In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[39] The Birthday Girl (2)

Chapter 39: The Birthday Girl (2)

The Kingdom of Alabasta was large; one of the largest countries on this planet. With its population at tens of millions, naturally the coming-of-age ceremony of the Kingdom’s sole princess was going to be huge.

It was evening, the setting sun created a red-orange hue in the sky that seemed to start the party mindset in everyone.

The city of Alubarna was decorated with all kinds of stuff, lighting, and flowers. Along with paper toys that roamed around the sky via thin threads that weren’t visible to the eyes. Countless shops were laid out by the side of the road, selling countless classic Alabasta food, along with food that only got popular after the whole forestation of the country. The smell of all the street side food filled the area with a rich air, and everyone walking by was salivated by it.

For outsiders walking into the city, it had to be an out-of-world experience.

That was exactly true for the Nobles from other cities and the Royals from the nearby Kingdoms who came to Alubarna today.

It was a rule for today that all carriages must be stopped at the city gate and everyone was to walk to the Palace, so no matter whether peasant or royalty, all the outsiders were walking through the streets. 

With their eyes gawking at the stunning scenery, their heart fluttering with fascination, envy and jealousy, they roamed this city of happiness while forgetting why they even came here.

One such outsider Royalty was the ruler of Drum Island. King Wapol.

“Tch! Tch! Look at these other royalties, all being escorted by some soldiers! Yet, I was not even received properly!” Wapol complained as he walked with the company of his guard, Dalton. “Is it because of the Reverie 6 years ago, huh? Just because I accidentally hit that little Vivi girl? Oh my, the people of this country surely can hold a grudge!”

Every four years, a meeting happened between 50 leaders of the 50 nations among the 170 nations that were a part of the World Government. The event happened in Mariejois; dubbed as The Reverie. 

The most recent Reverie happened two years ago, and the one Wapol mentioned happened in the year 1514.

In that particular Reverie, an incident led to Wapol hitting Vivi in front of all the 50 World Leaders; then saying it was an accident while it was clear that he was being deliberate. [1]

It was only because Vivi knew the result of a possible conflict between the two countries; the dangers and worthless battles the innocent civilians may have to go through. So she just shrugged the matter off and apologized instead. If not, both her parents were ready to prove a point; war or not.

That was exactly why Wapol was invited today. It has been eight years since then, and Alabasta was doing not only better than Drum Island but possibly even Dressrosa. So the King and Queen of Alabasta invited Wapol, to show off, to display the difference between his Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Flourishment that was Alabasta.

“Tch…” Wapol clicked his tongue and then chuckled. “Hey, Dalton, I hear that little girl has grown well. Hehe, perhaps I should have the King apologize to me by handing his daughter to me?”

The other Kingdom Royals who were nearby, walking towards the castle, scoffed in their head. Truthfully, some of them were also planning similar things— namely, the Prince of the Rommel Kingdom was planning to ask for Vivi’s hand as well, though in a much politer manner. While the Princess of Lulusia Kingdom was planning to seduce the legendary Hero of Alabasta.

The Hero of Alabasta…

“Excuse me,” a hand grabbed Wapol by the shoulder.

“Ah, isn’t that him?” the Princess of Lulusia gasped from the side.

King Wapol turned his head with an annoyed frown, but before he could say anything his huge mouth was clutched by a hand just as he was pushed down on the ground.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Hashirama’s jaws clenched as he pushed Wapol down and glared with angry eyes. “I am going to ignore the last comment, but you hurt Vivi? Why is it the first time I am hearing this?”

The nearby Alabasta civilians who were hearing the earlier conversation, but didn’t have the courage to say anything, cheered at the sight. While the other Royals took a safe step back.

Wapol’s muffled screams shook the place, but he couldn’t even weapon his mouth to use his Devil Fruit powers. The grip was too strong. His eyes moved to look at the hesitant Dalton, his guard, as he ordered with his eyes to finish Hashirama off.

Dalton, with left no choice, used his [Ox-Ox Fruit, Model Bison] to enter his hybrid form and launched a punch at Hashirama.

Hashirama’s neck snapped, and a force of authority left with his voice. “Stay back.”

It was as if a strong wind hit him, Dalton’s punch stopped in front of Hashirama’s face and he was thrown a few steps away.

“I am going to kill you tonight-” Hashirama turned back to look at Wapol, and then paused. “Fuck, he is unconscious?”

Was that just…?

*  *  *

The Queen of Alabasta, Nefertari Titi, heard the news of the incident right away and sent men to stop Hashirama. She also initiated an order to summon him to her chambers.

Knock Knock!

Hashirama knocked on the door just as it was opened with a long sigh, the beautiful form of Queen Titi appeared behind the door. Coupled with a dark blue dress that hugged her mature curves, and showed her breasts via a boobwindow, Titi also wore a concerned frown.

“King Wapol soiled his pants, due to the harassment of Alabasta’s Hero. Therefore, he decided to return to his Kingdom in anger,” Titi recited the breaking news and looked at him with concerned eyes. “You didn’t have to do that, you know? Some people will always be like that, we just have to ignore them and leave them alone.”

“Sure. Why didn’t I know about the incident with Vivi?”

“Because you were a 13-year-old little boy back then. There was no reason to mention it later, and I hoped it would stay that way since your cool head can get surprisingly hot in these scenarios. Sadly, that wish didn't come true.” Titi motioned him to enter and closed the door. “You know, this can start a war.”

“I doubt he will take the chance, knowing people will say he started a war with the cause of pissing his pants,” Hashirama shrugged.

“That’s… fair.” The Queen giggled and released a relieved breath. “Good point. Knowing him, he probably will not take the chance.”

“Besides,” Hashirama continued nonchalantly. “A good friend of mine told me that the Blackbeard Pirates will soon attack Drum Island, so Wapol is probably going to die or at least flee his Kingdom.”

“A good friend? I wonder who that is.” Titi grabbed a plate of salad placed on the table and offered it to Hashirama, while giving him a suspicious look.


“Nico Robin,” Hashirama accepted a slice of cucumber and said, while Titi frowned. “Yes, she is alive. It seems Vivi hasn’t told you yet, just as I asked her to. Robin came to meet me earlier, though she has left by now. It was pure luck that she survived the fall to the sea back then.”

“…Goodness.” Titi looked pleasantly surprised. “That’s a good thing. Tell her to meet us the next time she visits Alabasta. We have yet to properly thank her for all her help.”

Hashirama scoffed. “You worry about a war with the Drum Kingdom, but not a possible Buster Call? You shouldn’t be wanting to meet her.”

“Fair, fair.” Titi looked at his outfit. It was well kept, and it suited him very well. However, it was a little dirty. “It got dirt in it. A result of pushing that Wapol bastard to the ground?” Titi walked closer to Hashirama, a bit too close, as she gently patted the dust off his suit. “There, it’s neat now.”

“But hey,” Slowly, Titi looked up at his face with a cold glint in her eyes. “Couldn’t you just have… bashed his head on the ground? You should have made his brain matter splatter on the floor.”

“Um, your soldiers held me back.”

“My bad luck, then. Hashirama, you have no idea how angry it made me when he hurt Vivi. That fat pig-like bastard.” Titi gently buttoned up his suit, and when done she walked away and grumpily sat down on the royal bed“I got so happy when a soldier brought the news that you beat him up. I was hoping you’d kill him. But you just broke all his fingers, how disappointing.”


“Hey, why do you look so surprised? I love my daughter more than you do. I am a mother. Besides, I doubt a war would have started if that fucking bastard died. Information network says that nobody in the Drum Kingdom likes him. People would be rather happy if he kicked the bucket.” Titi’s right foot rolled on the carpet beneath her feet, as she controlled her anger. “But I guess this is better; with all the other relevant Royals having seen the mess he made out of himself.”

“You’re kinda weird. I kinda like it.” Hashirama looked down at the massive boob window that peeked out of her dress. “By the way, are you sure you want to ruin your daughter’s day by wearing that? Everyone will have their attention on you alone.”

“Oh shut it,” Titi scoffed with a small smile. “I didn’t get to finish dressing when I called you, that’s why it’s like this. You are to blame. I am going to wear something covering this, don’t worry.”

“I don’t think clothes can cover those.”

“Let me do you one better ; I don’t think you should hit on your soon-to-be mother-in-law with words such as those.”


“Oops, did I say something? Forget it.” Titi waved it off, hiding a smile, and rather walked to the mirror. “Now, please leave me alone. The event’s about to start, I have to finish getting dressed.”

Hashirama stared at her for a bit longer and then walked to the door. Before leaving though, he looked back to her, who had gone back to the dressing mirror, and opened his mouth.

“By the way...” Hashirama said.

“What is it?”  Titi was still in the mirror as she replied.

“I am sorry,” said Hashirama with an underlying tone in his voice that made Titi frown.

“Huh?” Titi asked and turned her head, however, Hashirama had already left when she looked at the door.

...What was up with that?




Master4thWall: The Birthday Girl’s mother has more screen time than the birthday girl herself. Perhaps she will get more than just screentime in the next chapter though….

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