
Chapter 68 - Just ... just this conversion plug

“Zhanlu, the spiritual network covers the entire base. Three minutes later, I want to see a ‘panorama’, including all natural and unnatural energy reactions.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Control the monitoring authority, verify the basic communication, close the port of the owner-machine, synchronize to the owner’s terminal when the panorama comes out, and count the bases in six groups. All equipment should be archived, base code-” Lin Jingheng wiped his hands and looked away After passing the star on the base with a slightly dry climate, the voice paused slightly, “tentatively designated as” SPMF1 “, referred to as base No. 1.”

Even if he gave the base a code name “Chihuahua”, the old minions from the silver fortress did not dare to question it. Only Zhan Lu dared not to speak politics, speak upright, and said, “Sir, according to the rules of the Alliance, the first letter of the land military base Not ‘S’, and … “

Lin Jingheng reached out and pointed at him: “Panorama!”

As a very powerful artificial intelligence, Zhan Lu can be used for one thousand and eight thousand as long as he has electricity. He does not delay his scans. Lin Jingheng’s voice has just fallen, and the third “hum” sounded a loud, huge three-dimensional panorama. The miniature was laid in the void, the dense data was jumping around, and at the same time, a more miniature version was transmitted to everyone’s personal terminal.

And Zhanlu insisted on saying: “…” SPMF1 “has been occupied by the Alliance Silver Fortress.”

Lin Jingheng got the panorama and was quite satisfied, so he didn’t get angry, but just answered in a calm tone: “Go to his mother’s league rules.”

The members of the Anti-Ukraine Association who were conducting a cult were caught off guard and quickly disarmed in front of Baiyinwei. Under the spiritual net of Zhanlu, they could not even hide a needle, and they were cleaned up one by one by the mech. Like construction waste dug out for a demolition forklift.

These people regained the magic dance in retro style, and they were dressed in all kinds of clothes. It was quite shameless. Lin Jingheng swept up a bit, as if walking into a performance art fair.

Only one of the middle-aged men stood out from the crowd. Fortunately, General Lin’s eyes stopped on him for a moment.

This person should not be a leader of the “prophet” type, because others quietly mixed in the crowd and towed away by the mech car, others did not show any special performance.

Looking at his face, he should be more than two hundred years old. His eyes are full of crow’s feet, and his eyes are cloudy and calm. His eyes are like looking out through a deep well. His hair is short, his hair is white, and he is wearing a fitted linen trench coat. He didn’t hang up the so-called chickens and dogs, and the soft coat was gently rolled up by the breeze. He was pushed forward by a robotic arm of the mech car and hung straight up in the air, and he didn’t even look embarrassed.

When passing by with Lin Jingheng, the man suddenly broke his identity: “General Lin.”

Lin Jingheng stepped a foot, the mecha car stopped immediately, the mechanical arm was raised high, inside the car, the muzzle of a laser gun came out, arrived on the man’s temple, and warned him not to talk.

Lin Jingheng narrowed his eyes slightly: “What do you call me?”

The man said politely: “General Lin Jingheng, I have seen your photos and videos before, I am familiar with your appearance, and introduce myself. My name is” Hop “, an unnamed soldier of the Anti-Russian Association, I am honored See you live. “

“Unknown Minor” should be true, otherwise it would not be sent to follow Aris Feng’s neurosis, after all, the main force of the Anti-Uzbek Society is busy subverting other galaxies.

“I made a detailed self-introduction with your boss, Ares Feng. From the look of his expression, I felt like I was an impostor scammer until you died. With a face, you think I am Lin Jingheng?” The car stretched out a hand and pressed it down in the air. Hope of the Anti-Ukraine Conference was dropped by the robot. “The death of ‘Lin Jingheng’ was announced by Eden. Have you not heard of it?”

Hope landed on both feet and took a half-step under the rough manipulator, but his face did not look dark. Instead, he nodded to the cockpit of the mech car: “I’ve heard of this, but I don’t think you are in front of you. It ’s just a cosmetic lover. You take over here. It should be that Ares Feng has been annihilated. Do n’t tell me that Prince Gloria is too paranoid and very difficult to control. He often violates the organization ’s yin and yin. Vice … Stained the natural body, many people in the organization criticized him, but in the end, he decided to support him, just because of his madness and military talent. In these years, he organized many attacks against the alliance, Be cautious and have rich combat experience. Not everyone can fight with him. “

Hope said that he raised his eyes boldly and met Lin Jingheng’s gaze.

Presumably, there is no legendary “king eight spirit” in General Lin’s eyes. Anyway, this middle-aged man who engages in cults is not afraid of him. He stared at Lin Jingheng’s eyes and said, “Eden is not everything. , Right, General Lin? “

Lin Jingheng bent his lips unwillingly: “It is possible.”

“Nothing is almighty,” Hope said lowly. “Including humans, since ancient times, Homo sapiens has conquered the food chain, the environment, the earth, the solar system, and the eight galaxies, time, dimensions, and space. … Almost all undomesticated animals were extinct by human activities, and then reshaped from genetic fragments. In alliances, storms, and lightning, all natural phenomena are controlled by humans. You overstep creation, interfere with nature, and treat yourself as The omnipotent God is too arrogant-General Lin, do you think, what kind of sapiens will be the next enemy? “

Lin Jingheng was very surprised, because he had never seen such a bold and neurotic disease, even after being captured, he dared to preach to him!

He himself was much lazy to talk about, and after listening to this fart, he didn’t even give a sneer, and turned expressionlessly into ear wind, and turned to leave.

“General Lin, do you know? In ancient times, the stupid Earth Homo sapiens established the first city-state, and voluntarily gave up the freedom of the flesh and bound himself within the high wall. For thousands of years since then, The limited and worthless real estate and land inside the wall, the whole life is exhausted, you live and die, like a puppet locked in an altar-these maggots have grown up, and future generations will continue, and then voluntarily give up the ‘freedom of spirit and thought’, Abandoning the “freedom of the five senses and six senses”, they built the so-called “Internet”, which made everyone’s words, deeds, and contexts clear with data, and everyone’s thoughts were drowned in ulterior data streams, repeatedly Brainwashing, irresistibly being led to the set direction, this is already quite dangerous, and you actually built the Garden of Eden! Voluntarily gave up the freedom of the soul! “Hope said loudly behind him,” General Lin, Eden is just the beginning, the next One step, what is our turn to abandon? The alliance has neither freedom nor equality, this is human beings deceiving themselves! This species will sooner or later die “

Lin Jingheng kept walking.

“Get enlightened.” Hope sighed, the driver in the mech car quickly dragged people away, Hope was tied to a mechanical hand, standing up against the wind, and a linen-colored windbreaker hunted, this The man looked straight ahead and looked like a savior who was about to die. Many captured anti-Uzbek people around him listened to his words and were touched. They just struggled and shouted, “Performance artist They were all quiet, and some were in tears, and some mumbled after him to “enlighten”.

They said, “Enlighten me, my brothers and sisters, naturally bless you.”

The shattered human voices gathered together like a torrent, and went away with the wind.

Lu Bixing arrived at Starstar two days later, because the technical system of the Anti-Uzbek Union is different from the alliance, and even the mecha energy source has different interface models. In short, the charger does not match, and engineers need to solve it.

Lin Jingheng is having a meeting in the newly occupied base tower. The conference room is on the fourth floor. The side facing the mecha transceiver station is a spherical floor-to-ceiling window, and the view is quite wide. The Silver Quartermaster’s quartermaster reported on the next channel plan to obtain combat readiness. Lin Jingheng said nothing, frowned while listening, his face looked horrified.

At this moment, when the mech entered the station, the huge noise penetrated the anti-noise film of the conference room and passed into the room. Like a faint sigh, Lin Jingheng inadvertently looked up and saw the old and heavy silver nine. After A docked, the hatch opened, and a circus ran out of it!

The heroes of the “eighth galaxy self-defense force” rolled out in a murmur, some people may not have been on the planet much in their lives, too excited, hopping vigorously, raising their hands and howling … and 撅I was lying on the ground studying soil.

The scourge of the rigorous atmosphere in the freshly-released “base one” is utterly scum.

Lin Jingheng: “…”

Seeing his entangled brows, the quartermaster was about to die, and he shut up shut.

After waiting for everyone to come down, Lu Bixing only slowly walked down slowly. I don’t know if Baiyinwei who sent the newsletter wrote the wrong information. This person doesn’t seem to come to work, it seems to come to vacation. He wore a very avant-garde long trench coat, stepped on a pair of casual and serious leather shoes, a slim shirt close to the waistline, there was a small stand-up collar on the nose, a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, beside A silly cockfighting bag for him.

The other three students added a fierce one-eyed eagle, like a group of bodyguards driving around with the young master, escorting the young master to a fashion week show.

Lu Bixing looked around for a moment, but I don’t know if there is a telescope on the sunglasses. After a long time, he locked his eyes in the conference room, grinned to show a white tooth, and waved in the conference room.

The quartermaster held Lin Jingheng and saw that his frown was not loose, but the tip of his eyebrow raised slightly, and the corner of his mouth was flattened with a smile, so he tentatively “meowed”: “… then I Continue to talk about the future development trend of Option 2? “

Lin Jingheng’s gaze fell, and he finally said: “It’s not reliable, say the next, talk about the key points, and be brief.”

Although it is a negative opinion, anyway, it is an opinion. The quartermaster who accompanied the king and the tiger finally got clear instructions. He almost burst into tears and reported more than three times more efficiently.

By the end of this meeting, Lu Bixing has solved the problem of the mismatch between the mech and the base with an electromagnetic configurator.

“It turned out that the eighth galaxy was a smuggling concentration camp. I’ve seen any amazing mech models. You know that many private mech designers cooperate with the black workshops. They are very casual. They don’t care about your alliance standards or interstellar standards. In my own mood, the mech made it, and it looked good. Some fell down and couldn’t even connect the tracks. “Lu Bixing held an electronic pen, rolled up his sleeves, and talked in the mech station.” So I The suggestion is that if the future of your mechs and weapons is uncertain, it is best to build a ‘protocol platform’ with all ports set to active and can be customized. “

Turan beside him heard a snorting: “Is this a big project? How long will that take?”

“If I do it, it won’t be very long. You can lend me the silver nine mech maintenance unit for one week.” Lu Bixing reached out and squeezed, the electronic pen turned into a light spot in his palm, and returned to the individual on his wrist. Terminal, “My dad used to rebuild the mech warehouse on Gloria Star.”

Turan has never seen such a folk scientist from the wild road, shocked: “Just … just this conversion plug …”

“It’s an electromagnetic configurator.”

“… What is love? If it was placed in the former Silver Fortress, you must first gather the waste engineers from Silver III to have a meeting, discuss it in an afternoon, and arrange the minutes of the meeting. The Chief, the Quartermaster Management Office and the Secretariat approved on three levels and sent it to the boss. The boss approved it, and Silver III was able to take the approval to run the fund approval and report to the Military Commission. It took three days to break the leg. “Turan was very moved. He shook his hand, “Three days, it was solved by you in five minutes. Teacher Lu, he looks so handsome indeed!”

Lin Jingheng said coolly, “Okay, in the future, communication will resume. You are responsible for notifying Baiyinsan and letting them commit suicide on the spot.”

Turan hurriedly let go, and Li Zheng stood up.

Lin Jingheng said with a nose and an eye, “Captain Turan, are you very familiar with the procedure, then you talk about it, when will I say that you will bring the waste from the base to the mess?”

A **** pot caught on Turan’s head, and she felt that she had wronged the eight galaxies: “I …”

“I’m me.” Lu Bixing quickly pushed the sunglasses over his head. “I asked them to help. They worked well on Saturday, and they didn’t want to go back to the muddy days before the battlefield. The Self-Defense Force reorganized. Once, they want to be your external team in the future, the elite to the elite, such a big eight galaxy, even if the silver and the ten guards are here, they can’t care about it, they always have to cultivate a new team. “

After Lin Jingheng heard it, he said nothing, and pretended that nothing had happened. He checked the mech stop that Lu Bixing had rebuilt, and hurried away.

Lu Bixing poked Turan with his elbow, and whispered, “What do your engineers in the army want to do, and will the general approve it?”

Turan said half-deadly: “Yes, the Union Military Commission bureaucracy is very heavy. Many eyes are staring at the Silver Fortress. The internal procedures are not complete, and the military commissioner will be beaten back. Many eyes are staring, and the general has no choice. “

Sometimes Lin Jingheng disgusted the military commission deliberately. If he did n’t write a “consent” when he approved it, he put a punctuation mark—the period is approval and approval, the question mark requires the plan to be further detailed, and the exclamation mark is called back to redo. The cross stands for “You’re Silly X”.

Turan complained: “There is no degree of freedom, and the second cargo technology of Silver III has a lot of ideas. The captain of the three guards held a bundle of papers every day and ran around the general. He was humiliated by him every day. Grow in his personal terminal. “

Lu Bixing: “Great!”

Ye Luzi ’s army engineers do n’t need to have a meeting or talk to anyone. There are only four students taking notes. It took them only one afternoon to finish the plan of the “Agreement Platform” project. Lu Bixing lifted the invisible big tail In the sky, I can’t wait to go to General Lin for shame.

The “report” took longer than his planning time, but Lin Jingheng neither humiliated him nor sent him with a punctuation mark, and listened silently to him after he pulled away. Here he extracted the key points, asked two or three questions, and then nodded: “Yes, try to do it first, and talk about it if you have questions.”

Lu Bixing stood up, before taking off his sunglasses, and put it on the well-made hairstyle. He propped his hands on Lin Jingheng’s desk and smiled at him.

Lin Jingheng felt a little ominous premonition in his heart.

“It’s all dinner time,” Lu Bixing said. “It’s hard to land. Do you still take nutrition cream?”

Lin Jingheng sighed from his nose. He felt that although the engineer Lu Yezi could support a team by himself, he was really terribly stubborn and very difficult to feed. He stretched his hands on his personal terminal and planned to recruit a logistics robot to serve the young master.

“Don’t trouble, artificial intelligence also has human rights,” Lu Bixing grabbed his wrist. “General, here is only 300 kilometers away from the nearest big city of Qixing. Let’s go out to eat.”

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