In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[29] A Serious Problem

Chapter 29: A Serious Problem

Hashirama walked a bit more. He had escaped the Rain Dinner from a back door, to drop Mikita off where nobody was looking, and the Royals were waiting for him at the front gate. Hashirama soon came across them and waved his hands.

Other than the three Royals and a disguised Robin, there was also Pell and Igaram with a large crowd of armed soldiers. Hashirama noted some of the Baroque Works billions looking at the scene with fear in their expressions, while some looked to be ready to attack.

Consequently, if they really do attack, they would lose their lives.

“Hashirama, hi!” Vivi waved her hand with an expression so delighted as if she had seen him days after. She gasped. “Wait, what’s wrong with your expression?! You look sleep deprived!”

“Don’t worry about that,” Hashirama waved it off. He exchanged greetings with the King and Queen and moved directly to the deal. “Come within the wall borders, everyone, I don’t want the civilians to see me using my powers. I will clear the trees. Soldiers, be on alert.”

The soldiers looked a little surprised and confused at that, but their leader, Igaram and Pell went on alert. Looking around, they also noted the negative air around them. There was a crowd of suspicious people looking at them with fear. That when compared to the sheer amount of relieved crowd around them—who were happy seeing their reliable King here—indeed, they seemed out of place.

The soldiers stood outside the gate, while Hashirama, the three Royals, and Robin somehow entered through the clogged gate.

Away from the people’s eyes, Hashirama clasped his hands together in front of him. With a deep breath in, he closed his eyes and concentrated his chakra to feel the trees that were all around him, that were ruining the building of Rain Dinner.

Hashirama was careful when he summoned these trees two nights ago. So it wouldn’t crash when these trees were pulled back to the ground. Hashirama channeled his chakra through the trees and sucked the chakra within them; that he had used to grow them. In the process, the trees became shriveled, dry, and turned into dust. Trees could not become tinier, even though Hashirama created them, so the only way to clear things was to turn them dry and into dust.

In this way, Hashirama’s power functioned exactly like how Sir Crocodile used his moisture-sucking power. Hashirama felt a little bad about killing so many of his baby trees at once—but the next surprise was worth it. As the trees’ chakra rushed back to him, he felt his mind absorb the healthy energy like a sponge.

In an instant, the headache that was killing him vanished in thin air. Simultaneously, the dark circles under his eyes vanished too. He suddenly looked healthy overall.


“You didn't know such a thing was possible?” Robin asked from the side, seeing his suddenly better appearance that came with his surprised expression.

“Well, this was my first time killing so many of my trees, and also the first time I have had such a headache.” Hashirama stretched his arms and smiled. “So yeah, it’s a pleasant discovery.”

“That’s good. You looked like a druggy.” Titi said before she nudged her chin. “Anyhow, lead us to where he is imprisoned.”

Hashirama slowly gave a nod. Then, he led them through the dusty building and up to the highest floor of the building.

*   *   *

Hashirama led the four people up to the highest floor and found the culprits, as he had left them locked in a cage.

The cage was the same one the Straw Hats were locked within in the canon timeline, so it was kind of ironic to Hashirama's meta-self.

Six Baroque Works members were inside the cage, and they were also put on with handcuffs of sea-stone for double measures. Hashirama didn’t want to take any chances, moreover since this place had a lot of Sea Prism stuff to use anyway.

One of the seven people was missing from here, however. Miss Merry Christmas, who got attacked by her partner’s bomb whilst hiding inside a hole. That killed her. This wasn’t a world of manga panels. Bombs and bullets were dangerous here. This deceased old woman was solid proof of that; something that made Hashirama a bit more serious in his mind.

This world wasn’t fictional anymore. It wasn't a piece of fiction written by Eichiro Oda who feared killing characters off. No, this was a real world of bloodthirsty Pirates and Marines, and death was something that was most common here.

Hashirama pulled Vivi to the side and stood there in silence, just observing the adults speaking as the King began to lose his temper while conversing with whom he once considered the country’s hero.

Though uncomfortable by the King, Sir Crocodile was still immensely enraged at the presence of Nico Robin there. He began to yell her real name aloud for everyone here to hear so that she might not get out of this without cost.

To Robin’s relief, the two Royals didn’t seem to know who she was. It was normal. There were countless criminals in this world, how many could they know? She would be out of this country by the time they even have the chance to learn more about her.

The talk lasted for a mere five minutes, with Sir Crocodile forcing himself to look at Hashirama. It finally came to an end with the King’s stern announcement.

“Whatever our past relationship may have been, Sir Crocodile, the Marines are on their way. We will hand you and your little group to them, along with the proof that you are indeed behind what you are being accused of.” King Cobra spoke while looking down on the broken warlord. “I wish you a painful time in prison.”

Sir Crocodile’s lips twitched, but he stayed silent. He had nothing to say, not after how he was defeated.

The King stared down at him for a moment longer, and then he turned around. “Let us leave, everyone. We will return when the Marines reach here.”

Just as he took his first step,

“Everyone at attention. The Marines are here!”

A loud mic announced from outside the open window.

Everyone paused in their spots, with Nico Robin going extremely pale, while only Hashirama moved to look outside the window.

“Shit.” However, his face paled more than hers when he saw who the Marine here was. With a groan, he ran and grabbed Robin by her hand. “Robin. Come with me. I am taking you to a safe place.”

“You fool!” Sir Crocodile’s maniacal shout caused Robin to flinch. “You damned fools! I am telling the Marines that you are hiding the wanted Devil Child. Even if I am to be captured, you all will suffer a Buster Call!”

The King and the Queen at those words, very familiar with that term. They shivered in their spots while Hashirama clenched his jaws with an angry scowl.

“Your ‘royal highness’, free me this instant! Before the marines reach this floor. Then hand me over the proof you speak of.” Sir Crocodile’s slumped back straightened as he stood up to his feet, with his hands tied behind him. His intimidating aura returned in an instant. “Otherwise, I and my subordinates here will let the marines know about the world criminal that your Kingdom is hiding. Even if they don’t believe us right now, they’d at least do their research later. When they find out that I was telling the truth, be prepared to face the Buster Call!”

“H-Hashirama!” Titi turned to look at Hashirama, but she flinched when she saw his scary expression that she had never seen before. She still asked, “W-what should we do?!”

Robin paled as guilt washed over her face. Hashirama put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly.

“I made a promise to her when all this started,” Hashirama curled up his fist. “In exchange for her help, I will help her safely leave this country. That promise isn’t completed yet. I would not be able to sleep without completing my promises.”

“But then-” King Cobra tried, but Hashirama was already leaving through the door with Robin. “Hashirama, listen here!”

“I will be back soon. You just hand the Marines the proof before Crocodile can speak!” Hashirama yelled as he picked Robin up in his arms and ran fast. “I have a deal to complete!”




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