In order to become a devil, I decided to be a butler first

Chapter 127

(Sorry sorry, the update is late, try to be more tomorrow.) )

Seeing what the people on the Internet and the all-seeing leader of the all-seeing eye were saying about him, Su Lun smiled slightly.

At this moment, he felt like "you only saw the second layer, thinking I was on the first floor, but in fact I was the fifth layer".

He has been promoted to Morning Star, and he has long been far beyond the imagination of others.

At this moment, he is a hundred times stronger than those recorded on the Morning Star list?

Draining the last sip of coffee, Suren put down his cup and thought to himself.

Ten seconds later, he entered the "Hermit" state.

The wonderful feeling is that I am still there, but I have nothing to do with this world at all.

It's like suddenly the reality you are experiencing has become a movie, and there is no way to interfere except for "watching".

Su Lun exhaled softly, keeping his calm mind, and walked towards the wall next to him.

He didn't stop, he walked straight over, and then straight through the wall.

In the state of the "hermit", he can make his connection to matter at will.

For example, he can step on the ground, and he can also keep the ground out of contact with him at any time, and fall down without limitation.

The same goes for walls, he can touch them or pass through them, but when he touches them, he can't move even a single elementary particle and interfere with reality.

Walking through multiple walls in a row, during which Su Lun saw Liuli, who was seriously doing housework, and Wang Youqing, who was practicing seriously in his room with the little crystal that poor pigeon Taros was throwing and playing......

In a hermit state, no one can spot him.

Because in reality he "does not exist."

In recent days, Suren has often entered a hermit state.

Unlike the previous hermit who could only stay for ten minutes at the time of the second ring, he was already the morning star, and the quality and quantity of his magic power had increased explosively.

Now it's enough for more than a whole day.

After the morning star, a magician can be regarded as officially stepping into the temple of the demonic path.

With the Circle of Perfection, the spiritual universe will begin to function spontaneously with the help of the Circle of Perfection.

At this stage, although the cultivation of meditation methods is still necessary, it is no longer listed as the main means of growth.

As long as the direction of the circle of perfection is set, the spiritual universe will spontaneously move in that direction.

The mage himself, on the other hand, will instead seek "knowledge to correct the direction of movement".

A mage, on the path of cultivation, will inevitably encounter some strange experiences, gain all kinds of different knowledge, and get all kinds of different perceptions.

These different experiences, knowledge, and perceptions will turn into invisible influences that will enter his spiritual world and silently affect his spiritual cosmic state.

As a result, the direction of the Circle of Perfection is deviated, and the original pure cosmology appears to be impurities, and in severe cases, it may even lead to the collapse of the spiritual universe.

Therefore, by absorbing knowledge that suits one's own cosmology, constantly correcting the way the Circle of Perfection works, so that it always works in the right direction, is the main task of the Morning Star Mage.

It is quite similar to the "heart refining" in the immortal cultivation system.

At this time, some of the benefits of the top-level cosmology are also reflected.

For example, Wang Youqing's "heart is reason" universe, because of that extreme idealistic characteristic, will not accept any knowledge she hates at all, and all the knowledge she gets is in line with the requirements of her cosmology, so there is no such trouble at all.

There is also Liu Shixiao's "Eternal Living Fire", everything in the world will be shown from different angles that he considers to be "fire", so it will not be bothered by this.

Suren's "whatever you want" is naturally the same.

This cosmology, which has been characterized by "freedom" and "tolerance" from the very beginning, is the reason why Suren chose it.

Compared with the different methods of dissolution of other top-level cosmology, Suren's "whatever you want" is not to dissolve it at all, but to accept all knowledge together, without any taboos!

And just a few days ago, he discovered another wonder in the state of the "Hidden Observer"!

Incarnated as a hermit, he saw something completely different from what he usually does!

Maybe it's because of the feeling that "everything in the world has nothing to do with me", Su Lun in the form of a hermit can interpret the world from a completely objective perspective!

It's like people in movies don't find themselves weird, but people who watch movies will comment on movies.

This actor's acting skills are not good, this special effects are not good, it feels very dramatic here, and there is a goofs here......

This world, in the eyes of the "hermit", and in the eyes of normal people, the angle is completely different!

In this state, Su Lun will perceive the world and the universe from another angle, and gain far more "wisdom" than when he usually cultivates!

Like a newborn baby opening his eyes to see the world for the first time, Suren had a feeling of great curiosity about everything.

Even if it is an ordinary grass and tree on the side of the road, if you look at it from the perspective of a hermit, you will find many things that you don't usually notice.

If these strange feelings were to be touched by an ordinary mage, I am afraid that the cosmology would be extremely shaken.

It is not surprising that he even collapsed on the spot, because it completely broke his cognition.

It makes sense that the original tarot cards would have such harsh conditions of use.

If we don't have the wisdom to transcend our own limits, how can we maintain a cosmic view that sustains ourselves in such a situation?

However, the hermit perspective is a difficult test for ordinary mages.

But for Suren, it is unimaginable wealth!

His "whatever you want" universe that can accept all anomalous knowledge is perfect for the knowledge obtained from the hermit's perspective!

In just a few days, Suren's harvest is beyond imagination!

In terms of knowledge points, in the past few days, he has not counted anything else, but only the income of knowledge points brought by the hermit's perspective, which is as high as 100,000 points every day!

Of course, this is only because it was so explosive at the beginning, and as Su Lun gradually became familiar with this strange perspective, it was impossible to maintain a daily harvest of 100,000.

This is just the gain in terms of knowledge points, and the focus is ...... Dismantle the magic and cultivate it!

Originally, the "Epiphany" effect he got when he was promoted to Morning Star made Su Lun just one step away.

And from the hermit's perspective, I came into contact with the other side of the magic elementary particles from another angle, and finally, it came to pass.

Su Lun's first completely self-created magic, "Dismantling Magic", has been successfully comprehended!

And this magic that Su Lun has high hopes for, just from Lv1 to Lv2, it requires a full 300,000 knowledge points, which is the same as the Misty World and the Wheel of Wisdom!

The potential of this magic was even beyond Suren's expectations.

Maybe it's because of the hermit's perspective that the knowledge gained is a little abnormal, or maybe it's Suren himself's expectation of dismantling the magic faintly.

Originally, the plan was to disintegrate the magic of "dissolving the enemy's magic", but it became like this.

Decomposition: After understanding the particle composition of things, you can decompose things through magic, and the limit and speed of decomposition depend on your own computing power and magic power, current level: Lv1

It's not the decomposition of magical particles that Su Lun envisioned, but "all things, as long as you understand the composition of particles", can decompose!

In other words, as long as it is something that Su Lun understands, even matter is within the scope of "decomposition magic"!

At that moment, Su Lun had three words he wanted to give to himself.

It's awesome!

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