In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

12. Little Alley talk

Lady - what nonsense are you talking about? Have you lost your mind kid ?

Hikaru - That's the rule. It's not like I am forcing you to buy it. You can choose not to.

She glared at me and went back to their stall. I was almost finished so I was gathering all my stuff, ready to leave when two guards came towards me, the fat guy was aso with them.

Guard 1 - Who does this stall belong to?

Hikaru - Me. I am the sole owner.

Guard 2 - Do you have a permit to sell here.

I showed them my permit that I got from the merchant's guild. They looked dissatisfied that I had it.

Guard 1 - Do you know that kids can't sell stuff  ?

Hikaru - There is no such thing in the law. I asked the receptionist at the merchant's guild three times.

They seemed taken a back by my blunt reply and lack of fear.

Guard 2 - Do you know who this man is that you disrespected ?

Hikaru - Obviously a fool who thinks he can threaten me to sell him my stuff. Why is he selling scraps her anyway if he is so great?
The old man chuckled on the side but soon stopped himself when everyone looked at him.

Fat man - insolent brat ! I am the brother of lady Monroe. You have disrespected me enough, you will regret this day all your life.

Still not getting any response from me I saw him stomping on the group like a child. Lol, that was funny. But the guards now had a serious expressions.

Guard 1 - You have disrespected the brother of our lord's wife. We have witnessed it so you will receive 50 whipping.
Hikaru - Oh my ! You guys decide justice without even listening what happened here huh ?

They looked at me dangerously. But I just took my chair and table and stored in my inventory intentionally in front of their eyes. When they saw it disappeared in thin air, they had confused and surprised looks.

Guard 1- A storage skill....Ruben ?

Guard 2 - Who are you kid ?

They had their swords in hands now. Were they seriously going to raise arms against a 12 year old kid ?

Hikaru - Well I tried to be a humble merchant but I guess I will settle with a guy who beats your dumb ass !

They both lunged at me together, one from top one from side. Covering all my exits, well I wasn't going to run anyway.

I simply took out my gun, unlocked the safety and fired at the first guards right beside the foot, inches away. A hole was visibly there now plus the loud bang sound that it made, stopped the guards right in their tracks.

Hikaru - See this baby ? This can make your head explode like a ripe old fruit from 50 yards. Imagine what it would do from this close ?

Both took a step back. I could literally see them shaking, one of them almost teared up. No one was speaking, hell no one was breathing at all. Now that's a power baby.

Hikaru - Okay then. Good day to you all.

I turned around and slowly walked away. Fuck it was harder than it looked. I could have taken them both with purely my physical strength but I wanted the others and specially the greedy couple to fear me as an unknown variable. That can do anything unexpected at anytime.
But he is a brother of this town lord's wife ? Why is he so fucking poor ? Well whatever. I walked towards my inn, looking around at various shops. I had a pretty great day today, i made 2910 silver coins with matchbox and 600 gold coins with lighter. I deposited total 80,000 points in my account on Shopping skill. I kept 90 gold and the yesterday's some left over 31 gold with me as it is too.

I could now do fucking anything, but first of all I should find a place I can stay temporary with more freedom than inn and preferably more luxury too.

I was lost on my thoughts as to what I should buy now that I was rich, when a hand suddenly grabbed by the solder and dragged me in to the alley in the side. I turned around and saw four dirty looking kids same as my age. One of them was even a girl.

Hikaru - Who are you guys ? And why are you keeping your dirty hands on my collar?

I asked the guy who seemed the most bigger, who was holding me by the coller. But a guy from behind him spoke up.

Boy 2 - Where the hell were you for the past two days Ronnie ?

Huh? He is asking me ? Ohh they knows this boy. Friends ? Doesn't look like friends !

Boy 3 - Do you even have a slightest idea of how much extra rounds we had to cover because you weren't there ?

Girl - Yeah ! Gin has becoming angrier and angrier the longer it was taking to find you. I shudder to think about what would happen if we failed to find you ! Or if you were dead.

Boy 1, who was holding me - Why didn't you come back ? Don't you remember who owns you?

Hikaru - Owns me ?

Boy 3 - Why are you acting so stupid ? Did you hit your head or something ? And where did you get such amazing clothes ?

Boy, oh boy i definitely wanna know what this brats are talking about but if I open my mouth with obvious questions that would be dead giveaway. I have to be careful here.

Hikaru - I am sorry guys, i had something to do urgently. I can't tell you about it.

Boy 2 - You piece of shit ! You tried to run away didn't you? Even after all this time....

Boy 1 - He is here now. Let's not waste anymore time. He made a mistake he will pay for it alone.

They started walking through alleyways broken buildings, keeping me in the middle two guys forward two on my back.

From their words it seems like they are in some kind of shady organisation, and are forced to work for them. Are they slaves or something ? But whatever it is i am really interested to find out. I hope i meet some Op big boobs female gang leader, she would be a criminal so I will be totally justified if I bend her over and serve my justice right ?


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