IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 3

Jack grabbed the cafeteria food and found himself a seat, he watched the scene unfold in front of him, about how MJ protected Peter and how Flash backed off, Parker decided to curl into a ball and do nothing as the girl stood up for him, it wasn't a surprise, scenes like this happen all the time in this school, and it wasn't a surprise either, it has happened a hundred times over the course of the entire year, and up until now, Mj would protect Peter,


Flash eventually backed off, deciding that getting cafeteria food was the best thing he could do for the time being, he has spoken to him about these sorts of interactions, and well, the guy didn't really want to hit a girl, it wasn't much of a stretch to call him a kind bully, he really just wanted to feel powerful over different people, but he guessed that in the end, flash didn't want to do harm, he was as harmless as a mosquito, annoying sure but other than an itchy part of your skin, nothing else hurt, hell, you wouldn't even feel him as he does his thing, only afterward, and that was the problem, the guy was pretty much making enemies left and right, leaving sour moods all over the places he stepped in and-

"Hey! Didnt know your class has ended!" he called out to him, the entire cafeteria then looked towards Jacks general direction, from the corner of his eye, Jack was able to make out a few people whispering amongst each other, guess it's that time of day then, he thought to himself,

- just causing discomfort wherever he goes.

"So, I heard you got another shot at another girl yesterday? didn't know that you went to that club again," Flash, the ever so callous kid told him, it was annoying, seeing him so wide-eyed like this, just like everyone else, he wanted to be cool, and he thinks that sticking up to him like this would enable that, though it mostly just exemplified his arrogance even further, but flash, in a broad spectrum, would indeed be considered cool, with all that training he has been doing, the guy is pretty ripped, and well, not to mention him going in a good soccer team, Jack does not know how that game worked but he assumed that since Flash was an athlete that has competed in regionals before, the guy must've been pretty well known throughout the whole school, and that's if he doesn't mention his bullying,

"Yes flash, I did," He said, his tone was soft but his demeanor said otherwise, Jack didn't really like it whenever the other guy confronted him like this, it was quite annoying in it's own right, and well, stating that the guy should piss off would just make him one of Flash's targets, and the guy gets quite annoying, it wasn't pretty but he guessed that perhaps maybe, if he just attempted to be somewhat manageable then flash would just be great, and him sucking up to him wouldn't be so bad either,

"How old are you flash?" He asked, and the guy answered, saying that he is 16 years old, "Good, now, can you go to clubs yet?" This time, flash said that he can't,

"That is why I want you to help me get fake ID's!" He yelled out, uncaring about the feelings of flash, Jack replied- "And that is exactly the problem flash, you simply don't know how things work, I mean, if your father doesn't allow you to do it, why should you?" He asked him, Flash, by now, was seventeen years old, and he was around 15 or so, he could understand why the guy would want to befriend him but he guessed that even if he did, flash would probably fail and he would just get blamed, he wasn't planning on getting caught just yet. Though the people that do know him kinda already figured out how he operated, but he did not care.
Flash tried to persuade him but the answer stayed the same, "No," He said, but the guy simply wouldn't let up!

He stopped eating and looked at the nagging teen in front of him, the guy wouldn't shut up, so he asked- "Jesus Christ flash, what the hell has gotten into you?" - and with confidence, the teen in front of him answered that "Well, your kinda independent right? I mean, how do you even live like that? Being free from worries, stuff like that, I just wanna feel the same way," - So that was the reason, the guy simply wanted to feel independent, "What? Does your father hole you up or something? What are you a girl?" Jack said, taking a bite off the burger he was eating,

"Well, yeah," He said, and in that moment Jack that that flash would- "Not the girl part of course," - Aw. - "I mean, you don't have to worry about losing money because you make your own," he said, and this, this has always repeated, Jack did not need to know that the reason as for why Flash is a pest is because of the fact that he was admired, he did not need to be admired in the first place, hell, this shit should just go on without anything happening but here they are, talking to one another about how Flash needs his help, and all that stems from the fact that he was abandoned from birth, this guy really doesn't get it, Jack thought to himself, if he were in my shoes he would be thankful that he is living the life he is living now, like, Jesus, at least he didn't have to work for money, he can just get it from his father. There were multiple reasons why Jack doesn't want to help flash, but, the fact that he is ungrateful speaks a lot to him, if this guy ever gets caught, he is the one to get arrested, and that would be bad, in more ways than one.

"Look man, I know that you have your own life but come on! Look at my own, I just play soccer and people with powers are coming to existence! Tell me, what is more interesting, sports that include super powers, flight and all that shit, or regular sports?" Flash asked Jack this, expecting some sort of answer, but the teen simply said-

"Get your life together then, there's more to it than sports and girls, hell there's more to it than being a delinquent." He said before standing up and leaving, leaving Flash Thompson behind,

"And that's the problem, I don't know what I want to do with my life." The bully muttered to no one in particular.

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