In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 32 : Future Planning

As the revelation settled in, their expressions shifted to a mixture of surprise and disbelief. Meeting their gaze, I took a moment before breaking the silence with a question, "Does anyone among you have any questions?" The weight of the moment deepened as Saiken's voice, now tinged with seriousness, cut through the air, "What exactly is this future you're referring to?"

With a slight nod, I began to explain, emphasizing the delicate intricacies of the temporal fabric, "Before delving into that, it's crucial to understand that even the smallest of actions can reshape the future entirely. The future I had glimpsed has already undergone changes. In the original trajectory of events, my existence was absent, and all of you faced the grim fate of being ensnared by Asura's reincarnation. Your individual essences were then dispersed amongst humanity, serving as a means to maintain equilibrium." My words carried a subdued tone, a deliberate lack of emotion that contrasted with the gravity of the information I was sharing.

Yet amidst the solemn atmosphere, a faint pulse of annoyance emanated from within me. It was then that Kokuo, the embodiment of comfort, reassured me by gently draping her tail around me, a gesture laden with unspoken support. Continuing, I delved further into the implications, "You might recall feeling a certain suppression, a subtle pressure stemming from the very essence of Asura's being, conveyed through the wood that is an extension of him." The intricate interconnectedness of their experiences and destinies, now altered by my presence and intervention, hung palpably in the air, awaiting their comprehension.

Observing their attentive nods, I proceeded to demonstrate my newfound wood style, a power that had become accessible after acquiring my new body. As the wooden embrace enshrouded their forms, their eyes widened, captivated by the tangible manifestation of my abilities. Affirming their curiosity, I explained, "This wood style possesses the ability to absorb and quell your chakra, confining its flow." With a measured release, I allowed them to break free from the living prison of wood.

Their expectant gazes urged me to share more insights. "The humans you were contained within are called jinchuriki, exploited as weapons by various factions. The Uchiha we encountered during our journeys bear the same ocular manifestation as Hagoromo, but their eyes haven't fully evolved. At the Eternal Mangekyou level, just a step before the Rinnegan, they would attain the power to control you." Addressing their unspoken concerns, I offered a glimmer of hope, "I have the knowledge to create seals that can divert these scenarios from unfolding."

The conversation took a more ominous turn as I unveiled the looming challenges. "In the future, as formidable shinobi emerge, many will seek to capture us, craving the power we possess. The Uzumaki clan will develop a seal that encompasses a wide array of beings, including us." Acknowledging their complexity, I opened a window to an alternate path, "I lay this before you because I possess the means to seal this place. It would bar humans from entering and us from leaving. We could coexist within human society, adopting human forms. Yet, I am aware of the aversion we share towards this choice."

Their agreement was silent, conveyed through their understanding nods, signaling their grasp of the gravity of the situation and the weight of the choices that lay ahead.

"I can bring you to our dimension to live, but it would be just us. So, I considered the option of allowing them to seal us," I explained. Their faces displayed some confusion, but their trust in me remained steadfast. Their unwavering faith filled me with affection. Truly, they are a cherished family.

With their attention captured, I continued, "Now, let me explain about the seal..." As I detailed my plans for the future and the various backup strategies, their reservations faded, replaced by understanding and even a willingness to try the approach. Their agreement aligned with Hagoromo's legacy, a final farewell offered in the form of fulfilling his wish.

However, Shukaku, ever the curious one, posed a different question, "Brother, couldn't you use your strength to unite the world and reign over them directly? Why this indirect approach?" His inquiry was met with incredulous stares from the others, who had witnessed my profound disdain for the humans through the Genjutsu. Under their gaze, Shukaku's objections seemed to diminish into grumbles.

I made an effort to assuage Shukaku's reservations, stating, "Can you imagine me squandering the precious time I could be spending with my beloved family just to involve myself in the affairs of humans? Frankly, I'd prefer to have authority over animals than humans. In fact, I'd even choose a life of solitude in the mountains, similar to those cultivators." The term "cultivators" seemed to raise eyebrows among them, clearly indicating an unfamiliar concept. So, I took a moment to provide context, saying, "Cultivators are individuals we encountered on a distant planet before arriving here. Their discipline involves prolonged hours, sometimes even days or months, spent meditating on a stone to accumulate power. This practice leads to a unique physical appearance, often characterized by flattened backsides. Strangely, their internal disputes rendered them remarkably vulnerable. Astonishingly, they even had a faction within their ranks that actively plotted to destroy their own planet, although the motives behind it remain enigmatic." The bewilderment etched on their faces revealed their struggle to grasp such an existence.

Interrupting the pause, Matatabi expressed her perspective, "They are pitiful." Her words hung in the air, a statement that could potentially evoke strong reactions. The mere thought of how they might respond entertained me, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the anticipation of their expressions upon hearing her candid assessment.

"We're unanimous in understanding that should it be imperative to fulfill the old man's mission, Kurama must be sealed. However, we can't allow him to bear this alone, considering everyone has their role to play. We'll comply this time, but let this be the final instance we heed that old man's counsel—even if he were to protest from beyond the grave," Son Goku's words resounded with a mixture of firmness and humor. A chuckle escaped me at his comment, and a sigh followed, resonating through the group as even Kurama seemed to concur.

My foremost wish had always been to prevent any strain in their relationships due to me. I understood Hagoromo cared deeply for them, and I didn't want to disrupt that connection. Despite my concerns, their resolute expressions betrayed their commitment, and I found myself caught in an internal conflict—a sense of contradiction that they were astutely perceptive of, sensing my inner turmoil in their own unique ways.

Kurama's words were like a balm to my conflicted feelings, as he reassured me, "Our actions aren't about serving a relationship with him; they're about holding him accountable for the wrongs he committed against you. There's no need for you to carry any guilt." His comforting statement resonated deeply, amplified by the unanimous agreement of the others. It was as if Kurama was stepping beyond his usual demeanor, allowing his more understanding side to emerge, bridging the gap that had once existed.

Kokuo's input flowed in next, her voice a calm stream of reason, "Our commitment is solely directed at accomplishing his mission for that human. While you consider releasing Kaguya, it's crucial to prioritize your safety. The question arises: could the solitude of all those years have altered her in unforeseen ways?" Her words struck a chord, demonstrating a remarkable level of empathy and concern for my well-being. This unexpected display of unity in addressing Kaguya's situation both surprised and touched me deeply.

With a confident smile, I met Kurama's gaze, feeling the genuine camaraderie of this moment. "You don't need to worry. I've devised a plan to handle her effectively. By that time, I will have attained even greater power, making her no match for me. But for now, let's rest. Tomorrow, I'll begin crafting the necessary seals." The weight of their support and collective agreement was palpable as they each found their designated places to rest, preparing to recharge for the tasks that awaited us. The atmosphere seemed to hold a renewed sense of unity and purpose, as we collectively embraced the challenges ahead.

I guided the girls to sleep in our human forms, savoring the softness of our tails. We had yet to cross that boundary; circumstances rarely allowed us to be alone for extended periods. Given our natural energy-based bodies, engaging in such activities could lead to days, if not weeks, of uninterrupted passion. Our stamina was nearly limitless; what truly mattered was finding a year devoid of obligations, a stretch of time where we could set aside all else and focus solely on each other.

As we slumbered, the weight of my unspoken past lifted. Sharing my history with them brought relief, as if an unfamiliar burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Somewhere within, I harbored a lingering concern about how they might react, but their understanding embraced me warmly.

In the quiet moments before sleep claimed me, I found myself overcome with a sense of exhilaration, as if I could soar through the skies with unburdened joy. I chuckled at my own fleeting, childlike exuberance, amused by the whimsical nature of my emotions.

That night, I slept soundly, more deeply than I had in ages, allowing myself to rest in the embrace of newfound trust and intimacy.


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