In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 12 – Room of Requirements

The next day, the first thing I did once I woke up was to give some food to Muninn, after which, I prepared to go to the Great Hall to have some food before the start of classes.

Today was actually Saturday, so we had two free days before the actual start of classes. That would give me a lot of time to look for the RoR and start testing my spells.

From what I was warned yesterday, classes started at 8:00 AM, so I had at least until 7:45 to eat some breakfast in the Great Hall during weekdays, something that I don’t know if will be the same during weekends. This would give me fifteen minutes to move towards my classroom, which was tight, taking into consideration that this castle was basically a big labyrinth.

Today I’ll also have to pick my schedule from one of my prefects before going there.

With that said, I quickly put on some normal clothes and went towards the common room, while Muninn went out of the windows, where, I don’t know, but he knows how to take care of himself. Though, before he went out, I informed him that it would be hard for him to find me once I went towards the Room of Requirements, so if he wanted to come, he better looked for me before 8:30 AM.

“Good morning.”-Said my prefect once I got into the common room of my house. “You’re up early, Logan.”

“Yes, I wanted to get to the Great Hall early so I could have enough time to eat and then go to explore the castle a little. I’m still kind of impressed with it.”

“Very well, that’s a great spirit. I hope you’ll have the same spirit for your studies.”-My prefect, someone called Andrew Smith, said while smiling. “Here, take this, it’s a parchment with your schedule for the week. As you’ll see, you have a few days with a lot of free time, meanwhile, others will be slightly charged, so be prepared.”-He said while giving me a parchment with my schedule.

“Thanks, Mr. Smith!”-I said while taking the parchment.

“I may be a little bit older than you, but we’re still fellows Ravenclaw, so just call me Andrew. Well, go on. Breakfast is served at 7, so you’ll have time to get there.”-He said.

I immediately went towards the Great Hall, where there wasn’t a lot of people. A few Hufflepuff and Slytherin and almost no Gryffindor. From what I could see, Ravenclaw was the house with more people up this early in the morning, at least those from higher years, which was normal, taking into consideration that it was Saturday, so really few people would be awake so early.

With that said, I went towards Lisandra, who also got up early and was eating alone at one of the long tables.

“Hey! Good morning.”-I said to her once I got close.

“Good morning. How are you?”

“Great. And you? How was your first night in your house?”-I ask her while sitting.

“Well… Let’s say that it wasn’t that bad.”-She said with a small lost smile.

“Mm? Is something the matter?”

“No… It’s just that some of the kids in my house are really focused on stuff like the purity of blood and the name of your family.”

“So… I guess they weren’t that good to you?”

“No, actually, Dupont is a really respected surname back in France, so I guess it kind of pass as that pureblood stuff they talk all the time…”-She said with a weird smile. “Oh well, do you have your schedule already?”-She asks me.

“Oh, yes, I haven’t seen it yet, but here I have it.”-I said while taking out the parchment that Andrew gave me. “Mm? It seems that we share a lot of classes.”-I said while giving a glance to the parchment.

“Yes, I saw it a few minutes before you came, actually. We start Monday with History of Magic for two periods. We also share Transfiguration and Herbology that day.”-She says while pointing at the classes in the parchment.

“Yes, well, I guess we’ll be seeing each other constantly. Mm? Oh, we also share Charms on Tuesday and Transfiguration on Friday. That’s great.”-I said to her.

{Also… I have Tuesday afternoon free, Wednesday morning free, and Friday there’s a lot of free time, with just one class in the third period… Nice, I’ll have a lot of time.}-I thought to myself.

“And, what will you do today?”-She asks me.

“Oh, I’m probably going to read on the librar-”-I didn’t end my words, as right in front of us, a lot of food suddenly appeared. It wasn’t like last night's banquet, but there was still a lot of food. “Guess, it’s already 7, and time to eat.”-I said while looking at everything that was on the table.

“Yeah.”-Lisandra answered while also looking at the table.

“I still can believe it… Such magical things happening.”-I muttered.

“Mm? There wasn’t magic in your home?”-She asks.

“Well… No… I lived in an orphanage. So… No magic where I come from.”-I said while shrugging and taking a few things to eat, bread, and some bacon.

“Oh… Sorry.”

“Don’t worry. It doesn’t affect me.”-I said before eating.

After eating and talking for a little while, I finally said goodbye to Lisandra. After all, I had something important to look for.

I’m not going to lie. I do have a good memory… But memory doesn’t work when you haven’t gone to that place.

{It should be somewhere around the seventh floor’s corridor… I have to look for some kind of tapestry with trolls dancing or something like that.}-I thought while looking around the seventh floor’s corridors.

After a few tries, I finally found the tapestry I was looking for. It was a really funny one, with one wizard surrounded by a lot of trolls wearing tutus and hitting the wizard in the middle.

“Haha… Who invents these things…?”-I chuckle slightly while turning towards the wall that seems to be empty and that it’s right opposite to the tapestry. “Now… I just have to think three times of what kind of room I want while walking in front of the door… Or so I read in fanfics… In the movie it wasn’t necessary to walk in front of it, but oh well, who knows. It’s just a little extra step, it won’t kill me.”-I said while walking to said wall.

Once there, I started walking in front of the wall from end to end with my eyes closed.

{I need a room to practice magic alone, I need a room to practice magic alone, I need a room to practice magic alone.}-I thought three times. And just when I ended thinking about it for the third time, I heard something moving close to me.

Once I opened my eyes, I could see a door forming right in the wall that was previously empty.

“Wow… It worked… That thing about ‘If you know it, you just need to ask’ was true…”-I said while opening the door and entering. The room was completely empty, with a few dolls that I guess are made for practice spells, though they’re not moving, as I don’t want to practice dueling yet, just my spells. “Wow…”-I said while looking around.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve found the Room of Requirements that not everyone knows! Here you’ll able to train those spells you were too pussy to practice back at the orphanage!]

[50pts have been earned]

“Who would know this was some kind of hidden quest… I guess I could find this kind of quest almost everywhere. Oh well, I guess now’s time to start practicing. I have today and tomorrow for complete training. I just have to keep track of the time so I don’t lose lunch or dinner.”-I said, and just as I said, a big clock appeared on the front wall of the place. “Nice. I’ll love this place.”-I said as a big grin appeared on my face.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve used the changing properties of the RoR for the first time, you’re not that stupid after all!]

[5pts have been earned]

“Okay… Now, this is personal.”

[Want me to leave?]

“Don’t misunderstand me, my old friend. I was just talking to myself.”-I answered.

[So I thought.]

*tch…*-I clicked my tongue. *sigh…* Guess I’ll start practicing, I have a few hours until breakfast. Well. I’ll have a lot of fun!”-I shouted as I silently invoked my Magic Spell Book.

Okay, the reason why I couldn't post this chapter before was... Because of this. I made this thing on Excel and tried to make it into an image, but well, this is what resulted. ?

I know it doesn't have the best quality, but well, that's all I could do for the moments, I'll try to do something better next time. R is Ravenclaw, H/Huffelpuff, S/Slytherin, and G/Gryffindor. Those that together with a slash (/) means that they share that class. I tried to investigate as much as I could, but finally, I found this setting with classes starting at 8 AM and ending at 4:45 almost 5 PM. This will be the schedule for the first year. When times come, I'll change the schedule and add the one for the second year, the third year, and so on. Hope it can be read (With such a bad quality... Sorry!) Also, astronomy is kind of optional for the sixth and seventh years. Any feedback is well received!

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