In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 22 – Too much of a Gryffindor? Or maybe just an idiot?

“Come in.”- Dumbledore’s voice resonated from the other side of the door.

I then proceeded and opened the door, finally entering Dumbledore’s famous office. I must say, it was really big, but then again, it’s the office of the director of one of the most prestigious wizarding schools in the world.

“Mm?”-Walking ahead, I could see a phoenix perched over some kind of bird’s stall. “Ho… What are you?”-I asked aloud.

“Oh, I see you’ve already met Fawkes, he’s a phoenix, Mr. Taylor.”-Professor Dumbledore appeared from somewhere I didn’t see while being focused on the phoenix

“Huh? Phoenix, sir? Those that are immortal?”

“Precisely, you see, Fawkes here has been with me for a long time.”-Professor Dumbledore walked closer to me. “But I presume we have more interesting matters to talk about, right?”-He smiled

“Right, sir.”-I said while raising my spellbook. “Here it is, this is the book I found on my bed that day, sir.”

“Interesting. Really interesting…”-Albus said while grabbing it.

“Mm? Is something weird about it, sir?”-I ask him.

“Well, I wouldn’t say it is weird. It’s just that this book has magic on it. It’s not a simple book you find anywhere. For what type of magic, I’m not so sure.”-Dumbledore said while running his fingers over its cover. “I also must say, it has quite the particular design, not one I’ve seen before, and no name on the cover, nor the back.”

“For that, sir, you should look at the first page.”-I said.

“Um?”-Dumbledore opened the first page. “Ho, indeed, ‘Magic Spell Book’, and, curiously, your name is right under it.”-He lifted his eyebrow.

“I know, sir.”

“Was it like this from the start, maybe?”

“Yes, it was like that when I found it, that’s how I knew it was for me, though, I still don’t know who gave it to me, as I said before.”

“Interesting, indeed. I at least don’t sense anything bad coming from the book, so I don’t think it was given to you out of bad intentions.”-He said.

“What could be bad coming from the book?”

“Well, Mr. Taylor, I’m afraid that in our world, there are some wizards and witches that like to put not-so-benign curses on particular objects, and books, are sometimes one of the preferred items, as well as accessories.”-He said, before turning to the next page. “Mm?”

He turned the page again and again but frowned after a little while.

“What’s the problem professor?”-I ask him.

“The book.”-He looks at me. “It’s full of blank pages.”

“What!? It can’t be!”

{Great!}-I thought to myself while moving towards Albus.

“Look, there’s nothing here.”-Professor Dumbledore showed me the page he had opened. It was right over the pages of the levitation spell and the energy strike spell.

“Um… Sir? There are the spells written there…”

“Huh? Are you seeing something?”-Dumbledore asked while looking at the pages. “They’re blank, at least to me.”-He pondered for a bit.

“Sir, I can perfectly read them…”

“Can you show me the spells they teach?”-He asks after a little bit of pondering.

“Well, there shouldn’t be any problem with one of them, but for the other, it might be a little bit difficult.”-I shrugged.

“Why so?”

“Well, it’s an attack spell, sir. And I don’t want to destroy anything here.”

“Ho… What kind of attack?”

“It’s a sphere of energy, sir, it can be quite destructive if it touches something.”

“That would be quite problematic indeed… Well, then, can you show me the other one you see?”

“Sure, sir.”-I nodded. Exani Hur-I said, and my body started floating.

“…”-Dumbledore's eyes opened wide. “You’re flying… And you can do it without a wand?”

“I’m not flying sir, this is mere levitation, my speed isn’t that much to actually call it flying, though, I do can go quite a few meters in the air if I want to.”-I told him while flying higher. “And, most of these spells can be done without a wand.”-I then went down to the floor again and canceled the spell.

“Magnificent… That sure is great magic.”-Dumbledore said while rubbing his beard. “Is there more you can show me?”-He asks.

“Aside from the attacking spells, I think there are a few of them that are possible, sir. Like this one. Utamo Vita.”-I incanted, and around me, the thin film made of magic power appeared, it was almost invisible to the eye.

“I don’t see anything changing, but, there sure is a feeling of magic now surrounding your body, as if embracing it. Quite the curious magic, indeed.”

“It’s a magic shield, it allows me to stop any kind of damage, I suppose it uses my magic power as a substitute for my health, or at least that’s what I been able to clarify while testing it.”

“Impressive.”-Albus nodded. “Mmm… This is quite the surprise to me…”-He said. “To be honest with you, Mr. Taylor, I’ve been trying to use Finite Incantatem on the book, and also, Revelio, both spells that should normally show anything that is hidden with magic…”-He winked at me. “But it didn’t have any kind of effect on this book.”

{This guy… He already knew I was inside the infirmary even before asking me to show myself… *sigh…* It was great that I didn’t run away…}

“Is that something bad, sir?”

“Not quite. But what it does tell me, is that this particular book is bound to you.”-Professor Dumbledore glanced at the book before looking back at me. “I’m sure you must be aware of how the wands chose the wizard, right?”

“Yes.”-I nodded.

“Well, I would believe that this book is quite like a wand in that sense, it has chosen its owner. Who gave it to you, that’s curious indeed, and even more, with what intentions?”-Dumbledore pondered for a bit. “But… I’m sure, that there’s no dark magic involved with this book, magic, but nothing close to darkness. It’s quite surprising, if you ask me, I’ve never heard of a book like this.”

“Um… Sir, there’s something that I noticed too when I came to Hogwarts.”

“Mm? What would that be?”-He asked.

“If you may give me the book, please.”

“Oh, sorry for that, Mr. Taylor, here you have it.”

“Well, here.”-I started flipping the pages towards the first magic I engraved in the book, Occlumency, and right beside it, Wingardium Leviosa.


“Is there a problem sir?”

“Well, it seems that I can read something in here, something really curious indeed.”

“Can you read them then, sir?”

“Yes, I can.”

“I don’t know about Occlumency, I only trained on it as this book taught me to. But this…”-I pointed at the Wingardium Leviosa. “We’ve been taught this charm here in Hogwarts… It’s only that I’ve known it from before coming here, sir.”

“That’s curious… Are there more things like this? Charms that are taught in our school?”

“Yes, and no, sir. Here, this one.”-I turned the page and looked at Expelliarmus. “This one appeared after I practiced it enough to actually use it.”

“You can add new charms in the book, then?”

“It seems so.”-I shrugged. “They mostly appear by themselves once I’ve learned them. Except for Occlumency and Wingardium Leviosa.”

“It seems this book has more secrets to it than a bunch of blank pages that only you can read…”-He rubbed his beard. “Well, Mr. Taylor, while normally it would be quite fascinating to study such a magical book, I doubt I could find more than you, as I can’t even read most of what the book shows to you.”

“Am I in problems, sir?”

“No? Why would you?”-He lifted his eyebrow.

“Well… I kind of cheated with the classes of Transfiguration and Charms… I already knew Wingardium Leviosa, and Occlumency was quite the help with transfiguring a match to a needle.”

*chuckle* I wouldn’t worry about that, Mr. Taylor, it could be said that the book is a part of you. It isn’t your fault to learn something before it is taught in classes, and I assure you that it also applies to the Expelliarmus charm, that last time I checked, isn’t taught to first-years.”

“Right…”-I nodded.

“Either way, don’t worry too much about it. But… I must warn you, of the problems of going against the castle’s rules, Mr. Taylor. I understand that you have quite the good charms to move around undetected.”-He smiled.

“Don’t worry sir… I don’t usually do that… It was just that we were worried about our friend, and I decided to go look for him even if it was past the curfew… I had the best chances from among my friends, you see.”-I gave him an awkward smile.

“Indeed, you do. And don’t take me wrong. I’m not one to recriminate a student who takes risks for the sake of their friend. That’s quite a great characteristic.”

“Thanks, sir.”

“Well, then, you may go now. And… Mr. Taylor, you would do well in keeping that book a secret between us. Sometimes, people, especially wizards, fear what they can’t understand or control.”

“Right, professor… Actually, I didn’t plan on reveal it to anyone before you caught me…”

*chuckle* I’m sure of it. Well, you can go.”

“…”-I nodded.

“Oh, before I forget. Where are my manners? Would you like to have candy? Is lemon-drop flavored. They’re, by far, my favorite candies.”-He took out candy from his desk.

“Sure, sir. Thanks.”-I grabbed, before going towards my room.

Once I made it to the common room, William and Roger asked me where I went, and when I told them that I was in the director’s office, they were surprised, asking me why I went there of if I was in problems for asking for a duel against an upperclassman. I told them everything was fine, and he just wanted to talk to me about the curses and warn me not to try to look for them.

After that, I just told them I was kind of tired and went to my room. Sitting on my bed, at the exact moment, Muninn decided to come inside.

“Hey, mate… How are you doing? Is everything alright?”-I ask him.


“I’ll take that as a yes haha…”

{Well… Everything went well… With this, I at least have an explanation as to why I know occlumency, and well, about my other spells. It was great that the spellbook works the same as in Tibia, showing each vocation their spells, and obviating the ones from other vocations. Though, it worked even better than I thought.}

I had the hope that when Dumbledore looked at the book, he would either look at charms and curses from this world or things he knew, not looking at all the spells from the game, as they’re spells only for Sorcerers.

But it seems like the book is bound to me, so it will only show the spells that I can do, and that is compatible with the one reading them.

“That would explain that he could see charms and magic that I’ve been registering in the book, as a wizard can actually do them.”

*sigh…* It went better than I thought… At least this lifted a weight from my shoulders…”-I said while spreading myself on the bed. “Now… I guess my next focus should be actually getting my second vocation.”-I said while opening my status interface.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 35

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 985pts



Inventory (Size limit: 740oz/21kg)]

*sigh…* Shit… I’m almost there! I guess I’m just a class away from getting my first vocation… Or… Maybe…”-I pondered for a bit. “Maybe I can go to the Forbidden Forest… Kill a few creatures there… And gather enough points to get my second vocation…”-I thought while rubbing my chin.

After a little while, I opened the store, went to equipment, and then to helmets

[Helmet NEW! / 985pts

- Bandana NEW! 15pts

- Magician Hat NEW! 15pts

- Mystic Turban NEW! 20pts

- Gryphon Mask NEW! 20pts

- Brass Helmet NEW! 30pts

- Chain Helmet NEW! 30pts

- Mage Hat NEW! 35pts

- Mage’s Cap NEW! 35pts

- Legion Helmet NEW! 40pts

- Hat of the Mad NEW! 150pts

- Porcelain Mask NEW! 400 pts


“If I buy something to cover my face… Then I could go without any problem of being noticed by someone. And then I can just use invisibility to move around.”

It was currently Friday, so if I wanted to wait for my next classes to get the remaining points. I would have to wait at least until Monday. Either that or make some quests or hidden quests. But right now, I didn’t have a quest, and I don’t know what else I could try to complete hidden quests.

“My other option is to actually try to record new spells in my book… While I don’t gain many points, I also don’t need that many neither…”

I’m not going to lie. I knew that the last choice was the best. But my soul was asking for some adventures. And going into the Forbidden Forest sounded like a great plan.

*sigh…* I should try to stop getting bad ideas… I first should prepare enough…”

It wasn’t bad, to simply stay here and record new charms and curses into my book, winning little points, but also winning more ML.

“Yeah… That should probably be the best choice…”-I nodded multiple times. Before buying Gryphon Mask and Mystic Turban. “But, on the other hand, I’ll be able to finally break free and use my spells!”-I said, before sending my wand to my inventory.

The night when I actually used my spells in a practical way to go through the castle undetected, that actually made me feel amazing, it was as if I was alive for the first time, the excitement, the emotion to actually use my spells to something more than practicing was something that truly made me feel how wonderful this new world was.

As a side note, I also got to know while talking to the guys that the tracker was in my wand, so I just have to keep that thing inside the inventory and I would be free to use magic as I please outside of Hogwarts.

Then, I put simple clothes that were great for going outdoors and making exercise, while covering my face with the Gryphon Mask, some kind of grey party mask that barely covered my eyes and the top of my nose, and the Mystic Turban, that was just a blue turban like those used in deserts, which covered my entire head and neck.

Mixed with my invisibility, I was sure no one would actually notice me inside that forest, at least no other wizards that could tell the teachers.

“I’m ready! Wait.”-I stopped. And opened the store for wands and rods.

 [Wands/Rods (New!) / 945pts

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- Wand of Dragonbreath (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Decay (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Draconia (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Cosmic Energy (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Inferno (2000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Dimensions (2000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Starstorm (2000pts) NEW!

- ???]

“Should I…? *sigh…* I don’t know… What if I pay for the Wand of Vortex and don’t get enough in the Forbidden Forest? If it was at least the Wand of Dragonbreath I would be surer of my choice, as it has fire attack… Mm… Such a hard decision… Oh well… YOLO…”

I bought the Wand of Vortex.

[Congratulations! You’ve finally bought your first wand from the store. Being the main weapon of all Sorcerers, having a wand adequate to every situation is your priority, as it could become a great source of power. Take note that the power of your wand, differently from the game, does increase. But not in relevance to your ML, but to your core’s stage. As a little reminder, this isn’t a game anymore, it’s real life, so you should do well to test your new wand as soon as possible.]

[100pts have been earned! Took you long enough!]

“Well. This sure is great. I think it was a good choice, somehow… *sigh…* I must make sure to rip as many points from that forest as I can!”- I said while going to one of the windows that was opposite to the Black Lake.

CAW!-Muninn suddenly called me.

“Mm? What’s the matter?”-I ask him.

CAW!!! CAW!!!!

“What? Do you want to come?”-I lift my eyebrow.


“I think I’m going crazy… Talking to you man… But oh well, you must go first then. I can become invisible, but for the moments I can turn you invisible. I’ll have to work on creating that spell, I already have an idea how.”-I opened the window, and a gust of wind suddenly entered.

Muninn Immediately flew out of the room, going straight towards the entrance to the forbidden forest.

“…”-I looked out, and Immediately remembered that Ravenclaw’s dorms were in one of the highest points of the castle. “Well, I’m about to enter a forest full of dangerous creatures. What can such a height do to me when I can fly?”-I shrugged.

Utana Vid-My body turned invisible, while I step over the window and jumped while incanting the levitation spell.

A funny thing I learned, is that if I cast the spell from 2000 meters over sea level, it would cost the same as if I did it right at sea level. The amount of magic power I wasted depended on the distance I moved, and the direction, of course.

{Now, let’s close this thing.}-I closed my window once again, and made my way towards the Forbidden Forest, flying towards it at the same time I descended towards the floor. To make it cheaper in terms of Magic Power, I activated and deactivated the levitation spell continuously, letting my body fall naturally.

That night, maybe some students and professors might have heard me scream a little bit.

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