Immortality in DxD

Chapter 19: Class

“Master Shitori!”

A young golden kitsune, stammered out before throwing a few bows in the simply legendary man’s direction. His feats of strength was well known and the Mountain Shattering School was well entrenched as one of the most powerful Senjutsu schools in the world!

Kunou hadn’t expected this day to get so eventful! If she could get this master on her mother’s side…

“There’s no need to bow child.” Shitori replied, stroking at his impressively long beard. He was the definition of poise in that moment and seem to exude a type of pressure that the young kitsune couldn’t even dream of ever accomplishing. Her 2 body guards, a nekomata by the name of Riko and an oni named Daidachi hadn’t even gotten up from their bow. While Kunou could get away with speaking to this vaunted legend due to her status alone, her 2 guards weren’t so lucky.

While it was great honor to be trained as personal servants and guards by her family, it didn’t allow for enough status to pressure powerful yokai or humans.

“Then if I may be so rude,” She spoke respectfully,” What is Master Shitori doing here?”

They were all currently in a familiar looking courtyards, being owned by the enigmatic Senjutsu Practitioner, Yamato Iori. She just hoped the 2 wouldn’t fight here. Maybe the upright master heard of the youth’s teaching and wish to give him a proper scolding.

Kunou would be all for that! It had been over a week sense the man had taught them this ‘Reconciliation Method’ and her progress was slow to say the least. Don’t get her wrong, there was some progress. She had managed to get a thin layer of filth off that metaphorical fox and get it to not lash out so often.

But still, the process left her exhausted beyond imagine and she didn’t even have the energy to resist when her mother cuddled up to her. And when she had complained to Yasaka, the older kitsune had only worn a nostalgic smile before sending her off to the morning tutors.

“Oh?” He said calmly, turning his eyes on the silently meditating man,” I’m here to grasp at the wisdom so graciously given by Senior.”

The 3 youngsters froze in unison, shock evident on their faces. This was Master Shitori! Grand Elder of the Mountain Shattering School! Slayer of half-step High Rank Strays! For such a figure to come here in this dingy and dusty courtyard to learn from the man before them was..let’s just say unlikely. Each of them had so many questions for the man, maybe he would give them an autograph or recommendation into his school if they could butter him up a bit.

But if the legend himself was already seated in the ready position, how bad would it be if they ignored his subtle eagerness. So they kneeled besides the Senjutsu Master and waited for the plain looking man to finish his morning routine.

‘Finally.’ Iori thought, sensing their still bodies,’ I’ve been sitting here for almost an hour now!’

“Good morning.” He said instead,” Before we begin, how are you 3 taking to the Reconciliation Method?”

It was like he had struck at their weakest point and none of them could meet his eye, memories of exhaustion came crashing down on them as they struggled to clear out the impurities.

“Senior.” Shitori asked, ears perking up at the name,” What is this method?”

“You do not need to worry about it.” He shook his head in sorrow,” It’s usually reserved for those below the age of 15, your body will not be able to withstand it.”

“Of course Senior.” The man bowed, feeling a bit disappointed but understood that some training methods had an age requirement. If only he was born just a few hundred years earlier or even a few decades earlier…

“But I will write down the basic idea of it.” He said after a beat, easily sensing his disappointment. Who says he can’t do nice things occasionally.

“Thank you Senior!”

Shitori, the legend, fell into a grateful bow. Uncaring of the dirt that would surely cover his clothing. That shocked the 3 yokai more! To see such a proud man throw away his pride for a method that Iori had thrown out like pieces of bread to ducks shook their entire worldview.


The immortal asked the stunned youngsters, his blue eyes seeming to pierce through their bodies.

“I-I” Riko stammered, ears twitching in shame,” Didn’t make much progress, I got maybe a patch down but nothing more.”

“Same.” Daidachi said dejectedly,” My brothers kept bothering me and I could only slightly polish a part of it.”

“I didn’t get anywhere also,” Kunou’s tailed slumped,” Only a thin layer has been cleared but the sessions have been getting slightly longer.”

‘She has her mother’s talent.’ Iori appreciated,’Just over a week and you can already notice the time difference? What a monster.’

“Don’t feel to down,” He said to the downtrodden youths,” This is a slow process. I wouldn’t expect there to be much progress for at least a month. Just keep going at your current pace. You’re Yokai, there’s no rush.”

“I understand Master Yamato.”

The 3 said in conjunction, feeling slightly mollified.

“Good.” He nodded,” Then let’s begin on today’s lesson. It has come to my attention that it’s common knowledge that humans cannot manipulate Ki?”

“Yes Senior.” Shitori nodded,” It’s well known that humans cannot manipulate Ki, and need foci in order to execute techniques.”

Kunou looked at the man before them in confusion, she had been under the assumption that he knew this already. It was common knowledge. Hell, she had even assumed he had some kind of jade slip on him that allowed for that scanning ability.

“I’m here to tell you that is false.”

Yamato Iori proclaimed without even a hint of dishonestly, allowing his energy to show that he was speaking the truth.

They felt a bit stumped, while no one wanted to draw the ire of the powerful practitioner it frankly didn’t matter what he believed. It was well known that humans couldn’t manipulate Ki the way Yokai can.

“And also I’ve noticed how atrocious Yokai manipulate Ki,” He continued, words like an ice pick,” It’s shameful. The only 1 I’ve seen with somewhat decent control was Yasaka and it’s obvious to me that she has been lax in her training.”

Kunou had to bite back her immediate response to him berating her mother, she knew exactly how hard the older blonde worked to keep them all safe. And to hear this man disparage her for it, left a sour taste in the youths’ mouth.

“Master~” A sultry voice cooed from behind her,” I’ve been busy!”

Turning, the group saw the buxom Yokai Leader stalking her way into the courtyard. Her usual pristine and expensive clothes was nowhere in sight and instead wore a pure white training kimono that hugged her curves nicely. Those blonde locks were tied up in a tight bun. And Kunou could see the obvious lack of her mother’s usual make up.

She looked ready to train than to play.

“That doesn’t excuse you.” He said brutally,” You will have to start back at the beginning. Now sit.”


Despite his scolding, the kitsune didn’t look chastised in the least. In fact she looked a bit giddy as she bounced her way next to the much smaller kitsune. It brought back memories, good, simple ones of a better time.

He didn’t expect to get so nostalgic just looking at Yasaka’s teasing smile, but it was nice to be out of that cave.

“Today I will be teaching all of you the most basic form of manipulation. The foundation for any technique used by either the Soto or De branches. Gather. The act of taking control of Ki itself. To lay claim on a clump of that energy yourself. Whether it’s your own or the environments’.”

“The first step is….”

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