
Chapter 65 - completely annihilated

Captain of the Ninth Guard, General Turan, took a sigh of relief on the spot and thought, “My mother, I’ve been so fragile since ancient times. What’s my fortune?”

She turned around and ran, but unfortunately when she came, her military boots had exposed her, and Lin Jingheng sighed, “You stop me!”

Turan stood up against the roots of the wall, thinking about it, then turned around, and kept the movement that he had thought about in the wall.

Lu Bixing retracted his claws in a leisurely manner, as if the murderous rushing towards him met him, all turned around, turned into two small breeze, and patted his sleeve.

If at this time he bowed his head like usual, maybe Lin Jingheng could beat him out happily.

But the young man stood upright and his eyes stared straight at him. His pupils were translucent and sincere-too translucent, almost innocuous, like a child … these scientific researchers, When he stared at a long-awaited calculation result, his eyes were like children.

And he leaned a little closer, Lin Jingheng could smell the hot breath of the young people, showing his vitality.

Lin Jingheng got stuck in his throat for three seconds, and he was silent for three seconds. He carefully took a half-step, avoiding this heartfelt vitality, and used very restraint and calmness. He declined to say, “I am very grateful, but Without this idea, your father didn’t like that you and me are too close to you. You don’t need to do any work. Go out first. “

Forced to watch, Turan suspected for a moment that he had mistaken the boss, and wanted to find a gene lock to check it.

Lu Bixing blinked and didn’t care about it at all. It may be that the chicken soup was too much and he couldn’t finish it. He opened his mouth as a nonsense that could be read in the toilet. It is necessary to have a result. How can the pursuit of love and beauty be useless? This is a very beautiful process in itself, don’t you think? “

Lin Jingheng didn’t think it, and he was speechless. He had exhausted all the good words and words, and he showed the original form: “If you are full, get out!”

He didn’t pull his gun, and it wasn’t irritating to this extent. It seemed like a fierce beast carefully retracted his paws and patted him gently with a meat pad. He greeted Turan with enthusiasm: “Hello Captain, my hair is artistically cut. If there is anything for mech to maintain, please come to me at any time.”

Turan stared at the distant back with the look of martyr.

Lin Jingheng felt that his wrists seemed to have been burned with a soldering iron, and the heat lasted for a long time. Only then was the mood full of Lu Bixing’s discomfort, and he couldn’t laugh or cry, and he was a bit indescribable.

He poured himself a glass of cold water, beckoned, and waved at Turan, motioning to her to roll over.

Turan was ordered to fix his appearance, and he did not dare to wait for a long time. He washed his face in a hurry, cut his long hair that had been tied for several years, and dangled his ears, exposing his neck. Reluctant to move, still hanging there, trying to get through.

Lin Jingheng glanced at her, and felt that her image was not aesthetic, like a beetle that was tentacled by an electric coil. “Tell me, how is the alliance now?”

“General,” Turan listened to the interrogation, suddenly pulled away the hippie smile, and stood before him. “There is no alliance now.”

Her tone was bland and fell into the ears, but there was a thrilling thunderstorm.

Turan asked, “Where do I start?”

Lin Jingheng paused: “Silver Fortress.”

Turan raised her head slightly, then said in a dull tone that did not match her broken mouth style: “This year … At the end of June last night, at midnight, without any warning, the silver fortress’s energy system suddenly collapsed and the defense closed. Unable to restart, thousands of timed heavy armors intruded into the atmosphere under such circumstances, without bright identity and without warning, they were directly bombarded, and the silver fortress suffered heavy losses. “

Silver fortress, countless elites, accumulated by EMI of Ulan College, Lin Jingheng has operated for decades …

Turan revised the wording: “No, it should be said, it is almost annihilated.”

Although Lin Jingheng felt that he had been using the silver fortress, with the exception of the Silver Ten Guards, he had never taken anyone else as his own person. After hearing these words, the uncontrollable blood was still rushing madly towards his head.

“What’s the reason?” Lin Jingheng asked in a low voice. “The network supervisor is dead? What about the patrol? Are you blind?”

“The silver fortress’s energy system was invaded by people from the internal network. Some people implanted a chip in Zhanlu’s body. Zhanlu couldn’t start, so they only checked it once every two months. Ignored by them. As for the patrol team-the Silver Fortress was able to walk away and resign, Admiral Lee had an airborne pouch and rice bag, and the rest did not accept him. The patrol that day happened to be a robot guard and was also hacked. “

Lin Jingheng knew it when he heard it.

The artificial intelligence of the mech and mech nuclear is the industry of the military commission, but the artificial person-although the principle is the same, is only a simplified version of the artificial intelligence of energy production-but because of the huge profits, it was handily grabbed by the Eden Management Committee and became Special products approved by the Management Committee.

How much production value and profit are involved in replacing human army with artificial people? How many people are involved in it? Don’t think about it, you all know it is an astronomical figure. Since Admiral Lee is not shit, how did he get to the Silver Fortress? And why did you launch the Cyborg team at Silver Fortress as soon as he took office?

Obviously, this is entirely the result of a game between the Military Commission and the Management Committee.

But I didn’t expect them to lie in their nests, but they had such a big curse.

Lin Jingheng asked in a deep voice: “This is your guess, on what basis?”

“No, I didn’t guess it. It was General Li himself.”

“Li alive?” Lin Jingheng was a little surprised.

He still has a face alive!

“The ‘small stove’ eaten by Admiral Li ’s guard group uses a different energy system than the Silver Fortress. He fought to protect him from the breakout, the entire Silver Fortress, only his elderly and several guards came out. Lan shrugged. “But he hasn’t lived till now. He was assassinated and assassinated on his way to the” Angel City “.”

Lin Jingheng frowned frantically: “Did you do it, or silver ten?”

Silver Ten is also a commando, but more inclined to assassinate lurking, is an interstellar assassin.

“I.” Turan did not evade, admitting, looking back at him frankly, a **** beetle.

“We have eaten at the Silver Fortress, used the training ground there, and packed up the little white faces who just graduated from the military academy. Everyone’s patrol mileage around the Silver Fortress adds up enough to turn the first galaxy several times. I think There is no reason. The general and the fall of the Silver Fortress were caused by the eighth calf of Ares Lee. He was stationed with one hundred thousand soldiers and destroyed by himself. Finally, he wanted to escape to Angel City to take refuge, and then when he was sitting on the wall, —There are no doors! You will hold me accountable, and I confess punishment. “

Lin Jingheng waved her hand and did not care about these sections with her.

“What’s happening with the coalition government now?”

“The government is okay, just a bit of a soft egg.” Turan breathed a sigh of relief, then said, “Before the communication was interrupted, I heard that the coalition government abandoned Votor and collectively moved to the fortress of Angel City. Angel City is now the temporary headquarters. They still have soldiers. After all, there are many troops stationed in the garrison around the first galaxy. Moreover, the military factory of the Military Commission is in Angel City. There is no shortage of ammunition. Old Woolf personally sits in the town. The problem is not big. You have to fight. The first galaxy is a bit of a doorway, and they took refuge with the past-the pirate ‘Glorious Group’ entered directly from the silver fortress, and the raging is mainly in the first galaxy. “

“What about other people?”

“Is the people of a galaxy? That’s pretty good. All galaxies are decent people. The glorious group wants to build their own government and follow the Huairou route, of course, they must be spoiled, but the air control is very strict, and nothing happens without flying around the channel. It ’s okay. Life is guaranteed. ”Turan let out a hand.“ But after the collapse of the communication, Eden also collapsed … I do n’t know if there is any intentional component of the management committee in this, afraid of the people falling to Star Pirates. Yes-although there is no shortage of food and clothing, many people have died when the Garden of Eden collapsed. I heard that many places have set up self-help patrols to take charge of one block to prevent suicide. “

If these words were heard by the “geeks” in the eighth galaxy, it would probably be Fang Yetan.

There is no shortage of food and clothing, and the interstellar pirates are attracted. How can you want to find death? The best days of the eighth galaxy are nothing more than this.

You must know that Beijing β, one of the eighth most prosperous planets in the eighth galaxy, can’t even solve basic urban heating. In the three years of winter, homeless people froze and starve in batches like stray cats and dogs. Not surprising. They didn’t know how other people in this world lived until their home was destroyed.

But this is not pretentious.

The entire Alliance civilization is built on the Garden of Eden. Except for the eighth galaxy, people are born to be carefully cared for by the Garden of Eden. They are like young seedlings cultivated with exquisite nutrient solutions in urban greenhouses. They have never been exposed to the wind and the sun. Once the cover of the greenhouse is broken, it is as if domestic pets are abandoned in the wilderness, and sometimes there is really no way to survive.

“But the first galaxy is okay, it ’s really hard to say elsewhere. General, you know that major galaxies do not have military autonomy. The defense depends on the point where the Central Army is stationed. Silver Fortress, no one expected that Silver Fortress was the first to happen. “Turan paused, sighing invisibly,” outland pirates in troubled waters are making troubles everywhere, Silver Fortress has lost contact, and the Central Army in many places simply failed to respond. .Now unlike the ancient war, if you missed the opportunity and have the opportunity to turn over the salty fish-you ca n’t get out of the mech, how can the antimissile system keep the desperate bombers? No bones are considered light. “

Lin Jingheng paced slowly.

Through the window, he saw the base militants outside the whole team. These people did not go back to lie down, celebrated that they had left a dog’s life, were still shaking in the mech, and did not know what illegal assembly was being plotted.

Lin Jingheng’s throat was a little blocked, and the **** rain between the lines in the Turan word drowned the main control room.

“The pirates have different factions. The glory group occupying the first galaxy now wants to change the dynasty. Isn’t it necessary to buy people’s hearts? There is less than a pot of urine with the neuropathic gangs. So the glory group occupied the first galaxy A short time later, he issued a statement saying that he had made a clear distinction with other pirates and made everyone an illegal terrorist organization. “Turan briefly explained,” These extraterritorial pirates who invaded the alliance originally led the glory group. The leader of the martial arts alliance is now unilaterally breaking up. They do n’t know whether it is revenge or how, let alone lawlessness, they can do everything, and whoever encounters is unlucky. ”

Although it is “the eggs are not finished under the nest”, the original eggs always have a little more dignity than ordinary eggs.

You will sing a great government, and the great invisible class is as good as gold. After the defeat of the coalition government, it still became the guiding spirit of the newcomers.

“After you leave, we monitor the movement of the six or seven galaxies. I have always taken my brothers to send ‘courier’ between the six or seven galaxies.” Turan’s “courier” is quoted, and it is not legitimate at all. Express delivery, “The last order was the remnant of the Central Army of the Sixth Galaxy. It ran out of the Grand Canal and was out of mechanism. It took a group of non-military personnel to form a civilian armed force, looking for the way and asking us to start from the seventh star. A batch of old heavy armor was escorted by smuggling, but when we passed the shipment, the employer was gone. “

Lin Jingheng looked up at her.

“The garrison base they hid disappeared from the channel map-they were blasted into slag, and these mechas had to be cheap. The pirates occupying the six galaxy felt that the people of the six galaxy were restless, so they blocked the sixth capital star sky. Traffic, starting from the administrative center, drove hundreds of land mechs to play the slaughter competition. “Turan said,” I don’t think it’s good to take people’s mechs, so I took my brothers to take the pirates on the sixth capital star. The base was bombed, and a lot of missiles were wasted on them. Later, they ran outside the territory and could not find a reliable way to supplement their arms and energy … Otherwise, they would not be so stretched today, sorry for the general, I blame me for unauthorized action. “

Lin Jingheng didn’t notice her little excuse: “Is this all bear-like troops in the Central Army?”

“No.” Turan hesitated and shook his head. “The ones who responded in a timely manner were all General Lu Xin’s old ministries. I don’t know how to get the supervision key.”

The following words do not need to be explained carefully. Lin Jingheng naturally understands that the supervision key management procedure is very complex. If it can break through it, it must have started plotting very early. It is difficult to say whether you want to rebel or not.

The two remained relatively silent for a while.

Turan asked, “General, do you have anything to eat?”

Lin Jingheng looked up at her.

Turan said: “I haven’t landed for more than half a year, and there is not enough material reserves. Recently, I have been living on nutritional needles, and my stomach is shrinking. I was anxious to ask you to report that there was no time to drink water.”

Lin Jingheng pointed to the food cabinet at the door of the main control room.

Students often come here for classes and always have food to eat.

Turan cheered, not picking, grabbing a loaf of bread and starting to gobble.

“Already out of supplies?”

“Don’t mention it,” Turan ate too fast, a little hesitant, and pinched his chest tightly. “The pirates outside the territory were used to robbing everything. While spreading the cult, they were robbed. The Union’s credit currency system collapsed with Eden. Money, you do n’t know what to exchange with others. The nutrition needle is almost ready, and it is not easy to see you alive, General. ”

Lin Jingheng nodded: “Is anyone connected?”

“No,” Turan shook his head. “All in a mess, they are grabbing the ground. After I received your order, I have been monitoring the jump point and waiting for your remote. The terrain outside the territory is too complicated, we are not familiar with the land, on the fairway They are guarded by pirates. They ca n’t get a reliable underground route.

What did Lin Jingheng want to ask? Opened his mouth: “Lin …”

Turan sipped a piece of cream and hurriedly erased: “Huh?”

“It’s nothing.” Lin Jingheng’s fingers lightly touched the joints. He hanged his stomach in the other cavity, and it was useless to ask. The first secretary-general’s wife was in Angel City, and she was surrounded by guards. Lan may not have heard, “Eat slowly, give you twenty-four hours to rest and then gather. I need to clean up the pirates around me.”

Lu Bixing drove the small mech for maintenance and slowly docked at the mech platform. He then glanced into the heavy armor of Baiyin Jiu and found that it was really a group of last century’s remnants. Like the history museum, Lu Bixing suspected that he smelled a preservative.

It’s really hard to imagine that Silver Nine killed Prince Gloria by this pile of broken copper and iron.

After more than three months of civil war, the base forces finally shook hands with each other and made peace. On Saturday, Foucault and Weasel mingled calmly to discuss something.

The energy tower started west, and the oblique light dragged the streets and alleys of the base to the ground.

With a short break, Baiyin was wandering around and purposefully observing the details of the base. Turan stared intently at the multimedia and watched a very old love movie.

The mech stood opposite, the fat sister came with a group of people, holding pots and pans, and the aroma of food spread outside the dry mech station. A child jumped up and tore off last year’s calendar.

Then they set the wine and dishes, and placed a circle of candles in the small open space in front of the mech station.

Standing up on Saturday, his mental strength overwhelmed him with a little concussion, and he walked dangled. He took the lead to find a dozen small notes in his pocket. Each note had a disappearing name. Candle on the base.

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