In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 85: Jigen Otsutsuki!

In a faraway place a Buddhist temple stood in the middle of a deserted place. At first this place was filled with people but suddenly something happened that caused this place to be turned into this state.

Even when people tried to find this place or investigate what happened, no one could find a single clue about it. They were not even able to find the traces of the huge temple of buddha that suddenly vanished on a certain night.

Yet the reason behind the disappearance of the temple was now floating in the air and looking directly at the temple in front of him.

"The illusionary seal is working perfectly." Tsukimi mumbled as his eyes scanned through a thin invisible layer of cover that was veiled over the entire mountain.

Tsukimi had placed a Illusionary seal on the temple that would not only make the seal invisible to the naked eyes but also it would make the person who gets closer to it move around in circles while making them think they were walking in a straight path from the start.

Tsukimi flew downwards slowly and his figure passed through the illusionary film without any resistance.

He placed his feet on the floor in front of the giant entrance of the temple.

Looking at the closed doors in front of him, Tsukimi put on a solemn expression and walked towards it.



With a flick of his hand the closed door was wide opened and Tsukimi continued to walk inside.

The dust was suspended in the air as a sign that the place has not been opened in years. Tsukimi frowned a little before cleaning the room using a wave of his chakra.



As Tsukimi tapped his feet on the ground twice, the seals on the ground lit up and a blue line started spreading from under Tsukimi's feet towards every corner of the hall.




One by one every light in the corner was turned on. A huge statue of the Buddha came into view along with many other small statues and pillars in the room.

Ignoring everything Tsukimi's eyes fell on the floor in the middle of the hall where a familiar figure was sitting.

A monk dressed in kasaya robes was sitting in a meditative position and there were no signs of life in its body but strangely even after so many years not only did the body not rot but it was also in its peak condition.

The monk had a long ponytail while the rest of his head was shaved off. There were black marking on his body at certain places which seemed incomplete to the man observing it.

looking at those markings Tsukimi mumbled "Kama seal."

The seal that People of Otsutsuki clan use to takeover the body of their selected vessels.

This Monk was none other than Jigen or Isshiki Otsutsuki!!

Several bindings that were made out of strange characters were surrounding the body of Jigen. Around his head was an orbit of different sets of markings while the other sets of marking were attached to the ground.

It was like they were chaining the person to the ground.


Looking at the state of the body in front of him, Tsukimi sighed out loud in relief.

He could tell that the body, although seemed to be of a dead person because of no presence of a heartbeat but In reality it was very much alive Just like the soul Inside the body.

But since the person who had taken over this body was now in an eternal sleep because of the seals around the head of Jigen.

"Isshiki Otsutsuki, a high ranking person from the Otsutsuki clan. It seems like the annihilation of the Otsutsuki clan will start from you. Although I do not want to disrupt the peaceful life I have with my wives but it seems that the people from the Otsutsuki clan would not leave a walking weapon out in the open because of the threat I pose to them."

Tsukimi's eyes turned cold as he continued to speak, a strong killing intent filled the room as he spoke about eradicating the whole Otsutsuki clan.

He was ready to let go of all the enormous amount of hatred he had for the clan but he knew even though he was ready to let go the clan would not possibly leave him alone knowing that someone could threaten their existence.

"I may not be able to face you head on but I will surely use everyone you send as a fertilizer for my growth."

Tsukimi did not hesitate a bit to make his next move and weaved his hands into various shapes and signs. All kinds of weird symbols and patterns appeared around Tsukimi's wrists as he continued to make hand signs.

From the bottom of his feet a web of seals spread out and moved towards Jigen's body at a very incredible rate.

Before long the 'chains' around the body of the monk shattered and it started to tremble before falling onto the ground like a lifeless body.

Tsukimi finished his seal as signs of fatigue became visible on his face but he ignored everything and slammed his hand together as Jigen's whole body started glowing.

"Soul recovery seal."


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