fluffy little legs and front paws still hugged Gu Yumian tightly and didn’t want to come down.

Xiao Xuebao tried to sneak it out of Gu Yumian’s arms. After being discovered by Gu Yumian, he looked away casually.

Gu Yumian “

There are many fluffy terrestrial animals in the public review. By nature, many of them are very resistant to bathing.

One of them feels uncomfortable and insecure when they are wet with bath water, and the other is that the small and dark environment makes them feel like they are locked in a small cage box, which is subconsciously resisting .

But this is not the case.

As Gu Yumian walks into the bathroom, the audience can gradually see all the surroundings

The bathroom, which should have been relatively low in light, was relatively spacious and bright.

Soft natural light comes in from the frosted glass, and the colors are cute and warm with non-slip cushions, and there is no moisture and narrowness in every corner. A small but wide bathtub, the shape and size are completely designed for cubs such as dumplings and snow leopards.

Cloud clips this bathroom design i like

Boy B is barely okay.

Gu Yumian looked at the barrage and only smiled.

“Yuanyuan,” he first gave water with his hands and asked the baby panda to test the temperature with his paws. “How does the temperature feel?”

Xiao Tangyuan thought that Gu Yumian was playing a game with it, and happily pressed both soft paws in Gu Yumian’s palm and left and right to play for a while. Gu Yumian couldn’t help but couldn’t help but . Instead, the little snow leopard was very displeased.

Half a minute later, Xiao Tangyuan held Gu Yumian’s right hand and stepped into the shallow bathtub carefully.

The bathtub was really shallow. When the baby panda sat down, it just happened to be in the position of its small white belly. It was also curious to use its claws to poke the water on its belly.

Gu Yumian sat cross-legged next to the bathtub, letting Xiao Xuebao’s little head lean against his shoulders so he held it, then leaned down and held a warm towel to help the baby panda brush the soft fur on his body, while talking to two Children gossiping.

“It ’s windy outside,” Gu Yumian said, holding a towel in one hand and picking up some warm water to sprinkle on the dumplings. “Today the capital star sky is particularly blue. Do we smell a bunch of eustoma flowers in our garden?”

This bathroom is not completely enclosed. It has a half-open shutter, and the light is light. The air is flowing, and the wind is blowing from the window, taking away all the moisture and sweltering.

The audience and Xiaotangyuan had the same perspective, and at this time, the sense of substitution was strong.

With Gu Yumian’s words, many people couldn’t help closing their eyes, and the tip of their nose did indeed smell the scent of the eustoma flowers in the wind. You can’t see it clearly, but the sound and light colors still appear in your brain.

Behind a layer of frosted glass, there is a blue sky in midsummer, with cicadas and wind, and it does not look sultry.

The lisianthus mellow mellow in the wind makes this summer look gloomy and romantic, like the light and shadow overlapping words in the poet’s pen.

Obviously bathing, but did not feel the slightest usual nervousness. Even because of the young man’s gentle words, the whole person seems to be trapped in the drowsy zephyr in the summer afternoon, faintly filled with various imaginations for the whole day.

Then, a stream of water at the right temperature came on the skin.

All public reviewers opened their eyes at the same time.

The feeling of fur moistened by the warm water can make people feel at ease and contentment. The young man’s hand was gently pressed along with the water flow to gently smooth the knotted hair. His method was patient and gentle, and he gently pressed his chin from his chin to his stomach, then his back. Every second was comfortable enough to make people want to close their eyes and sigh.

The baby panda closed her eyes and was almost a bit sleepy in this atmosphere. From time to time, the little paw clicked on the palm of Gu Yumian and yawned with satisfaction.

The water took away all the dirt, and even the exhaustion of the long journey was thrown behind him.

In the air, the smell of bath salt is mixed with a little lisianthus smell, and the light bamboo leaf smell on Gu Yumian’s fingers. His light touch meant a kind of companionship, a kind of tolerance, and a gentle embrace embraced the whole person.

Like a big brother that everyone wanted to have in childhood.

He can take you to fly a kite, go to the beach on the beach to collect shells, and go to the mountains and the wild to play. He can also go home with a drowsy person after a tired day and help you take a comfortable hot bath.

Many public reviewers feel that this moment is already extreme, and the next moment is even more memorable.

“After the shower, we will have a nap by the floor window,” said Gu Yumian, the kissed little snow leopard who was also quiet. “You wake up and you can eat dinner, and afterwards there is ice watermelon, by the way You can also drink watermelon juice. “

“By the way, we moved the small table under the wooden promenade to eat. It is said that Capital Star can see the Big Bear constellation and see if you can find it.”

Surrounded by warm water, the temperature seems to be able to flow into the blood vessels, and every cell is telling the comfort of the moment.

Gu Yumian’s movements are slow, and his voice is gentler than the wind in the summer afternoon. He always arranges everything as appropriate and appropriate as this, people always involuntarily trust him, rely on him, and want to follow him. Many places, do everything.

The wind is soft, this beautiful and nostalgic afternoon will end a little.

But it is not regrettable, because the gorgeous golden red evening is immediately followed by the steaming aroma of food, the starry river of midsummer, the ice watermelon and the story that can never be heard, and a long and pleasant dream.

The public reviewers were speechless.

It wasn’t until a few minutes before all the barrage flooded out.

Chocolate candy, ah, ah, ah, ah, what is it like?

Love to eat small fish is so comfortable oh oh oh oh, why ca n’t you throw gifts in the review system? I now want to smash fireworks for everyone to come to Kangkang fairy brother qaq

The small cloud clips suddenly felt that the summer of the past few decades was gone, so it was worthy of the summer.

When Boy B came in, I thought I could barely make an e to pass. Now I even think that playing the s-class underestimates the anchor, shit, and give you a knee.

A curtain of Youmeng has been played at level A. Thank you for giving me a 200-year-old old aunt who also experienced the feeling of being cared for as a child. It is really rare. The middle-aged crisis and the problem of promotion of hair loss and insomnia have not been so easy and pleasant for a long time, thank you.

This thousand popular reviews come from all ages and classes of Capital Star. From new adult students to middle-aged housewives and even senior leaders who have nothing to do in retirement

The reason why public review is difficult, it is difficult to please so many people of different ages at the same time. The difficulty is too much. It is like singing and dancing live broadcast audiences targeting young people, shopping makeup live broadcast targeting young women, outdoor travel live broadcasting targeting sedentary offices. Office worker.

Gu Yumian’s live broadcast, which is hard to be divided into, is the first time in history that it has been exhausted. No barriers, no barriers, everyone can see, and you can get a very unique experience.

Except for a few judges who did not watch the live broadcast at the beginning, they scored at e-level. The remaining 900 people all scored carefully after seeing the end of the live broadcast.

A total of 967 people, a very small part of which was b, more than 600 of them all scored a grade, and the most amazing thing is that the remaining two hundred people scored s

All the official reviewers to the public reviewer are extremely cautious. Although the public reviewers are volunteers from all ages, they have also been trained on the wire. It is impossible to give such high scores casually.

Gu Yumian ’s live broadcast of this very simple review set the highest average score since the establishment of the review system.

The results of this data were also quickly fed back to official and high-level stars.

There weren’t many things in the afternoon. The chief ceo Fang Leina of Xingkong Live was just watching the live broadcast. At this time, the table stood up.

“Xiao Zhang,” she called out to her assistant from Changhong with a tone, and retrieved a file on the light brain, “Go to the personnel department and ask them to submit an application for the S-level anchor review process to the government”

Even Fen Lena, who is a long-time churros, was a little excited at this time. There is no s-class anchor in the entire capital star. If the first s-class anchor can appear under their starry sky, it will undoubtedly add a lot of honor to her face.

Xiao Zhang’s excitement “Okay, do you have anything else?”

Fang Leina “Hurry up, wait.”

Xiao Zhang “”

Fang Leina touched the tip of her nose with a little embarrassment. “Cough, by the way, I need a signed photo of Gu Yumian.”

Xiao Zhang “”

After that, the chief ceo has begun to chase the stars. Is it still necessary for the newcomer anchor game half a month later?

Starry pill.

That night, Weibo.

With a total population of 700 million people, Tucker ’s traffic is incomparable to Capital Star ’s. The capital city of Xingguang has a population of 30 billion people in Xiacheng District. Every day, people are posting Weibo and Weibo. The more people who stay up all night and sleepy, the harder they are.

Xiao Wang is one of them.

But she stays up late not because she stays up late, but because of insomnia. I tried all the treatments. It was really effective to take sleeping pills at first, but she woke up the next day after falling asleep with the drug. She really didn’t want to try the second time.

I just stayed there and fell asleep at four or five in the evening, and then got up to work again at seven the next day.

“Well, I’m too difficult,” Xiao Wang was bored on the bed, brushed Weibo, and suddenly found a hit.

Xiaoming, a classmate who particularly loves to spit, reposted this Weibo, and you will have a good night’s sleep video tonight.

Little King “”

I’ve heard of retweets, good luck with reposting, and what kind of ghost can retransmit 100% sleep, but it just scratched her itch. Insomnia is also insomnia anyway. It ’s better to die as a live horse doctor

She pressed retweet, I do n’t know what special settings, after the repost, the video automatically started to play, and the person who posted the video reminded the audience to wear a holographic device.

The video was only twenty minutes in total. The first picture was a bit scratchy, and I heard the sound of water in my ear. Is this youth human? Xiao Wang frowned a little at first.

But soon there was no time to think about it.

The progress bar goes forward a little bit.

The gentle touch descends like a feather, the scorching heat in the air and the eustoma flowers are the starry sky and summer fireworks outlined in the words of youth

Contentment and comfort unknowingly climbed to the nerve endings of the brain that was originally extremely anxious, and all the stress and fatigue were cleaned up together.

Without even seeing the end, Xiao Wang’s eyelids pulled down unconsciously, and he was drowsy.


This is the case for almost everyone. Therefore, this Weibo was reposted countless times, but there were very few comments. It was not until the next morning that someone who had tried it out screamed and turned it out.

Vivot has been suffering from insomnia for 20 years, and fell asleep so much for the first time

Ayaac, I thought it was funny, but I did n’t expect to fall asleep

Bunny doesn’t like to eat pudding. Who is this man? Within five minutes, I want his name, telephone address, and I am in love. Qaq

The small comb really, when I saw it was a human, it felt very unreliable. I never expected that I didn’t find a lot of news on Capital Star. After that, I asked my programmer brother to go to All Star Search. This seems to be A hot anchor on Tucker

Wang did not stay on Tucker’s blood book and begged him to come to Capital Star, ah, ah, money, I’m ready

After a long time, the original blog post another Weibo.

“Mr. Xiaoming, who loves vomiting especially, v, he has already come, just passed the review, and wait for two days for the official news.”

Five minutes of posting and thousands of comments.

Everyone, including Xiao Wang, who watched this short video was boiling

the other side.

After the review was over, the official issued a notice to let Gu Yumian wait for the results. Gu Yumian can’t directly see the score, but it shouldn’t be too bad to see the response of the barrage.

He no longer cares about it, with a little snow leopard and a small dumpling, he lays a mat by the floor-to-ceiling window in the sun and takes a nap.

He set himself an alarm clock, and when he woke up, it was exactly in the evening, and the evening glow was unspeakable.

The baby panda held his hand to sleep, and rounded his head from time to time, sulking and sleeping palms from time to time, and slumbered with milk snoring in his throat, as if talking in a dream. And Xiao Xuebao’s sleeping posture was even more arrogant, pushing Xiao Tangyuan far away, taking Gu Yumian’s entire embrace, and sworn Gu Yumian’s neck unconsciously like an oath of territory.

Gu Yumian “” he said how he felt itchy neck when he fell asleep.

“It’s time to make dinner,” he carefully lifted both cubs from his body, and covered the small quilt. “What should I eat at night?”

Lazy waist stretched to half, Gu Yumian suddenly remembered the ad that I just got off the starship and saw in Xinggang.

There was a public service advertisement with black and white figures in the bamboo forest. Although no specific content was seen, Gu Yumian intuitively realized that the black and white figure was a panda. If you can find this ad on the Internet, maybe there will be clues about the small dumplings.

He logs in to Xingwang and enters in the search box

Twenty-four ads.

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