In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[26] A Growing Crush

Chapter 26: A Growing Crush

Three hours. That’s how long it had been since Hashirama’s first call. Robin was getting more worried by the minute, and she was convinced Hashirama was defeated and captured by Sir Crocodile. 

Otherwise, why wouldn’t he call to confirm things?

Robin was currently in Hashirama’s place in Alubarna, still on the rooftop, and she just reached the limit of her patience.

“Hey, you…”

Robin called the Clone-Rama beside her, who turned to look at her, and just at that moment, the Den Den Mushi Snail nearby rang aloud.

Robin practically ran to the snail, her heart skipping a beat when she saw the number, as she picked up the call.

– Moshi Moshi. Calling late to announce that Sir Crocodile lost. I chained him up with Sea Stone inside a cell within his own HQ.

Hashirama’s voice announced from the other side of the Snail. Robin let out a relieved sigh while feeling a large weight lift off her shoulders.

“Thank you, you did well. Are you injured?”

– Ah, not really… Though I do have a killer headache. I can’t describe the pain in words- ugh. I passed out earlier, you know, that’s why I called you so late. The battle ended three hours ago.

Robin sighed. At least he didn’t earn any permanent injury. More than that though… he won. Hashirama won. Sir Crocodile just got dealt with, he would not continue destroying this country, his era of evil just came to an end.

– Anyhow, have you gathered the papers? The proof. It’s been three days since we talked about this.

Nico Robin was in Alubarna at the moment, and to get proof she would need to go to the Rain Base. Thankfully, however, as she had said before, she’s been secretly gathering proof against Sir Crocodile for a possible betrayal. So all the papers were ready already, she just had to travel around a bit to collect them all.

“They have been collected, yes.” She replied. “Now, we just have to call the Marines and-”

– No, wait. Before that, you’d need to….

Just as Hashirama was about to talk, the door of the rooftop banged open—and a girl expressed her surprise.

“There you are, Hashirama…!” Vivi Nefertari said while panting, proof that she can come running, as she stepped onto the rooftop. “Something big just happened in the Rain Base, you need to hear this— Huh? Who is this woman?”

Hashirama from the other side of the Snail, who had paused earlier, continued after hearing the voice.

– As I was saying. You’d first need to go talk with the King. My-self on the other side, accompany her, please.

“Sure thing,” the clone who was on the rooftop replied casually, walking over to the suspicious Vivi and flicking a finger on her forehead. “Let’s get going, Robin.”

* * *

The news of ‘Rain Dinners’, which was the biggest casino in the country, getting ruined by trees and vines reached the King and Queen’s ears last night.

They only knew one person who could do such a thing, and though they were sure Hashirama would never do something like this, they still sent guards to go check if Hashirama was in his home, just in case.

Unsurprisingly, Hashirama was indeed in his house. They were sure he wouldn’t do such a thing, after all.

But that begged a question; what was the cause behind this incident? This was a world of unknown lots, so the two Royals just sent guards to Rain Base to see things for themselves. Weirdly enough, the next morning, they were reported with more surprising… and shocking news, one that made their forehead turn cold.

“The Warlord Crocodile has been defeated by an unknown enemy, and is currently being held prisoner inside Rain Dinners. Unfortunately, because of the trees and vines that erupted inside the building last night, our forces are unable to enter and save him.” –that was the report one of the guards made a while ago, leaving the two royal couples frowning to themselves in their meeting room.

Warlord Crocodile was a hero of this country. He has done a lot for it, and some might argue he has done more than Hashirama himself who saved this country from poverty. The reason was simple; he was a strong force to behold, none of the pirates who dared attack Alabasta in the last decade and a half have succeeded. All because this man kept them pushed down with his great strength.

Now, that man was defeated—by an unknown enemy, no less.

It meant the country was under attack; threatened by an unknown force that had the ability to defeat a Warlord in his habitat. This was bad.

“W-what do we do?” Titi stuttered with a gulp, looking at Cobra with worry. “It just had to happen now of all times too, just when Tsunade left. If she was here, then maybe she could have defeated the enemy… but now…”

“...Hashirama.” King Cobra suggested. “I think he has enough power to match this enemy. In fact, I think the enemy also has plant-related powers, so Hashirama might be able to counter him well.”

“But, your highness… he is just a child. He can’t risk his life this way, not when we have plans to wed him to our daughter.” Titi sighed, her frown deepening in worry. “Hah, is there no other way?”

- Knock! Knock!

All of a sudden, knocks fell on the closed door of the meeting room. The two royals got nervous, expecting another piece of bad news—as bad news after bad news was coming knocking on the door—however, a reliable voice flowed out from the other side of the door.

“Your Highness, it’s Hashirama.”

“Hashirama…” Titi got up from the couch and walked over to open the door. There, Titi came face-to-face with Hashirama with Vivi by his side, but on his other side was a woman she hadn’t seen before. “Oh my, who is this person beside you?”

“Good Morning, I am… Miss All Sunday.” Robin started talking, “I have been a part of Warlord Crocodile’s secret organization for a year, gathering proof of his dirty deeds—and today, I am here to show you just that.”

King Cobra stood up and approached the door when he heard that. Titi and he shared glances, before looking at Hashirama who gave them a reliable nod. Slowly, with a complicated frown, the two royals allowed them to enter the room.

* * *

Shock, disbelief, denial, acceptance, regret, and finally, anger. 

All these stages of expression passed through the faces of the two royals along with Vivi. They couldn't swallow such a truth, but with all evidence proving the claims right, they all went silent with anger barely restrained.

"You knew all this, Hashirama…?" King Cobra asked, putting the papers down on the table.

The King, Queen, and Princess sat on the larger couch in the room. Hashirama and Robin sat together on a smaller couch, with a large table resting between the two couches.

Hearing Cobra's question, Hashirama sat a bit straight. He was patiently waiting for them to finish reading, and now that they were done, he knew questions would come flying.

"I didn't," Hashirama lied, making Robin's eyes slowly look at him. She didn't react in any way that would give away his lie, but she did shoot him a strange look. "This person here… whose real identity cannot be disclosed, for various reasons, has been a part of this Baroque Work you just read of. She was the counterpart of Sir Crocodile's persona, Mr Zero. That's how she was effortlessly able to gather all evidence."

The Royals didn't speak and just nodded; the King motioning his chin to continue.

"Then, as I went to see Tsunade off in the port of Nanohana, I coincidentally came across her. I think Vivi might remember when my [Clone] died in the battle against her assassins. At that moment my Main body received a mental shock. That's when Miss Sunday stopped me from falling on my face in Nanohana." Hashirama shot Vivi a look, making her nod quickly while her parents frowned.

"Wait, did you just say clone…?" Titi asked, looking at Vivi before her eyes widened. She turned to Hashirama. "I see. You can make clones. If so, then I assume the plant-problem in Rain Dinner was caused by one of your clones…? Your clone fought and defeated Sir Crocodile."

"Technically, the real me is the one who ruined Rain Dinner and defeated Crocodile, and I am the one who is a clone—but yeah, you got the gist of it." Hashirama nodded.

"Hashirama, why did you do it?" it was Vivi who asked with a worried expression. "That guy is a Warlord… He can make dozens of pirates run in fear. Why did you fight with a person so dangerous? You could have lost your life!"

While Hashirama was ready to reply right away, Nico Robin raised a hand to stop him and spoke in his stead. "This boy loves this country, which is why he risked his life. I didn't get it at first, but now I do. Sir Crocodile has been after him for a long time, as he was the sole thorn in the plan of taking over Alabasta. Now that the force that was Tsunade Senju was gone, the Warlord planned to take out Hashirama right away."

The Royals looked nervous at that, even though they knew all dangers had passed. Smiling a little, Robin continued.

"However, this boy, instead of being scared, decided to face the attack head-on. In fact, as he knew Sir Crocodile was coming to Alubarna and that might endanger the people here… more precisely, you three, I realize, he followed my plan of catching the Warlord's attention and lured him to the Rain Base. The reason why he did what he did in Rain Dinner was just that, to attract Sir Crocodile's attention so that he would leave you guys alone and face Hashirama in the city that was filled with the members of his organization. At worst, if great destruction may have struck the city, at least you three wouldn't be there to get hurt... At least, that's what I have judged in the last three days I spent with him."

Earlier, the three royals looked worried. But at the same time, they also looked a bit displeased at Hashirama for having decided to fight with such a dangerous foe. However, hearing Robin's explanation, deriving from what she had observed in the past few days… the three of them suddenly had a change in expression.

They all looked touched, with Titi covering her face and releasing a great sigh. Vivi just looked lost at that, while King Cobra looked… proud.

“Uh… you just made it awkward, Sunday.” Hashirama smiled awkwardly.

"Hashirama, dear," Titi withdrew her hands away from her face and smiled. "She didn’t. Can we talk, I and you, after this ends? I have something to tell you."

"Titi, it's not yet time to…"

"I know, I know, it's not about that." Titi cut her husband off when he tried to say something that Vivi didn't understand.

"Sure. But anyhow," Hashirama agreed and cleared his throat. "As for why you didn't know about the clone, it's because I lied earlier. I didn't win at first against the two assassins, my clone died.”


“As I was saying earlier— because of the clone’s death, the memories of the pain that my real body received, I was shocked and stumbled on my foot back in Nanohana. That's where I met Sunday, who caught me from falling on my face. After I went back to Yuba and defeated the assassins with my real body, I sent Vivi back to Alubarna with another clone. At the same time, my real body went to meet Sunday. Because I happened to learn that Sunday is the 2nd in command of the Baroque Works, after interrogating the assassins and learning they are from that exact organization—"

"Wait, wait, wait—" Titi gasped. “Are you saying it was Sir Crocodile's people who came to kill my baby Vivi? That's it, Hashirama, you don't have to explain anymore—we get the gist of the story. And Miss All Sunday, you don't worry either, you would not be punished for being involved with this group. Not because you are here today exposing him, but because Hashirama trusts you, and we trust him."

Robin just gave a short nod, not exactly surprised at the result of this conversation.

"She's right," the King stood up. "This meeting ends here. There is no need to explain things any further. The evil needed to be stopped, and you have done bravely so, Hashirama. You will be rewarded as fit, but for now, we need to go to the Rain Base to meet the culprit and announce his bad deeds. I will also be calling the Marines right away."

"Huh? I don't need any reward-"

"Shut up, boy." Titi stood up beside Cobra and cut him off. "Now, come on, lead us to the Rain Base. I heard you have fast ways of travel."

Hashirama just groaned while the two Royals fully decided on one thing in their heads, leaving their little girl on the side who looked at Hashirama in sheer awe—in a brand new light entirely.


Nefertari Vivi knew well of this boy who her parents adored so much, as he was her good friend. He was who she liked to mess with, but at the same time, she knew he was useful, strong, and reliable—but her young mind had never thought of just how much that reliability was worth.

In her mind, Sir Crocodile was one of the strongest men in this world—and this guy just happened to have bodied him with no apparent effort. 

That day, Nefertari Vivi felt something; something she had felt many times before, on each occasion where Hashirama saved him. 

A tickle in her abdomen. 

Except it wasn't subtle, unlike before, this time—it was a fierce one.




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