In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 5: Character creation takes time.

500 hours later…


"...and that is why Edge Alter is the best among all of the lookalikes, in my humble opinion."

It took us a little bit of time, but we just finished playing, watching, and reading everything. The Goddess absorbs information at an absurd rate. So, terms like the ones I just used are already normal for her. I didn't even need to give her my speed runner's guide for the portable spin-off before she started destroying every battle, even with the difficult mode where you use the squishy and fluffy snow fox character. She can read a lot faster than me too, so the visual novels were like snacks for her. But she really wanted to see all the endings, so the playtime was still normal for my fast reader standards.

"Hmm...I can see your point, but I think Guardian-chan could be tied with Edge Alter."

Obviously, we've been playing the mobile game in between the other materials. And thanks to being where we are, the Japanese version was automatically translated for our enjoyment, plus...UNLIMITED CURRENCY. YEEEEEEEAH! Well, I did tell her that she shouldn't use her power to do that because the salt was part of the experience, but when she got hooked it was inevitable...

"I understand. I really do. But Edge Alter being an Angelusia gives her more points."

"Then plain Angelusia would be better since she is not a lookalike nor an altered version. I mean, she is the original from the first game."


She got me there.

I really wanted her to enjoy the crossover between the other titles too. So, I also ‘pulled out’ the Blessed in the Gardens movies and novels, as well as the Astral Princess: Solaris visual novel. She liked it so much, that she pulled its remake out of an alternative timeline. Yep, this Goddess is that OP. But that remake...OOF…it was...OH SO GOOD! And...I can't even...yeah. I think it is something you must experience instead of me telling you. Sorry.

"Fufu~~, that's the first time I won. You should praise me."

She says so while making a smug smile and puffing out her ample chest. But now it is covered by the Batty-chan cosplay that she is wearing.

Yeah, that is her favorite character. The vampire princess who acts like a villain for most of besto waifu’s game but is actually a good-hearted slouch that loves to collect and use hoodies.

As for the barbaric healer, she said that she doesn’t think of her as a waifu because they sound kind of similar and she isn't the type of deity that enjoys narcissism. But she did say that she will cosplay as her since she loves her wild style. YES! OH YES!

I also liked her Batty-chan style hoodie, so I asked her if she could make one for me and she did! It was red instead of pink, but since red is my favorite color, along with black, I didn't have a problem with it. More so... I'M COORDINATING OUTFITS WITH AN ACTUAL GODDESS, HOW COOL IS THAT?

“Hey, didn’t I tell you after we finished the first game’s anime that we are friends? Because we are! So, you are coordinating outfits with a really good friend before a goddess..."

Sorry, I kind of got hyped up for a moment. But you are right, it was my first time doing something like that with a friend too so I'm happy. Wait, I think it is my first time doing a marathon with anyone.

Ah, I can feel a tear coming out of my right eye.

"Eh?! Wa-wait! Why are you crying?! D-did I said something bad?! Don't cry!"

I suddenly feel a warm and soft sensation. The Goddess, Nerinne, is hugging me.

"Don't worry, these are tears of joy."


"Really. It seems I'm more emotional since I became a soul."

I wipe my tears away and smile.

"You know, you are like a heroine type more than just a friend."

She looks at me a bit surprised and giggles.

"Wouldn't that mean that you are protagonist?"


"Well, considering my circumstances I have a really good chance, right?"

"Indeed, and since I'm the first woman you met right after the introductory event, then that would make me the main heroine."

We both look at each other curiously.

"Huh, that means that I most likely will end up with you."

We both start laughing but then the Goddess starts pondering in her usual pose.

"I wouldn't mind, you know?"


I'm kind of flabbergasted. No. I am totally flabbergasted and flustered. This Goddess...!! That personality of hers!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER TO THAT?! AREN'T EVENTS NEEDED FOR THE PROTAGONIST AND THE HEROINE TO BUILD CONFIDENCE BEFORE THIS?! WAIT. MY WAIFU.

"No, you can't end up with yourself. Remember what is going to be your new body."


"I could have a look to the future with my power and check if you end up with me."

"NO! I don't want spoilers!!!!"

"Fufufu~~~, I just love how honest you are regarding those values of yours. You wouldn't just tell me the story because you wanted me to experience it myself."

"Because there is no point if you don't get to experience it firsthand!"

"Yes. Yes, indeed. But I meant what I said, Auros. I wouldn't even mind if you were to enjoy yourself in my world since earthly values don't have a hold on me."

She says so with a seductive smile and a pretty convincing tone.

One of my biggest gripes with almost all those novels I read is that the protagonist is a dense idiot who is blind and deaf to any type of advances until the last volumes. Some of them have good battles but I'm going off topic now...

"You also said that you would live your life to the fullest."  

I did say that.

"So, there's only one answer for this situation. Right?"

Yes. I think so too.

"Can I hear it?"



Dummy laughs don't suit you Goddess.


"Anyway, I...will accept the Goddess route. Please take care of me."

I think I'm as red as a tomato right now. The Goddess looks a bit surprised and then genuinely happy. She is showing me a warm smile right now.

"Please take care of me too."

We both just look at each other for some time. I think she senses my ignorance in what to do right now so she just hugs me and then kisses my forehead.

"Let's make you a body so that we can go further than this."

"Ahm, yeah... yeah! Right!"


"We got a problem."


Nerinne, who was in the middle of creating my new body, backed off a bit from the console like magic circles she was using and turned to me.

"I can't give you what you want and still make your body human."

I'm a bit surprised hearing that since she IS a Goddess.

"It's a problem with the limits that a human body has."

"Oh, and I guess there is no way to put a dragon's blood in it, or something like that to make it go further?"

"I actually tried; it didn't work. And you would also need a physically strong body too, for it to endure the [mana burst] original skill. I can't do that while maintaining the physique you want...also that chest...strong back and shoulder muscles are needed..."


Well, that makes sense...

We both look a bit disappointed and then go into thinking. After a while, we both seem to reach a similar conclusion.

"Do you mind if you are reincarnated as different race?"

"I don't mind if I'm reincarnated as a different race."

We both start laughing. Heh, it seems we really clicked well with each other. Who would've thought?

"So, am I going to be an elf or a vampire? A dragonewt? A demon?"

"None of is kind of a race that lives in my world, but I didn't create it."

"Huh, that doesn't make sense."

"Yes, you could say that, but since it’s more like an evolution of a creature I did create then it is technically still one of mine. Still..."

"Ah, I get it. Life taking its own turns and all. So, what's the name of that race?"

"Dragon Lord. They are the result of powerful dragon attaining the ability to take a humanoid form, further increasing their power. And sadly, they are also the ones causing trouble in my world.”


"This would be my first time making one, so I feel that your body would be able to handle everything you want and some extras. But I don't know if you'd feel comfortable being the same race as the enemies of the world. Since it might cause problems with your social interactions..."

She looks worried. I thought I told you to not make that kind of face...

"Do it. I don't mind. Heck, it even sounds cool! I socialized for my work more than from my own volition, so I'm fine with not being so social. More importantly, can you make the horns look like a crown and so on?"

She looks perplexed at me and then laughs.

"Yes, I can make that and even the armor, which I can make even edgier. I can also make the bodysuit under it and that one outfit you really like."

"Do it! DO IT! JUST DO IT!"

I'm so lucky!

"Any colors you would like to change?"

"Hmm, can the ‘crown’ be solid black instead of purplish? Also, the armor-"

"Black with red accents? Claws too, right?"


She already knows the colors that I like, but that still makes me happy.

A bright white flash blinds me for a moment and then I look towards Nerinne.

"Done. Check it out."

I walk to her side and look at the magic screen in front of me. I can't believe my eyes. The body she made, with the exceptions of some changes, looked identical to my besto waifu...


"I'm really glad you liked it. The height is different because the Dragon Lord race is tall in average, but I see that you didn't mind that."

"It's even better for me since going from being tall to becoming the opposite would be weird."

Yes, I said that.

"With this we can get to the skills and magical affinities. This body can handle up to five. They are-"

"Fire, Ice, Light, Darkness and Space. I want those."

I know I just interrupted her, but I couldn't stop myself.

"Very well then, and what skills besides [mana burst], [sublime charisma], [universal riding], [royal presence], [abnormal status resistance] and [thunderous instinct]?"

I make a straight face so that she can take me seriously.

"Pleasurable hands, underwater breathing, shapeshifting touch and weapon's mastery."

"Pleasurable hands?"

"Pleasurable hands."

I nod with an expression so serious that leaves no room for doubt.

"Understood. Add my divine protection, some other surprise skills from my choosing, the holy sword/lance Nern and now we just have to summon Yawue. Are you ready?"

"I died ready."



To be continued...(cue anime adaptation's opening)

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