IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 20

Night soon came, and a monster started to lurk the streets of new York, he was an 8 foot tall green monster that clung to the rooftops of the highest buildings, the creature's face is an amalgamation of loose biomass with teeth, it had the vague shape of a human head, two eyes that were akin to arrowheads situated themselves of it's otherwise featureless face, they were sharp, both physically and metaphorically as they scanned the surrounding area, looking for anything that resembled crime. The monster looked around, finding nothing, it leapt, causing the building it was previously clinging to, to shake.

The monster reached the height of 20 feet with a single jump, he opened up his limbs, thin, membranous structures opened up beneath his arms and in between his legs, these body parts enabled him to fly, or rather, glide. No one has seen him yet, his instincts had told him so, there was no mass panic below him, or if there was, he wasn't able to feel it, still, that was an indication that he wasn't seen yet, after all, the emotions of humans were quite volatile to the point that he was able to feel their distress from a distance.
Implant flapped his arms, gathering air below them and increasing altitude, he flapped once again, the same thing happened, with a continuous amount of arm movement, the symbiote soon reached the height of clouds. His host enjoyed this sort of thing, whenever they flew he would recommend that they should reach the clouds, the reasons for why is unknown to the symbiote, but since his host's brain released serotonin, he assumed that he was pretty happy with the situation. With that in mind, the symbiote once again moved his arms, enabling them to reach heights that their gliding sequence has never reached before, above them, they were able to see planes, they wouldn't be able to reach such heights lest they risk oxygen deprivation but the thought does count, and his host's question has at least meant something.

That being that they enjoy the act of freedom, or maybe it was him solely that has found such enjoyment, either way, Implant felt that perhaps the two of them may as well be the same- creature's that had done their best to rig the life that was set upon them, small geniuses that were able to escape a fate that would've been considered as something bad by the rest of their kin, for Jack, it was him escaping financial depravity, and for Implant, it was him escaping his captivity, both completely different yet at the same time similar situations born from finesse and knowledge, scenarios that would not have happened for if they were simply normal.

Jack's ability to properly hide himself using his personally developed skills was quite something to behold, for if he did not have the skills of being a conman, he would not have been able to go to school, and yet he did, thanks to his skills at faking his identity, he was able to get a job at a convenience store when he was still 13, and two years later after that he was able to get his current job as a waiter inside a restaurant, of course, his looks had done a good job at hiding him but if the kid did not know how to utilize it he would have been stuck at rock bottom.
For Implant, things were a bit different, he was a fine specimen born from a symbiote inside the Life foundation facility, and yet, and yet, his skills of being able to cut his size and hide his presence had proven to be useful in his escape, he was born with these gifts but if it were not for his ability to utilize them, he would not have been able to escape, even then, he was still stuck inside the building, within that bathroom for days on end, he had only started killing his host once he had starved, and no one had noticed, well, they did, but they did not know who the culprit was, certainly not the thought to be dead symbiote, that's for sure. Clinging to that researcher had opened Implant' mind to the possibility of hosts, and yet he felt that man die from the inside out when he invaded his body, he was thought of as a disease, something that the body will get rid of, but he succeeded in hiding, and that researcher has led him to that bathroom, where he met his current host, and that was compatible with him.

Though his host had problems, Implant figured that they can work on it together, the kid was brilliant! He just needed someone to guide him properly, and he would be here to do it, and he would not have had it any other way.

Potential is great, and properly nurturing that potential is even better.

Implant soon found himself descending to the ground, he has smelled something on the streets, it was the stench of cum, or perhaps pre-cum, either way it has attracted him. He was soon on the building that was directly above the alleyway where the stench had come from, he pulled his wings back to his body, he then sniffed the air, there it was, stronger than ever before, muffled cries entered his ears, they were below him.

He walked,

And soon, he was directly above the alleyway, looking down on it with great interest, from there he saw two humans, one male the other female, the man was forcing himself to the woman, that much was obvious, but, feeling their emotions, it seems that the man has some sort of vendetta against the girl, some might say they were close acquaintances. Not that it mattered of course,

Implant Jumped down, he made sure that his hulking frame was visible to the man and woman when he arrived, and the man, with a face of surprise stopped thrusting his hips, fear replaced the pleasure in his eyes, what was once a gaze that felt proud of overpowering someone weaker than him was now a look of awe, terror, and shock, he stood up, and Implant saw his small member hanging loose, he then felt an urge of regret pulling at the man's brain, an urge that said- "Fuck this guy! I was about to finish!" - and it showed, perhaps Implant had disturbed him before he reached his climax? Just kidding, of course he did, he made sure of it.

The man proceeded to warily look at Implant, he then pulled something out of his sleeved shirt, it was a knife, a small one, something that wouldn't harm Implant but he thought that he appreciates the guy for trying. The man, or rather, now that he is looking at him, teen, spoke, "I- I don't want to hurt you man, j-just l-leave me be!" He stuttered, funny, because that little toy wouldn't even graze him,

"Sure, MAN, I won't hurt you," Implant replied, and he felt the man's stress leave his head, "I'll make it painless." he added, causing the man in front of him to look at him in surprise, he then threw his knife at him, the object did not even reach him, simply falling halfway through its mark,

The man ran,

Implant, snickering whipped his arm, a long tendril shot out, directly hitting his pants, ones that he was pulling up as he started to flee. Implant pulled his hand, causing the man to fall down, face planting into the ground. The symbiote once again pulled his arm, getting the crawling man ever so closer towards him,

and then the teen realized it as he felt his pants loosely clinging to his knees, if he took off his pants, then there is a chance that he can escape,

So, choosing his life over his dignity, the teen took off his pants in a hurry,

and it worked, he no longer felt the monster's tug,

he stood up,

and ran.

People looked at him funny as he left the alleyway, everyone looked down on his groin, some took pictures of his face, others were silently chuckling at his expense,

taking off his glove, he tried to put it on his member,

it fell.

Having no choice but to hide his face, he ran. And from inside the alleyway, he heard it,"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" a voice so hoarse that it felt otherworldly, others simply took it as someone laughing at him, he covered his face and ran.

Back in the alleyway, Implant stared at the young woman after his laughing fit, she was already on her way to fix herself as she put on her skirt, with the last button done, she grabbed her bags and looked at Implant, she wanted to say something but it seems that it was stuck inside her throat, so Implant took the lead, "Worry not, I am not here to attack anyone," the girl shook her head, from her face she looks like she was at best, 19, "I-its fine," she replied in a meek voice, and in that moment, Implant had a great idea,

"Say, do you want to make that man suffer?" He asked, "He shouldn't be too far off from here." He added, the girl, as meek as ever shook her head, "I know who he is, I-I don't want to take revenge against him." She responded, but Implant did not care, he grabbed the girl by the waist and with her in his arms, he climbed the walls,

They soon stalked the teen, he was had run about a good distance away from them when they found him, he was still naked and people were still looking at him, so much so that they didn't see the monster that leapt from rooftop to rooftop.

They soon reached a small clearing, no one was here, but Implant, the man, and the girl,

Jumping down, he once again scared the man, he put down the girl and looked at the now shivering guy, Implant thought it was because of fear but now that he looked at him, it seems that he was instead mad at him for the humiliation that he subjected him to, not a surprise, given that this teen felt good for overpowering the woman standing right beside him. The guy must have been pissed because he no longer cared as he found the courage to attack the 8-foot tall monster that could easily overpower him,

And overpower him Implant did, he let the kid's punch connect, and when it did he trapped him inside his own body, the kid tried to get away, tried to move his hands away but Implant had an Iron grip, the kid cried, no, he wept. "Please! JUST STOP!" He yelled out, but Implant did not care, he simply stared at the kid as he did his best to remove his hands, then he looked at his original victim, the girl, "Punch him," He said, and the man's frantic movements stopped, "TRY IT BITCH!" He yelled, and the girl froze, "I-I can't!" She uttered fearfully.

"So be it," Was Implants reply as a tendril shot from his body, it pulled the girl towards them, and when another tendril shot out and grabbed her hand it went ahead and forced her to weakly punch the teen, when he was struck, the teen went ballistic- "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He said, he tried to use his other hand, the one that was free to punch the girl, but a tendril shot out and grabbed it, another batch of movements later and the man sobbed, "WHY?!" he asked, either oblivious to his actions or just simply dumb, but he asked non the less.

"I'll stop him. Punch." The monster said, and the girl, seemingly able to find her courage, hit the man square in the face, his sobbing continued as he tried to move once again, but seeing that he wasn't able to retaliate, he cried even more, the girl, once again finding the courage punched,

and after he didn't hit back,

she let out another,

and another,

then another,

she laughed, "You piece of shit! This is how I FELT!" she punched once again, his face had gotten swollen from her hits, they were crude but undoubtedly painful. After that she beat the teen until the sound of police sirens entered her ears, panic overcame her face, but then she looked at the monster in front of her, and Implant nodded, she raised her arms, like a child that asked to be carried, and Implant obliged.

The two soon left the scene.

"Thank you," The girl said, sitting on top of a building's edge, and Implant gave her a nod, "I do my best." he replied, "do now I shall take my leave." He added, and the girl nodded, she then gave him one last thanks before attempting to kiss the monster, Implant shoved her away, "I do not feel that way." He said, and the girl, tears on her eyes, once again nodded.

The monster left. And when he did, on that rooftop someone muttered- "So thats how that feels huh?"

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