In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[32] The Hero of Alabasta

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Chapter 32: The Hero of Alabasta

A Wood-Clone. That's who Tsuru arrested.

Hashirama knew what would happen to Robin if he let her get arrested, as per her suggestion. It may not happen by Tsuru's own hands, but the moment Robin were to reach the Marine Base, she would be killed. 

Knowing that, Hashirama had no intention to live by her suggestion, so he didn't. He took a rather big risk, instead.

Hashirama created a Wood Clone filled with 5 days worth of chakra, which then used the Transformation Jutsu to imitate Robin's appearance.

The clone had a goal set, too. After it would be escorted out of Alabasta's borders, when it would be in the Marine Ship far out in the sea, it would break out from its cell. 

Breaking out would be very easy since it was chained with Sea Stone handcuffs, and that thing didn’t restrict Hashirama’s powers. Then, while being intentionally chased by some Marines, the clone would jump out of the ship, and onto the sea. 

Under water, it would disperse itself. It would vanish into the sea, leaving nothing but chakra behind that would rush back to the Main Hashirama.

The observers, the marines, would try to search for the body but would fail to find it. By the time they give up, they will come to believe that Nico Robin committed suicide by jumping into the sea. The conclusion would be; a Sea King ate her body. 

That news, when sent to Sengoku, will finally end the hunt for Robin. She won't be a wanted criminal any longer. At least, until she was to re-emerge later on.

"...Aaand that is exactly what had happened," Hashirama said, taking a bite out of a burger. "I would know because of the detailed memories I received from my clone, my poor copy who committed suicide in your name."

Hashirama was sitting on top of a bed, his back against the bed frame, while two girls were sitting on two edges of the bed. Robin and Mikita.

"I see," said Robin as she read a newspaper. "You are not lying… the news says I am dead, so naturally my hunt will stop. Unbelievable."

"News spreads fast," Hashirama said. "It's just been a few hours, yet your 'death' has already been announced." 

It was a new morning; Sir Crocodile and his group were captured yesterday. At night, when the marine ship was in the middle of nowhere in the sea, Hashirama's Clone had done things exactly as planned. It’s been a few hours since the clone dispersed itself; memories rushed at the Main Hashirama at light speed right away. 

Hashirama the Main was sleeping then and was shocked awake by the memories.

It was morning, and so it had just been a few hours since then, yet the newspapers depicted that Nico Robin had been captured and killed by the marines. The news didn't say she committed suicide, though. It rather said she was killed by one of the Marines on the ship, when Nico Robin was trying to escape. As for why such a lie was printed, Hashirama theorized it was to maintain the marines' image. 

"It wouldn't look good for the marines if people learned a captured criminal managed to escape/commit suicide, would it? And yes, you are welcome," said Hashirama with a cocky smile, to which Robin replied with an incredulous expression.

"It's a good thing, sure. But, you know, Hashirama… Boss," Mikita said from the side, looking worried. "This will definitely get you in deep trouble. If they ever find out you tricked out a wanted criminal from them, I can only imagine the punishment you'll receive. Maybe even death… Isn't your sister a marine? What if she comes after you? That would be dramatic."

"True, true. Just imagine her hunting me down. Yikes." Hashirama chuckled. "I was actually planning that earlier, to become a pirate for fun and have her come after me. It'd have made a good family thriller romance."


"Shut up." Hashirama scoffed. "Anyway, I don't worry about that. I am hiding you too, you know? Robin removed your name from those Baroque Works papers that the marine Vice Admiral received. So you are safe for now. But when your old companions learn that you are alive, and they will sooner or later, they might demand your capture. Then you will be hunted down, and I will be in trouble for having hidden you in the first place."


"Anyhow," Hashirama turned to look at Robin. "I have an event coming along in the evening, held by the Royals. They want to 'reward' me for being such a good boy, and I have to sadly attend it. You two can get to know each other better in the meantime. Now that you are not in a hierarchical relationship, maybe try to become friends, you dirty criminals."



"Ignore the last part, it's a joke." Hashirama got off the bed and walked to the door. "By the way, Nico Robin, I remember my full promise wasn't just to get you out of this country safely. It was to get you a glimpse of the Poneglyph below Alubarna. I'll live by that, don't worry."

Saying so, he left, leaving the two girls behind in awkward silence.

*  *  *

It was nearly evening. Hashirama was dressed lavishly, wearing a white suit with a blue shirt under it. His long hair was neatly tied in a ponytail, reaching his shoulders.

Chewing gum slowly, he was sitting on a sofa while a Den Den Mushi snail rested on the table in front of him.

– You fought a Warlord.

"I did, and I won."

– That's what Titi… the Queen told me. I am just asking to make sure.

"Yeah, she told the truth. Also, there is nobody around, you can call her Titi."

– Let's not change the subject. This must be the reason you spoke of a few days ago, huh? The thing that had you not call me. You were after a Warlord… Shira, why did you do it?

"Because there was no one else who could have stood in front of him. Don't you say you could have come back to aid me, I didn't want to ruin your time in the Marines. Also, did aunty not explain things in detail to you?"

– She did. She also told me about the 'Billions' of Baroque Works who were in Rain Base and were captured earlier today. They got caught when trying to flee the city. I know all that. But, you know, what I mean is…


A deep sigh came from the other side of the snail. Tsunade couldn't retort to Hashirama's logic. As Hashirama smiled a little, Tsunade's voice came flowing out of the snail once again.

– I can't even shout at you now. I did say "you are old enough now" and all that. You even proved that by taking down a Warlord. Even I couldn't do that at your age.

"Proud of me?" Hashirama asked as a joke and the sad and serious voice of Tsunade twisted into a beautiful laugh.

– I am always proud of you. Anyway, I was just making sure you're okay. No point in asking if you are hurt since all must have been healed anyway, right?

"You know me so well, sis."

– Right. Titi said you had to betray a new friend you made. What's all that about? Was she that Nico Robin fellow?

"Well…" Hashirama thinned his lips. He didn't want to lie to her, but saying such confidential things on a line that was coming from Marines was a bad idea. "Sis, it's complicated. But don't worry, I am not sad or guilty. I'll explain things when we meet next time."

– I see. Alright. 

"Speaking of which, when will we meet again?" Hashirama asked in expectation. "Schedule was busy so I didn't miss you much, but now that things are so calm, I'll get bored without you." 

– Wait, you didn't miss me??

"....I said 'didn't miss you much'-"

– So it means you didn't miss me.

"Hey, can we not do this right now?"

– Oh, is talking to your sister so annoying now? Because you are the hero of a country? Oh wow, you are treating me like this just after a week of me leaving?!


While Hashirama's expression turned deadpan, Tsunade's accusing voice twisted into a laugh.

– Alright, sorry, I am just joking. Marianne says hi, by the way. She wants to meet you, and so do I. But I don't think we will get the chance anytime soon. Fuuh… I miss you.

"I do too." Hashirama looked sad for a moment before shaking his head. "Oh right, you know Vice Admiral Tsuru? She said she'll take you on her ship."

Hearing him, Tsunade wowed. Apparently, she was not told who she would work under. She said it may have been because Tsuru wasn't yet in Marineford City, where Tsunade was at the moment. Tsunade was surprised to hear she'd be in the ship of a Vice Admiral from the start.

After talking for a bit longer; Hashirama told Tsunade how Tsuru seemed to know about the Senju name and suggested she be careful.

When two knocks fell on the door of the room where Hashirama was, he decided to end the call.

"It's time. They're calling me." Hashirama said. "Bye sis, be careful out there."

– Bye. I'll call you tomorrow. Same time. Take care.

The lips of the Snail formed a kiss, Hashirama chuckled seeing that but didn't return a kiss. He cut off the call and went to the door.

Outside the door, the captain of the Alabasta royal guard, Igaram, was standing with a smile.

"Apologies for interrupting your call. But the King and Queen are waiting for you," he said, stepping to the side to clear a path. "Please, this way."

Hashirama nodded and walked. With every step he took, the loud cheering outside entered his ears.

Taking a turn in the hallway, his eyes caught on the red light that filled the path, coming from the open balcony. The sky was red, as the sun was setting; the King and Queen were waiting on the balcony while smiling at him. 

Vivi wasn't there, it was just her parents.

The cheers died out when Hashirama stepped onto the balcony, but that was just for a second. Everyone broke their throat with a louder cheer, while Hashirama's eyes moved from one side to another to take in the large… enormous crowd.

King Cobra spread his arms to pull Hashirama into a shoulder hug; keeping the hug, he looked at the crowd. "Here he is, my nephew. Ah, we are not blood-related."

The crowd cheered louder, as rather than the words working to devalue Hashirama's worth, it worked to suggest that… a few extraordinary options were available because of that.

"I planned to do this in Alubarna but ended up doing it here, in Rain Base. All the important people came here after hearing the concerning news, so my Queen decided it's better to do the announcement right here." King Cobra pointed his chin at his Queen with a light laugh.

"As I was saying before he came here, the fake Hero Sir Crocodile was eating the country from the inside out. The drought that had nearly ruined the country a decade ago was all caused by him. However, since the day this boy–" King Cobra patted Hashirama's shoulder. "Hashirama Senju came to this country, all that scheme ended and the era of green began in Alabasta."

"Yes, Hashirama isn't a native. However, I dare say, his connection to this country is stronger than even mine. He has built the green of this country with his own hands." King Cobra said, "The legend of a tree spirit that blessed this country, that started a decade ago, isn't entirely a legend. Indeed, this boy here is the tree spirit himself."

The crowd was awed at the words, the peasant of this country, along with the rich merchants and nobles who had gathered below, all were shocked by that turn of events. 

Hashirama was smiling a little awkwardly, but the King's smile just grew wider. 

"We were planning to reveal this on my baby Vivi's sixteenth birthday…. For reasons." The King chuckled sheepishly while the crowd grew excited. "However, now that this incident has happened, I just decided it's better to reveal his true identity here. Yes, it is he who made this country flourish, and yes, it is also he who brought down the demon that was ruining the country."

"The corrupted Warlord, the man who we once called the Hero Crocodile was taken down by this boy alone. Say, does that not mean he shall be rewarded greatly?" The King asked and his subjects cheered in agreement. 

"Indeed!" It was the Queen who took the talk from there. "As such, my King and I have decided to honor Hashirama with the title of Alabasta's Hero Knight. It's not just a saying, no, by owning this title, he has the authority to control the Knights of Alabasta in its entirety. Along with that, if worse comes to worst and the Royal Family perishes, it would be he who would inherit the throne to Alabasta."

The crowd went a little dim at first—and then yelled in great joy. That was big news. That was great news. A thing such as 'Hero Knight' did not exist before, even Sir Crocodile didn't have it even though he protected the country from countless pirate attacks. This just meant, after the King, Queen, and Princess it was Hashirama who held all the power in this country.

This would surely annoy many of the Nobles, but the royals didn't care. This boy could have all the power, it didn't change anything since they planned to wed him to Vivi anyway. When that would happen, Hashirama would have all these powers anyway. He was just getting them three years earlier than planned.

"So," Titi spoke as he put a hand on his right shoulder, while Cobra had his hand on his left shoulder. "Let us enjoy a banquet tonight. For Hashirama, the Hero Knight, and for Alabasta."

The crowd howled in a cheer, and by then Hashirama's awkward smile was gone. With a wide smile, he accepted the feeling of victory and the reward that came with it.

It was a good feeling, one he knew… he should not get addicted to. After all, if his plans went right, this same crowd will curse him on Vivi's 16th birthday.




Master4thWall: Hashirama likes the Big W, but what comes after it? What is he planning?

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