In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 5 – Time Skip (Part 1)


Two years have passed. Now I’m seven years, and, I’m proud to say that I’ve made great advancements.

First of all, I got my own room! It seems that being left out by the other kids got the matrons of the place think that it would be best for me to have my own room, seeing as I’m some kind of genius and hoping for me to reach a higher education with some help from the government.

Another thing that I found strange, was that there was no one adopting from this place. For some weird reason, most of the older kids left once they got 18yo, almost everyone working since being 16… It was a truly sad thing to see… I mean, I was also an early orphan in my past life, but the quality of the orphanage I went to was better in that aspect, and that place was a hellish one…  I guess it must be because of the time difference…

Oh well, nothing that can be done for the moments.

The second thing was, my ML is already at 13! That’s a whole five levels!

I thought it would be higher, but thankfully, it seems that learning new spells out of the Magic Book will make it advance faster! And me having more free time now since I have my own room also played a good thing on it.

Not only did I meditate more, but I actually try a few more spells. Though, mind you, I haven’t started my way to being a pyromaniacal yet. That’s a quest I still have to accomplish.

For a little summary. I learned 6 different spells out of my spellbook. Which are, magic rope, cure poison, energy strike, levitate, great light, and terra strike.

Now, each and every one of them is amazing. But of all those, the two that I actually loved more, were magic rope, and levitate.

The first, because, as the name suggested, magic rope or Exani Tera allowed me to invoke a rope made of earth magic. In the game, it was used for actually teleporting you up and out of caves in places with a certain mark destined to the use of ropes. It was a truly limited spell. But here? Things were different.

I could actually invoke a rope made of earth magic, and move it with my will! At first, I felt like Spider-man, invoking the rope and grabbing stuff from my room to then pull them towards me, or even hanging from a little hole in the ceiling like the aforementioned superhero, things that couldn’t be done in the game. I won 20pts from a quest for doing that.

It was really incredible. But it has a falling point. While I can indeed control it as I wish. It cost magic power for each second used. The amount isn’t that big, but when you go around grabbing things and stuff for a continued time, with the magic power of a kid, it isn’t rentable. Still. It’s a great skill if I somehow manage to transfigure the rope invoked. I already imagined myself going Scorpion mode with that “Get over here!” thing.

And with levitation… Well, who wouldn’t like to actually levitate? Again. This was totally different from the original game. In the game, you could only go up or down one “floor” with the correct command.

Here. Things were different. You could actually levitate, commanding the spell with your will, while magic power would be consumed depending on the amount of time and the height. I got another 25pts from experimenting with this spell.

Also, it isn’t like flying, as the speed is really slow, basically a walking speed. Maybe increasing the amount of magic power would make me go faster, though, that wouldn’t be even rentable for the moments, and there’re other ways to fly in this world, like brooms. Though I found a great application, and that’s the fact that I won’t need to fear falling from high places. I could just use the levitation spell, Exani Hur, to stop from falling to my death. Trying this theory of mine got me 15pts thanks to a quest called Leap of Faith minus the Hay.

Also, it seems there are some hidden quests, as they’re not shown, but whenever I complete or start one, I actually got the notification of having discovered or completed a hidden quest, like that Leap of Faith minus the Hay.

The rest of the spells were mostly normal… magic? I mean… Exana Pox was a spell to cure poisoning. Exori Vis was a more potent version of the Exori Infir Vis, so it was like hitting your enemies with a stronger electric shock. It could easily stun some adult muggles, again, not like I tried. Then you have a greater version of the illumination spell, Utevo Gran Lux, which you could think of it as Lumus Maxima. And, lastly, terra strike or Exori Tera, that was basically like shooting a small earth missile towards your enemies.

Finally, my last accomplishment, and probably the most important one, was starting my way towards occlumency.

At first, it was hard. But after months I finally managed to empty my thoughts and then use magic power to give life to my mindscape.

It was a small room. The room I was living in before dying. With a bed, a drawer, and my most precious item, my monstrous PC. All information was stored inside that PC. From my thoughts to my knowledge and memories. The idea was actually given to me by the System. Looking at how I need to search for specific things while inside of it. I got the thought of using a PC system to store my information. It’s not like people here actually know how to use one…

After that, I started fortifying the room. You never know what could be done or if they could actually destroy the PC to find the information they needed.

I felt like I was in Inception, the movie, creating labyrinths out of a city, with narrow streets, skyscrapers, and people that would work as some kind of antivirus to detect and attack any intruder. Heck, I slowly started to create a truly infamous labyrinth-like city, and even put five more rooms like the true one around the city.

I didn’t know if that was enough, what little information I had about this thing was from fanfics and a little description from the movie. But I guess I was on the right way, as I could accomplish the quest of starting my training in occlumency, netting me 35pts.

Another thing that I noticed, was that I had a better memory thanks to the occlumency training. Not like eidetic memory, but I sure learned faster.

I haven’t tried to create new spells, but I’ll try to do it before getting to Hogwarts, though, first, I’ll get my ML as higher as I can in the remaining 4 years.

*knock knock*

 While I was thinking about these two years, someone knocked on my door.

“Come in!”-I shouted while putting my Magic Spell Book back in my inventory.

“Good morning Logan, how are you feeling today?”-Isabella asked while entering my room.

It was 7:00 AM in the morning, an hour before breakfast started. It wasn’t weird for Isabella to actually come looking for me at this time, as in her own words: “I could oversleep or lose time while reading some book.”

It’s not actually a lie, I did miss a few classes in the morning for reading books I deemed would be necessary for the future, like anatomy, astronomy, advanced mathematics, and things like that. If I don’t remember wrong, some classes in Hogwarts are similar to those.

“Hi Miss Isabella, good morning. I’m doing fine today. It’s the breakfast ready?”-I ask her.

“No, it still isn’t, but it will be in an hour or so. I came to check if you weren’t oversleeping or losing yourself in some book.”-She said.

“No, I’m not Miss Isabella, I woke up early, and I already finished the books I asked from Madam Lily last time… I got no new books to read yet.”

“Oh? Is that so? Well, try to look for something else, if you don’t find anything, tell me, I’ll try to get some book you may like.”-She said with a smile. “Also, change your clothes as soon as you can, so you’ll be ready for breakfast. You have classes today too, don’t skip them, even if you already know what we teach to kids your age. You still can share some time with the other kids, at least until you have a sufficient age to go to a proper high school.”-She said with a sad tone.

You see, she’s been trying to send me to some high school since she learned I knew everything that could be taught in an elementary school. But it seems there’s no place for mongrels like me. I still don’t know if it’s a problem of this particular orphanage, or if it’s like that everywhere else in this place.

Though, don’t mind me. I’m glad about that. After all, I have more time to focus on my magic training, occlumency training, and all that’s stuff. There are just 4 years until Hogwarts letter arrives. And I’ll make what I can until then.

“Thanks, Miss Isabella! But you know the other kids don’t like me… So, I better stay here reading.”-I said with a smile.

“Nonsense. It’s just that they can’t understand you. But I’m sure that once they know you better, you’ll be able to fit in perfectly.”-It seems she took my smile as a sad one because she tried to give me some motivation.

{*sigh…* It seems I’ll have a hard time convincing her… Well, It’s just for a few hours. Nothing bad to go out of the room for a little, at least until I can convince her. I also should start training my body, maybe doing laps in the garden and a basic training here in my room.}

“Okay Miss Isabella… I’ll try to get friendly with the other kids…”-I answer her.

“Great! Now, change yourself. We’ll be having breakfast soon, don’t forget to come to the dining room!”-She says while going out of my room and closing the door behind her.

*sigh…* Just 4 more years, and I’ll be able to truly begin my adventure in this world…”

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