IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 40





"Ughhh," Jack groaned as he steadied himself, the blaring alarm had woken him in the worst manner possible. He could vaguely remember what happened last night, it was uneventful, as it was mainly Implant and Felicia just flying around the night sky unattended, no one spotted them as the girl told the symbiote to fly as high as he can, before demanding to just let go and let his body fall, she yelled so loud during such falls that Jack was sure he had gotten some problem in his ear, and that was him staying inside the symbiote.
He does not know what would happen should they do that when he's the one in control, "Oh god..." A thought like that caused a shudder to crawl up Jack's spine, he facepalmed himself as he winced. Shaking his head, the teen tried to feel something in his bed, his phone should have rung somewhere in the night, Felicia said that she would message him the moment that she came home, after reaching his girlfriend's side of the bed and finding nothing but Sheila's bare body, Jack rubbed his eyes and looked at the nearby drawer.

Upon finding his phone, the teen opened it up and checked texts, and sure enough, there was one that came from Felicia, opening it up, he saw that the contents were her saying that she got home safely and a picture of her in her pajamas, the nightwear didn't conceal the girl's fit body.

Jack tossed his phone in the bed, getting a small shriek from Sheila who got hit by the object, it was schoolday today, but he didn't feel like going.


Jack got back to bed.




Time passed in the blink of an eye, Jack and Felicia still met up in their club after school and the two would often have spars that put their limbs on the line, the two got out unscathed of course, but the psyche of the club members that watched the two fight? Not so much.


"Still, Can't believe it's going to be new year soon." Jack said as he drank from a water bottle,


"Yeah," Felicia agreed, "So, we don't have classes starting tomorrow, do you have plans?" The heroine asked,


"Not really, I mean, if you consider working out as some sort of plan then be my guest." Jack replied,


Christmas had already passed and the three days after this one is going to be all about preparing for new year. "Time sure flies huh?" Jack muttered,







"Alright!" a naked Sheila said as she stretched, she had just gotten out of bed, and past midnight today is going to be new year, the girl couldn't be more excited for the occasion she had been anticipating the event for some time now, and Jack couldn't figure out why. Getting out of bed, the teen fixed his hair with his hand, the still messy band of locks didn't let up as he combed it.


"What got you so excited Shel?" The teen asked, "I mean, you do realize that it will only be the two of us right? Nothing special there, we'll probably just drink after new year and then pass out."


Sheila looked back, "Yeah, and what's wrong with that?" She asked in an annoyed tone, Jack scoffed.


"I don't really see the point in you getting so worked up over new year of all things,"


"Let me be."




The two eventually got out of bed, with their day set on grabbing food for the inevitable new year, the two started preparing to go to the mall.

It didn't take long for them to finish showering and changing, now with fresh clothes, the couple checked all the things they may potentially need to shop, and once they were done, the two left the apartment.


The trip to the mall was fascinating, Jack thought, he couldn't shake off the feeling of crippling fear that told him to be careful because some people know his secret identity but that was fine, that was what made the ride interesting in the first place, well, that and Sheila, she was quite excitable, she didn't stop humming as they made their way to the supermarket.


Eventually, the pair reached it, and, like a child, Sheila ran through the doors with glee, whatever made the girl excited, Jack wanted some of it, then maybe he can enjoy this trip.


Alas, it seems that it was only available to Sheila.


Compared to her, Jack passed through the doors like some tired slug. "This day is gonna be long."The teen sighed.


The two soon grabbed a cart, and with that, they started shopping.


Sheila passed aisle after aisle, grabbing whatever she found interesting and chucking them into the cart, she collected ingredients with finesse, with her seemingly knowing where they would be located. The couple did this in silence, though after an hour of it Sheila broke the ice and spoke-


"Hey," She called out, locking eyes with Jack, "Isn't it weird that, that gigantic monster that roams through the streets at night suddenly disappeared?"


"What do you mean?"


"I mean, wasn't it like, the last time that he was seen that monster was with a girl?" Sheila snapped her fingers, suddenly remembering something, "Black Cat. That was what people called her,"


"Yeah and?" Jack responded, eyebrows raised, Sheila was acting suspicious, and to hell with it if he doesn't recognize it.


Sheila took a deep breath, and then she spoke once again- "You know Jack, I noticed that Implant disappeared 20 minutes before you went back to our apartment." Sheila mentioned as she grabbed a milk carton from a fridge, "I mean, I am not suspicious or anything but, when you disappeared those nights ago..." Her voice was trailing off, and she looked at Jack with a discerning gaze, "Were you..."


Jack sighed, giving up, this was the second time. He looked His girlfriend straight in the eye-"So you already know huh?" Jack asked, and Sheila beamed, "THANK GOD!" She loudly exclaimed, "I thought you were still gonna lie to me." She added.


"Is that why you let me go out?"


"Yep!" his girlfriend turned around and continued to move forward, she closed the fridge and said- "Bingo Jack." She was bobbing her head up and down as she walked, "I mean, I don't really know why people haven't made that connection yet. For black cat I mean,"


Sheila stopped walking and looked at Jack, "I mean, do you get it?" Her tone was soft, and Implant's comment on how she's genuinely confused confirmed Jack's thoughts, "I mean come on! Like, you suddenly get well built? The other's said it was because of Steroids since you did it in one month but I didn't believe that, what do you gain from it? You know?" Jack's girlfriend ranted as she checked the cart, "And it Implant always appears on times after our shift ends! With the only exception being the time where he appeared in daytime, and YOU didn't get to do your shift during that night,"


Sheila continued walking, Jack followed "And like, when I saw that your friend over there had white hair I thought, 'Huh, isn't that suspicious?"


"And you were right?" Jack asked,


"YEP!" Sheila still excited, said.


"I mean, that isn't all too! Like, when you mentioned that you were a high schooler I thought about spider man and put two on two together," Jack raised his eyebrows, "I mean, you go home, an hour after that Spider man starts patrolling the streets!" Sheila ran back towards him and grabbed his hands, "I think his the same as you Jack!" The teen laughed,


"Right." He replied, "Anything more?"


Sheila raised her eyebrows at his question, "What? You're gonna kill me or something?" She said, "Just so you know I'm not afraid okay? I have been through that sort of thing and I realized that dying isn't that special." Sheila started to pout, "But don't kill me."


"I never knew there was this side of you to be honest." Jack said, 


"Well, to be fair, the only thing we actually did as a couple was have sex and that's it, we havent really gone out like this yet. Dont worry though, there are still more sides you can explore." She said with a wink,


"Anyways, that's the only thing I know about you and your friends." Sheila turned serious once again, "Nothing more."


"Okay," Jack replied, "But spider-man and I aren't friends."


"Really now?" his girlfriend asked,


"Yeah," he responded.


"Let's continue shopping then." Sheila finished.

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