In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

37. Things to buy

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Wow ! I knew I could level it up somehow ! My portal size got bigger. Now the greyed out things must be available to buy. 

I checked my usual shopping sites and it was better than I expected I could now buy desks, quality couches, and even a fucking car. Weird thing buying a car online ! But it was there and of course the thing I had dreamed of ever since I got this skill was also available The computers ! I could have bought laptops before but the biggest problem that now could be solved was electricity - I could buy a freaking generator now. 

Everything was so fucking costly though. Even the simplest generators were priced at 10,000 points and after buying all the selling items for my shop I had some 32500 points left. I still had to think about food and emergencies and stuff so I couldn't go any lower than 25000 available balance while the gold after paying 100 G to the Karbel family I barely had 30 something left. 

I wanted the best generator possible so it could power up a whole lot of shit I was planning to buy in the future. I can't settle for something cheap, Guess I need to start selling stuff even faster than planned. 

I really really wanted to see how a fucking car could be delivered online. And I guess now I would also need to be careful about the space around me when I order big stuff. 

There were more options in weapons sites too. Machine guns with stands and launchers and all kinds of things that would definitely not be available in the normal world. What bonkers guy was handling this website !

After making everything I wanted to buy into an add to cart list I finally got some shut eye and I slept like a baby. The next day I called a guy from the crafting guild and asked how I could turn the front into a transparent wall. And of course as I expected the guy had a question mark on his head. So I explained to him that I needed the whole front side torn down and built it again with other materials. We agreed on the condition that I would procure the materials. They started carefully removing the wooden wall while Me and Irene went outside the walls of the capital city to order some high quality thick carbon fiber glass for our wall. I also bought hinges and screws and everything that I might need to turn it into a wall with a big transparent door. Of course I also bought a door and stored everything into my inventory. 

And since I was buying stuff I also bought everything that I had added into my cart before and filled my inventory to the brim. I could only guess that it was up to a brim since I didn't know the limit of my inventory. 

We spent the next day building a transparent front. The craftsmen were surprised and made a fuss about where I got such materials or how it was even possible to make such a thing. I evaded their questions saying that I was a merchant and couldn't reveal my secrets. Even the passing by people came to see what kind of shiny miracle I had installed. 

In the evening the leader of the crafting guild himself came to check up on the strange new thing and tried various methods to make me confess but I stayed firm. Though when all the craftsmen seemed to get a bit anxious I slipped a bit of honey by saying that I can't say the source but I can order it for them with a bit of premium of course. And as expected their eyes lit up at that like hungry hounds. 

I already got 3 different orders about the same size of wall and even one bigger wall for the main crafting guild itself. It cost me around 1000 - 1200 points which was equivalent to 100-120 gold but I told them the same thing as mine would cost them 150 gold coins and bigger ones will be 200. 

Still they didn't back down at all, guess this was really the capital's business men. 

Of course they insisted on making a contract and paying in installments. After having the transparent front done with my shop's name printed on it Irene and I embarked on another matter since the shelves and beds were supposed to be delivered in two days from now. If I knew about the level up I wouldn't have ordered it but now it was a done deal.

Today we were going in search of manpower. The shop would certainly be a busy place and I didn't want to be working all day. Irene was kinda my bodyguard and I don't think she would understand how to make a bill and do customer service, the kids were too small to do such hard work. I could use them as helpers but I needed people who would actually do the work. 

So we came to buy slaves. I had an advance down payment from the craftsmen guild of about 150 gold coins so I could really buy quality help. 

I wasn't a fan of slavery since I believed that at least a man should be free enough to make his own mistakes. But this was the fastest way to get trustworthy people and I was planning to employ them with actual salary not work then as slaves. 

The big belly slave house owner started showing me his goods from a burly man to Apprentice kid butlers but they were not what I wanted. For a shop of course what I needed were smiling girls whom no guy can negotiate prices with. 

The big belly man understood my point and started showing various women, but only few could read and write. 

At last I selected four women who could read and write. One smiling bubbly looking blonde some 19 years old, One severely wounded girl with cat features who was missing half a hand plus one leg and an eye some 25 years old, A mother with a black hair a mole under her lips with 4 year old cute daughter she was 35 something and at last an elf with green hair and green eyes looking quite fit with her 6 pack abs and muscles like an athlete age unknown.

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