
Chapter 2

Rose took a deep breath, knelt down, and waited.

She’d barely managed to complete her duties before Mistress came home, and her hair and uniform were more disheveled than they should have been. But at least she still had a few minutes to still her body and mind, gaze into the eyes of her slightly-flustered reflection, and recite her mantras.

A properly behaved girl exists to please others.

A properly behaved girl is always desperate to get fucked.

A properly behaved girl performs her duties without complaint.

A properly behaved girl is only truly comfortable when her mouth is full.

A properly behaved girl speaks as little as possible and only when necessary.

A properly behaved girl cannot orgasm without permission.

A properly behaved girl maintains her poise, grace, manners, and composure at all times.

Rose needed the reinforcement. She’d been really poorly behaved recently for whatever reason, finding the rules impossible to follow. It was baffling to her—she couldn’t remember anything having changed, and yet suddenly her mantras almost seemed to conflict with one another. And every time she tried to figure out the reason why, her thoughts would spin around in circles and her head would get all fuzzy.  

It wasn’t like her routine had changed: Wake up, get dressed, make breakfast for Mistress, clean the first floor, break for lunch, eat out Alex until the blonde wrapped her thighs around Rose’s head and came hard, clean the second floor, drop deep for Alex, get her pussy pounded, unsuccessfully beg for release, prep dinner, and wait for Mistress to come home. 

Yet despite the tasks being the same as ever, Rose felt entirely different performing them. Whenever she bent over to pick something up or scrub the floors, she’d have intrusive fantasies of someone grabbing her by the hips, hiking up her dress, and having their way with her. The smells and tastes of cooking now reminded her of how desperately empty her mouth felt, and she’d have to fight hard to keep herself from popping something in her mouth and greedily sucking. Worst of all, Rose was failing to be a good role model for Alex—every time she tried correcting the new submissive or showing her proper behavior, she’d somehow end up embarrassing or debasing herself.

She’d hoped it was a temporary phase, her getting used to having a new submissive around. Maybe she wasn’t a bad girl; maybe she was just going through a rough patch. 

The incident earlier that day had dashed those hopes.


Around 11 AM, Rose had finished her inspection of the first floor and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. She entered to find a newly-awake Alex sitting at the table, eating a pastry without a knife and fork. 

Rose gave her a polite smile and cleared her throat. “A properly behaved girl uses cutler—oh!” The maid was cut off by a sudden bolt of pleasure shooting through her, causing her to stand ramrod straight and freeze. Her nipples hardened immediately, visibly straining against her modest uniform. 

“Hm?” Alex didn’t even look up from her phone. 

Rose blinked hard, trying to return to her senses. What…what was that feeling? “Um…I…”

Alex took another large bite of the pastry, then started speaking with her mouth full. “Was’up, Rose?” 

Rose shook her head. This was no time for her to get distracted; she needed to help Alex learn the rules of the house! 

“A properly behaved girl does not speak when her mouth is full—nnnng!” Another stronger burst of pleasure made Rose double over, her hips grinding against nothing. 

“Hmm…” Alex swallowed, then lazily shifted her gaze over to the horny maid. “I guess you’re right; good girls don’t talk when their mouths are full, hmm?” 

Rose smoothed out the front of her dress, panting softly and flush with arousal and embarrassment. At least her duty was complete: Alex understood the rule. The maid turned to scurry away, happy to leave behind her strange, unexplainable feelings and get back to work. But before she could, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye.

Alex had gotten out a dildo and was casually holding it in her hand.

Rose turned her head back slowly inch by inch, as if magnetically drawn to the sex toy. She started salivating as Alex waved the pink phallus back and forth. 

“There was another rule about full mouths, right Rose? Could you remind me what it was?”


A tiny little frown crossed Rose’s face as her eyes tracked the movement of the plastic dick. She felt like…something would happen if she recited another rule, but her overtaxed little mind struggled to put the pieces together. The mental itch she’d normally been able to keep submerged rushed to the forefront of her consciousness, a sense of dissatisfaction and longing. Her mouth had nothing in it. That was the only thing that mattered. Because as Rose knew and began to recite,

A properly behaved girl is only comfortable when her mouth is fu—

The third activation of the trigger caused fiery lust to pour into her petite frame, making her limbs and lips—upper and lower—quiver with want. She sank to her knees in a pornographic parody of her normal grace, the fluid motion having a desperate edge as her legs spread and her mouth opened just a sliver. 

Mmmnn…” she whined.

“What was that? A properly behaved girl is only comfortable when her mouth is…?” Alex shifted her chair toward Rose, placing the dildo between her thighs and straddling the base so it stuck straight up. Rose couldn’t look away. 

Except…she knew she couldn’t suck it. She had to follow Mistress’ rules, had to behave, and had to set a good example for Alex. Aroused and antsy as Rose was, there was no excuse for crawling over and wrapping her little pink mouth around Alex’s fat cock. It would be shameful. It would be disobedient.

It would feel so good.

Alex gazed down at the flustered maid. “You’re going to have to be clearer, sweetheart, or else I won’t understand the rule. A properly behaved girl is only comfortable when her mouth is ‘fu…’ what, exactly?”

Rose shook her head and whimpered. This didn’t make sense. She’d never had this much trouble following the rules before. 

Alex tapped a finger against her lips in thought. “…When her mouth is…funny? No, I don’t think so. Futile? No. Fused? No…”

“Full!” Rose squeaked out before immediately slapping her hands over her mouth. 

Alex stroked her chin and leaned back. “Full, hmm? Only comfortable when her mouth is full. I guess that makes sense.” 

Rose exhaled through her nose in relief. But while she’d managed to stay away from the…lewd thing, her resolve was crumbling nonetheless. She couldn’t help noticing how close her fingers were to her mouth now that she was covering it. They wouldn’t be nearly as improper to suck on, right? Rose could take just a minute to sate her craving and then get back to being a good girl. It was so minor it didn’t even count as breaking a rule.

She took a deep breath, then slipped the tip of her pinkie into her mouth. Just for a minute…

Rose!” Alex gasped, grabbing the maid’s wrists and pulling her hands away from her mouth. “How improper!”  

Rose blushed bright red and looked down at the floor. Alex was right. What had she been thinking

“It’s unsanitary,” the blonde continued, letting go of Rose’s wrists and stroking her cheek. “You need those fingers for your work!” 

“S-sorry,” Rose murmured. Her whole body felt hot, tingly, and sensitive, her maid’s uniform suddenly constrictive. If only she could peel it off, let the heat pour off of her nude form to clear her mind…

“Apology accepted. No more sucking on your own fingers, though, okay?”

“Yes, Miss Alex.” Rose kept her eyes trained on the floor. She could no longer bring herself to look at Alex out of shame.

“If you really need it,” the blonde added, her thumb stroking down Rose’s cheek until it came to rest on her lower lip, “I’m always happy to help.”

Rose was long past being able to stop herself; the feeling of emptiness was too great to bear. She wrapped her lips around Alex’s thumb and suckled it, closing her eyes and letting out happy, contented sighs.

“There you go, you needy little thing.” 

The maid responded with only a satisfied squeak, her tongue flicking and circling Alex’s thumb. She was so enthralled by the task, in fact, that when Alex slowly pulled her hand back Rose automatically crawled forward to stay with it.

Alex giggled. “You think that’s good? Open your eyes.” 

Rose’s eyes fluttered for a moment before shooting wide open as she regained her bearings. 

The dildo was directly in front of her face, still perched between Alex’s thighs. She’d practically crawled straight into it.

“You know what?” Alex mused, “I’m not an expert on the rules like you, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t proper. I better not let your misbehavior drag me down too.” She slipped her thumb out of Rose’s mouth and hid her hand behind her back.

Rose’s mouth stayed open, softly panting as the dildo became the sole object of her focus. There really was no denying it now: She was a bad girl. Guilt gnawed away at her insides, but like all her other thoughts and feelings, it too was overshadowed by her need. 

And then a realization dawned on her: Bad girls deserved humiliation and debasement. 

Rose began bobbing her dainty little head up and down on the toy cock, happily and enthusiastically face-fucking herself. So enthusiastically, in fact, that Alex was stunned into silence for the first several seconds of the fellatio. The maid’s whimpers and moans sounded almost pleading, like she was simultaneously asking for forgiveness and begging for more.

Alex was happy to oblige the latter. 

“If you’re going to suck it, suck it right, whore.” She grabbed a handful of Rose’s hair at the base of her neck and forced the cock deeper down her throat. “Mm. I think we just found a much better use for your mouth than talking.” 

Rose’s only response was a steady gluck gluck gluck as she diligently took the dildo’s length. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, while drool spilled out of the corners of her mouth and onto her dress. 

“Next time you want to tell me a rule,” Alex growled, thrusting her hips up as she forced the maid’s head down lower, “you remember this moment; remember what your mouth was really made to do.”

There was no trigger behind her words, no hypnotic programming. Both of them knew it wasn’t really necessary—in that moment, Rose was susceptible and desperate enough to accept anything Alex said as gospel.

“I suppose I have to tell Eleanor about this, hmm?” The blonde sighed with false reluctance.

Rose let out a harsh, loud whine despite her mouth and throat both being absolutely stuffed. She looked up at Alex, a distant, glassy sort of fear in her eyes.

Alex leered at her. “Or maybe I won’t. I suppose you’ll just have to find out.”

The maid’s pitiful little mewl only made Alex face fuck her harder.


Before that morning, Rose could accept that she was confused but ultimately good. But now? After what she’d done? No amount of repeated mantras could make up for her misbehavior. And yet Rose knelt and recited them anyway, unsure of what else she could do. She couldn’t even take respite in trance, distracted as she was by her anxious thoughts. 

A properly behaved girl exists to please others.

A properly behaved girl is always desperate to get fucked.

Would Alex tell Mistress of Rose’s failures?

A properly behaved girl performs her duties without complaint.

A properly behaved girl is only truly comfortable when her mouth is full.

Would Mistress tell Rose what a bad girl she was?

A properly behaved girl speaks as little as possible and only when necessary.

A properly behaved girl cannot orgasm without permission.

Would she get rid of Rose entirely and just keep Alex?

A properly behaved girl maintains her poise, grace, manners, and composure at all times.

Was Rose even worthy of belonging to Mistress?

When she finally heard the front door open, Rose didn’t feel the rush of excitement that normally accompanied the sound. If anything, her nervousness only worsened. 

Mistress was home. 

She spoke with Alex for several minutes, their voices too low for Rose to make out any words. Maybe Alex was telling Mistress about the misbehavior right away—that’s what Rose would do in her position. The maid’s ears strained as the conversation tapered off, her nerves so strained that the sound of Mistress’ footsteps starting back up made her flinch. High heels tapped against the hardwood floor of the dining room as She grew closer.

Tap, tap, tap, tap. 

Rose trembled slightly. 

The sound changed smoothly and suddenly to clicks and clacks once Mistress entered the tile-floored kitchen. Rose made sure to keep her gaze fixed on her own reflection.

Click, clack, click, clack. 

Mistress placed a hand on her shoulder. This was it. Rose held her breath…

“Good afternoon, Rose.” Mistress squeezed her shoulder affectionately, then walked away out of the room. 

Click, clack, click, clack, tap, tap, tap…

Rose exhaled, her whole body deflating as she sat down out of her kneel. Mistress didn’t know yet. Alex must not have told Her. And while that did bring the maid some temporary relief, it did nothing to calm the swells of background stress she’d been dealing with all day. Rose knew she should tell Mistress herself, but the thought of doing so made her freeze up entirely. She wasn’t hiding her misbehavior, she was just…just…

“Hey, slut,” Alex whispered, strolling into the room behind Rose. The blonde sat down across from her, grabbing the maid’s hands and squeezing them earnestly. “I wanted to give you one more thing before dinner started.”

Rose stared blankly, not understanding. 

And then Alex lunged forward and kissed her, tongue pushing inside her mouth and swirling around. The lust within Rose erupted yet again, barely needing an excuse to be at the forefront of her mind.

Alex pulled away. “Better start setting the table!” She strode out of the room, leaving a rather lost looking Rose behind. 

After a few deep breaths, Rose shakily stood and started for the silverware drawer. Her movements were far clumsier than usual as she set the table and served dinner, her limbs made twitchy and imprecise by the fear in her belly. Luckily, Mistress didn’t acknowledge her slip-ups beyond a glance, and Rose was able to serve the first course before turning to retreat to the kitchen. Just as she reached the door to her temporary shelter, though, Alex addressed Mistress.

“There’s something I have to tell you.” 

Rose stopped in place, suddenly unable to move or breathe. This had to be it. The reckoning for her naughty behavior. 

“Oh?” Mistress replied coolly.

Alex took an incredibly long time to finish her most recent bite before responding. “Mhm.” 

A shiver went down Rose’s spine.


The blonde leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms behind her head. “Rose showed me how to eat properly.” She gave the maid a little wink. “I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s been really helpful with explaining everything.” 


Feeling no small amount of emotional whiplash, Rose practically fell into the kitchen door in her hurry to escape the room. She’d thought Alex was going to discuss her behavior, but not like that. It simply didn’t make sense! Unless…

Unless her impropriety was negatively influencing Alex. 

Rose gasped in horror at the thought. Her own failures were one thing, but to corrupt an innocent submissive like Alex was quite another. It meant she absolutely couldn’t stay quiet on the matter—the manner and conduct of the entire household was at stake. After a deep breath, Rose pivoted and reentered the dining room, determination driving her forward. 

Mistress looked over at her, confused. “Rose?” 

The maid opened her mouth, then faltered. Once Mistress knew Rose was a corrupting influence, She might not want her anymore. She might toss her maid aside. Sure, Mistress had promised Alex wasn’t a replacement for Rose, but that was back when Rose was good! As of right then, the risk was too great. Mistress’ calm, steady demeanor and confident beauty served to remind Rose of everything she stood to lose.

So when she finally did speak, it was without much importance or confidence. “My apologies, Mistress. I forgot to clear the salad plates.” 

“By all means.” Mistress beckoned her over to the table once more.

“See what I mean? So diligent!” Alex clapped her hands as Rose approached and collected the dirty dishes. “She must have explained nearly every rule to me by now. They really are quite a mouthful.” 

Rose stumbled, plates clacking together in her trembling hands. Her face was warm and flush enough that she practically felt feverish; the images conjured by Alex’s choice of words were nothing short of shameful. 

Mistress nodded politely. “There are a lot of rules, yes, but they’re all necessary. And Rose thrives within that kind of structure. Requires it, really.” 

Rose made for the kitchen door again, unable to handle the guilt and embarrassment brought up in her by the discussion. From the corner of her eye, she saw Alex looking at her with a massive smirk on her face. 

“Then would you say each rule is like a symbol of your love for her? And she shows you her love by following them?”

At that, Rose let out a choked sob. She couldn’t help herself—the idea of somehow damaging Mistress’ love through her disobedience was so horrific that it hit her like a physical blow. Unable to recover her footing, the unthinkable happened: Rose tripped. The plates and cutlery in her hands went flying, clattering and smashing against the floor in a great cacophony. 

Instead of rushing to clean the mess, Rose could do nothing else but finally snap. 

No!” she wailed, curling into a ball and burying her face in her hands. Adding insult to injury, she couldn’t help slipping her thumb in her mouth and beginning to suck. “No no no no!” 

Rose!” Mistress chastised, her harsh tone only making the maid shrink further and wail louder.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, Mistress realized this was no ordinary slip-up and walked over to kneel beside Her maid. “Rose?” She asked, Her cool, soft hand wrapping around Rose’s and gently pulling her thumb free from her mouth. 

Rose’s sobs became interspersed with hiccups as she struggled through her words. “I—hic—failed you. Am a bad girl; a bad—hic—maid.”

Mistress frowned and glanced over at the shards of glass scattered across the floor. “Because of a few broken plates? Come on now. You know that isn’t the case.” She sat down and pulled Rose onto her lap. “What’s going on inside that little mind, hm?”

Rose glanced up at Alex, who looked back at her with a concerned expression. “…I‘ve been—hic—misbehaving. A lot.” 

And with that, the floodgates were open. Rose confessed to every failure, every inappropriate thought, every breach of conduct from the past week until she became too distraught to continue. Mistress held her all the while, wiping her tears away and listening patiently to the entire story. 

“…I should have told you sooner,” Rose concluded. “I’m sorry.”

Mistress enveloped Her maid in a tight, warm embrace and murmured softly in her ear. “You are loved, Rose, and you are safe. No matter what. I’m sorry you were carrying all of this.” 

Rose sniffled. “Carrying all of—”

Mistress shook her head. “Hush, sweet thing. Let’s get you calmed down, hm? Eyes on me.” 

Allowing Rose to wriggle around in her lap for a better view, Mistress raised her index finger and moved it slowly back and forth. “Left to right, right to left, up and down, down down until you…” 

Drop.” She touched Rose on the forehead and the girl went slack in her arms, exhausted enough from the day’s events to enter trance with relative ease. “Can you hear me, Rose?” 

“Yes, Mistress,” came the maid’s dreamy response.

“Are you nice and calm now?” 

“Yes, Mistress.”

“And you know that I love you, and that you’re safe?”

Rose frowned ever so slightly, then gave a slight nod. “Yes, Mistress.”

Mistress watched Her maid’s expression carefully. “Recite your mantras.” 

A properly behaved girl exists to please others.

A properly behaved girl is always desperate to get fucked.

A properly behaved girl performs her duties without complaint.

A properly behaved girl is only truly comfortable when her mouth is full.

A properly behaved girl speaks as little as possible and only when necessary.

A properly behaved girl cannot orgasm without permission.

A properly behaved girl maintains her poise, grace, manners, and composure at all times.

“As I suspected.” Still holding the girl, Mistress allowed her gaze to rise to Alex. “Explain yourself.” 

Suddenly unable to make eye contact, Alex fidgeted in her seat and mumbled under her breath. “I was just having fun. I didn’t think—”

“What. Did. You. Do.” Fire burned in Mistress’ eyes.

“I…I messed with some of her mantras, programming, whatever you call it. Made some of them sex-related. Kept some of the others. I didn’t realize it would be a problem.”

Mistress scowled. “You didn’t realize? You fucked with her head, played around with her sense of self and figured that would be okay?”

“Isn’t that what you do to her?”

The hypnodomme froze, caught off-guard by the casual remark. “What?” 

Alex shrugged. “I mean, you play around plenty with who she is and what she thinks.” 

“I take care of her,” Mistress spat.

Alex scoffed, then flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. “You make her do all your chores.” 

“She likes being helpful.” 

“She’s entirely emotionally dependent on you.” 

Mistress held Rose slightly tighter. “We share a deep connection.” 

“You’re in total control of her sex life—or lack thereof.” Alex leaned back in her chair and kicked her feet up on the dining room table. “Shit, I was just working within the same limits as you. I just didn’t realize how much she was affected by all this.” 

“I…” Mistress idly ran a hand through Rose’s hair, taking stock of the maid’s tear-stained cheeks and disheveled uniform. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I need to make a few changes.” 

“Uh-huh.” Alex examined her nails nonchalantly. 

“But you still went behind my back, and I still need to fix your mistakes. Not to mention addressing all of the rules you’ve no doubt broken in the meantime.” The corners of Mistress’ mouth flicked upward for a moment. “A punishment is in order.” 


Rose wiped down the kitchen counter, humming softly to herself. It was a good mood kind of day—the sun was out, the weather was nice, and best of all, it was Friday. In just a few hours, Mistress would come home and give Her maid all sorts of affection: cuddling, asking her about the week, checking in on her conditioning, and maybe even kissing her (or something even more lewd!). 

Rose smiled to herself as she imagined what was yet to come. She was quite the lucky maid, that was for sure. But as she made her way through cleaning the kitchen, she slowly realized something was off. 

The house was too quiet.

Rose gently returned her dishrag to its proper place, then went off to search the usual hidey-holes. The bedrooms were both empty, as were the bathrooms, leaving only the front hall closet. Sure enough, quiet gasps and grunts of exertion snuck out from underneath the door and made their way to Rose’s ears as she approached. 

“Alex?” The maid called out, rapping softly on the door. “Are you doing your chores?”

Mmhhnnnggg…um…I already did ‘em!” came the voice behind the door.

Rose pursed her lips. She didn’t mind Alex struggling from time to time—nobody was perfect—but she wished the girl wouldn’t lie about it. “So if I go check your room, there won’t be any clothes on the floor?”

Alex only whined desperately. 

Faced with no other choice, Rose opened the closet door. Alex was sitting on the floor, rocking against her hand with her soaking wet sex. 

Rose had been skeptical when Mistress had made Alex another maid, and so far her doubts had only been proven entirely correct. Not all of it was Alex’s fault—instead of a practical uniform like the one Rose wore, Alex had a tiny little maid outfit made of latex and ruffles. It didn’t make any sense to Rose. The stiletto heels and ankle cuffs made it impossible for Alex to take anything but tiny little steps, while the latex mittens on her hands made any precision all but impossible. How was she supposed to get any work done like that?

Even worse than her attire was her work ethic and attitude. Alex devoted all the time she could to rubbing herself silly or complaining about how she was always ‘so close’ but could ‘never finish.’ And whenever Rose caught her in the act or suggested she enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done, Alex would grumble and curse and use all sorts of foul language. 

Thankfully, Mistress had given Rose a set of triggers to encourage and assist Alex—triggers that would likely come in handy in this particular instance.

“Leave me alone,” Alex complained, “M’so fucking horny.” 

Rose tutted at the near-naked blonde rubbing herself on the floor. “Now Alex, what have I told you about inappropriate language?” 

“…Fuck off.”

There really was no helping her sometimes. “Alex, speak properly as a maid should.”

The blonde’s face went slack for a moment as the trigger took effect, then wore a nasty glare as Alex regained her wits. But when she opened her mouth to speak, the result was perfectly pleasant. “Yes, Miss Rose! My apologies.”

“That’s quite alright. Why don’t you go clean your room, get your chores done for the day. Won’t that feel good?”

“Yes, Miss Rose!” Alex said, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists as she made no effort to get up. Her eyes darted around the room as a massive blush spread across her face. 

Rose waited a moment to make sure Alex wasn’t getting up, then cleared her throat.

Alex shook her head, crossed her arms, and stared daggers at her fellow maid.

A properly behaved girl obeys, Alex.” 

Alex stood rigidly and began walking to her room, her eyes still aware and full of indignant fury. 

“Oh, and Alex? Walking is a privilege.” 

The blonde dutifully got down on her hands and knees and crawled away, her teeny skirt immediately flipping up over her hips to display both of her holes. Rose would have to help her before day’s end—there was no way she was getting any kind of work done in this state, especially not while only using her mouth to pick things up. It had become a sort of routine between the two maids. Every night Alex would go to sleep and her triggers would wear off, granting her a clean slate. And yet instead of choosing to obey, Alex would inevitably lose almost every single one of her privileges within an hour of waking up: speaking, walking, choosing her activities, touching herself…

Rose almost felt bad for the submissive, or at least had felt bad for her initially. But since then, she’d started to notice how Alex grew more flushed the more triggers were active; how the scent of her arousal and the pace of her breath both increased the more she was compelled to obey. How the anger in her eyes when she was helpless never fully concealed her needy arousal.

Maybe there was a good girl deep down inside her after all.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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