IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 27

Waking up for the first time after a while made Jack feel quite strange, after not sleeping for so long one would expect that he would somehow oversleep but he kinda just got up at the usual time, he didn't feel fatigued funnily enough, like how one would have withdrawals after not doing things that you were addicted to, the nervous system is weird like that, but, thanks to Implant, he was fine, and that may be a red flag on how much the symbiote would affect his actual lifestyle from now on. Not that it didn't already, given that he has started working out and even became toned, to Jack though, sleeping was another matter, it's like eating, or drinking, it is basically so important that you can't really ignore it as much as you would want to.

Leaving his bed, Jack went ahead and prepared breakfast, ham and bread mashed together by jelly, something that most people probably wouldn't find appetizing but eh, Jack like his food that way, and others can just go to hell with their opinion.

IF it existed.

It probably does.

Preparing the shower with energy, the teen took off his clothes and stepped in. The water was warm and the surrounding area was cold, a perfect blend of temperature that Jack loved, should he step out now, he would find the coldness of the outside to be comforting, and whilst he stayed inside the shower, he would find the hotness to be pleasing. Mornings like this were rare, and even rare is him waking up to appreciate such mornings, he would usually be too grump to even notice the pleasing tone of the early sun, and yet, right now, he didn't feel the need to detest it, because his day started out great.

He eventually left the shower with a smile on his face, but now that he thinks about it, Implant had not said anything for a while now and he was getting concerned, but the symbiote was probably just thinking things through, with them getting weakness and all that, it was probably good that they plan their next move.

And the symbiote had said that he will do just that, all he needs is time.

So Jack left him be and decided to muse on his own little things, on his own little world.

After wearing his school uniform, Jack left his room, and after checking the door was locked three times, he proceeded to leave his apartment.
Stepping into the elevator, Jack noticed someone quite peculiar, one that got his attention in fact, as the man's features were just that unique. The man had a beard like Abraham Lincoln, and his frame was quite stocky, bulky even, his blue eyes simply stared at the elevator without purpose, and his hands were clenched in a way that let others show the veins on them, he wore a checkered brown vest and a white T-shirt, dirt brown pants hung low beneath his waist, and overall, the man gave this 'I am way too serious vibe' which was quite weird. Oh, and Implant had said that there is something weird about him as well, Jack did not know what though, something about the guy being rather emotionless.


Jack soon left the elevator door, not really hurrying as he didn't feel the man was dangerous, just eye-catching.

Then after that he got out of the building and waited for the bus,

The bus ride after that though was quite boring, just plain stuff, something about mutants suddenly attacking a certain part of Oscorp, or maybe it was called Life Foundation? Either way Jack did not care, that is literally just Tuesday at this point, dear god, give him some more interesting news.

Anyways, School looked quite gloomy today, Jack did not know what was up but he guessed that it was probably just them preparing for something, or maybe the school once again lost the football team? Ah, if that was the case then who gives a crap, that's just Tuesday.

But apparently it wasn't Tuesday, it was actually Friday, and this particular day had a transfer student, one that went inside their class and their teacher wasn't excited about her, but come on! Why?! who wouldn't be excited about this- "Good morning class, meet your new classmate, her name is Cessily Kincaid."

- new transfer student?! She looked cool as heck! like, who doesn't want to have a classmate that has metal for a body?! like, come on people! wake up!

Well, Jack wanted to actually let people know that he was just that excited but he held himself back, that wasn't him, and that wasn't the image he had built, he was supposed to be silent, only ever speaking when he isn't out of bounds, still, he wouldn't be surprised if someone actually called the person in front of him hot. Because holy hell is she fiery, her curves actually showed themselves well, and both her chest and bust were quite big, not too big though, just the perfect amount, and from what Jack could tell, if her rear is that well toned, then he assumed that her waist should be in the same category. The teen actually found himself staring at her quite hard.

And that was despite her uniform.

Other than this new comer, class wasn't exciting. So there's that

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