In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 15 – Grinding my ML like crazy (Part 3)

“Mm?”-Once inside the Great Hall, I could see Roger talking with the two other male first-years from Ravenclaw. “Hey, guys!”

“Hey, man, where’ve you been?”-Roger asked.

“Looking around in the castle, the place is enormous, then I stayed a little while in the library reading some books. What about you? I didn’t see any of you early in the morning.”

“I woke up a little later than I should… Thankfully I still made it for breakfast.”-Jake Evans answered, he was one of the two other first-years. A brown-haired guy with freckles on the nose.

“I woke up early… But I lost myself in a book I was reading… I had to go to the kitchen to ask for something to eat after that man… Not only did I got lost, but I also got to see a lot of house-elves… It was weird. Thankfully, there’s no problem to miss your breakfast on weekends. *sigh…*-William O’Neill answered, he was the other first-year male from Ravenclaw, a black guy with really clear hazel eyes.

“I know that feeling man… I used to get scolded for reading too much back at the orphanage…”-I say to William.

“Oh? You came from an orphanage?”-Jake asks while lifting an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I didn’t even know what I was until professor McGonagall came to visit the place with a letter.”

“Yeah… I know that feeling, my family and I were the same…”-Jake answered.

“Oh, so you both are muggle-born huh?”-William asked.

“Yeah, what about you?”

“My family comes from the US, well, my father, my mom was born here in England. Both of them are wizards, so I’ve known from the start.”-He said.

“Wow, that would be awesome, I imagine that you had a lot of books of magic to read in your house.”-Jake asked.

“Yeah, but I couldn’t practice any magic until I was eleven and got my own wand…”-He said, kind of saddened.

“You guys all love to study and read books huh? Now I guess why all of us got into Ravenclaw haha.”-Roger said with a small chuckle.

“Hahaha, the old troupe that only bookworms come here huh? I guess that would actually go with us.”-Said William.

“Yes… Precisely, and I’m not even born from a magical family.”-Jake said.

“I get you, man, I was reading only muggle books before I could buy the magics for first-year, then I couldn’t even stop reading them.”-I answer Jake.

A little while after that, the food suddenly appeared on the tables, and all of us started to eat. A thing I loved since the previous night was the variety of food that they serve here… I know yesterday’s night was a special banquet, but this morning’s food, as well as lunch, were really amazing, too much food to pick from.

After eating, the guys and I started to talk about the things we’ve done, but it seems that apart from me testing my spells in the RoR they did little more than exploring the castle and reading as much as they could for our classes this Monday.

I, of course, didn’t tell them about my visit to the RoR, I mainly just talked about reading stuff in the library, don’t want them to learn too soon that I have different spells than what they can use.

This actually reminds me of something important, and that was the idea of thinking about how would I explain my spells. For the moment it won’t be necessary, as there won’t be any kind of duel or practical class that I would need to show them. But it would be great to actually look for a way to explain them and not be treated like some kind of Dark Lord.

At 1:00 PM, everybody decided to go to the library, except for myself, that I said I wanted to go read a few things I had back in my room, and that I would see them in the Great Hall at dinner time. After all, we’ll have a lot of time to talk either in the common room or during classes.

I was walking back towards the seventh floor when suddenly I heard a raven cawing. Looking for the sound, I found Muninn flying towards me from one of the corridors.

“Mm? Hey buddy, where did you come from?”-I ask him while he perched on my shoulder.

“CAW!!”-He answered.

“Oh well, doesn’t matter, come on, I’ll train more for today, and you can watch.”-I said while going towards the RoR.

That weekend I used my all my time either training my ML by making runes and practicing spells or talking with the guys in the common room or during lunch and dinner. I even caught a few chats with Lisandra during the breakfasts, as she also wakes up early. She was slightly anxious to start classes on Monday, but that, otherwise, was doing good in her house.

I finally registered two other spells inside my spellbook, which were Lumus and Expelliarmus. For this last one, I had to take a summon a book inside the RoR to teach me how to use it.

A funny thing is, that doing Expelliarmus with my hands feels more precise than when I’m doing it with my wand, I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’ve been training without a wand for like ten years.

In the case of Lumus, I was trying to double cast it alongside my illumination spell to see if there was a way for me to mix both and see if there would be some kind of different effect, but for the moments, I didn’t succeed.

What is indeed a gratifying thing, was the fact that I could slowly change the color to illumination spell, which I had the help of the runes, as seeing how they changed in color actually helped me get a nice image of the effect. It does need more magic power, but let me get a few nice color effects, not like it would have some special use, but well, it helped me increase my ML, which was 29 right now, all thanks to the new spells and my training.

A final notice I would need to give is, I made what I feel is one of my greatest successes. I activated a rune while using Wingardium Leviosa on it. It was like activating the rune remotely, which was quite awesome for all the possibilities it would give me. Being one of the easiest spells to use, I had a lot of chances to improve the Wingardium Leviosa, I just needed to learn how to make multiple objects levitate at the same time, and I would improve greatly on my use of runes.

That also got me 50pts, so all in all, it was a good thing to do.

With that, I was right now in my room, it was almost 10:00 PM on Sunday, my last free day, and I was writing a few things on a parchment

“Well, I guess this would be enough for this year.”-I said while looking at the parchment in front of me.

What I wrote was my to-do list for this year. From what I knew, there won’t be too much stuff to do until Harry gets here. Classes should go as usual in Hogwarts, without any accidents, and even if I wanted to go hunt some things, I would probably need to go to the Forbidden Forest, but right now I’m not strong enough to go there alone, so I better wait a little bit.

Anyways, for this year my objectives would be:

- Learn as many spells I can from Hogwarts and register them inside my Magic Spell Book.

- Get my ML to 45 as the bare minimum.

- Learn how to mix spells from the system and from this world.

- Get a second vocation. (Either Druid or Summoner, consider at the moment of buying it.)

- Prepare a parchment with the magic syllables of my spells and have it as an emergency in case someone discovers my unique magic.

- Decipher how to create my own runes (start with studying ancient runes with the help of the RoR.)

- Practice dueling inside the RoR.

- Create at least one or two spells completely on my own.

- Research places of conflict inside the Wizarding World and sites where I would be able to hunt for Dark Wizards and Dark Creatures for when I turn 17.

“With this, I should be prepared enough for this year, that would leave me next year to advance further. And if everything’s good. I’ll be able to start hunting inside the Forbidden Forest by my third year, maybe even before that. Sadly, I won’t be able to practice magic outside of Hogwarts… That means like two or three months without advancing…”

Sadly, until I’m seventeen, I’m not able to use magic outside of school, which means that I would have problems doing anything out of it.

“That is… Unless I use runes. They technically don’t use magic, at least not enough magic power for the Ministry to take me out of school. In any case, that could be a really good way to defend me in case something happens. Oh well, I should just prepare as many runes I can for the moment, and keep them inside my inventory in case something happens. Now, let’s sleep, tomorrow officially starts my school.”


“Hey, good morning.”-I say to the guys on Ravenclaw’s table.

“Hey, dude! Good morning! How have you been?”-Answered William, while Roger nodded while looking at some book and Jake also nodded, with food in his mouth.

I’m usually the first one to get here, but I was actually a little distracted while reading the book for History of Magic, if anything, I at least hope it isn’t that boring as people make it seems in the fanfics.

After finishing our breakfast, we all went towards the classroom for History of Magic. We almost lost our way there, but thankfully, could find it finally. The classroom was divided into a few columns, each one with two seats for two students, multiple rows.

Once I got there, I found Lisandra already there with another classmate of hers.

“Hey Lisandra, how are you? I didn’t see you in today’s breakfast.”

“Hi Logan, good morning. I was actually a little early today, so I finished fast and immediately came to the classroom.”

“Oh, that explains it, I actually got there late, so well, I had to eat faster to get here.”-I said, before turning towards the girl that was sitting beside her. “Oh, hey, I’m Logan.”

“I didn’t ask you.”-She answered.

“Don’t be like that, Amelia.”-Lisandra said to the girl, who was apparently called Amelia, she had raven black hair, a slightly thin face, and hazel eyes, which were looking at me with indifference. “Sorry for that Logan, she can be a little bit unfriendly.”

“Why would I want to be friendly towards a bookworm?”-Amelia scoffed.

“Oh, well, don’t worry too much Lisandra. Glad to see you.”-I said with a smile while going towards an open seat with Roger.

“You shouldn’t associate too much with people who aren’t from noble families, Lisandra, that’s not good to your image.”-After walking, I listened to Amelia say in a slightly hushed voice, though, not enough.

“Hey, it seems you’re not really liked over there.”-Roger told me once I sat down.

“Don’t know what’s the problem though, it’s not like I did something to her.”-I just shrugged.

“Don’t worry man, a lot of Slytherins are like that, it has to be with their upbringing or something, that’s what I heard from my brother. You just evade them, and that’s good.”-He said.


After that, a ghost actually came inside the room. It was not the first time I’ve seen one, as I actually saw a few of them roaming the castle and the ghost of our house, the Grey Lady.

The problem… Was actually the way he taught… It was slow, boring, and really put us to sleep… I’m kind of a fan of history, but… There are ways to teach history, and then there’s this ghost here trying to put some sleeping spell on us while talking.

What’s worse… Was that I had to listen to this class for two periods straight… Making my first morning class of the week a boring way to start the week. I was just trying not to sleep myself, while holding on until our third period, which is finally an interesting class, Transfiguration.

By the way, Roger was a fallen soldier, as he actually fell asleep right next to me. I woke him up twice, but the third time I just let him sleep, after all, I’m sure he can just read about the class in some book, and that would be probably more interesting.

{Come on, Logan! Just 20 more minutes and you’ll be free of this torture!}-I thought to myself while trying not to fall asleep from the boring lesson. {Oh, wait… I can actually practice occlumency here! I’m such an idiot!}

With that last thought, I started to practice my occlumency while inside the class, just to escape from it, though, it was kind of late to do that.

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