In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

15. Discounts and Smiles

At night only one fire was lit since we could only tend to one fire all night. We had dinner in the evening, now everyone was just sitting around the fire. 

Even Stanley and his curvaceous wife had joined us. The adventures were talking about this and that. It was a wonder that none of them had asked even a single question as to why 5 kids were traveling on their own. Well better for me I guess.

Maybe I was glaring too much or just maybe because I was looking cleaner and better clothed than the rest, the curvaceous wife noticed me and asked.

" Are you guys eating properly? Do you want some food? "

Hikaru - Oh no ! We are fine, right guys?

I asked and everyone nodded, there was even a smile on two of them. Yeah this bunch is pretty satisfied.

Since she was kind enough to ask I had to continue the conversation on the show of returning niceties. 

Hikaru - Actually I have some stuff that you guys might be interested in...

Lady - Oh my ! Do tell.

Even the adventures had stopped talking and drawn towards our conversation. 

I took out three books, two necklaces and five hand mirrors also some of the leftover matchbox and lighters. 

I had seen English used as shop signs and insignia and stuff, so a book should be pretty normal for this world. After thinking about the thicc ass of the lady, this was the only way I could find to get close to her. The books were about a poem collection, A children's story about mermaids and a complete dictionary. 

The lady had a wild look in her eyes but she showed great restraint. I handed her the three books and put other things in the space between us. I saw a sparkle in the eyes of busty healer and ferocious Archer too. And my smile widened.

Hikaru - Come here, you guys can take a look too. They are all my products. 

The adventures all looked surprised but the curiosity was glaring in their eyes, so they all came closer and formed a circle around the pile of my recently bought things.

Healer - What is this thing?

Hikaru - Oh that's a mirror, here you open it like this. 

I showed them by opening one, it was like a pocket watch. And when it opened all of them gasped in surprise. Even the Lady looked up for a second who was very busy being engrossed in the books. 

William - What do you do with this ?

Hikaru - it's a thing to check your appearances, like when you are being ready for someone and you are not sure if your hair is alright or how you look in general.

Stanley - What a marvelous invention !! Where did you find such amazing things boy ?

Another guy - What use is this ?

Hikaru - it's a

I showed them how it worked and certainly guys were very interested in it, while the two girls and the maid were busy with the hand mirror. I even saw Lily sneakily taking a look at one of the mirrors while the rest of the boys were drawn in by the fire of lighters.

But just then I heard a heavy breathing and a loud exclamation.

" This...this...this is amazing craftsmanship, it's beyond beautiful and elegant. And these words are so clear and symmetrical, and this goodness these pages are so smooth...."

Of course it was the Lady mother herself. Even her kid who had almost put the necklace in his mouth was surprised by her outburst. She also realised that and hastily tried to regain the composure.

Stanley - Boy tell me where u got all this things from ?

Hikaru - I am a merchant by profession sir, and as all the profession requires this to is dependent on its secrets and techniques. I hope you understand.

Stanley understood my meaning and he also regained some of his composure, but the smile on his face didn't die down at all.

Stanley - You certainly have some attractive products, humble merchant. Tell me how much for this things?

Healer - Yes, I also want to buy this hand mirror thing.

William - Yes, this lighters are really useful.

Hikaru - The lighters are one gold coin per piece, Five gold for necklace and 2 for the mirrors. The books all have different prices according to their worth.

Archer - 2 gold coina for the mirror thing?

I smiled at her my sweetest smile.

Hikaru - Yes, but it's open to negotiation plus I will give you a special pretty person discount...

Archer - Pret...tty !?

She maintained the stoic look but I could see her dark skinned ears turning red.

' Man this chicks are really not used to the flattery at all. '

Stanley - Hahaha that's some real business speech there. Okay I will buy two of this mirror things, 5 of this fire things and if no one wants to buy the necklace then give me both also. 

Lady - Honey, this as well. This are the most valuable in among everything. Look.

Since the husband wife were busy figuring out the quality of books I looked at the Busty healer and cool Archer.

Hikaru - So you guys want it?

Healer - I can pay one gold and 3 silver coins for this.

Archer - I only have 7 silver coins.

I went closer to Both of them and whispered softly.

Hikaru - Well I don't usually do this, but since you two the most beautiful things I have seen for a long time I will give it to you for 1 gold each. What do you say ?

Both of them were surprised by my the sudden closeness but after hearing my offer their faces had a little smile mixed with a bit blush.

Archer - I only have 7 silver... will you really give it to us for 1 gold coin ?

Hikaru - You can choose to barter or borrow from your friend here.

Archer - Ahh of course ! You said barter?

Hikaru - Yes, if you have something with value I will buy it in exchange. 

William - We all want one lighter each, how much for that ?

Hikaru - 1 gold coin each.

He smiled rather strained smile.

William - No discount for us ?

Hikaru - Discounts are exclusive for only beautiful ladies.

Then we glared at each other for few seconds and then we all burst out laughing together. Even the couple who had finished their discussion had joined us in it.

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