IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 25

It was almost as if time had become frozen, and in that frozen state stood three figures, they stilled like the small figurines inside a snow globe, one clung to the walls like some sort of lizard, that person wore a red and blue suit that had small, sun glasses like additions as eyes, the suit he wore had a web-like pattern, to most, it looked like rubber and latex to the trained eye, he was shooting a line of web out of his wrist, as for how, most do not really have an answer as the people who knew the person behind that mask couldn't really be said to possess such capabilities, and the person himself does not know how, all he knew is that his body had suddenly decided to produce such material. And then there is the other person, a man with a crimson red suit, his mask was one that covered only half his face, he looked in shock as the person prior shot his web, the man carried two weapons, cylinder-like objects that clung to his hand, his grip on them was tight.
Now, the last, but not the least was a small teenager judging by the stature, he was the one whom was getting shot on by the web, he wore a yellow-green suit that had a fitting similarity to the first person's own, as for who copied who, no one knows. This particular teenager's face had gotten weirdly swollen as the web started to make its way, but don't mistake that as some sort of disease because-

"HUARGH!" Yelled the green monstrosity that emerged from the young man's body, his now gigantic size has enabled him to dodge the attack that was aimed at his face, which now stuck itself to his chest instead. It looked around, its sharp eyes observing the two suspiciously, they didn't move, instead they opted to look at the creature as well.

And then one of then spoke, the man in the purely red suit- "Look, I know you can be reasoned with so please leave Spider man Alo-" The creature leapt towards the supposed arachnid, grabbed his back, and slammed him down, it's body stood on top of the now fallen Spiderman, the monster's foot was on his back. "God damnit." Muttered the first speaker before going into the fray himself, he ducked as the creature swung with all it's might in a sideways arc, he then followed it up with a counter attack that struck the monster's elbow.

His strikes didn't faze it at all.

And yet he tried,

Somewhere on the same alleyway, Spiderman stood up, his head in a daze, he looked around, seeing Daredevil entertain the monster was quite the show, the man was able to dodge every slow and sluggish attack the monster let out, all the while returning his own ineffective blows. Gathering his bearings, Spider man shook his head, and after releasing a breath he had been holding, went out to fight.

He punched the monster with two consecutive Jabs, it seemed to have blocked it quite well, but he followed it up with a low kick to the calf, it took the blow without effort, it then tried to retaliate but DareDevil managed to land a kick to his knee, causing the monster to look his way, Spiderman took this as an opportunity, he released another set of blows, attempting to hit the monster's stomach this time.

It took the blows just fine, and it seemed to have unlimited stamina as well, as even after a while of them attacking it with all they got, it was fine. But, almost as if it had suddenly realized something, the monster quickened it's movements, and it's strike were now designed to incapacitate, all of its blow either went to Peter's head, or his stomach, and the same goes for DareDevil.

A little while of this later and the two have shown signs of being tired, from either dodging, or hitting. Possibly both. But the monster didn't show these signs, quite the opposite in fact, it seems that it was as lively as ever, that difference had led to DareDevil getting hit in the stomach,

The hit sent the vigilante out of the fight, and he stumbled and rolled in the ground like a ragdoll. Spiderman, surprised to see this stood in a daze, and that made him got hit by him, straight to the chest, he too rolled on the ground. The monster taunted them, but both couldn't hear it over the pain of its hits, the monster then walked towards them both, but seemingly prioritizing DareDevil,

it grabbed the man and lifted him into the air, and that was when Peter realized what was about to happen, he tried to lift his body up, but to no avail, the pain was too much and he was having trouble breathing,

he shot out a web.

It connected to the monster's chest,

he pulled,

it didn't work,

but fortunately, in its arrogance, the monster did the same, and Peter was pulled towards him in great speeds, "I'm not longer holding back." He said as he prepared his punch,

it hit,

and for the first time ever since they had started fighting, the monster fell back,

It looked at Spider man in interest, whom, by now, was standing up,

it charge.

And Peter took it, he managed to fend the monster off, and then he released another punch,

the monster once again fell back,

it's arms turned into scythes, and is body got even bulkier, but it still didnt know how to fight. And so, when he got near, he was simply slashing with all his might, without purpose, without reason, Peter was able to dodge each one with his spider sense, hell, it was easier than before.

He struck,

the monster fell back,

"I can't let you roam around freely,"


He can't let other people have the same fate as him, all because he wouldn't stop some criminal, all because he would let this one roam the streets freely, he needed to end it's reign, he either makes it run away, to never show it's face again,

or he eliminates it.

It roared, then it charged,

Peter dodged, he struck, the same old routine, but it seems that the monster had learned, as it simply stared at him,

then tendrils grew out of its back, all were sharp, filled with spikes, it's arms had become blades instead of scythes. "Dodge this." It said, it's voice leaking with confidence, then it ran towards him once again, Peter braced himself to fight, but-

"AHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHHH HHH " a loud noise filled the alleyway, the monster stopped, his knees fell to the ground, "So I guess the rumors were right." The new comer said, "You are here." Spiderman's ears rang, but from the corner of his eye, he saw DareDevil, un fazed, he then saw him mouth- prepared for this.

Peter looked back at the monster, and he saw it had started to run, he looked towards the new comer,

and then it clicked.

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