
Chapter 59 - To falsify

What is Binghuangmaran, what is Ji Fei Dog Jump-look at the base at this time to know.

Lu Bixing’s “twenty minutes” obviously overestimated them.

There was a “squeak and scream” in the mech station, and the artificial sun was about to wake up in advance. The lights were bright, and there were all kinds of messy people, all dressed in ghosts. The onlookers from all walks of life shouted aloud. , The momentum is huge, like the toads in the river pit after the rain, the rumors are like a breeze passing by the water waves, one wave after another, the waves are rising, it is simply a group.

Some people screamed, some yelled, some didn’t know what was sad and touched, and wept, some children hid outside the Mech Station, clutching the cold iron gate, staring at their caretaker hurriedly away. The old people who had gathered together to celebrate the New Year still had cream on the corners of their mouths, squashed into a ball, and looked at the desperate night sky of the base.

And the great base armed, they dropped the chain without suspense.

In a hurry, the Golden Warrior’s assembly team and Iron Face Ride collided together. It’s time for both teams to fight for you to come and go. No one will let anyone pass first. Foucault scolds the weasel. It is “impurities in the septic tank”. Weasel people call Foucault that they are “flies chasing farts.”

There are also some slow-moving old, weak, and disabled soldiers who are blocked by crowded people and cannot find their own organization, because they cannot participate in scolding wars, and they are anxious to get around.

A small group of people, for no reason, stepped onto the platform first, leaving the orbit with their mechas.

Fifteen pirate mechs, in this way, have mixed up the New Year’s Eve of the base into a horror movie.

If it was at the Silver Fortress, Lin Shang would be able to shoot them collectively.

White was hoarse and trying to maintain order, and was gripped around the back of his neck. The young man who had not grown up had a “throbbing” throat, scrambled his limbs, and was kicked to the bottom of his three feet without touching his feet. He found that several of his classmates were already here.

“Everyone,” Lin Jingheng cast White onto the ground, raised his finger and pointed at the triple door. “Where is your teacher? It doesn’t matter in a blink of an eye, contact him so that he doesn’t run around and come to me.”

Mint quickly contacted Lu Bixing’s personal terminal, but was rejected by the other party.

The next moment, the multimedia screen on the square lit up suddenly, and Lu Bixing’s voice penetrated the noise of the entire base.

In a hurry, probably not enough time to stew a pot of chicken soup, this time Lu Bixing rarely has no nonsense.

“If I were you,” Lu Bixing turned on the largest searchlight at the Mech Station, the light went straight to the sky, and shone towards several mechas flying in the sky, “I will take advantage of them before they fly away and prepare to abscond Down. “

The quarreling Foucault and the weasel looked up at the same time, and there was a silence in the mech station for a while-no matter where, there were always some “thinking people” who were very far-sighted. Some people joined the base to fight for power and others. Some people just want to prove themselves. Some people simply want to protect their families. Others want to be able to walk near the water when the crisis comes.

Those who stole the mech and fled, the iron armor rider and the golden warrior each took half, no one need to joke.

The weasel’s face was all green, and they didn’t care about the quarrel anymore. They looked at each other angrily with Foucault, and quickly took everyone to one side and got on the mech.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit nets of the ground mechs spread one by one, and rushed towards the small mechs that had just left the track, slamming the slow running people off the spiritual net link.

But the fastest one has left the scope of the small mech ’s spiritual network. Foucault went on the track and accelerated to the maximum without saying a word. She took a few people and rolled out like a wind. Her own machine A has not completely disengaged from gravity, and her missile has already been fired out—it is indeed the oldest self-defense force in the base. This missile was played very well. Several people who ran too fast forgot to open their protective covers and were hit by Exploded into a string of fireworks, instantly shaking the base like day.

Ten days after the voyage, foreign enemies struck. The first shot in the base was used to clean up the portal.

The crowd on the ground was dead first, and then I wonder who was the first to whisper, “Dead … Are you dead?”

The word “dead” rippled through the crowd, and Lu Bixing opened his mouth again: “If you don’t know who to listen to now, please listen to me first-follow me without boarding the mech , In place on the platform, the frontline situation is here. “

He said that the picture sent back on Saturday was illuminated on the multimedia screen. From the image, only eight or nine mechas can see the outline, and the rest are vague silhouettes, but it can be seen that people are not many.

“I only said here once. As of now, Prince Gloria has not been under heavy control. This is only a detection unit with a total of fifteen mechs, which is half of our long-range patrol. The base is wrapped with an anti-tracking system. It ’s not so easy to locate. “

After Lu Bixing finished speaking, he walked to the mech station.

At this time, the mech platform was relatively quiet. His figure was very conspicuous under the violent lighting of the mech station, and the shadow was dragged extremely long, covering the mech group of the mech station, almost a bit scary.

Lu Bixing waved toward the periphery of the Mech Station: “Irrelevant personnel spread out, don’t block the way.”

When he brought people to repair multimedia audio and energy systems, everyone at the base was used to listening to his orders, and at this time they retreated.

Lu Bixing turned and walked into a mech, and the voice still came from the multimedia running through the base: “Today was the last time I would send supplies to Saturday because he was going to dissolve the Self-Defense Force. In other words, now the pirates are only one The detection squad, but they also have only a group of patrolmen who are about to disband. So what are you still doing, waiting for the coordinates of the base to be exposed? Or are you waiting to be buried? “

His voice faded, and the mechs were directly on the acceleration track. Those who were still hesitant at the mech station seemed to have finally found the head sheep, one by one, and then lined up for the mechs. Many small mechs came out in a row.

Lin Jingheng’s students made a gesture, and led them to the third and unhurried acceleration track: “Zhan Lu, marking Lu Bixing’s mech, always optimistic about him.”

“Yes,” said Zhan Lu, “Mr. One-Eyed Eagle should think so, he’s sixteen standard airframes from you.”

Just before Lu Bixing was so confused, the two distinct teams were forced to come together, and the dividing line seemed much blurred.

Lin Jingheng stretched the five senses and six senses in the spiritual net, not far away from the clan of crooked and split dates, ignored the students around him, and silently counted his heartbeat.

A few minutes later, the undulations of his chest became more and more gentle, and finally, in a noisy mood, his violent fluctuations just calmed down, Lin Jingheng let out a secret sigh of relief, and he was grateful to the pirates. The time has come for us.

Lin Jingheng stayed at the lamp and waited for Lu, which was a last resort. The three-month contract expired. Lu Bixing got deeper and deeper at this base. Lin Jingheng must pour a basin of cold water to keep him awake.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu was very unusual. He came in and argued. First he couldn’t help but stuff his mouth with cream, and then went to the sky.

Of course Lin Jingheng knew what he was saying in the interrupted sentence, but he couldn’t pretend he didn’t know.

Fortunately, there was Prince Gloria, who was setting fire everywhere, otherwise I don’t know how to end today.

In such a moment of effort, the signal of remote communication has passed through numerous transition points and spread out of the domain.

Lin Jingheng briefly cleared his sorrow, glanced at him, and said to Zhan Lu, “How about remote?”

Zhan Lu: “The signal is good.”

“Okay, connect me to the Captain of the Self-Defense Force.”

“Getting the captain’s communications authority on Saturday and requesting communications–“

Saturday was decadent for several days, and I felt the skin was emptied. At this time, the sudden enemy attack broke his drunk dream, and the adrenaline rushed into his limbs. His sweat was almost on his body. The pores flew out, and I could n’t blink blinkingly at the motionless pirate fleet on Saturday, wiped out the cold sweat, and felt a urination: “Again … just make sure that your virtual cannon is off, give it to me Take a closer look. Has the arsenal been opened? “

He pinched his bunny’s ashes for a short time, “Boss, you asked the question a third time.”

“Saturday, I’m nervous.”

“I’m also tight … Fuck, who the **** is this?” A communication request came in unexpectedly, and he was frightened on Saturday. After subconsciously connecting, he remembered that something was wrong-they are not in the base intranet, It stands to reason that at this time you can only communicate with the surrounding teammates.

But the teammates are all in the communication channel. Who is this?

Sat on Saturday, too late to think about it, and immediately cut off the communication.

At this time, General Lin’s frosty face appeared on the screen: “I’m Lin Jingheng.”

The moment he saw him on Saturday, his emotions almost collapsed, and he thought that the reinforcements had arrived: “General Lin, you are here, I …”

“I’m still at the base,” Lin Jingheng interrupted him unhurriedly. “It will take about three hours to get to you.”

His knees softened on Saturday.

Lin Jingheng: “So these 15 pirate mechs are yours.”

“I … I …” Saturday’s mind was blank, and he said incoherently, “We can’t, let’s say … they may have reinforcements, I can’t do it, you know our level …”

Lin Jingheng smiled meaningfully.

“I don’t know, but you can take a bet,” he said coolly. “In case we can find your whole body in three hours, maybe we will give you a space funeral.”

Looking at him in despair on Saturday, through the communication screen, he suddenly found that Lin Jingheng was different from the past-Lin Jingheng’s usual image was very “loose and unruly”. When he was leading a morning exercise on Saturday, he often saw him stepping on a pair of slippers and just washing his hair As he walked, he dripped into the main control room of Mech Station. Although he doesn’t like to talk with people, he is very “right”, “serious” and “serious”, “just”, like a director of teaching. Although others dare not pretend in front of him, they do not fear him.

But that night was all the other way round.

Lin Jingheng’s shirt fits tightly, the buttons are tied to the neckline, and the belt buckles all the way. There are no traces of folds. The booties are spotlessly hooped on the legs of the pants, wearing gloves, except for the face, no skin is exposed. But when he looked into Lin Jingheng’s eyes, he felt something crazy and appalling. He was like a newly awakened water monster, lazily showing rows of fangs.

“Stand up,” Lin Jingheng said, “I want to know what your Self-Defense Force positions you?”

On Saturday, holding on to the wall, he stood firm, and “red” with a red face, “a sharp, sharp knife.”

Lin Jingheng nodded and commented: “Yes, I dare to think, but I must correct. Even if you are a security guard in a remote galaxy, you probably only have to do logistics maintenance work.”

Saturday’s look, downgraded from a sharp knife to a screwdriver.

“But the screwdriver can also kill people.” Lin Jingheng paused. “Remember what I said below, I will only say it once-don’t have any direct conflict with the regular army. This lesson I gave you countless times during the exercise, but you just ignore it. .Your team, the average man-machine match is only 59%. On the battlefield, the average is less than 80%, which means that you are leeks slaughtered by others and must not be the main attack team. The outside team The pirate is a detection squad, which may be a little lower, but not less than 75%. Fortunately, both of you are small mechs, pay attention to the safety distance, and do not let the spirit net overlap. “

He slammed his thigh fiercely on Saturday, slamming his non-stop leg and stomach.

Lin Jingheng did not nod his head, and continued to say, “The anti-tracking system is your hole card. Long-range guerrillas and ambushes are your only chance. Do you know how primitive people hunted large wild animals?”

Swallowed on Saturday: “bait and trap.”

The smile on Lin Jingheng’s face flashed: “Yes, but remember, your prey is not a lion and tiger, but a hyena and a viper. Be patient. The bait must be fake, and it is best to fool yourself, otherwise you will It ’s going to fall into the trap of the other side, you know-the first bait, I have set it for you. “

Saturday: “Why …”

“Boss, they moved!”

“I’m now communicating with you remotely. The remote communication will produce a strong energy response, and even penetrate the encryption of the transition point. The other party should have sensed it. OK, now cut off the communication.” Lin Jingheng sent a note to Saturday Key, “If you need this key, you can urgently connect to the remote communication. I have the last words to tell you, I can relay it on my behalf, see you in three hours.”

The pirates have apparently located a jump point hidden in the anti-tracking system, slowly approaching there, and his mind was blank on Saturday. Two seconds later, he yelled at the communication channel: “Don’t be stupid Stand and withdraw more than ten kilometers from the 006 jump point, and the missile is ready to launch! “

Mint sat silently after listening to the entire long-distance communication. At this moment, she suddenly said, “General Lin, I have seen you in the main control room, using computer simulation of the battle.”

Lin Jingheng looked back at her for a moment, and the courage that Mint finally managed to summon almost broke.

Lin Jingheng raised an eyebrow a little unexpectedly: “Well? You actually understand?”

“No, I checked a lot of information and asked Teacher Lu.” Mint swallowed hard, his voice trembling, “The pirate detective is a tentacle extended, not afraid to break, they all have a full range of body Recorder, once the armed conflict occurs, the recorder will record the entire process of the firefight, and will be transmitted back to the pirate team in real time, allowing them to accurately evaluate the enemy’s combat effectiveness. If the detection team is overwhelmed, they will use the evaluation value, Release the “sacrifice” for the second round of testing. These people are the bottom of the pirate team, or they want to climb up, or have a handle in the hands of the pirates, they can only desperately because the fighting power is similar, even if they lose, the opponent must be It was a terrible victory. It must be the most slack and vulnerable. They will wait for the real pirate regiment. “

Lin Jingheng looked down at the long-distance communication network. The huge communication network was spread on the third floor. Somewhere outside the area, a small light spot that didn’t know what was blinking regularly.

He praised insincerely: “You’re pretty hardworking.”

Mint took a deep breath, and a trembling neck was exposed on the slender neck: “If you want to save them, you should let President Lu find a way to block each other’s signals, and then make an emergency jump over to resolve them as quickly as possible. The base People can’t do it, General Lin. You can. But you can let them torture … So … you can deceive yourself with fakes, but they are actually Saturdays, right? “

Lin Jingheng’s cold eyes were nailed to the girl. The other three students took a step forward subconsciously, and surrounded the mint, like a group of little chickens, clinging helplessly.

Strange to say, when Lu Bixing was walking, the students were afraid he would be afraid of him, but never thought he would hurt them, as if looking at a lazy lion through a glass cover.

However, at this time, President Lu’s mech and their two teams separated from each other. Several students returned to find that the glass cover had disappeared out of thin air, and the sleeping lion was standing a few steps away.

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