In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[42] Smallfry Pirates (1)

Chapter 42: Smallfry Pirates (1)

The Sail of Ohara.

Nobody had a complaint with that name, less so the owner himself who was rather delighted.

Why will he not be delighted? The atmosphere wasn’t one to be mad at.

In the sky, stars twinkled brightly and the moon hung low and full on the horizon. The gentle rocking motion of the ship made one feel as if they were at one with the sea and the night.

The water shimmered and sparkled in the soft, silver light, and the cool evening breeze gently caressed the passengers’ skin. The sound of the waves lapping against the hull and the occasional cry of a seagull added to the sense of calm and solitude.

It was a truly magical and peaceful experience to sail on a ship under the moonlit night.

That, and Hashirama now had the Wood of Adam in his collection. How could he not be happy?

All his creations will be inheritably stronger, and that’s not even counting the extra durability that comes from pouring chakra.

This ship – it was stronger than a fortress. Now, Hashirama just had to install some weaponries. 

He could use the ship to attack with wood, wood cannonballs, and other sorts of things. But if a situation occurred when he wasn’t in the ship and the crewmates needed to fight back against a warship, they would need actual weaponries.

“But I didn’t bring any money,”

Hashirama grabbed bottles of booze from within the control room. Kicking the door close, he made his way back to the deck.

Vivi was still tied, sitting against the outer wall of the control room. The duck, Karoo, was right beside Vivi. It was mooing to console her.

“I just took a bit of money to buy alcohol. Maybe I should have pocketed at least some cash.”

Hashirama didn’t sound as if he was complaining, though. Neither did he sound regretful.

He sat down with the booze bottles spread on the floor.

“Do we even have food, at least?”

Robin said from the side. She was sat by the railing while arms sprouted behind her to stop her from accidentally falling to her death.

“Food?” Hashirama raised his palm as an apple seemingly phrased out of his skin. “You mean these things?”

“Alright, fair. What about meat, though?”

Robin sighed in defeat and asked.

“But veggies alone don’t give us all the required nutrients, what about that?”

Hashirama uncapped the bottles and smirked.

“Simple. We buy meat.”

He said.

“We are pirates now, we have a princess Kidnapped on our board. So we need to change some ways we live life. So first of all, we beat up Bellamy, steal all his money, and then we buy meat. Simple problems require simple solutions.”

Bellamy Pirates. They were up for a hard day tomorrow.

“Take this,”

Hashirama threw a bottle at Robin who barely caught it.

She frowned in discomfort.

“I don’t drink.”

“You got no choice,”

Hashirama poured half a bottle down his throat.

“I too, rarely drink. But I think both of us will agree that today’s a special occasion. Come on, celebrate with me.”

With a trail of booze trailing down one corner of his lips, Hashirama raised one bottle for an offering.

Robin sighed and nodded at last.

“Alright. Once isn’t going to be a problem, I guess.”

She hopped off her seat and was just about to touch her bottle with his when Hashirama pulled his bottle back.

“Huh, wait,”

Hashirama looked back to find Vivi glaring at his head; her mouth still wrapped by a thin scrap of wood.

“We are forgetting the other member of our crew.”

As of this moment, they were far enough from Alabasta that the land was not visible at all.

Hashirama supposed that was a good enough distance.

“In that case, let me free you.”

With a concentrated mental command, instead of using a hand seal like usual, Hashirama watched the cuffs come off her hands. The scarp of wood also fell from her face, and the first she did with her free mouth was to curse.

“Fuck you-!”

She kicked the ground and tried to reach him. Unfortunately, she had underestimated the wavering of the sea currents. Due to sitting for so long, her legs were weak as well.

So she lost her balance and planted to her face.


With a groan, Vivi got up and jumped on Hashirama.

Hashirama gently put down the bottle in his hand and spread his arms with a smile.

“Oh my, you’re so excited for a hug- ak!”

Vivi’s punch hit him on the nose.

She jumped on top of him, pushed him down on his back, and was just about to plummet punches on his face.

“I am not going to stop her by the way.”

Robin said from the side, sitting a safe distance away.

“What the hell, you’re a voyeur? I didn’t expect that.”

Hashirama, with his bleeding lips healing in real time, joked. Robin’s lips twitched while his hands wrapped around Vivi’s waist.

“You shouldn’t watch young people engage in actions like this, aunty. Why don’t you go to your room?”

“You’re a menace to this society.”

Robin sighed and looked at Vivi.

“Please beat him up, for my sake too.”

“On it!”

Vivi’s punch came crashing down on Hashirama’s face.

However, at the last moment, his neck twirled to the side to dodge it.

Vivi’s knuckles hit the tough wood of the deck as she winched.

As she was sitting on top of him, Hashirama smirked and said.

“It’s hard, right? Wanna know a secret? I can make it harder.”

“S-shut up!”

Vivi once again tried to punch, this time with her other hand. But this time too, Hashirama dodged easily.

“Hey, I can only allow one hit. Can you stop moving so much? It’s actually poking you right now.”

“Y-you disgusting bastard!”

Vivi wanted to punch again, but she stopped and winched. The wood was too hard; she didn’t want to get hurt again since it didn’t even work.

Hashirama took the opportunity to grab a nearby bottle of alcohol and poured it into his mouth.

“Ugh, you don’t even take me seriously! You’re seriously drinking while-”

Hashirama grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss. Her lips got sealed and he pushed wine into her mouth.

Due to gravity, however, the wine didn’t reach her. So Hashirama wrapped his hands around her waist and rolled her around to push her beneath him.

The wine in his mouth traveled to hers, as she tried her best to resist. But resistance was futile.


While Vivi moaned beneath him, Robin was staring at the scene with wide eyes. The duck too was wearing a comically jaw-dropped expression.

Vivi struggled only for a minute, before giving up and allowing her mouth to be filled with alcohol.

With her giving up, Hashirama got up and wiped his lips.


He stood between Vivi’s legs, while the Princess covered her face with her hands in sheer embarrassment.

Not only Robin, but Karoo was also watching. Knowing that, she didn’t have the courage to show her face.

“Hey, Robin,”

Hashirama finally grabbed a bottle and raised it toward her.

“For the countless adventurous days, and nights, ahead of us.”


Robin dazedly raised her hand to hit her bottle with his.

“Yeah… whatever you just said.”

*   *   *

The new crew enjoyed their time on the ship, while on the other hand, the girl they were supposed to rescue was living through hell.

Her surroundings was a dense and vibrant forest, filled with tall trees and a variety of plant and animal life. The air was fresh and clean, and the ground under her knees was soft and spongy.

Gentle sunlight filtered through the canopy, dappling the forest floor with patches of light and shadow. While the sound of birds singing and the rustle of leaves filled the air.

In this place of beauty, peace, and wildness, Mikita didn’t feel so good. No, as she unintentionally eavesdropped on her abductors, she felt horrified.

She couldn’t see their faces from her kneeling position, inside a cage, but she was sure one of them was the captain of the group.

“Hey, Captain, c’mon! We can just give the Devil Child to Joker. Let us keep this one—let us use her one time at least!”

“No, shut up, you lots! Both girls go to Joker. She might know things that we shouldn’t, so Joker won’t like it if we keep her with us. Besides, her looks are out of our league. She’ll suit Joker better.”

Chained inside a cage, Mikita cursed in her mind as she watched the crazy pirate bastards argue. Essentially, they were deciding if they should use her body themselves, or give her to this Joker so that he can use her.

The Bellamy Pirates’ ship was docked just nearby. However, this was on the deserted side of Jaya Island. So nobody will come to save her.

…Well, somebody did come to save her earlier. On this side of the island, a middle-aged man named Cricket lived in that small hut in the distance. When Bellamy Pirates came, that man opposed their enslaving of Mikita.

The result?

That man was in a cage just beside her own, even as he frowned hard hearing the ongoing conversation.

Both her and his cage were placed nearby, and they were very small. Mikita was kneeling, and her knees hurt. Her knees were badly bruised at this point, and she felt like falling to her face at any time. Sadly, the chains held her back.

But amidst all this pain and wanting to let loose and fall asleep, their next words made her return to full attention. While Cricket frowned harder.

“Like you said Captain, she is beyond our league. Will it not be such a lost opportunity if we let her go so easily?

“I said-”

“Besides, think about it, her powers are very similar to Machvise of the Donqixoute Family. Will you not want to tame her and keep her to your own crew? It’s your dream to be like Joker, so isn’t it a must for you to have her in your crew?”


Bellamy clearly was annoyed that he was interrupted but his silence indicated that he was considering the words deeply.

Inside the cage, Mikita groaned in frustration.

Cricket sighed.

“I am sorry, miss,”

The man with a chestnut in his head whispered. He didn’t even have the courage to turn and look at her.

“If only I wasn’t this weak.”

“It’s fine,”

Mikita sighed too.

“It’s because I am too hot.”


“I am just trying to liven up the mood.”


Cricked sounded flabbergasted.

“You are not worried?”

“I am.”

Mikita groaned.

“What sort of question is that? Of course, I am worried. Which girl will not be? If only Robin returns in time… No, if only she returns with Hashirama, can I be at peace.”

Cricket stayed silent and allowed her to talk.

“I am not sure if Robin even knows any other strong people. If that guy doesn’t help, I am fucked. Literally. And I don’t like it at all.”


Cricket whispered.

“And who’s this Hashirama?”

“It’s Hashirama Senju.”

Mikita didn’t say that. Neither did anyone of the Bellamy Pirates.

Both of the caged birds’ heads snapped to look at their back. Where a young man was crouching down, wearing a large grin.

“What’s up, Mikita? I am here for the money you stole.”

A myriad of emotions ran across Mikita’s face. Finally, after reality sunk in, her lips bloomed into a relieved smile.

“I fucking love you, you idiot!”

Her one and only savior, Hashirama Senju was here.




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