In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 48 – Shopping Spree!

After passing time with my friends in the Hospital Wing, and after Jake was finally released, a little bit after dinner, we all went towards the Common Room of our House, there, some of the upperclassmen, including those that were training with the not-so-secret group, congratulated Jake, who got slightly surprised that so many students were greeting him.

I helped him by presenting everyone, and soon the place took a festive atmosphere, making it a really gleeful night for all of us.

After talking, recounting what’s been happening lately in the school, and advising him on some of the classes he’s been missing, we all finally called it a night and went to our respective rooms.

Once I got inside my room, I let myself fall on the bed, letting out a deep sigh.

“Finally…” I said as I sighed. “This is all over…”

[Do you mean the thing with the vaults and curses?]

“Yeah, what else?”

[Oh, I don’t know. Maybe all the party thing?]

“Mm? Why would I get a party or something?”

[You don’t?]

“Well… I mean, it’s not like I’ve been to a party or anything before… And I do must ask… That was a party?”

[Not really, let’s say… A small celebration?]

“Oh well… Maybe sometime later I’ll be able to attend some real party?” I muttered as I stretched.

[Most probably. Remember that during Harry’s fourth year there will be a special Christmas dance.]

“Oh, right…” I nodded. “I guess that might be the closest thing to a party I’ll have anytime soon… Anyways! I’ve been curious the whole day how many points I have right now...”

[I thought you had forgotten about those.]

“Why didn’t you say anything if you thought I forgot?” I said with a frown. “Ha… Forget it, it’s not something I should expect in the first place.”

After sitting up, I called my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 55

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 19420pts



Inventory (Size limit: 940oz/26.64kg)]

“I honestly thought I would have leveled up more…” I said as I looked at my ML, but once I looked more I couldn’t stop my jaw from falling down. “Holy crap…”

[Impressive, isn’t it?]

“How… When!?”

[Well, it’s normal that you haven’t thought of it, you normally forget to open your status constantly. And well, with all the quests you’ve been doing while helping the Protectors of Hogwarts train, and the rush of points you got today, you almost reached the 20.000 points.]

“Wow… I didn’t think it would be this much… If I save a little bit more points… I will be able to buy an advanced vocation...”

[Yes, it’s true. First year and with an advanced vocation. Soon you won’t have to worry about anything… Not even Voldemort is here yet to cause troubles for you…]

“You’re right… I might not have the same power as him or Dumbledore when it comes to my Magic Core… But if I get my hands on an Advanced Vocation, I might be able to at least survive a fight against them…”

[Well, you will surely have more spells at your disposal, but remember that experience and the power of your spells play quite the part in a fight. Though, taking them by surprise with spells they’ve never seen might help you win a fight.]

“Yes… But well, I at least hope there’s no need for me to fight Professor Dumbledore and Voldemort… Well, he’s more of Harry’s problem…” I muttered as I rubbed my chin. “Now, should I wait for the points…? It should be the most obvious decision, right?”

[In a sense, yes. Though the question would be, it’s really the only choice you have right now?]

“Taking into account that there are a lot of things that I can buy from the store, then no. It’s not the only thing that I can do… But… I don’t know, I guess I’ll have to think things through.”

[As you already said, there are a lot of things you can buy from the store, and there’s also the fact that you don’t need the power right now. It’s not something urgent.]

“Exactly, with the curse already cleared, and with Voldemort still a few years away from even being revived. It’s not like I need to increase my power that much. Even more, I still have lots of ways to get more points.”

[Yes, even right now, you can find different ways to gather points. Like looking for the Marauder’s Map, or simply selling your newfound gold for points.]

“Yeah, I won’t sell my gold for po-” I was about to deny the last option, but something caught my attention. “Wait, Marauder’s Map? Isn’t that the thing Fred and George used to move around the castle without being noticed?”

[Yeah. They got it in their first year.]

“Right! I need to get it...”

[Yes, it would net you a good amount of points.]

“Not only that… But… I can’t let the twins get their hands on that map, they will be able to see me whenever I move around the castle!”

[Oh, that’s what worried you? Honestly, knowing them, the most they would try to do is follow you around or recruit you to prank people around the castle.]

“That’s not it… They may find me going out of the castle from time to time, or even going to the RoR.”

[In case you don’t remember, it was said in the movies that the map couldn’t show the Room of Requirements.]

“Doesn’t mean they won’t see me disappear in front of the entrance. Either way. I’ll just take the map for myself, and be sure they don’t get it. If anything, I can just give it to Harry once he’s on his third year.”

[Oh well, whatever you feel is the best way to proceed.]

“Well, with that said. I guess it’s time to decide…” I sat cross-legged. “I could buy a couple of bulks of blank runes… And maybe a more advanced wand… But the enticement of an advanced vocation is too much to let go of… Mmm…”

Right now, my ML has reached 55, which means I have access to some of my vocation best spells. It’s not like I’m missing something in power, if anything, only two wizards can fight against me right now in a head-on confrontation, and one of those is a soul without a body.

{Do I really want to have an advanced vocation so early?} I thought as I tried to look for any clear reason that would push me to either buy the advanced vocation or other stuff.

“It all comes to choose between quantity and quality I guess…” I said as I let out a deep sigh.

{What worries me the most, it’s wasting those points and not being able to recover all 20.000 points…} I thought as I scratched my chin.

[Well, look at it this… It’s only your first year. And not even the start of Harry Potter’s story. You got a lot of points from breaking the original story’s second book main plot, or well, at least part of the main plot. You still can break the rest of the plot, and all rest of the six books plot. Heck, you could even force Tommy into being a soul for the rest of his life. Points are not going to be scarce for the foreseeable future.]

“That’s true.” I nodded. “Though I’m not going to leave Voldemort as a soul forever, I might as well finish him as soon as I can...”

[Oh, right. I forgot to tell you. You would be wise not to try and kill that coward.]

“Huh? Why?” I tilted my head, utterly confused.

[Well, let’s say that there’s a prophecy about him, in which the one that will defeat him, and finally kill him, it’s Harry. Not you, not Dumbledore, not Hermione, not the Longbottom kid, but Harry.]

“Oh right, the so-called prophecy that the divination teacher from third-year made. But what does it have to do with me not killing Voldemort? I can simply destroy all Horcruxes and finish him, right?”

[Here’s where things get tricky. There are three deities in this world. They might not interfere directly, but they exist.]

“Wait, gods?”

[Yes, something like that. You actually know one of them. Death.]

“Death? Like the one in the story of the Deathly Hallows?”

[Precisely. That’s the first deity.]

“Holy crap, I thought it was a simple story.”

[What do you mean? The Deathly Hallows exist.]

“Yes, I know, but I meant the fact that they were made by Death.”

[Oh, right. Well, now you know. Now, the second Deity is Fate. Fate is a bitch. Don’t mess with it, or bad things will happen.]

“You tell me that now!? I basically broke the second book plot!”

[Relax, that’s not a problem. The problem comes when you mess around with the prophecies. It’s then that Fate turns into a real bitch.]

“Say, why can you call Fate a bitch?”

[I’m made by a higher-dimension entity, Fate can’t do shit to me. To you though? You better not mess around with her haha.]

“Ha… Can’t believe this.” I said as I facepalmed. “So, in other words, I should not mess around with anyone’s prophecy?”

[Well, not anyone’s prophecy, but more like this world’s prophecy? I mean, things like Harry killing Voldemort are top-tier prophecies, nothing like ‘you will eat chocolate cereal on January 13th of 2005’, those are crap. Doesn’t matter at all, but prophecies where the future of the world is at stake? Those you better avoid. Thankfully, there’s just one like that, and it’s Harry’s prophecy.]

“Dude… You scared the hell out of me!” I sighed. “So, making it brief. No directly killing Voldemort for me, right?”

[Precisely. Apart from that, it’s all game.]

“What if I kill Harry?” I tilted my head.


“I mean, the prophecy is Harry killing Voldemort more or less, and it’s Harry’s prophecy. If I kill him, in theory, the prophecy would be void, right? Making Voldemort a free target for me to kill.”


“Mm? Right?”

[That’s a stupid idea. The prophecy clearly says, and I quote, ‘either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives.’ You can’t kill Harry as well as you can’t kill Voldemort, you idiot.]

“Oh come on, I don’t remember the entire freaking dialogue of the movies. Even less the exact prophecy...”

[Ha… I mourn for the poor neurons you still have in that empty head of yours…]

“Shut up…” I muttered before sighing. “Then, what’s the third god?”

[The third Deity is Magic. Magic exists in this World as a concept, and it’s the reason why wizards can bend and break natural laws as they please. Different from the other two, Magic isn’t an ‘individual’, it’s more of a conceptual Deity.]

“You’re confusing me...”

[Well, just think of it as a force that exists in this world, but has no conscience. Like gravity, it just exists.]

“Ok… Whatever you say. I’ll just take it represents no danger for me, right?”

[Yeah, it’s not dangerous for you. Actually, none of the three are, except if you mess around with Fate. Really, don’t even try it. She won’t leave you alone if you mess around with her.]

“Right, right.” Nodding, I jumped on my feet. “Well, with all this talk about deities and all that, I had time to decide. I won’t pick my advanced vocation just yet. I’ll first buy some stuff that it’s better to have. My power is enough for the moment.”

[Ok. If that’s what you want, then go ahead.]

“Oh come on, don’t say it as if you don’t like my choice. You could perfectly just leave me alone and I would have decided to buy the advanced vocation.”

[Tch. You noticed? With that dull head of yours.]

“…Haa… Whatever.” Shaking my head. I opened the store.

[You won’t ask why I tried to change your mind?]

“I’ll guess it’s because it would be boring for you.”

[Wow… You amaze me...]

[50 points have been rewarded for surprising the system.]

“Thank you…?”

[You’re welcome. But yes, it would be boring for me if you got your advanced vocation so early.]

“Oh well, whatever. I still think I’ll get it during my second year. And once my third year starts, it’s all about the main story.”

[Oh well, suit yourself. I won’t try again later, after all, it’s your choice at the end.]

“Much appreciated.” I said as I went through the store. “First, let’s buy some bulks of Blank Runes.”

After wasting 5.000 points n Blank Runes, I got enough for a few years, just enough time for me to figure out if I can create my own blank runes using materials from this world.

“Well, there we go with 500 Blank Runes.” I said as I looked a the filled space of Blank Runes in my inventory. “Now, next… I guess I won’t need weapons, as I have that strange dagger I found in the Vault. But, wands and rods are different altogether.”

[Wands/Rods (New!) / 19420pts

- Wand of Vortex (500pts)

- Snakebite Rod (500pts)

- Energyzed Orb (500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Dragonbreath (1000pts)

- Wand of Decay (1000pts)

- Moonlight Rod (1000pts)

- Necrotic Rod (1000pts)

- Ice Orb (1000pts)NEW!

- Fire Orb (1000pts) NEW!

- Wand of Draconia (1500pts)

- Wand of Cosmic Energy (1500pts)

- Northwind Rod (1500pts)

- Terra Rod (1500pts)

- Scorching Crystal (1500pts) NEW!

- Starlight Eye (1500pts) NEW!

- Frozen Core (1500pts) NEW!

- Wand of Inferno (2000pts)

- Wand of Dimensions (2000pts)

- Wand of Starstorm (2000pts)

- Hailstorm Rod (2000pts)

- Ogre Scepta (2000pts)

- Springsprout Rod (2000pts)

- Shimmer Rod (2000pts)

- Underworld Rod (2000pts)

- Mountain-Shattering Orb (2000pts) NEW!

- Frozen Heart (2000pts) NEW!

- Lava Core (2000pts) NEW!

- Ghastly Orb (2000pts) NEW!

- ???]

“Mm? What’s with all these new things?” I tilted my head as I looked at the long list of Wands, Rods, and what seemed to be a new kind of magic weapon.

[Oh right, you didn’t open your Wands and Rods store after getting the Tactician vocation…]

“No… I just took a look after getting the Druid one. Wait, does that mean that these… orbs? Are from the Tactician vocation?”

[Exactly. Tacticians are support-oriented, but as you might know, in a game like Tibia, you still need to have some way to deal damage in order to play. And for Tacticians, it is their orbs. It’s their main weapon, and well, it works similar to the rods and wands, so it’s not really that much of a difference, I guess the only difference is that it channels the attacks through you.]

“So… If I activate it, it just allows me to send the attacks from my hands?”

[Precisely. Again, in terms of functionality, all three magic weapons are the same, it all comes down to what looks better in your eyes.]

“Rods. Let’s go with rods.” I quickly said while looking through the available rods.

[Don’t want another wand?]

“No, it’s just that’s easier to be undetected if I go around using a rod instead of a wand.” I said with a shrug. “Also, I’m more of the Gandalf type of magician, you know? With a rod or a staff instead of a wand.”

[If you say so…]

“Ok, I guess I’ll go with this one.” I said as I picked one.

Immediately, in my inventory, a new item appeared. Taking it out, I looked in awe at the rod that appeared in front of me.

It had an icy-blue color to it and had a length of around 1.50 meters. It looked like an ice-made staff with irregularities all through its length and even had a cold touch to it, not enough to feel uncomfortable, but more like fresh. At the very top of it, the staff took a slightly different form, as it widened more and took the form of a slightly deformed half-moon.

What was more interesting about this rod, was the fact that there were ice shards floating all around it, circling around it, and whenever I moved the rod, the shards would follow it with almost no delay.

“Woah… It’s beautiful…” I muttered as I looked at the Shimmer Rod in my hands.

[Indeed. It’s not the most beautiful rod out there, but it sure looks amazing.]

“Yeah… I can’t wait to test it out.” I smiled as I saw the rod. “Well, that’s 7.000 points deducted from my original 19.000.”

[They go even faster than they come.]

“Yeah, sort of.” I nodded, sending the rod back to my inventory. “Mm… I think this might be enough for now.”

[Why don’t you buy armors or other accessories?]

“It’s not really something that I need with haste. Even consumables would be more useful.” I said as prepared myself to go out. “I might as well keep the 12.000 points for later.”

[If you say so… So, are you going out ?]

“Yes, I have a map to steal, and a rod to test out.” I said as I activated my invisibility spell and walked towards the window of my room. “I guess the rest of the year will be a breeze.” As I smiled, I flew out of the room.

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