In order to become a devil, I decided to be a butler first

Chapter 139

"Fool's Journey?"

"Naturally, I heard it. "

Su Lun's knowledge reserve was huge, and he quickly found relevant records in his mind.

"The· Fool)", which is the sequence zero in the tarot, or it can also be called the only card without a sequence.

This card is so special that in the tarot cards, it symbolizes the beginning of everything, but also the end of everything.

And "Fool's Journey" is a speculation about tarot cards from a tarot scholar who doesn't know which one.

Perhaps, this is no speculation at all, but the correct way to interpret the tarot cards.

According to the theory, the so-called tarot cards are the process of the growth of the "fool", and all the main cards are the things that the "fool" encounters on the road to growth.

The serial number of each card is actually the order in which the Fool encounters.

A fool without sequence, starting from scratch, he is like a newborn, with infinite possibilities, ready to accept what he is about to encounter.

The first person the Fool encountered, named "The· Magician· I)", the first in the sequence.

Then he meets the "Priestess", the second in the sequence.

Then came the "Empress", "Emperor", "Pope", "Lover", "Chariot......

As he encounters the world, the fool grows step by step, until he encounters the twenty-first "The· World)", completing his own real metamorphosis.

Eventually, he returned to the "Fool" again.

This process is known as the "Fool's Journey".

Because of this special meaning, the journey of the fool is also regarded as the growth and encounter of everyone, everyone in this world is a fool, and a person's life is a "journey of the fool".

"Hmm...... Now that you understand the concept of the Fool's Journey, let's talk about the history of the original tarot cards, as well as the responsibilities and purposes of our "Tarot Society". "

Freya said.

She put away the "Priestess" card floating in her hand, and the wheelchair under her didn't help it, but it moved on its own.

The wheelchair walked past Su Lun's side, leaving a gust of incense, and when he came to the window of the room, the girl reached out and opened the silk high-end curtains.

The design of the excellent lighting suddenly fills the whole room with the afternoon sunlight that is no longer so strong.

Under the light of the sun, Freya, who shone like a jewel on her body, seemed to have a hint of divinity, which made Su Lun a little dizzy.

"You should know that we, the Tarot Society, claim to have mastered all the Primordial Tarot cards. "

As you can see, this is a lie, at least for now. "

"However, we are not claiming this to show our strength and legitimacy, but for other reasons. "

"This is related to the reason for the emergence of the association of the "Tarot Society"......"

"In fact, the Tarot Society is not the "exchange meeting of tarot magicians" as we claim, in essence, the Tarot Society is actually a simple organization to maintain a "secret ceremony". "

Freya said, turning her head to look at Suren.

"Secret rituals?"

Su Lun followed her words and wondered.

"Yes. "

The girl nodded.

In order to allow the holders of the original tarot cards to smoothly carry out the "Fool's Journey", the association created is the real purpose of the Tarot Society at the beginning of its construction. "

The "Fool's Journey", also known as the "Tarot War", is a ritual performed about 700 years ago, some time after the original tarot cards were presented. "

“...... In that initial era, after a period of accumulation, almost all the original tarot card holders had appeared, gathered together, and only the last card remained, let alone the card holder, and there was no news about the card itself. "

—"The Fool." "

Suren said the name of the card for her.

"Not bad. "

Freya nodded.

At that time, all the card holders were looking forward to the appearance of the "Fool", believing that this tarot card, which represented the most significant and mysterious card, would guide them to the true peak of the tarot system and explain the meaning of the existence of the original tarot card. "

However, after a long wait, there was no news from the "Fool...... And at this moment, the saying of "Fool's Journey" appeared inexplicably. "

"Without any warning, and I don't know where it came from, it just appeared inexplicably. "

The theories in "The Fool's Journey" were a great inspiration to the card holders. "

"Maybe there are no fools at all, maybe every one of us is a fool," is gradually becoming mainstream. "

Eventually, after a long discussion, everyone responded to this statement, and the "magician" holder at the time created a "secret ritual". "

This "secret ritual" is called "Fool's Journey". "

"All the card holders draw out a part of the mysterious power in their respective cards, and through a complex secret method, all the powers are linked together, and the "Fool's Journey" ceremony is formed. "

At this, Freya's eyes filled with the light of wisdom dimmed for a moment.

The ritual of "Fool's Journey" is to have the twenty-one main card holders, each of whom thinks of themselves as "fools", and constantly fights with other card holders, either killing or forcing them to hand over their cards. "

"Until the last card holder gets all the original tarot cards and becomes the winner, he will become an existence that can control all the main cards regardless of the conditions under the effect of the "ritual". "

Everyone was convinced that the eventual winner would grow up because of this "Fool's Journey", so as to call for the true "Fool" card and step to the top of the tarot system. "

And so, the war ...... Here we go. "

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this "ceremony" and the smooth birth of the "fools" who could lead them, the fifty-six original deck holders who were not qualified to participate in this war spontaneously gathered together to form an organization to drive out all factors that interfered with the "ceremony", which is the true origin of the "Tarot Society" today. "

Hearing this, Su Lun nodded and said suddenly:

"I see. "

This is a secret that has never been recorded in the history books of the Demon Dao, and it can be regarded as answering a lot of Su Lun's doubts.

"So, did you succeed in the end?"

He asked.

After such a great effort, was the ritual of the "Fool's Journey" a success?

Although the results were already obvious, Suren was still curious.

Hearing this, Freya shook her head slightly.

That was the original "Tarot War", and the last person left behind was the holder of the "world" at that time. "

He managed to defeat everyone, and through the "ritual", he was qualified to use all of his main card abilities, and became almost invincible at the time. "

But in the end, the "ceremony" failed. "

The "fool" did not appear. "

For this ceremony, the relatives and close friends who did not hesitate to cherish each other again and again, only for the ultimate purpose, but the "fool" still did not appear. "

This war seems to have become a joke, mocking him as a real "fool". "

The holder of the "World" could not accept this result, and the spiritual universe collapsed on the spot, and the twenty-one main cards that had been gathered together scattered with it. "

Suren bowed slightly.

The result was not what he expected.

Twenty-one cards with the power to change the laws of the world are put together, and if this level of great ritual really succeeds in calling out the legendary fool......

said that he could use this to become a demon god, Su Lun didn't think it was strange.

Although he failed in the end, the holder of the "World" left a message before he died. "

Freya continued.

"The ritual is correct, but I don't have the person to call the fool." "

He seems to have gotten some revelation when the cards left him, and he ended up with this passage. "

The ritual of the "Fool's Journey" was also preserved because it was not completed. "

Under the traction of the "Fool's Journey", from then on, all the card holders will be inexplicably attracted to each other like fate. "

"You've probably guessed what happened next. "

The girl glanced at Su Lun, and her tone was gloomy.

Su Lun hummed softly.

It's not hard to guess.

Since then, generation after generation, under the temptation of possibly becoming a demon god, each generation of card holders has continued to carry out the "fool's journey", but none of them have the "person who calls the fool".

Until now.

Thinking of this, Su Lun suddenly smiled evilly.

"Tell me about this kind of thing, Miss Freya, aren't you afraid that I will have bad intentions?"

"The power of the fool...... I'm also interested. "


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