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Chapter 61 Cut off

Dark night, deep mountains and dense forests, dim paths.

Several coins attacked Jing Yang horizontally, making a screeching sound like sniper bullets piercing the air, and like a scalpel, they blocked all the angles that the running Jing Yang could dodge.

Bang bang bang bang!

These "sniper bullets" splashed on Jing Yang, causing Jing Yang to flip sideways.

"The power of qi separated from the body is so strong, it seems that it is a release system... No, there must be a strengthening system to strengthen the coin..."

"Is he a telepathic person between the strengthening type and the releasing type?"

"It hurts a little...four-eyed boy."

Jing Yang landed on the ground, and the ball of air that held up his whole body was like a solid wall. These coins, which were enough to penetrate the steel plate, were driven into the muscles of his arms, elbows, abdomen, and thighs by a few millimeters, and they were firmly embedded.

Jing Yang controlled his muscles to eject the coins, grabbed the coins with his hands, gathered strength for a moment, and shot them out like rain with a snap of his fingers, while he continued to snatch them away without looking back.

The sound of "pop", "pop", "pop" and "pop" came from the darkness of the dense forest.

The shallow wound on Jing Yang's body that was embedded in the coin healed instantly. He crushed a wind talisman in his hand and burned it. The energy around him suddenly changed into bursts of airflow. He seemed to blend into the night wind, and his speed suddenly surged silently. Hardly any trace can be caught.

Zi Po Nian, who came from the darkness, couldn't help being surprised when he saw this.

Her face is wrinkled and she is old, but she is tall and tall. She moves like a top killer, moving like lightning and as quiet as nothing. She is the great butler who served Killua's grandfather, Geno, and is now beating him. The head coach of the new generation of enemy stewards, there is no need to say much about his strength.

Over the years, she has seen countless thieves breaking into the territory to beat up enemies. 90% of them were fed into the bellies of the gatekeepers, and the remaining 10% could not even pass the test of the most incompetent trainee housekeeper. Being able to use the power of teleportation to cross the housekeeper area, sneak into the foot of Kuru Mountain, and trigger the "Dragon Turn Back" of the Trial Gate... Zipo Nian is old, and I really can't remember anyone who is not afraid of death who has done this.

Today this young man is the first.

Such agility was beyond her expectation.

However, you can't run away.

Zi Po Nian made a gesture towards the darkness, but there was no response from his granddaughter for a long time. He quickly dodged away. A few kilometers away, his granddaughter Mayin, who was supposed to be cooperating with him in chasing the young intruder, stood there stupidly. He turned around with a vigilant look, saw it was him, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's grandma, I'm sorry, that person was too fast, I didn't keep an eye on him..."

"It doesn't matter, it's too fast." Zi Po Nian smiled softly and made a gesture.

Linen glanced at her gesture.

Zi Po Nian kept smiling, raised his foot and was close to Lin Yin, and stretched out his hand to grab her face like lightning.


Almost half of the young and lovely face of Lin Yanyin, a girl with long black hair and straight hair, was torn off by Zi Po Nian, and it was so bloody that it was very frightening. She grabbed Zi Po Nian's wrist and said sadly, "Grandma, did I do something wrong..."

"My granddaughter will not call me grandma when she is working." Zipo Nian said coldly. Suddenly her face changed drastically. An ominous premonition came into her heart. She immediately made a knife with her other hand and slashed at her victim. "Granddaughter" grabbed the wrist.


Blood splattered in the night.

"This intruder is so angry..."

In the dense forest, Wutong, the enemy-beating butler who was the first to intercept Jing Yang, was secretly surprised. He pulled out the coins that were almost embedded in his body one by one, as if he were digging a bullet, but his expression remained unchanged, and soon his hands were covered in blood. , drops of blood fell to the ground.

"I don't know if Zi Po Nian and the others can do it. If I finally trouble the master and the young master and the others, they will be punished by death."

Wutong adjusted his glasses, picked up a coin with his fingers, and glanced away. From the shadows, a little girl with afro curly hair came out, wearing the same housekeeper's black suit as him, "Kanalia, why are you here?"

"That man ran back this way - Wutong, are you okay?" Seeing that Wutong was injured, Kanalia hurried over and quickly gestured to help Wutong.

"This is a small injury, no need..." Wutong wanted to push her away, but suddenly there were more footsteps nearby, and at the same time, there was a cry: "Run over there!!"

Several housekeepers supported each other, stumbled over, and shouted to Wutong: "The intruder ran towards the housekeeper's living area. He must be trying to pretend to be a housekeeper, Wutong, Kanalia, we must stop him quickly!" "

Wutong glanced at the anxious person and the injured and unconscious butler colleague who was being supported by the other person. Then he looked at the others and said expressionlessly: "I don't understand...the butlers know each other well. He wears the same uniform." , you can pretend to be someone else, why do you think so?"

"Of course that's because -" the other party shouted anxiously.

Jing Yang's figure quietly stood behind Kanalia and Wutong at some point, smiling and saying, "——You are me, you are all me."


Wutong wanted to move, but his wrist was firmly restrained. He stared at Kanalia with bloodshot eyes next to him with a sly smile on his face, "Could it be that - how could - when - damn -!!"

Jing Yang put his hands in his pocket: "Take it off."

Kanalia took action immediately.


"Damn it! Why don't you chase me! I didn't do anything!"


"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"


"I was just accidentally brought here. I'm so mad!!!"

"You have nowhere to run!"

In the dense forest at the foot of Kulu Mountain, Jing Yang was chased by a large group of housekeepers from Wuyangyang. He was running in front and shouting, while the housekeepers Wutong, Yanyin and others were chasing after him. There were Zi Po Nian and other old housekeepers flying around, blocking Jing Yang's escape routes on both sides.

I was driven out of the dense forest like a duck, and the high wall of the siege-like territory where the Trial Gate was located appeared in the night in the distance. I just looked at the mountain and ran away, and I guess there are still one, two, three, forty-seven. It's like eight kilometers.

In the front, a tall beauty with long hair was standing in the middle of the road in the thick night. She was none other than the contemporary eldest son of Da Di Ke, Yi Mi = Da Di Ke.

"He can run very well."

Yi Mi's face was expressionless. When he saw Jing Yang rushing towards him with a fierce expression, he took a step forward and his whole body was like a shadow clone. A series of dozens or hundreds of clone afterimages walked out and directly surrounded Jing Yang.

Jing Yang would be hit every time he tried to break out of the encirclement, and each blow was filled with murderous intent to seal his throat with blood. After a while, Jing Yang's whole body was as miserable as a bloody gourd - however, under the gaze of everyone, , Jing Yang’s injuries healed quickly.

"Reinforcement system? That's not right..."

Countless afterimages formed a circle, and Ilmi's plain voice also surrounded the surroundings. He gradually raised his hands and looked at his bloody claw-like fingers, "I hid the needle in my hand, but I just stabbed you. It didn’t take effect... You should be in the operating system. Is your self-control effect self-healing?"

Using the telekinesis ability of the operating system to achieve a therapeutic effect comparable to that of the strengthening system... This stupid development direction wasted the infinite possibilities of the operating system.

Seemingly seeing Yi Mi saying that the other party was from the operation system, Wutong and other housekeepers took a step back warily.

Yi Mi's emotionless eyes glanced around the housekeepers, then held ten needles between his fingers and shot them at the housekeepers.

"Hehehe..." "Jing Yang" sat down on the ground and asked, "Are you so sharp?"

His face and body swayed like water waves, and he turned back to Kanalia's appearance in an instant.

Kanalia's own energy is not much, and it is not easy to maintain the seventy-two changes every second. The self-healing of the star mark after being injured by Ilmi consumes another amount of energy, and now it has completely bottomed out.


Yi Mi ignored it and looked up at his housekeepers, including Zipanian, Wutong, and Yanyin, who had caught all the needles and were approaching him.


The high wall that beats the enemy was very close at hand, and a black shadow was approaching at a very fast speed, almost as if it was flying over the ground.

"The last wind charm..."

Jing Yang estimated when he would remove the stars from Zi Po Nian and others. He seemed to be riding the wind. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the foot of the high wall. His momentum remained unabated, and he took off on the wind, turning almost at a 90-degree angle. , and continued to fly upwards against the high wall.

The flow of air everywhere became the pusher that lifted him up the ladder. If Jing Yang had divine help, he was about to reach the top of the city wall, climb over the enemy's territory and let the bird fly——

A burly figure with long hair flying like a lion stood on the top of the city wall with his back to the dim moonlight. When he saw Jing Yang flying against the wall, he condensed two terrifying bullets with a diameter of more than one meter in his hands, and then Such a blow to Jing Yang's head.

Damn it!

Jing Yang stepped on the void and turned with the wind, almost brushing against this terrifying teleportation bullet - this shouldn't be called telepathy bullets, it should be called telepathy cannons! ——Turn sideways, narrowly dodging the blow.

At the same time, the rising momentum was cut off, and Jing Yang was unable to fly after all, so he fell back down.

When Jing Yang hit the ground, the wind was blowing under his feet, which negated most of the impact and landed calmly.

"Dragon head drama!"

A voice like an old man's evil laugh came to his ears. Jing Yang didn't have time to turn around and check, so he quickly turned around and slipped away in the wind.

However, after the Shenlong-shaped move that was transformed by his mental energy was wiped out, it did not disappear. A dragon turned back to stare at Jing Yang, grinned an astonishingly wide mouth, and continued to chase after him.

Look at the lion-like silent and majestic Xiba on the wall above the head, beating up the enemy, Killua's father; and look at the distance behind the dragon head, the white-haired old man gesturing to control the dragon head with both hands, Jie Nuo= Beat up the enemy, Killua's grandfather...

Boom! The dragon bit down and made a hole in the ground.

Although Jing Yang was not bitten, he looked at the dragon head that was still crawling out of the pit and Nian Dan... Should this be called Nian Long? Isn't it too outrageous? He smashed a hole in the ground, but this Nianlong still has unabated momentum and is still chasing after him... This old man Jie Nuo must be a release type, right?

To be able to maintain the Qi outside the body in such a concentrated and non-dispersed manner, what level of accomplishments does this strange old man have in the release system that says "One kill a day" on his clothes?

Jing Yang smiled helplessly: "Two thugs came to arrest me. Do I have such great dignity?"

"It's three."

A woman's voice came from another direction. Jing Yang didn't need to look back to know that Killua's mother was here too.

The boy with long black hair and straight hair in a red and purple kimono walked up to Jing Yang, opened his hands and said innocently: "Jing Yang, give me your kidney."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Do you want one or two?"

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