In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 76: Early Graduation..

It's been Two and half years since Tsukimi took over the Otsutsuki clan and during these three years he did nothing but increase the level of understanding of time laws.
These laws were the fundamental of the universe and they were the main source of power for the powerful experts.
Instead of learning these laws by himself Tsukimi was using his shadow clones to learn them.
In these years he got closer to some of his classmates to the point he was comfortable talking with them unlike the rest of the humans.
He had come to see humans as a race that is selfish for their desires and wishes. When he told Matatabi and Kokuo that he was going to look for a human wife he was simply teasing them in an attempt to make them more expressive about their feelings.
He never truly thought himself of having someone as a wife among these humans. Scanning his eyes through the class as he sat between his wives, Tsukimi saw through all kinds of eyes looking at him.
He could sense eyes filled with admiration, Ill intent, fear, hate, Lust and many more emotions. Some of the students came to admire his strength because he always defeated his opponents with a single strike just like his 'fiances'.
Tsukimi knew the nature of these kids, if he did not show overwhelming power they would continue to pester him.
His clone was once ambushed by a genin relative of kid he thrashed because he brought a few people to overwhelm him with number, the state he left the genin caused him to be called by Hiruzen.
Danzo would have tried to interefere in this matter and take in the boy which is my Mito made a move and also appeared at that time but to everyone who knew Dano were surprised to see him staying silent in the corner.
The truth was that Tsukimi used his illusion on Danzo to imprint it in his mind to never offend him. He even went as far as giving him thoughts about having relationship with men from his Anbu whenever he tried to think of harming him or his loved ones.
As a result Danzo had quite a few sleepless nights.
When he was pardoned because of Mito, no one came to bother Tsukimi and they all kept a distance from him.
When it came to lust he turned to look t the shy girl in the corner of the room who suddenly hid her face behind the book hoping he did not notice her peeking.
She was not the only one there were many more girls liks this but they were scared of his fiances just like how the boys were scared of him.
How could Tsukimi not realize what these girls were thinking? Yet they did not arouse a single interest within him.
Let alone the fact that they were kids but they also had the personality that Tsukimi hated.
Hanami for example, he could tell she was kind of like Kokuo in personality but Kokuo was way better than that girl.
Kokuo has the courage to stand up and declare her love to others and there is also the fact that Hanami was too soft for her own good.
She was the kind of person who would never betray her village and her family. Tsukimi was someone whose real identity is something that would make the woman have to go against the whole world let alone a small village.
Mikoto was also among the girls who have crush on him, he could tell she would sneak some glances at him every now and them but she was too bound to her clan for him to even think about if she was in love with him or not.
He could tell she was someone who don't want to go against the clan. What they chose for her will be what she will be doing.
Then there was a certain dog that was always glaring at him from afar with an indurated look in her eyes. She might not have even realized her own feelings because of the muscle brain she had. Tsukimi found her annoyance to the point he would address her as annoying woman to her face.
Whenever Tsume tried to retort back she would feel her words struck in throat, those eyes of his looked at her like he was looking at some inferior creature. Somehow that look made her want to make him call her more that way.
Tsukimi realized how much of a pervert she was, there was nothing about her that Tsukimi hated but he didn't like anything about her.
Tsukimi blatantly ignored Mebuki and looked back at the teacher who just entered the class.
This time he did not use a clone to attend the class but he came here himself because of a special reason.
"As you all Know that the chunin exams are going on in the Village, there will be more and more ninjas coming to the village. You can watch the exam and learn a few thing from it too."
Minato's eyes shone upon hearing these words while Tsukimi glanced outside the window and the class continued before the lecture came to an end. Tsukimi got up and walked towards Akira and requested, while the two girl followed behind him.
"Teacher, we would like to apply for an early graduation."

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