Immortality in DxD

Chapter 3

You’re a bit rusty.” A seemingly normal looking man looked down imperially on an incredible busty blonde woman who panted like a dog as she looked up at the sky. Sweat and dirt coated her body. Fur matted down and soiled with mud,” But nothing a few more bouts could solve.”

“No please Master,” Yasaka, the blonde kitsune panted,” I don’t think I can take anymore.”

“Nonsense.” The man denied, seeing through his disciples lies easily,” While you’re Touki technique is a bit wasteful, you still have plenty of Ki left over. And your combat forms are perfectly fine, I just need to teach you a few more things..”

“What about some Youjutsu tips?”

She looked on hopefully, only to be disappointed in the next moment.

“I’m human.” The ‘human’ in question snorted,” Stop trying to butter me up.”

"Damn..” Yasaka had hoped he was in his boasting moods, it had worked in the past. Just mention Youjutsu and he would go on a tirade for hours about how Senjutsu could be used for everything. It worked excellently whenever she wanted to get out of training, but it seems like he had somewhat changed over the couple hundred of years.

“I’ll tell you what.” He said softly, looking at her downcast expression,” Show me around and I’ll give you a week to prepare for training.”

“Really?!” The blonde shot up to her feet, tails whipping up a dusty storm,” Are you going to join?!”

“Join?” He wanted to snort but seeing that incredibly earnest expression, held it in,” Maybe, maybe not.”

Come on!” She pulled on his pristine robes,” I have so much to show you!”

‘Maybe this was a bad idea…’

What followed was a few hours of this banished immortal being dragged around his disciple’s territory, as if showing off. He wasn’t stupid, he knew that his power alone would significantly improve the standing of any faction out there. While Yasaka was strong, she had significantly crippled herself by binding with the Dragon Vein. It not only restricted her movement to only within Kyoto but also completely dispersed her own painstaking effort.

Before he had gone into seclusion, her Ki had a somewhat damp gaseous feeling to it. Indicating she was on her way to turning into a liquid but now? It was though he was first meeting that 6 tailed fox all over again. Her Ki had become diluted and took on a more energized state. He would of course have to find out who put so much pressure on his disciple, forever regulating her to this city spanning prison.

But he had to somewhat alter his opinion on the state of his disciples’ KI, coming across many Youkai who bowed and scrapped at the feet of the blonde next him, he noticed something rather disheartening. All of their Ki was in an energized state.

Lets get into a the gritty details. Ki is a livening things life-force and like life itself, its constantly changing and zipping around the body. In simplest terms, it acts like plasma in a way. For a vast majority of living things, this is all they could ever achieve. Maybe if someone had developed their Ki to a certain level, they could forcibly intuit how to infuse their bodies with life-force increasing their own physical capabilities. For the select few that had enough talent, learning to control their own Ki. This technique is called Senjutsu. While not being capable of matching some of the other supernatural factions raw might, the versatility was simple astounding.

That’s usually where everyone just stops. Just randomly throwing around their unrefined Ki without ever knowing the secrets of this oh so sacred energy. Life-force has similar properties to plasma in a way and all in all takes up the most amount of space. But what if you could draw out energy from it, allowing more to be packed into the same amount of space as before? You got something this banished immortal called, Ki Cultivation.

By drawing the energy out of Ki, stages could separated. The Energy Dispelling stage (Plasma) is where almost everyone stays all their lives next after simmering down the chaotic nature of life-force, it’ll take begin to take on the properties of gas. To the Condensation Stage (Gas), the Crystallization Stage (Liquid), and finally the Polishing Stage (Solid) . With each stage providing with an ever increasing amount of benefits.


Yasaka, cooed, looking up at the man who seemed lost in thought.

“Yes, I’m listening. Continue on.”

This is my favorite stall.”

She said excitedly, pointing at small stall that had the simply delicious scent of fish in the air. It made him readily apparent of the fact that he had only subsisted on only the ambient Ki for a couple hundred of years, like a beast it lets its presences be known.

He ignored the rather smug look his unfilial disciple was sending his way, eyes only on the delectable morsel just out of reach. The small remnants of Ki indicated how fresh the catch, from his approximations maybe around 4 hours.

“I’ll allow this disciple to treat her master.”

The man was a lot of things, thin-skinned was not one of them. Mooching off his rich disciple was a masters right. Yes. With a roll of her eyes, the blonde kitsune ordered 2 grilled fish from the nervous looking Oni. She scent a smile the girl’s way and offered the stick to the ordinary man.

Just as he was prepared to take this delectable sustenance, it was cruelly snatched away. Seeing those mischievous golden eyes, he almost immediately regretted forgetting himself. Foxes were known for their mischief.

“Say ahh..” Yasaka looked on in delight, she knew exactly how he worked. Ever since he mistaken her for a normal fox and kept the kitsune as a pet for months, she had never let him live it down. Feeding him like this was reminiscence of their first meeting.

(A/N: The real question is why she let him keep her as a pet for so long though…)

You’re a leader now, have some shame.

The descended immortal gripped the fish with his teeth and tore it off the stick in on fluid motion. Ignoring the pouting look and incredulous looks being sent his way, the human devoured the meal without issue.

Salt. Pepper. Spices. Oh how he had missed such things. Spending all those years without seasoning was simply torture. All those nobles who wanted to create a new fad by adding salt to their meals made him want to kiss them. The fish was pipping hot to the touch, with a crunchy skin and soft thick pale flesh beneath. After thoroughly chewing through skin, meat and bones, he felt content in that moment. The smell of ‘people’, press of strangely shaped bodies and the taste of magic in the air. In that moment, he felt maybe it was worth it stay so long in seclusion.


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