IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 1

"Ughh," a small groan, it came from a figure inside a rather roughed up bed, the speaker was a girl that was seemingly in her early twenties, she had brown hair and hazel eyes, and besides the piercings on her left ear, she wore nothing, the bed she was in had a stench of sweat, waking herself up from her daze and finding her bearings, the girl looked around, finding that she was not inside her room, she grabbed the bedsheets right beside her body, a good way to cover up her rather nude body, she had a small hunch on where this place was, and as memory serves, flashbacks of a rather messy night at the bar had told her that the owner of this place is a teen with black hair and brown eyes, and that was it, everything else was quite fuzzy, even the sex. She guessed it was probably great but, she digressed, drugs often escalate pleasure to great heights after all,
"Good morning," she heard a voice say, it came from the door that she assumed led to some sort of living room, given that this was a room and all that, she did not know where the speaker was, but judging by the fact that he knew that she had woken up, the person somehow sees her,

She stood up and scanned the entire room, she was able to find traces of her clothes and underwear, and, thank the gods, a used condom,
The girl sighed in relief, thankful that her partner for the night had at least thought of using protection, that's great, she thought, guess she didn't need to worry about anything related to pregnancy. Bending down, the girl attempted to grab her panties, and upon grabbing them, immediately put them on, next was her bra, and after putting her garments on, she dropped the bedsheets and proceeded to collect her clothes, the T-shirt was up first, she put it on, then came her leggings, but before she can wear her pants, the voice called out once again, this time, he was near, "I have breakfast," it said, then came the figure of a scrawny teen entering the room, looking at him now, the girl was confused as for why she even slept with him, he looked quite plain, compared to her at least,
The teen wore a white V-neck T-shirt, and beneath that are blue boxers that had no design, his face was shaved and his jawline was on the average side, his eyes were completely average and his features weren't that well defined, he was as average as average can get, but the girl guessed that THAT didn't stop him from hooking up with her, "the alcohol must've been pretty strong huh?" She said, not out of sarcasm, but out of genuine curiosity, she had no memories of last night, and she assumed that a blackout that bad must have been caused by at least something like a few bottles of vodka, it wasn't her first time going to a club, and it sure as hell wasn't her first time drinking, she could take a few bottles, that wouldn't deter her,

"Yeah, I saw you at the club and you drank like a monster," The teen laughed a little bit from this, "I felt bad for you so I asked where you lived, you flirted with me and said that you would rather go to my apartment, seeing that it was a club, I took that opportunity and took you here," he added, "You can guess what happened afterward,"

"Jesus Christ,"

"Anyways, I have breakfast, wanna eat?" he asked her, the girl nodded and grabbed the plate that was offered to her, the meal was quite simple if not basic, it was bacon and eggs with a hint of toast to the side, nothing more, nothing less, if it was her home, she would probably be offered something more delightful, but, as things stand, she was in a stranger's house, I probably shouldn't complain, she thought to herself, the boy soon left the room with the departing words - "Well, I'll leave ya to it," - she was quite unsure as to what to make of this situation, this certainly isn't her first one night stand but the thought of why she even did this in the first place lingered in her mind, her brother has gotten imprisoned as of late and her parents are gonna have a divorce, she was sure of it, both of them are two shareholders of powerful companies like Stark Industries and Oscorp but-

"Hey, I'm about to leave in around an hour or so, I would love it if you left this place before then, I'll give you fare for the taxi as well, thanks" her thoughts were interrupted by the teen, curious as for where he would be going, she asked-

"Where to?" and she didn't expect the response he would say next-

"Oh, just high school, why?

"I slept with a high schooler, great." The girl muttered to herself, "Where are your parents kid?" She asked, getting a small chuckle from the teen, "I am an orphan," He replied, "Oh?" curiosity sparked inside of her, "So you're telling me that you somehow live alone in his place? Do you have a job or something? And how did you get in the club?"

"I don't look 15, don't I? I have a small job at a nearby diner, I am a waiter there, the rent here is pretty cheap and I have made multiple fake ID's,"

"Get me out of here," She said, grabbing her phone and checking the time, if someone ever finds out about this, she may potentially go to jail, hell, he is 15? 15?! "Jesus Christ, I am not drinking ever again."
The time was still early, it was precisely at six o clock in the morning, and that is great, it means that she has time to think things through should she get home,

She eventually finished packing all her clothes, and the kid was starting to get ready for school by ironing out his uniform, "By the way, what's your name kid?" She asked him the moment that she reached the door, her escort looked at her strangely, then answered-

"Jackson Stephen why?"

"Nothing," She took a deep breath, trying to find her resolve, "So, which school do you go to?"

"Mid town high, why?"

"Great, great. I'll see if you're really a highschooler, I'll ask for you there or something," these were the last words that the girl said before she left the apartment, leaving Jackson alone to think about things, the girl was certainly weird, and it probably didn't help that she was hitting on him the whole night last night, oh well, a white lie is still a white lie, still, he might have a new friend soon, and those are always great,

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