In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 41 – Corporeal Patronus

After training the guys of ‘Protectors of Hogwarts’, I went to my room, and using the time-turner I went back to the start of the day.

I still had something to do to finish the day. Practicing on my own.

“Today. Today I’ll finally get my corporeal Patronus. After that, I’ll see how to turn into an Animagus.”

With my hopes up, I made my way to my usual training ground. The Room of Requirements.

Once in there, I went with the normal setting of the room, using that same space where the guys from the fifth movie practiced.

“Okay, I’ve been getting closer and closer.” I muttered to myself while looking in front of me, getting ready.

Until now, I’ve focused on increasing my ML. At first, I thought that it was the key to actually get a corporeal Patronus, but it’s quite improbable for that to be true.

After all, right now my Magic Core is at its second stage, so there’s no way for it to not be able to create a corporeal Patronus as it is.

“I must focus on perfecting my Patronus.” I muttered, before sighing. “Right… But for that… I first need to really think of the perfect happy moment...”

I thought for a moment, but I couldn’t really find an appropriate memory.

Sighing I just sat down.

“Until now… I’ve just thought about the moment when I was reincarnated in this world… It’s been enough. The sense of freedom I got, the sense of happiness I had at that moment. It was enough for me to actually use Expecto Patronum… But why is it not enough for a corporeal one?”

{Maybe it isn’t about the memory? Maybe it is about the feeling that memory gives me? If that’s the case… Then maybe I should try to focus on that feeling...}

All I know about the Patronus charm is the fact that I have to focus on a memory that makes me feel happy, the more happiness the memory brings me, the better.

“But… What if I just focus heavily on the feeling, instead of just the memory? That could be a way for me to master it.”

With that thought in mind, I started to practice the Patronus charm.

At first, it was hard. I was trying to change the main focus of the charm from the memory to the feeling itself. And it wasn’t an easy feat.

After all, the reason why people could focus on the feeling was that the memory helped them. Without a way for you to channel that sentiment, it would be really hard to summon the Patronus.

Now, the way I chose to, was to initially pull the memory from my mind, taking the happiness it gave me, and trying to amplify it as much as I could.

Wasn’t easy at first, but as time went by, I willed my way through.

Another good thing was that, apparently, confidence and will played an important role in conjuring a Patronus.

“This feels like Peter Pan’s flying...” I smiled awkwardly. “I’m just missing the fairy dust to start flying. Oh, wait, I can fly without it.”

With a chuckle, I went back to focusing on the task at hand.

And after some time, my Patronus finally showed some kind of change.

“What the hell…?” From the tip of my wand, the exposed incorporeal Patronus started to change into a big form.

The creature was turning to look something akin to a horse, albeit bigger and skinnier.

“Wait…” I frowned for a moment, confused. “Isn’t that a… Holy...”

The creature that appeared in front of me was, unbelievably, a magic creature I knew.

Horse-like form, skinny, or more exactly, boney. With a pair of long, bat-like wings extending from its skinny back, a long and thin muzzle decorated the creature’s face, while a thin and skeletal tail protruded from its rear.

Its face was dragon-like.

“A thestral… My Patronus is a thestral? Is this bad or good?”

I just stood there, trying to figure out things.

“These things aren’t that bad… Yeah, they’re like creepy and carnivorous horses, but it’s not like they’re monsters… Right?”

I was completely flabbergasted at my Patronus.

“At this point, I don’t even know if I should try and transform into an animagus… Who knows what the hell I will turn into...”

With a sigh, I looked at my Patronus. It felt weird, to say the least. After all, it’s a really creepy creature.

“First my wand, now my Patronus… Should I look for one of these things and tame it? Instead of a broom, I should start flying a thestral...  *Sigh...*

After sighing, I finally paid attention to the system’s message that appeared in front of me, while at the same time grabbing my Crude Umbral Spellbook that went out of the inventory by itself, opening all the way to the last page of the book.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You materialized your corporeal Patronus! So you were worthy after all, who could tell? Now go with your creepy Patronus and play chase with the dementors in Azkaban!]

[1000 pts have been earned]

“So funny...” I rolled my eyes at the system message, while also looking at the book.

Don’t misunderstand me. It’s not that I’m not happy at the free points I won, it’s just that I’ve decided not to pay attention to the points, and just let them keep increasing. That way I won’t be tempted to buy anything else until I finally have my first advanced vocation.

“Now… What about you?”

Looking at my spellbook, I noticed that on the last page of it, there was some kind of decorated frame with the picture of a thestral. The frame decoration had wings at the top, the same ones the thestral had, while also looking black and skeletal.

“I guess the frame is dependent on the animal or creature I manifest for my corporeal Patronus.” Nodding, I kept reading, and just under the frame, there was something written.

[Expecto Patronum]

[A silver guardian that turns your happiness, hope, and faith into a protective shield. For you, a being closely related to death itself, a thestral will become your guardian, a being that only those that have seen dead and come to terms with it can see.]

[Your silver guardian will keep all that is evil away from you. But take note, that it is not a weapon, yet. Only a fool would try to run before learning to walk. Let your guardian grow, so it can fight your enemies on your behalf.]

“Mm? System, wasn’t a Patronus just a shield? Why does it say it’s possible for it to attack?”

[It says it’s not possible, yet.]

“I know! But that ‘yet’ means that I’ll someday be able to use it to attack, right?”

[If you already know the answer, why ask me? I’m a busy system.]

“...” Letting out a sigh, I just kept my spellbook back in my inventory, before starting to practice again.

“Well, now that I have my corporeal Patronus. I should focus on training other charms and jinxes.”


“So… Are you alright with this?” Tulip asked me during our rest from the night training with the guys from the Protectors of Hogwarts. “I mean… It’s really sudden...”

“Mm? What do you mean?” I turned to look at her.

“I mean, her. The exchange student.” She said while nodding towards Alanza Alves.

“Mm? What’s with her?”

“Is just… It’s so sudden, don’t you think so?”

“I know, right?” Merula, who happened to be sitting next to us, said. “Argh! Just what’s wrong with that guy... ”

With a sigh, she just looked down.

“Exactly. Wasn’t this supposed to be like a secret organization? Why is he suddenly telling someone he doesn’t even know?” With a sigh, Tulip also talked to her.

“Yeah...” Merula nodded. “What’s worse is that she isn’t even from Hogwarts. Damn… Protectors of Hogwarts, and here we are, with a student that isn’t from Hogwarts. It’s a joke!”

“Ok, ok. Calm down both of you.” I said, trying to keep them calm. “It’s not like it is the end of the world. Yes. Andrew fucked it up. Yes. He told the truth to a complete stranger that isn’t even from the school, but hey, at least she’s not some undercover secret agent from ‘R’, right? She’s just an exchange student.”

“Hey...” Tulip suddenly said with a frown.

“What if she is!?” Merula, as if understanding Tulip’s thoughts, suddenly exclaimed.

“No, no. Relax. She came here as an exchange student. So there’s no way Dumbledore wouldn’t know she’s not from there.”

“What do you mean!? She could fake her papers! How do you know she came from Castelobruxo!?”

“Because, to enter an exchange program, there has to be another student for you to change places. Another student from Hogwarts had to go there. Easy, right? Don’t you know someone in your year that left?”

“Well...” Tulip pondered while rubbing her chin.

“Not that I’ve heard of someone...” Merula just averted her eyes. “But still… Rackepick was a teacher… And she was brought here by Dumbledore himself...”

“You’re looking too deep into it. Really. Dumbledore wouldn’t be a complete idiot to not double-check the student’s origin before letting her come here. Not after everything that’s happened.”

With a shrug, I stood up.

“Well, we still have an hour until training’s finished. I’ll be your opponent this time, so let’s spar.” With a smile, I motioned for both of them to stand up.

“You know... ” Merula frowned at me. “I sometimes forget you’re just a first-year. You seem like someone from our year.”

“Yeah… I know what you mean, Merula.” Tulip said before sighing. “It wasn’t that bad before, but now that you’re helping us train, I can’t take off my mind that you’re another teacher here.”

“What? But I’m just a freshman.” I said, dumbfounded.

{Let’s just feign ignorance. That’s the best trick possible.}

“Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Let’s go.” Merula said with a shrug, pulling me towards Andrew, who was talking with Alanza. “Hey, you. Stop flirting and let’s spar.”

I may not be too sure, but I somehow feel daggers in Merula’s words.

“W-What?” Andrew flinched and stuttered after hearing Merula’s sudden comment. “I’m not flirting...”

“Sim! Let’s spar!” Alanza, as if not caring for whatever Andrew was feeling at the moment, just intervened. “Obrigado for the lesson!”

“Uh-uh. I’m not talking to you.” Merula frowned at her, before stopping. “Or… Do you know what? Sure. Let’s spar. You two, against us two.”

With a smirk, Merula suddenly brought me into the sparring session.

“Hey…” I called up to her. “I don’t want to be sparring with-”

“You just have to protect me, I’ll do the rest.” Interrupting me before I could completely deny the spar, Merula whispered to me. Her voice carrying a lot of anticipation for what was to come.

“Yay! Obrigado!” An excited Alanza grabbed Andrew’s arm, while excitedly jumping on the spot. “Let’s go, Andrew!”

“Yeah, let’s go, Andrew.” Merula said with a deep smirk.

“Uhm...” Gulping hard, Andrew just decided to nod, before looking at me.

“...” I looked the other way and shrugged.

{Sorry man, you put yourself in this situation.}

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